Unit XI 1. What name was given to journalists who exposed corruption in government, business and society? MUCKRAKERS 2. Who was the author of The Jungle? UPTON SINCLAIR 3. What law was the result of The Jungle? PURE FOOD AND DRUG ACT 4. What was the first law to break up monopolies? SHERMAN ANTITRUST ACT 5. What was the goal of the temperance movement of the late 1800’s? PROHIBITION 6. What Wisconsin governor started progressive reforms in his state? ROBERT LAFOLLETTE 7. Name examples of political reforms made by the progressive movement. REFERENDUM, RECALL, SECRET BALLOT, ELECTION OF SENATORS 8. What was the result of the Jim Crow laws? SEGREGATION 9. What Supreme Court case upheld the Jim Crow laws? PLESSY V. FERGUSON 10. What early civil rights leader believed that blacks should use the courts to fight for equality? W.E.B. DUBOIS 11. What early civil rights leader felt blacks needed skills and education for economic independence? BOOKER T. WASHINGTON 12. What civil rights organization did Dubois form in 1909? NAACP 13. What campaign did Susan B. Anthony lead? WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE 14. Name social and economic issues that were targeted by Progressives? CHILD LABOR, WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE, URBAN CONDITIONS, MONOPOLIES 15. Who would have rejoiced at the passing of the 19th amendment? CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT AND SUSAN B. ANTHONY 16. What was the subject of muckraker Ida B. Wells? LYNCHING OF BLACKS 17. How did southern states prevent the 15th amendment from being followed? GRANDFATHER CLAUSE, POLL TAX, LITERACY TEST 18.What institution was started by Booker T. Washington to teach vocational skills to blacks? TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE 19. What law was passed to strengthen the Sherman Antitrust Act? CLAYTON ANTITRUST ACT 20. What case allowed states to regulate working hours for women? MULLER V. OREGON 21. What political reform allowed voters to nominate candidates for office? DIRECT PRIMARY 22. What political reform resulted from ratification of the 17th amendment? ELECTION OF SENATORS BY THE VOTERS 23. What right did Wyoming first grant in 1869? WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE 24. What did the Republican Party do to get Theodore Roosevelt out of power? NOMINATED HIM FOR VICE-PRESIDENT 25. What name was given to Roosevelt’s plan for reform? SQUARE DEAL 26. What labor dispute was ended when Roosevelt threatened to take federal control of a business? COAL STRIKE 27. What type of transportation came under stricter regulation under Roosevelt? RAILROAD 28. What was the inspiration behind the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act? THE JUNGLE 29. Why would present-day environmentalists applaud the work of Teddy Roosevelt? HE STARTED THE CONSERVATION MOVEMENT 30. Why were Republicans upset with Roosevelt? HE WAS A PROGRESSIVE 31. Who did Roosevelt select to continue his progressive reforms as President? WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT 32. Why did Roosevelt decide to run for President in 1912 after not running for reelection in 1908? TAFT HAD BEEN TOO CONSERVATIVE 33. What action of Roosevelt was reversed by Richard Ballinger? PROTECTED FORESTS WERE MADE AVAILABLE TO PRIVATE COMPANIES 34. What nickname was given to Roosevelt’s Progressive Party in 1912? BULL MOOSE 35. Why did the progressive Democrat Woodrow Wilson win the election in 1912? REPUBLICAN PARTY WAS SPLIT 36. What name was given to Roosevelt because of the monopolies that he split? TRUST BUSTER 37. The Underwood Tariff passed while Wilson was President made what change? LOWER TARIFF RATES 38. What national banking system did Wilson create? FEDERAL RESERVE 39. How did the federal government make up for lost revenue from the Underwood Tariff? 