Robert Anderson College and Career Academy Title I Strategies for

Robert Anderson College and Career Academy Title I Strategies/Activities for 2013-2014
*A Full Version of the Title I plan is available at the school
1. Implement a 1:1 computing device program in grades 6-8 to enhance core academic
instruction and increase information/technology access for at-risk students. Expenditures
may include individual student devices such as Chromebooks, iPads, or other similar
devices, charging/syncing carts, instructional software applications, and protective cases.
Extensive professional development will be provided to teachers in the use of 1:1
technology to enhance instruction. Also implement My Access and other
online/subscription based computer assisted instruction programs in ELA and Math to
improve academic achievement in grades 6-8. Expenditures may include software
subscription and other lab materials/supplies such as printer supplies, printer paper, and
headphones. Expenditures will also include contract hours (salary/benefits) for
technology setup and maintenance by in-house technology facilitator, and contractual
services for curriculum planning, professional development, and implementation services
by outside consultant.
2. Provide instructional materials in ELA and Math to support the CCSS and SC ELA and
math standards in Reading, Writing, and math programs in grades 6-8. Expenditures may
include consumable supplies, supplemental classroom texts/novels, classroom selfselected reading libraries, supplemental math workbooks, consumable supplies,
manipulative, etc.
3. Host traveling museum exhibit of Anne Frank to enhance curriculum for students in
grades 6-8. Lesson plans and activities will be developed around the exhibit and
correlated to SC and Common Core Standards in all subject areas and will focus on
literacy/literature, communications-verbal and written, analysis of text, social studies,
cultural studies, and social issues. Students will be trained and serve as docents for
outside groups that will be invited to visit the 6-week exhibit. All visitors and students
will write reflections on the exhibit to be displayed at the school. Expenditures will
include the cost of transportation, setup/breakdown, docent training, and loan agreement.
Costs are all inclusive based on the contract with the organization providing the exhibit.
4. Provide 9 Teacher(s) to provide after school program in All Core Subjects for students in
grades 6-8 and district bus transportation home from extended day program.
5. Employ (1) Teacher(s) @ _.5_____ FTE to provide additional academic instruction in
Math (Core Plus) in grade(s) 6-8 .
6. Provide professional development to support Schoolwide academic programs by
participating in/attending conferences to support teachers/administrators in
instruction/mastery of SC Core Standards conferences/workshops may include AVID,
Furman Teaching Consortium, At-Risk Student conferences, behavioral intervention,
Schools-to-Watch, SC and/or National Middle School Conference, visits to exemplar
schools to observe programs. Robert Anderson Middle is an National Avid
Demonstration Site and ongoing teacher professional development is required. Date and
locations of specific workshops/conferences have not been determined/announced for the
2013-2014 school year. Teachers from 6-8 grade(s) will attend. Expenditures may
include transportation, registration, food, lodging.
7. Create, print or copy, and distribute parent-school communications, such as newsletters,
brochures, and handbooks for grades 6-8. Expenditures may include: student handbooks,
school summary reports, monthly calendars, testing information, PTSO announcements,
parenting center supplies, refreshments for parent meetings such as Title I planning and
parent nights(approx. 15-20 participants/per planning meeting), etc.
8. Provide instructional supplies and materials for themed parent night activities, such as
Math Night, Science Exploration, Reading Night, etc. to involve/inform parents on gradelevel standards. Expenditures may include consumable materials used during make-andtake math or reading activities, refreshments for parent night, and other supplies to
carryout parent night themes such as read-aloud books and math manipulatives.
9. Provide bi-weekly professional development training to teachers in an effort to improve
academic performance in all core subject areas for students in grades 6-8. Training will
be based on best practices in specific subject areas based needs identified through
analysis of student data. Other topics may include parent involvement strategies, behavior
intervention strategies, AVID strategies, etc. These are provided by the instructional
coach which is paid from Title I reform strategy 5. There is no additional cost to Title I
from strategy 9.
10. Employ 1 Teacher @ 1.0 FTE as AVID Teacher to provide additional academic
instruction and ELA/MATH integration in grades 6-8. Provide supplies/materials to
support academic instruction and ELA/MATH integration in the AVID classroom in
grades 6-8. AVID is a research based program to enhance core academic instruction and
prepare students for more rigorous classes in an effort to prepare at-risk students for
college. Supply/Material funds will be used to purchase organizational binders and other
instructional supplies that are an integral part of the AVID curriculum and strategies.