Chapter 14

To satisfy the minimum requirements for this course, you should master the following
learning objectives.
Describe the properties of chemical equilibrium and be able to
• write the equilibrium expression (Kc, or Kp for gaseous reactions) for a
balanced chemical equation. (pg 618) ARIS 1,2,3
• classify any equilibrium as heterogeneous or homogeneous. (pg 619, 624)
• given a chemical reaction and its equilibrium constant, determine the new
equilibrium constant when the reaction has been reversed or multiplied by
a constant. (pg 627 – 630) ARIS 8,9,10
• numerically evaluate Kc and Kp from knowledge of the equilibrium
concentrations (or pressures) of reactants or products, or from the initial
concentration and the equilibrium concentration of at least one substance. (ex
14.2, 14.3, 14.4, 14.6) ARIS 4,5,11,12
• interpret the magnitude of Kc and Kp and what this tells you about the
composition of the equilibrium mixture. (pg 632) ARIS 6,7
• use Kp and Kc to calculate equilibrium concentrations (i.e., apply ICE tables).
(pg 634, ex 14.9, 14.10) ARIS 17,22
Understand the relationship between kinetics and equilibrium. (pg 630) ARIS 13
Understand the concept of reaction quotient, Q, and by comparison with the value of K
(ARIS 16)
• determine whether a reaction is at equilibrium. (pg 632-633, ex 14.8) ARIS 15
• predict in which direction a reaction will shift to reach equilibrium. (pg 632)
Explain how the relative equilibrium quantities of reactants and products are shifted by
changes in concentrations (pg 638, ex 14.11), pressure/volume (pg 640, ex 14.12), or
temperature (pg 642 ex 14.13) of substances in the equilibrium reaction (Le Chatelier’s
Principle). ARIS 18,19,20,21
Explain what effect the presence of a catalyst has on the position of equilibrium in a
chemical system. (pg 643)
Understand the meaning of the Key Words on page 647.