16TH AMENDMENT CREATED A GRADUATED INCOME TAX 40. What was the concern of the Federal Trade Commission and the Clayton Antitrust Act? UNFAIR BUSINESS PRACTICES 41. What political reform was finally accomplished with the ratification of the 19th amendment? WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE 42. What social reform was ignored by the progressives of the early 20th century? CIVIL RIGHTS 43. What was the name of Woodrow Wilson progressive programs? NEW FREEDOM 44.Who was the leading advocate for improving the lives of women and Children by moving into settlement house? FLORENCE KELLY 45. What allowed voters to remove public officials from elected positions by forcing them to face an election before the end of their term if enough voters requested it? RECALL 46. What is the name for a bill initiated, or launched, by citizens? INITIATIVE 47. What did the 17th Amendment do? IT ALLOWED FOR THE DIRECT ELECTION OF US SENAOTRS BY THE PEOPLE 48. Henry Ford treated his employees very well and example of this is? HE WAS THE FIRST OWNER TO PAY HIS EMPLOYEES $ 5.00 A DAY. 49. What law required that the labels on food were truthful? PURE FOOD AND DRUG ACT 50. What organization was given the power to stop unfair business practices? FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION 51. Who persuaded President Roosevelt to set aside millions of acres of forest reserves? GIFFORD PINCHOT 52. Who was the first leader of Big Business to see his workers as consumers? HENRY FORD 53. Who wrote the book called how the other Half-lives that describes the life’s of immigrants? JACOB RIIS 54. Henry Ford is remember for put the assembly line to use in the production of what? MODEL-T FORD 55. What amendment outlaws the sale and distribution of Alcohol in the United States? 18TH AMENDMENT 56. What did Lincoln Steffen’s; in his series of articles title “The Shame of the Cities” write about? UNMASKED THE CORRUPT ALLIANCE BETWEEN BIG BUSINESS & GOVERNMENT 57. What law placed telephone and telegraph companies under I.C.C. supervision? MANN-ELKINS ACT 58. Who was the most famous member of the Anti-Saloon League who would attack people at bars and cut up bar tables with a hatchet? CARRIE NATION 59. A 1911 fire in this company, where over 140 women workers died, led to new laws regulating work hours, working conditions, and fire codes. TRIANGLE SHIRTWAIST CO. 60. The first flight took place at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina by which 2 people? WRIGHT BROTHERS 61. Jane Addams opened a settlement house (Hull House) for what 2 reasons? TO CREATE MEANINGFUL WORK OPPORTUNITIES EDUCATED WOMEN AND TO HELP HER NEIGHBORS. 62. Who was the muckraker who wrote the book History of Standard Oil Company, which chronicled the abuses of the company and led to a court case that caused the breakup of the monopoly? IDA TARBELL 63. What was the conservative tariff law that discredited President Taft and split the Republican party in 1912? PAYNE-ALDRICH ACT 64. What is the event, which involved African American people, occurred after Reconstruction ended, and continued into the early 1920s? GREAT MIGRATION 65. The fight for control of the Burlington Railroad erupted on the Northern Stock Exchange and led to what case in 1904? U.S V NORTHERN SECURITIES 66. Who invented the sewing machine? ISAAC MERRITT SINGER 67. What contribution did Elias Howe make to the textile industry? SEWING MACHINE 68. What soft drink was created in Atlanta at the turn of the 20th century? COCA-COLA 69. Who invented the movie camera? THOMAS EDISON 70. How did people on the farm in the 1900s buy major items? MAIL ORDER CATALOGS 71. What area in the United States, at the turn of the century, relied on most exclusively on electricity for their nighttime lighting needs? BIG CITIES 72. What made it possible to build skyscrapers in the 1890’s? BETTER METHODS OF PRODUCING STRONGER STEEL 73. Who invented the first Kodak camera? GEORGE EASTMAN 74. Who used the advertising slogan “Use press the button, we do the rest.”? GEORGE EASTMAN FOR HIS KODAK CAMERA 75. When did the St. Petersburg/Tampa Airboat Line start passenger service? JANUARY 1ST, 1914 76. What law in 1919 prohibited the manufacture, transportation and sale of beverages containing more than 0.5 per cent alcohol? VOLSTEAD ACT 77. What is the act of withdrawing certification or not participating in an election called? DISENFRANCHISEMENT 78.What speech did Booker T Washington stressed that blacks must accommodate white people—and especially southern whites’—refusal to tolerate blacks as anything more than sophisticated menials. ATLANTA COMPROMISE SPEECH 79. Who was the author of the book "A Red Record," which recorded race lynching in America? IDA B. WELLS-BARNETT 80. What court case dealt with an attempt to monopolize the business of tobacco in interstate commerce? AMERICAN TOBACCO V. US 1911 81. What court case prevented Congress from directly limiting commerce until the 1930’s? US V. KNIGHT & CO. 1895