Revised Supporting Info NFW Thissen

The effect of residual gas scattering on Ga ion beam
patterning of graphene
Nick F.W. Thissen1,a), R.H.J. Vervuurt1, J.J.L. Mulders2, J.W. Weber1,
W.M.M. Kessels1 and A.A. Bol1,a)
of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven,
Electron Optics, Achtseweg Noord 5, 5600 KA Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Electrical resistance through milled graphene
For electrical devices one of the most important parameters is the electrical resistance through
the removed graphene area, which should be high enough to prevent current leakage. Figure
S1 shows the electrical resistance through FIB cuts of varying ion dose, measured by directly
contacting the graphene with probe needles on opposite sides of a FIB cut. The resistance
already exceeds the measurement limit of ~1013  after an ion dose of only
2 × 1015 ions/cm-2. This indicates that the current leakage through FIB cuts is already negligible
at a lower ion dose than the estimated dose required to remove graphene completely (3 – 6 ×
1015 ions/cm2).
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: and
Figure S1 – Electrical resistance through graphene with 1 m wide FIB cuts patterned with varying ion dose. The
resistance was determined by applying probe needles directly to the graphene on opposite sides of the FIB cuts
and measuring the I-V characteristics from V = -0.1 to 0.1 V. Above ~2 × 1015 ions/cm-2 the current measured no
longer exceeded the noise level of ~10 fA corresponding to a resistance > 1013 .
Conversion of Raman Id/Ig ratio to ion beam dose
The Raman line-scans shown in Figure 2 (a) in the main article can be used to determine the
beam profile (ion dose as a function of lateral distance away from the primary beam target) of
the Ga+ FIB. The Raman Id/Ig ratio of each measurement point can be mapped back to the
corresponding ion dose that the graphene received at that distance using the relation between
the ion dose and Id/Ig ratio shown in Figure 1 (b) of the main article. This must be done carefully
because the relation is not one-to-one; one value of the ID/IG ratio can correspond to two
different ion doses. For example, an ID/IG ratio of 2 can correspond to 1.4 × 1012 ions/cm2 (to
the left of the maximum point in stage 1 disorder) or 2.9 × 1013 ions/cm2 (to the right of the
maximum in stage 2 disorder). Especially for measurement points near the maximum (where
the two possible ion doses have nearly the same value) the correct ion dose must be chosen
manually from the two possible values. The choice is guided by the reasonable assumption that
the ion dose should decrease monotonically in the direction away from the FIB target.
The relation between ion dose  (in units of ions/m2) and resulting Id/Ig ratio can be fitted with
an analytical expression so that it can be (numerically) inverted to find the ion dose
corresponding to a certain Id/Ig ratio. The expression (adapted from Lucchese et al. 1) takes the
following form:
(  )  C A f A ( )  C S f S ( )
rA2  rS2
exp   rS2 Y    exp   (rA2  rS2 )Y   
f A ( )  2
2 
rA  2rS
(Eq. S1)
f S ( )  1  exp   rS2 Y  
Here, C A is the maximum possible Id/Ig ratio (~ 3.5 – 4), CS is the Id/Ig ratio in the highly
disordered limit (~ 1), and rA and rS are the radius of activated (Raman-active) and structurally
defective graphene (respectively) after an ion impact (~ 1 nm). The original expression from
Lucchese et al. relates the Id/Ig ratio with the defect density LD (average distance between
defects), however the defect density can be replaced with the ion dose via LD 
, where
Y accounts for the fact that an ion impact can create multiple defects (however, the best fit was
obtained by fixing Y = 1).
The result of the fit can be seen in Figure S2 and the resulting parameters are:
CA  4.0  0.1, CS  0.94  0.05, rA  3.7  0.2 nm, rS  1.11  0.05 nm, Y  1 .
Figure S2 – The Raman Id/Ig ratio as a function of incident ion dose including the fit with equation S1.
This expression can be used to numerically find the ion dose that corresponds to a certain Id/Ig
ratio, for example by simple root-finding via the Matlab fzero command. The fzero command
must be supplied with a reasonable initial value (the ion dose where it starts the search) so that
the resulting ion dose is in the correct branch of the graph in Figure S2 (in stage 1 disorder to
the left of the maximum, or stage 2 disorder to the right). For example, if we are searching for
the ion dose corresponding to Id/Ig = 2 very close to the FIB pattern, we expect a high ion dose
in stage 2 disorder and supply a high initial ion dose such as 1014 ions/cm2. If on the other hand
we are searching for the ion dose far away from the FIB pattern, we expect a low ion dose in
stage 1 disorder and supply a low initial ion dose such as 1011 ions/cm2.
Verification of radius dependence by numerical fitting
As an additional verification that the large range of damage is caused by residual gas scattering,
the data of Figure 2 (b) in the main article can be fitted with a simple analytical model of
scattering interactions. The model presented in Ishitani et. al 2 predicts that the ion flux (in our
case the ion dose  ) depends on the radius r (distance from the ion beam target) as r 2( m1)
when residual gas scattering is important. Here m is a parameter that depends on the screening
potential assumed during calculation (m = 0.333 for Thomas-Fermi potential, m = 0.216 for
Moliele). In other words, the ion dose should fall off at distance as about r 2.55 when scattering
by residual gas is significant, where -2.55 is the average between 2(0.333  1)  2.666 and
2(0.216  1)  2.432 .
The fits of the data shown in Figure 2 (b) in the main article are shown in more detail in Figure
S3 below. Fitting is performed by plotting the logarithm of the ion dose as a function of (linear)
radius, followed by a fit with equation S2:
log     log A  B r  r0 
(Eq. S2)
The parameters A and B are scaling constants and r0 allows for a small shift in the origin. The
logarithm is used so that the details in the tail of the distribution are not ignored during the fit.
Figure S3 – The data (points) from Figure 2 (b) of the main article including the fit (line) using equation S2 for
four different system background pressures p.
Lucchese, M. M. et al. Quantifying ion-induced defects and Raman relaxation length in
graphene. Carbon N. Y. 48, 1592–1597 (2010).
Ishitani, T., Kawanami, Y. & Shukuri, S. Focused-Ion-Beam Broadening Due to
Collisions with Residual Gas Atoms. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 26, 1777–1780 (1987).