G.V. Shivashankar Mechanobiology Institute & Department of Biological Sciences National University of Singapore 5A, Engineering Drive #10-01, T-lab Building Singapore 117411 E-mail: gvs.shiva@gmail.com Website: http://mbi.nus.edu.sg/g-v-shivashankar/ Chromatin compaction and dynamics in living cells 1 Thorsten WOHLAND Departments of Biological Sciences and Chemistry Centre for Bioimaging Sciences (CBIS) National University of Singapore Singapore E-mail: chmwt@nus.edu.sg Website: http://staff.science.nus.edu.sg/~chmwt/ Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy for the Measurement of Biomolecular Interactions in live organisms Abstract: Biomolecular interactions are strongly influenced by the complex cellular environment in which the molecules reside. Molecules will not interact in a pairwise fashion but might interact via a third molecule, might compete for binding or show cooperativity in their interactions. Therefore it is necessary to establish methods which can quantitatively measure interactions within the environment of cells and organisms. Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) and Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy (FCCS) are widely used tools for this purpose. Both methods are single molecules sensitive and can determine molecular parameters, including dissociation constants quantitatively in live tissues and organisms [1-3]. In the first part of this seminar the basics of FCS and FCCS and their capabilities to extract quantitative information from living specimen will be discussed. Conventionally these methods were applied in confocal setups and thus were able to measure not more than a couple of points per cell due to the risk of inducing photodamage. Therefore new ways of recording FCS data had to be developed to allow recording of multiple points in live specimen simultaneously. For that purpose we developed FCS using single plane illumination microscopy, so called SPIM-FCS [4-5]. In this method a whole plane in an embryo is illuminated by a laser light sheet and the fluorescence intensity is recorded at a right angle to the illuminated plane by a fast, sensitive camera. This renders collection of many independent points possible (typically 1000 points but the record stands above 1,000,000) in each of which the fluorescence fluctuations can be used to calculate FCS and FCCS functions. Using this approach we have recorded diffusion, flow, and concentration maps in cells and zebrafish embryos. References 1. P. Liu., T. Sudhaharan, R.M.L. Koh, L.C. Hwang, S. Ahmed, I.N. Maruyama, and T. Wohland. Investigation of the dimerization of proteins from the epidermal growth factor receptor family by single wavelength fluorescence crosscorrelation spectroscopy. Biophys. J. (93): 684-698 (2007). 2. X. Shi, Y.H. Foo, T. Sudhaharan, S.-W. Chong, V. Korzh, S. Ahmed, T. Wohland, “Determination of dissociation constants in living zebrafish embryos with single wavelength fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy”, Biophys. J. (97)2:678-686 (2009). 3. X. Shi, L.S. Teo, X. Pan, S.W. Chong, R. Kraut, V. Korzh, T. Wohland, “Probing events with single molecule sensitivity in zebrafish and Drosophila embryos by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy”, Dev. Dyn., 2009; 238:3156–3167. 4. T. Wohland, X. Shi, J. Sankaran, E. H.K. Stelzer, “Single Plane Illumination Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (SPIMFCS) probes inhomogeneous three-dimensional environments”, Opt. Exp. 2010, 18(10): 10627-41 5. J. Sankaran, X. Shi, L.Y. Ho, E.H.K. Stelzer, and T. Wohland, “ImFCS: A software for Imaging FCS data analysis and visualization” Opt Expr, (18) 25468-25481, 2010. 2 Alexander GASSEN German Cancer Research Centre, DKFZ Division Biophysics of Macromolecules Im Neuenheimer Feld 580 D-69120 Heidelberg Germany E-mail: alexander.gansen@gmail.com Fluorescence resonance energy transfer as a tool to study biomolecular architecture and dynamics Abstract: The nucleosome is the elemental unit of DNA compaction; its structure and content control the local morphology of chromatin, which mediates gene regulation by modulating the accessibility of certain gene regions to nuclear proteins. Many biophysical studies have characterized the shape and size of single nucleosome particles and nucleosome arrays; yet despite intensive research, little is known about the dynamic properties of the nucleosome. Over the last