Exhibitor’s # 2014 SOUTH SHORE EXHIBITION SHOW HORSE ENTRY FORM BOX 20083 RPO, 50 EXHIBITION DR. BRIDGEWATER, NS B4V 3W3 902-543-3341 fax: 902-527-1890 bigex@ns.aliantzinc.ca www.thebigex.com ALL PARTICULERS MUST BE GIVEN IN THE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW ENTRY FEE - $6.00 PER HEAD EXHIBITORS NAME: ______________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________ POSTAL CODE: ___________________ COMMUNITY NAME: ____________________________________ PHONE: ______________________________________ CELL: ____________________________________ E-MAIL______________________________________________________________________ Are you a 4-H Member? _______YES _______NO Please check off what type of Show Horse you are entering and how many. Entry fee ($6.00 per head) SHOW HORSE: BREED-_________________________ # ________________ $____________________ MINI HORSE: # ________________ DRAFT PONY: # ______________ Do you require a trailer park space? (Please circle) $60.00 per week, includes electricity & water YES Transfer this amount to your cover form NO IF yes, Please provide the following information. Trailer Park ($60.00) Length of trailer: ____________________________ $_____________________ Same spot as last year? (Please circle): YES NO Lot Number: _________ Transfer this amount to your cover form Information on vehicle that will be parked in the Trailer Park Year, Make & Model: __________________________________________________ Color: _________________ License plate number: ___________________________ Are you requesting Livestock Exhibitor Parking? (Please circle) (behind the barns) $15.00 for a week’s pass YES NO Vehicle Information: Year, Make & Model _________________________________________________ Color: ____________License Plate Number# ______________________________ Exhibitor Parking ($15.00) $____________________ NOTE- ALL STOCK TRAILERS ARE TO BE KEPT BELOW THE HILL, THERE WILL BE NO STOCK TRAILERS PERMITTED TO PARK BEHIND THE BARNS Transfer this amount to your cover form As an exhibitor of the South Shore Exhibition, you will receive one (1) free weekly bracelet. Other bracelets can be purchased at the Exhibition Office. UPON ENTERING MY LIVESTOCK , I BECOME AN EXHIBITOR OF THE SOUTH SHORE EXHIBITION, AS AN EXHIBITOR , I THE UNDERSIGNED , WILL ABIDE BY THE RULES & REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE S OUTH SHORE EXHIBITION AS STATED IN THE PRIZE BOOK . EXHIBITORS SIGNATURE _____________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________