Part 2: Mission Activated Use information you have learned to help you match the Galactic Element Clues to our Earth elements found in the Periodic Table below. When you find a match, please type the galactic symbols (letter abbreviation) in the periodic table below, next to Earth’s element symbol. Periodic Table Group 1 Group 2 Group 13 Group 14 Group 15 Group 16 Group 17 1 H/Gs 1.008 Group 18 2 He/ 4.003 3 Li/ 7.941 4 Be/ 9.012 5 B/ 10.811 6 C 12.010 7 N/At 14.006 8 O/ 15.999 9 F/ 18.998 10 Ne/ 20.179 11 Na/So 22.989 12 Mg/ 24.305 13 Al/Lm 26.981 14 Si/ 28.085 15 P/ 30.973 16 S/ 32.065 17 Cl/Ms 35.453 18 Ar/ 39.948 19 K/ 39.098 20 Ca/ 40.078 31 Ga/ 69.723 32 Ge/ 72.64 33 As/ 74.921 34 Se/ 78.96 35 Br/ 79.904 36 Kr/ 83.8 METALS Skip 21 - 30 METALLOIDS NONMETALS **Galactic Element Clues** The clues in red have already been matched for you. Use those to guide you on your mission! Gasium (Gs): This is the element with the lowest atomic mass number in the universe. Luminesium (Lm): This element is a metal that is not very reactive and has a pretty low atomic mass number. When we round the atomic mass number up to 27, we find that an atom of this element has 14 neutrons in its nucleus. Mustarium (Ms): This is a nonmetal, gas that is very reactive and is toxic when the aliens inhale it. Its average atomic mass is about 35 amu. Atmospherium (At): The alien’s notices that this is the most abundant element found in the Earth’s atmosphere. Its atoms contain 7 protons and 7 neutrons. Softium (So): This is a soft metal that can be cut with a dull knife, but it can be very explosive when exposed to water. It has an atomic mass of 23 amu. Directions: Match the following Galactic Element clues to the Periodic Table above Fireworkium (Fw): This element has 15 protons and 15 electrons in its neutral atom. Toothium (T): This is a nonmetal with an average atomic mass number close to 19. Floatium (Fl): This is a gas that the aliens often use to fill balloons and blimps. It contains two protons in its nucleus. Breathium (Bt): This element is a nonmetal and has one less proton than an atom of Toothium and has an atomic mass close to 16 amu. Lightium (Lg): This is a gas that does not react with other elements. It glows when it is heated in a lamp or vacuum tube. It contains one more proton in its nucleus than Toothium. Rottoneggium (Re): This is a nonmetal with one less electron than Mustarium. It has a total of 16 electrons in its electron cloud. Nobelium (Nb): This gas is located directly below Lightium on the periodic table and has an atomic mass close to 40 amu with 18 protons. Liquidium (Lq): This is a nonmetal and has the second largest atomic mass number on the alien periodic table. Supermanium (Sp): This element has the largest atomic mass unit on the alien’s periodic table at close to 84 amu. Bonsium (Bo): This element is important for bone strength, both for aliens and earthlings. It is a metal in Group 2 of the periodic table and has 20 neutrons. Organium (Or): This element makes up diamonds, which are not as valuable in other places in the universe as they are on Earth. It contains six protons in the nucleus of its atom. Killum (Ki): This is a notoriously poisonous metalloid with an atomic mass close to 75 amu. Universium (Uv): This is a heavy nonmetal, a pretty large atomic mass number and chemical properties similar to Rottoneggium and Breathium. Semicoductium (Sc): This element is the metalloid with the lowest mass. It has one less proton than Organium. Computerium (Co): This is an element that the aliens use in their electronics, stun guns, and in their communication devices because it is a semi-conductor. Its mass is significantly greater than the mass of Semicoductium and it has 14 electrons. Ikium (Ik): This is a semi-conductor that is found below Computerium on the periodic table. The element has 32 protons and 41 neutrons. Spriklium (Sk): An atom of this element may have an actual mass of 70 amu with 39 neutrons. Alloyium (Am): This is a relatively rare metal that is often used as a hardening agent in metal alloys/mixtures. It is the second lightest metal on the periodic table. Metium (Me): This is a very reactive metal with the lowest mass of all the metals on the entire periodic table. Bananium (Bn): This element has similar chemical properties to Softium and Metium, but is heavier than both. Abundium (A): This is the ninth most abundant element in the universe. It is a metal with 12 protons in its nucleus.