decade Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) has become a powerful tool to learn more about the dynamic properties of the nucleosome. FRET is the distance-dependent energy transfer between a donor and an acceptor fluorophore that are attached to specific sites in a macromolecular complex; changes in architecture can then be observed via changes in the interfluorophore distance. In this lecture I will review the basic concepts of FRET and its potential and limitations for exploring nucleosome structure and dynamics. I will discuss strategies to efficiently perform FRET experiments on the ensemble level and in a single molecule format. Examples will illustrate how FRET can.be used to follow changes in nucleosome structure induced by spontaneous linker DNA dynamics, changes in DNA sequence, histone and DNA modifications and nucleosome disassembly and reassembly. The final part of my talk will discuss advanced data analysis strategies, which can provide high resolution data on single molecule dynamics on the sub-ms timescale. 3 Bai LU 206B Life Science Building Penn State University University Park PA 16801 USA Email: lub15@psu.edu Website: http://www.personal.psu.edu/lub15/blogs/bai_lab_at_penn_state_university/ Imaging Methods: Timelapse Fluorescence Microscopy Abstract: Using timelapse fluorescence microscopy and custom-made image analysis tools, single live cells with fluorescent markers can be tracked over multiple rounds of growth and division. This technique allows us measure the cell-to-cell variability and dynamics of gene expression. In the mean time, it provides information on the cell morphology, cell cycle stage, age and mobility. In addition, by following cell growth and division, this method generates a cell pedigree that is essential for study of inheritance. Combined with a flow-cell device, we can change the growth condition of cells while carry out these single cell measurements. In this workshop, I will talk about the technical aspect of this method, and its application to different biological problems. 4 Jie YAN Mechanobiology Institute Department of Physics National University of Singapore Singapore Email: phyyj@nus.edu.sg Webpage: http://www.physics.nus.edu.sg/~biosmm/research.html Study micromechanics and interactions of DNA and protein using the magnetic tweezers single-molecule manipulation techniques Abstract: Single-molecule manipulation techniques can apply force to single bio-molecules and examine their force responses. Such techniques have been extensively applied to the studies of the micromechanics of DNA, proteins and their interactions at a nanometer spatial resolution and a sub millisecond temporal resolution in physiological buffer solutions. Atomic Force Microscopy, Optical Tweezers, and magnetic tweezers are three commonly used single-molecule manipulation techniques. Among which, the magnetic tweezers technique has several unique advantages, including the low cost to build the instrument and the capabilities of twisting molecules, applying constant force without feedback control, easy implementations of constant loading rate control, and easy combination with fluorescence imaging. This talk will first introduce the three commonly used single-molecule manipulation techniques and their basic operating principles. Then it will focus on the magnetic tweezers techniques with deeper technical details and different ways of designing the magnetic tweezers setups. Finally, it will introduce the applications of the magnetic tweezers technique to studies of micromechanics of bio-molecules and their interactions. 5 Laura FINZI Emory University Department of Physics Atlanta GA 30322-2430 USA Email: lfinzi@physics.emory.edu Website: http://www.physics.emory.edu/faculty/finzi/ Tethered Particle Microscopy (TPM), technique, analysis and applications Abstract: In this lecture I will describe a very simple single molecule technique called Tethered Particle Microscopy (TPM). TPM is a technique that can be used to detect conformational changes in any polymer molecule. It has most often been applied to study DNA, DNA-protein interactions, and the activity of DNA motor enzymes. TPM permits estimation of the extension of a DNA molecule attached at one end to a glass surface, and at the other end to a microscopic bead exhibiting Brownian motion. The DNA tether restricts range of motion of the bead and the average amplitude of excursions of the bead from the anchor point reflects the DNA tether length. Excursions of the bead depend on the physical properties of the DNA-bead system, and the physical and chemical properties of the surrounding solution. I will discuss the TPM experimental setup, data analysis methods and a few applications. 