Scientific Method

Teacher: Cindy Smith
Grade: 8th Grade Science
Content Standard:
 GLE 0807.Inq.1 Design and conduct open-ended scientific investigations.
Behavioral Objective:
 SPI 0807.Inq.1 Design a simple experimental procedure with an identified control and
appropriate variables.
Introduce Lesson:
 I will begin by asking what remember about the scientific method.
 I will relate it to them personally by asking them to think about their science fair experiment and
how they used the scientific method. Did they prove or disprove their hypothesis?
Learning to Occur:
 Students will be able to describe and apply the steps of the scientific method.
Activate Prior Knowledge:
 I will begin by reflecting upon the science fair and asking the students to think back to how they
used the scientific method.
 I will utilize this foundation to encourage and enhance higher order thinking.
Need or Purpose:
 Students must understand how the scientific method is used. This knowledge is building a
foundation for more complex topics and critical thinking skills. Students can relate the scientific
method to their everyday life by applying the concept to enhance critical thinking and decision
making skills.
 Students will need pen or pencil and paper to record Question of the Day.
 Textbook
Instructional Procedures:
 I will begin our lesson by referencing our chapter regarding the scientific method. I will ask the
students to brainstorm their science fair question. Did they prove or disprove their hypothesis?
 We will discuss how experiments are successful even if the hypothesis is not proven and the
 I will then have students share their hypothesis and we will discuss as a class. I will choose
students by drawing sticks and randomly calling on them.
 We will discuss whole group how it is difficult to determine how to test their hypothesis of the
problem given. I will guide the discussion to transportation and explain that we will have a
debate which will aide them in applying the scientific method using critical thinking skills.
 The students will read a selection from the textbook on page 176 regarding hydrogen cars.
Students will be divided into 2 teams. The teams will be chosen by dividing the room in half
based on their rows. I will explain that they will use the information from the reading selection
and they will debate for or against hydrogen cars and their effect on the atmosphere.
Students will assess their understanding of the scientific method by writing the steps on a post-it
note and sticking it on the traffic light as they leave. This will be their exit ticket.
 I grouped the students randomly to enhance discussion. Their seating chart helps me to create
large groups. I will determine if the pace of the lesson is sufficient. If discussions that enhance
student learning are extended, I will alter the lesson. The time allotted for the project can be
shortened. I can summarize the lesson instead of reviewing using Rags to Riches.
 When I am walking around helping groups, I will provide feedback to each group.
 Class discussion to share what students discovered while debating.
Exit ticket – Students will list the steps of the scientific method.
 Rags to Riches on the scientific method as a closure and summary if time permits.
 I will use the question of the day as an informal pre-assessment to observe what students
 When the students are debating I will informally review their critical thinking skills and
application of the scientific method.
 Their post-formal assessment will be their exit ticket. This confirms the students were learning
the scientific method. I will use their exit tickets to assist in my planning for an additional formal
assessment and for future planning.