Click here for minutes - Town of Fort Winnebago

Monday, March 2, 2015
W8349 DUMKE RD., PORTAGE, WI 53901
Citizens Present: Jon Conway, Elizabeth Hansen, Matt Patchin, Mary Walker, Jeremy Biehl,
Thomas Klappstein
Chairman Schroeder called the regular monthly board meeting to order with the Pledge of
Allegiance at 6:30 pm.
Bruce moved, seconded by Clark to approve the Agenda with the amendment of the date from March
5, 2015 to March 2, 2015.. Motion carried.
Roll Call: William Schroeder, Bruce Walker, Clark Cupery Delmont Molden, Kris Conway.
Open Meeting Law compliance check: Meeting agenda was posted in three locations in the
township and Fort BP on February 26, 2015, and the meeting notice was published in the Portage
Register Government Meeting Column.
Bruce moved, seconded by Clark, to approve the February 2, 2015 Town Board Meeting Minutes as
printed. Motion carried.
Bruce moved, seconded by Clark, to accept the Treasurer’s Report as prepared. Motion carried.
Old Business
a) Plan Commission no updates.
New Business
a) Jeremy Biehl, CESA-5 attended the meeting to discuss the purchase of the Fort Winnebago
School Building and the Agreement with the Town of Fort Winnebago. Reviewed Fort
Winnebago’s amended agreement. Jeremy will be taking this information to the
March 5, 2015 CESA Board Meeting
b) Bruce moved, seconded by Clark, to award the 2015 Spencer Cemetery Mowing Contract
to Matt Patchin payment of $125 per mowing. Motion carried.
c) Chairman Schroeder extended Pam Patchin’s Plan Commission Membership for another
three (3) year term to expire in 2018.
d) Clark moved, seconded by Bruce, to accept the 2015 Haz-Mat Coverage. Motion carried.
e) Bill and Delmont updated the Town Board on the February 14, 2015 Wisconsin Town
Association Regional Meeting. Major topic covered was waiver of appearance option for
the board of review. Waiver requests require BOR approval, and are to be used for
extraneous circumstances. Bill provided the Clerk copies of the new request form.
f) Bruce moved, seconded by Clark to approve Ordinance Number 03-02-2015, Town of Fort
Winnebago Establish Procedures and Criteria for Allowing Alternative Forms of Sworn
Testimony at Board of Review (BOR) Hearings.
Roll Call Vote: Bill Yes, Bruce Yes, Clark Yes. Motion carried.
g) Discussion on the assessment reform proposed in the 2015 State Budget to move
assessment function from municipalities to the county. Bill indicated Columbia County
was not in favor of this proposal. Reviewed Gardiner Appraisal Service, LLC
February 25, 2015 Letter in opposition to this assessment reform proposal.
h) Bruce moved and Clark seconded to approve the Resolution, dated March 2, 2015, that the
Town does hereby oppose the implementation of county assessment in Wisconsin and
asks for the proposal to be removed from the budget.
Roll Call Vote: Bill Yes, Bruce Yes, Clark Yes. Motion carried.
i) Clerk is to send letters in opposition to county assessment, including a copy of the
March 2, 2015 Resolution to: State Representatives of the Assembly, Governor Walker,
State Senators, and State Joint Finance Committee Chair and Vice Chair.
j) Completed the Columbia County Land Information Department Questionnaire –
Assessments in Columbia County.
Page 2
March 2, 2015
Town of Fort Winnebago
Monthly Town Board Meeting
k) Treasurer presented the recommendation to discontinue refunding property tax
collections for overpayments less than or equal to $2.00. Columbia County also follows
this policy. Treasurer verified with the Wisconsin Town Association Lawyer that we could
establish this policy, but if a property owner specifically requests reimbursement for the
overage equal or less than $2.00 the Town must return the funds.
l) Clark moved, seconded by Bruce to establish a written Township Policy to no longer
refund property tax collections overpayments less than or equal to $2.00, unless a
written request is received from the property owner requesting reimbursement of the
amount of $2.00 or less. Motion carried.
m) Township Policy to no longer refund property tax collections for overpayments less than or
equal to $2.00 will need to be written and posted on the Town’s Internet Site
Citizen Input - none
a) Received from Columbia County notification of timber cutting for Mark Ailes, Portage
Community Schools, and Scott Johnson.
b) New emergency response number (ERN) fire signs N9957 Fox River Road.
c) Bill will coordinate a meeting in May or June with the City of Portage to discuss boundaries
and growth plans.
d) Balloon on a string zoning can no longer be done in Columbia County.
e) Completed the Wisconsin Department of Administration Demographic Services Center 2014
Housing Survey.
f) Bonded Collectors of Wisconsin Account Statement from 2/26/2015 for unpaid fire
g) Wisconsin Emergency Management is holding two Tornado Safe Room Worksheets in
h) Received an Email from Madison Regional Economic Partnership requesting information
on the Town’s industrial sites, Clerk replied.
i) General Engineering Company town has no building permit activity for the month of
January 2015.
j) State Representative Keith Ripp’s E-Update newsletter.
Bruce moved, seconded by Clark, to pay the monthly bills as listed. Motion carried.
Upcoming Meetings and Events:
Monthly Board Meeting, Monday April 6, 2015 at 6:30 pm.
Election Equipment Testing, Thursday April 2, 2015 at 6:00 pm
Spring Election, April 7, 2015
Annual Meeting 3rd Tuesday, April 21, 2015 @ 6:30 pm
Clark moved, seconded by Bruce to adjourn the Meeting at 7:48 pm. Motion carried.
Kris Conway, Clerk