6 Ching-Hwa KIANG Office: 226 Brockman Hall Department of Physics & Astronomy 6100 Main Street - MS 61 Rice University Houston, TX 77005-1892 Email: chkiang@rice.edu Website: http://www.chkiang.rice.edu/ Single Molecule Manipulation Methods - Atomic Force Microscope and the Applications of the Jarzynski Equality Abstract: Single-molecule manipulation technique provides a unique tool for a close-up investigation of the complex biological properties and interactions. During the force measurement, a single molecule is being pulled while its force response is monitored. However, quantifying these nonequilibrium data and using them to understand the structure-function relationship of biosystems has been challenging. I will describe free energy reconstruction from these nonequilibrium measurements from AFM, using the recently derived nonequilibrium work theorem, i.e., Jarzynski's equality and compare the results with those from other phenomenological approaches. I will also discuss the implication of mechanical versus chemical unfolding of proteins, using titin I27 as a model system. Finally, I will present single-molecule studies of other systems such as overstretching transitions of DNA and mechanical activation of protein, and discuss implications and challenges of single-molecule force studies. References 1. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 218104. 2. J. Phys. Chem. B 113 (2009) 10549. 3. Phys. Rev. E 79 (2009) 041912. 4. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (2007) 068101. 7 Mark C. WILLIAMS Department of Physics Northeastern University 111 Dana Research Center Boston, MA 02115 USA Email: ma.williams@neu.edu Website: http://nuweb.neu.edu/mark/ Quantifying DNA interactions with optical tweezers Abstract: I will discuss the design use of optical tweezers for quantitative study of DNA and DNA interactions. As DNA is stretched with optical tweezers, the force-extension curve is strongly altered in the presence of ligands that bind to double- and single-stranded forms of DNA. These ligands can alter the length of the molecule, its elasticity, and the relative stability of the two forms of DNA. For example, small molecules that intercalate between the DNA base pairs increase the length of DNA, and this length increase can be used to precisely quantify the ligand-DNA binding energy. For more complex small molecules such as Actinomycin D, slow binding kinetics can be directly measured, allowing complete characterization of the energy landscape for DNA-ligand binding. DNA bending proteins such as eukaryotic HMGB proteins alter the flexibility of the molecule, and the change in DNA persistence length can also be used to quantify DNA-protein binding affinity. In addition, these measurements allow protein-DNA interaction kinetics to be measured. In the case of HMGB proteins, I will show how we can independently measure microscopic and macroscopic dissociation events. We find that these proteins dissociate rapidly from local DNA binding sites, while remain associated overall to the DNA molecule for a much longer time. Optical tweezers are therefore an excellent tool for quantifying the thermodynamics and kinetics of a variety of important DNA interactions. 8 Kunio TAKEYASU1 Y.Suzuki1, A.Yoshida1, N.Sakai2, A. Yagi2, Y.Uekusa2 and K.Karasi2 1 Laboratory of Plasma Membrane and Nuclear Signaling 2 Corporate R&D Center, Olympus Co. Tokyo 192-8512, Japan Graduate School of Bio studies Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501 Japan Email: takeyasu@lif.kyoto-u.ac.jp Website: http://www.lif.kyoto-u.ac.jp/labs/chrom/main.html Biological application of fast-scanning atomic force microscopy Abstract: Molecular imaging at nano-meter scale in millisecond time region and force measurement at picoNewton level are indispensable for understanding of the action mechanisms of biological macromolecules. Techniques and devices of atomic force microscopy (AFM) have been developed over the last two decades and now fulfill such requirements. We have been using these techniques to investigate genome folding mechanisms and membrane protein dynamics. Here we summarize our previous studies (1-11) and report most recent unpublished