Click here for minutes - Town of Fort Winnebago

Monday, May 5, 2014
W8349 DUMKE RD., PORTAGE, WI 53901
Citizens Present: Tim Thomas, Greg Gerstenkorn, Steve Pappas, Amy Pappas, Jocelyn Dornfeld,
Matt Dornfeld, Tom Tennyson, Mary Walker, Dean Achterberg, Jean Arnce, Greg Klug, Francis Traut,
Brent Hallback, Brad Tenbargr, David Conway, Charles Giesen, Jerry Brouw.
Chairman Schroeder called the regular monthly board meeting to order with the Pledge of
Allegiance at 6:55 pm.
Bruce moved, seconded by Clark to approve the Agenda. Motion carried.
Roll Call: William Schroeder, Bruce Walker, Clark Cupery Delmont Molden, Kris Conway.
Open Meeting Law compliance check: Meeting agenda was posted in three locations in the
township and Fort BP on May 1, 2014, and the meeting notice was published in the Portage
Register Government Meeting Column.
Clark moved, seconded by Bruce, to approve the April 22, 2014 Town Board Road Inspection
Meeting Minutes as printed. Motion carried.
Bruce moved, seconded by Clark, to approve the April 7, 204 Town Board Meeting Minutes as
printed. Motion carried.
Bruce moved, seconded by Clark, to accept the Treasurer’s Report as prepared. Motion carried.
Old Business –
a) Plan Commission three requests as follows:
a. Clark moved, seconded by Bruce to accept Matt & Jocelyn Dornfeld’s Rezoning
Request as submitted to rezone 3 acres with buildings to RR-1 Rural Residential, 32
acres A-4 Agriculture Overlay District. Motion carried. Roll Call Vote: Bruce yes, Bill
yes, Clark yes.
b. Clark moved, seconded by Bruce to accept Greg & Debora Kluge Rezoning
request for property located at N8819 County Highway F, as submitted to rezone
(based on the Survey maps submitted) Lot 2, 6 acres to A-3 Agriculture Business,
and Lot 1, 3 acres, RR-1 Rural Residence. 32.02 acres of land zoned A-4 Agriculture
Overlay District and Conditional Use Permit to operate 4 Season Landscape,
Excavation, Lawn Care and Snow Removal Business. Motion carried.
Roll Call Vote: Bruce yes, Bill yes, Clark yes.
Clark moved, seconded by Bruce to approve a conditional use permit for Steve &
Amy Pappas, Bird Crazy Gun Dogs, to operate a dog breeding kennel, and a
boarding kennel/training facility via a Major Home Occupational Permit, with the
removal from the Columbia County CUP Reapplication Report, dated April 10, 2014,
page 4 the condition sited “Except for local appointments, errands and other activities
which are normally only for short periods of time, there must be a responsible person
on site 24 hours a day”. Motion carried.
Roll Call Vote: Bruce yes, Bill yes, Clark yes.
New Business a) Clark moved, seconded by Bruce to approve the 2014 Road Work (crack filling Wilcox Road
from County EE to Monthey and Military; wedging Wilcox and Military; seal coat Tile, Wilcox
and Military Roads) to be performed by the Columbia County Highway Department. Motion
b) Completed the 2014 Columbia County Road Aid for work to be performed on Wilcox and
Military Road.
Page 2
May 5, 2014
Town of Fort Winnebago
Monthly Town Board Meeting
Citizen Input 
County Power Company damaged Military Road with heavy equipment replacing power lines.
Discussion on conditional use permits for rental storage of agriculture buildings for nonagriculture items, to be placed on June meeting agenda.
Liquor License renewal will be part of the June meeting agenda.
Treasurer’s computer needs to be replaced, will research costs and equipment options, will
be part of the June meeting agenda.
Communications a) April Farm Land Preservation Meeting reviewed proposal, state has approved plan, will be on
the May/June Columbia County Agenda, and available for Towns in July. Town’s will need to
adopt by December 31, 2014 or land cannot qualify for Farm Land Preservation Credits.
b) City of Portage Boundary meeting was cancelled and to be rescheduled.
c) Embridge fire sign and driveway permit were issued.
d) Assessor 2014 Inspection/Trespass regulations notification has been posted on the Town’s
internet site.
e) Embridge second site construction to start next week. Project will take 1 ½ years to
Clark moved, seconded by Bruce, to pay the monthly bills as listed. Motion carried.
Upcoming Meetings and Events:
Monthly Board Meeting, Monday June 2, 2014 at 6:30 pm.
Board of Review Meeting and Adjournment on June 2, 2014 following Monthly Board
Columbia County Towns Association Meeting, June 30, 2014 at 7:30 pm.
Clark moved, seconded by Bruce to adjourn the Meeting at 7:58 pm. Motion carried.
Kris Conway, Clerk