Heredity Notes Inherited Trait – a trait that can be passed down from your parents and grandparents Not inherited traits are unique to you and include learned skills or abilities Heredity – the passing of traits and physical features from parents to their children Gene – sets of instructions in each human cell that determines inherited physical features and other traits Dominant Gene – a gene that is stronger and in control Recessive Gene – a gene that is weaker; not in control Learned Behavior – something that you are taught or learned through experience Acquired Trait –a trait that is either a learned behavior or a physical trait that you were not born with (ie. a scar) The only people in the world with the same genes are identical twins Offspring – children or the baby of a parent (of plants and animals) Genes are from your parents and made of DNA that tells your body how to grow Gregor Mendell discovered through work with pea plants that there were 2 genes, one dominant and one weaker gene o 1 dominant and 1 recessive = dominant o 2 dominant = dominant o 2 recessive = recessive Every cell has a copy of your genes There are two genes for every trait, one from your mom and one from your dad A clone is an identical copy of a parent (either human, plant or animal… usually just plants for right now…) About 30,000 genes are in each cell Reginald Punnett created the Punnett Square which determines the probability of what trait a child may have from its parents o Examples of dominant traits include: dark hair, dimples, brown eyes, curly hair, extra toes, stubby fingers, immune to poison ivy, big eyes, widow’s peak, double jointed, extra fingers, full head of hair, right-handedness, free-hanging earlobes o Examples of recessive traits include: light hair, no dimples, thin lips, single jointed, long fingers, straight hair, scratch scratch (allergic to poison ivy), 20 fingers and toes, baldness, attached earlobes, left-handedness, blue, hazel, gray and green eyes Your height is not solely based on genes, it can also be affected by your nutrition Sometimes parent plants like strawberries can clone itself A trait is a physical or personality feature Animals and plants will change as they grow up, they will look like their parents Everything about twins is not identical, they can each gain new learned behaviors You CANNOT get genes from your aunt or your uncles… it must be from your parents or their parents Some inherited traits can include: eye color, length of fingers, shape of eyes, hair color, shape of nose, skin color, dimples, earlobes, vision, freckles, all basic functions of humans (ie,,,walking, speaking, hearing..) Some acquired traits include: how to read, how to play football, a scar, how to spell and write, how play sports, how to speak languages, length of nails, ANY learned behaviors Freckles are darkened by the sun and may appear more in the summer time… you inherit the trait to have them (whether you can see them or not) Sometimes traits change of time, hair color and eye color can sometimes change A population is a group of organisms that live in the same area at the same time