experiments. Topics include: (i) biophysical properties of DNA and DNA-binding proteins, (ii) nucleosome and beyond in eukaryotes, (iii) visual dissection of action mechanism of DNA-targeting proteins (Fig. 1), (iv) capturing the motion of membrane proteins at work. We also describe the development of a high-speed AFM combined with inverted fluorescent microscopy (FM), aiming at the elucidation of dynamic structure-function relationships of biological macromolecules on live cell membrane. References: [1] K. Takeyasu et al., Cytogenet Genomes Res., 107: 38-48 (2004). [2] K. Hizume, S.H. Yoshimura and K. Takeyasu Biochemistry, 44: 12978-12989 (2005). [3] M. Yokokawa et al. EMBO J., 25: 4567-4576 (2006). [4] R.L. Ohniwa et al., EMBO J., 25: 5591-5602 (2006). [5] M. Yokokawa et al., IEE Proc. Nanobiotechnology, 153: 60-66 (2006). [6] J.L. Gilmore et al., Biochemistry. 48: 1049210498 (2009). [7] N. Crampton et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104: 12755-12760 (2007). [8] S. Otsuka et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 105: 16101-16106 (2008). [9] M. Yokokawa, K. Takeyasu & S.H. Yoshimura J. Microscopy 232: 82-90 (2008). Fig.1 Analysis of elongation process of E. coli RNAP. (A) Time-lapse [10] H. Takahashi et al., Biophysical J., 99: 2550-2558 images of a RNAP–DNA complex obtained at 2 frames per second. (2010). Images every 2 s are selected and sorted (the elapsed time is shown [11] Y. Suzuki et al., Ultramicroscopy, 110: 682-688 in each image). Branched structures emerging from the polymerases (2010). were indicated by allows in inset. Scale bar, 100 nm. (B) AFM images [12] Y. Suzuki et al., Biophys. J., 101: 2992-2998 (2011). of atranscription complex in air condition. (C) The contour lengths of [13] M. Yokokawa & K. Takeyasu, FEBS J., the shorter DNA arms were measured at every 0.5 s and plotted. doi:10.1111/j.1742-4658.2011.08222.x (2011). [14] Y. Suzuki et al., Interdisciplinary Review, Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, 3: 574–588 (2011). [15] Y. Suzuki et al., FEBS Lett., dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.febslet.2012.06.033 (2012) 9 Pakorn(Tony) KANCHANAWONG Mechanobiology Institute Department of Bioengineering National University of Singapore Singapore Email: biekp@nus.edu.sg Website: https://sites.google.com/site/kanchanawonglab/home Nanoscale Architecture of Integrin-Mediated Cell-Matrix Adhesions Abstract: Cells depend on integrin-based adhesions—commonly called Focal Adhesions (FAs)—to carry out several biological functions such as migration, mechanosensing, and remodeling of the extracellular matrix (ECM). FAs form the main mechanical linkages between the ECM and the actin cytoskeletal machinery and are complex molecular assemblies containing >100 different types of proteins. Despite central roles of FAs in many cellular processes, the molecular architecture underlying FAs function has remained largely unknown. Here we applied a 3-dimensional superresolution imaging technique, interferometric PhotoActivated Localization Microscopy (iPALM), to map protein localizations within FAs. iPALM provides 3dimensional superresolution via the combination of single molecule localization (x,y) and simultaneous multiphase interferometry (z), allowing spatial resolution better than 20 nm with photoswitchable fluorescent proteins. To image FAs, we create fusion between important FA proteins and tdEos or mEos2 photoswitchable fluorescent proteins, which were then individually expressed in human osteosarcoma cells (U2OS) grown on fibronectincoated substrate. Within FAs, we observed distinct and characteristic localizations of each protein along the vertical dimension, revealing that FA proteins are organized at the nanoscale level into a multilayer architecture. These results suggest how FA proteins are assembled into nanoscale structure to mediate interdependent processes of adhesion, signaling, force transduction, and actin cytoskeletal regulation. 