Varennes Academy of Communication & Technology Title I Strategies/Activities for 2013-2014 *A Full Version of the Title I plan is available at the school 1. Implement a technology assisted instructional program in core academic areas for grades 3-5 in the computer lab, portable devices, and through classroom integration. Technology Coach @ 1.0FTE will provide assistance to student on the use of technology to enhance learning of SC Standards through software, web resources, activities, and will also work with faculty to provide model lessons, technology resources to support the curriculum, provide training on new technology to support classroom instruction. Expenditures may include hardware, software, consumable supplies/materials, etc. (Example, iMacs,iPods, iPads, Netbooks, digital cameras, MP3 players, application software, Odyssey computer assisted software, web-based subscriptions such as Espresso and BrainPop, consumable materials, accessories such as camera, headphones, poster maker and supplies for instructional visuals and projects, applications for handheld devices, etc) 2. Provide instructional materials in ELA and Math to support the Balanced Literacy and math programs in grades 3-5. Expenditures may include Essentials for Reading Vocabulary Kit, supplemental writing and math kits, Easels, classroom leveled-text library for classrooms, math manipulatives, supplemental math and ELA curricular materials laminating supplies, paper, student word banks, sentence strips, classroom selfselected reading libraries, copier costs for printing classroom materials, etc. Incentives for students who meet academic goals could include pizza party, small items such as markers, stickers, books, etc. 3. Employ 1 Teacher @ _1.0_____ FTE to reduce class size to provide more individual and small group academic instruction for grade___3__ . Reduce student-teacher ratio from 1:__22.8_ to 1:_19__ (show per grade AND whether or not this is self-contained or departmentalized). 4. Provide 17 Teachers @ 1.0 FTE and 4 parapros @ 1.0 FTE (176 days- $25/hr Certified/$20/hr Classified)to provide before school programs in Reading and Math for students in grades 3-5. Also, provide supplemental supplies to support extended day activities such as software, consumable supplies, books, curriculum materials. (examples include Everyday Calendar Math Patterns Games, Vocabulary Builder, and similar curriculum materials 5. .5 school psychologist to provide intervention services to identified students. This would supplement the .5 school psychologist provided by the district to ensure full-time services. 6. Employ 1 Teacher @ 1.0 FTE as an instructional coach to conduct professional development for teachers including follow-up, teach model lessons, observe lessons, provide feedback to teachers, and ensure curriculum alignment with South Carolina standards in grades 3-5. 7. Contract with ELA consultant (R. Shoniker, other TBA), Math consultant (TBA), and Positive Behavior Intervention Consultant to provide professional development workshops for teachers on effective practices designed to improve student behavior and achievement and performance on state assessments. Expenditures may include consultant fee, and travel related expenses. 8. Designated staff will attend effective practices conferences and workshops designed to improve student achievement and performance on state assessments. Expenditures may include travel, lodging, meals, and registration. Examples include Furman Consortium, Title One Best Practices Conference, State Reading Conference, ISTE EdTech Conference, Thinking MAPS Conference, Model Schools Conference, etc. 9. Continue to meet about the planning, updating, and implementation of the Title I program in an effort to improve academic performance for all students in grades 3-5.There will be a beginning of school and end of year Title 1 meeting. This meeting will involve the School’s SIC, PTSO, and Teacher leadership collaborating and understanding the goals set forth by the school in increase student achievement. The approximate number of individuals involved will be 20. 10. Create, print or copy, and distribute parent-school communications, such as newsletters and brochures for grades 3-5. Expenditures may include: student handbooks, school summary reports, monthly calendars, testing information, PTSO announcements, Purchased services cost include software support for parent involvement , and subscription cost for customizable parent newsletter web resource, etc. 11. Provide instructional supplies and materials for themed parent night activities, such as Math Night, Science Exploration, etc. to involve/inform parents on grade-level standards. Expenditures may include consumable materials, refreshments, and other supplies to carryout parent night themes.4 nights throughout the year for themed nights. (Technology Night, Literacy Night, Math Night, and Write Night)The number of participants vary widely from approximately 50 to 150. This includes any manipulatives or activity supplies used during each station for math, literacy, and/or technology night. Examples could include stationary for parent/guardians to write or draw a Thinking Map on with their child about a “wish” they have for them in their future. Math night supplies could include various materials for make-and-take activities such as measurement activities, dice for probability activity, etc. Technology night supplies could include a CD of student work or resources. 12. Employ 1 Teacher @ 1.0 FTE as Interventionist to provide additional academic instruction in small groups in grades 3-5 in ELA and Math. Provide supplies and materials to support individualized and small group instructional needs such as instructional materials to target specific skill areas that need reinforcement in ELA and Math. She will work with both teachers and students. Materials needed for this position include best practice instructional guides, writing utensils, paper, charts, themed books for instruction, etc.