10 Gan LU Centre for BioImaging Sciences Department of Biological Sciences National University of Singapore Singapore Email: dbsganl@nus.edu.sg Website: http://staff.science.nus.edu.sg/~lugan/ Cryo-EM basics, with an emphasis on tomography Abstract: Electron cryomicroscopy (Cryo-EM) is a technique to study the structure of proteins, macromolecular complexes and cells in a life-like state using an electron cryomicroscope.The sample is prepared in way such that all the biological molecules are trapped in a frozen-hydrated state, without any fixation, dehydration, or staining that could damage or destroy the structures of interest. Furthermore, the image features come from the atoms in the proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, and therefore represent the “true” biological structure. Finally, using image-processing techniques, one can obtain a 3dimensional structure from a set of 2-dimensional images. In this lecture, I will give an overview of cryo-EM including sample preparation, image-processing concepts, and image interpretation. I will then go into more detail about a specialized form of cryo-EM called electron cryotomography (cryo-ET), a method to obtain 3-D reconstructions of “unique” objects like cells, at moderate resolutions. To conclude, I will show some recent applications of cryo-EM to a wide-range of biological questions. 11 Bo HUANG University of California at San Francisco 1700 4th St MC 2532 UCSF Byers Hall 303A San Francisco, CA 94158 Email: bo.huang@ucsf.edu Website: http://huanglab.ucsf.edu/index.html Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) Abstract: As one of the super-resolution microscopy techniques invented in the past few years, Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) overcomes the diffraction limit of optical microscopy through single-molecule detection of photoswitchable fluorescent proteins or dyes. By stochastically activate sparse subsets of fluorophores in a sample and subsequently determining their positions, STORM has achieved a lateral spatial resolution of 20-30 nm, which is more than an order of magnitude better than that in conventional fluorescence microscopy. The incorporation of threedimensional (3D) single-molecule localization, e.g. with a cylindrical lens or by multi-focal plane imaging, further enabled 3D STORM of a whole cell with 50-60 nm axial resolution. Multicolor imaging using differently colored photoswitchable fluorophores or dye pairs has provided the opportunity to examine the interactions between biomolecules and cellular structures. Live cell STORM imaging have been implemented by fast recording or combination with single-molecule tracking. STORM has now already showed its power in structural biology, cell biology and neurobiology applications. 12 Renjith PADINHATEERI Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai 400076 India Email: ranjithp@iitb.ac.in Website: http://www.btc.iitb.ac.in/~ranjith/ Understanding nucleosome kinetics Abstract: Nuclesomes in a chromatin are dynamic -- they constantly bind, dissociate and slide along DNA with the help of ATP-dependent remodelling machines. In this lecture, we will discuss fundamental principles that are necessary to understand nucleosome kinetics. We will discuss how simple physical models of nucleosome assembly can explain many of the experimentally observed nucleosome positioning. Then, we will examine how one can use stochastic simulations to predict kinetics of nucleosome organisation. 13 Roy BAR-ZIV Department of Materials and Interfaces The Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot Israel, 76100 Email: roy.bar-ziv@weizmann.ac.il Website: http://www.weizmann.ac.il/materials/barziv/ Synthetic cellular functions on a biochip: Gene expression and protein assembly Abstract: The ability to compartmentalize functions is essential for the emergence of complexity, as in a eukaryotic cell and in electronic devices. One way to obtain compartmentalization in man-made biological systems is to spatially localize the expression of genes and their products. We developed a photolithographic biochip for localizing DNA and proteins with sub-micron precision and tunable density. We assemble micron-size DNA brushes as localized units of expression with high density that is comparable to DNA in a bacterium. In vitro transcription-translation in a DNA brush differs from solution reactions, with rates controlled by DNA density and gene orientation; we suggest that DNA brushes form boundary-free compartments. Gene expression on the chip can be cascaded from one location to another, thus forming a basis for regulatory devices. We show that proteins synthesized on the chip diffuse to predetermined traps, where they can assemble into structural complexes. The gene expression biochip opens possibilities for engineering synthetic systems, such as protein factories and template-based assembly lines, as well as environmental sensors. 14