North West Infant Feeding Network Meeting Notes Monday 23rdSeptember 2013 at 12.30 – 16.30hrs County Hall, Preston Present: Sue Henry (Chair) SH Julia Kemp JK Monica Clarkson Avril Smith AS Infant Feeding Coordinator-Sefton community organisations / Liverpool Community Health Infant Feeding Coordinator - Bridgewater Warrington community Janet Beech JB Infant Feeding Coordinator - Countess of Chester Clare Whitehead CW Infant Feeding Lead - Wirral community Trust Sue Saunders SS Infant Feeding Coordinator - Liverpool Womens Maria Brooking MB Infant Feeding Specialist - East Lancashire community Shel Banks SB Baby Friendly Coordinator –Blackpool Hospital Dawn Burrows DB Parentcraft & Infant Feeding Coordinator – Blackpool Hospital Lesley Fawcett LF Infant Feeding Coordinator –Ormskirk Hospital Janet Edwards JE Carole Brazier CB Infant Feeding and Public Health Specialist Midwife – Lancashire Teaching Hospitals (Preston) Infant Feeding Coordinator – Halton and St Helens Val Finigan VF Consultant Midwife_Infant Feeding Coordinator –Oldham Hospital Sarah McKie MC Infant Feeding Coordinator - East Lancashire Hospitals Trust / Blackburn with Darwen community Performance and Quality Lead Infant Feeding -Knowsley Community SmK Infant Feeding Coordinator – Stockport Foundation Trust Kath Eaton KE Infant Feeding Coordinator, Newborn Intensive Care – St Marys Hospital Chris Jordan CJ Specilaist Health Visitor, Infant Feeding – Bolton community Sara Blakeway SaB Infant Feeding Co-ordinator – Bolton hospital Natalie Jones NJ Infant Feeding Coordinator, Maternity – central Manchester Foundation Trust Kathryn Ashton KA Infant Feeding Lead (maternity services) – Royal Albert Edward Informary Sharon Brown ShB Infant Feeding Lead (HV services) - Bridgewater(Ashton, Leigh and Wigan Division) Alison Healey AH Breastfeeding strategic lead – Wigan Council Joanne Mayall JM Infant Feeding Specialist - Oldham commuinty health services, Pennine Care Justine Baines JB Oldham community health services, Pennine Care - central Manchester Foundation Trust Central Manchester University Carole McGlone CmG Apologies: Sarah McCormack, Nicki Jones, Fiona Fenna, Donna Butler, Mary Whitmore, Magda Sachs, Fiona Munro-Muotune, Kthryn Henshall, Helen Howard, Caroline Kenyon, Pauline Mulhall, Carolyn Pugh, Anna Byrom, Fiona Lee Attached:ToR 1 NOTES: WELCOME: SH welcomed all members and noted apologies SH thanked the group for voting her in as chair and promised to do her best for this group BACKGROUND TO REGIONAL MEETINGS: SH gave a verbal presentation (following IT failure!) – re the background to the regional groups 9 regions – SH shared leads names No national infant feeding lead Regional group have potential to influence / offer effective support NW has population of 7,052,177 – 3rd largest region Over 40% birth in NW are in BFI units Rational for network groupso Effective implementation of strategic plans is required to deliver increases in breastfeeding rates o Local infant feeding leads are responsible for implementing these plans o This group of people – us – should be supported in the key role we play o Risk of not doing this – some network support in England will cease to exist Grant – o Network leads will be reimbursed for meeting time / travel o BFI will deduct admin fee for maintenance of website and database o BFI will keep accurate financial records o Surplus monies – leadership group will decide on how the funds can be applied for Accountability- Worth your while? –Meetings have to be worth your while- you thoughts and ideas matter –keep in touch with SH! –If we work together we can really make this group work for all of us. TERMS OF REFERENCE: Shared with group – all group members happy – see attached. Regional group members and leadership group have separate ToR GROUP GROUND RULES: - agreed – Confidentiality is of utmost importance / ideas for support are shared / respect for each other in group time / listening / keep to time / value peoples contributions /allow all group members to speak NW PHILOSOPHY: Group agreed it would be good to have a philosophy – further development needed STANDING AGENDA 1) UPDATE FROM REGIONAL LEAD: BFI Conference – Glasgow – 27th / 28th November BFI review / revised standards: discussed In NICE quality standards DH approved Bookings and enquires up Answer to BFI fatigue 2 New materials to support revised Baby Friendly standards: This page is updated as more resources become available. Currently there are: standards guidance / evidence document train the trainer pack for those who have accessed this course sample infant feeding policies curriculum details of how to order new audit tools or maternity and health visiting conversations tools NICU expressing logs sample new courses – NICU (now oldest course!) / maternity / C.Centres / H.Visiting Coming soon: Transitional period guidance New Breastfeeding and Relationship Building course workbook – A5 – few weeks away (to buy) Guidance relating to antenatal and postnatal conversations Audit tool for neonatal services New course to train infant feeding coordinators how to implement the standards (not a specialist feeding support course as originally thought) - decision inspired by IFCs voices Replacement sample of what could replace the checklist in the notes – to include a space for plans for individual mothers E version of paed training package Children’s centres documentation / materials are currently being developed and we’ll have more updates on this later in the year. Evidence document – rationale for the revised standards will be launched 12th September and the pdf book will be available online. Check website/mailings for more information. CCs and NICUs – will need to do a stage 1 again - and staff will be interviewed again Assessment guidance – there will be more details of how assessments in 2014 will be transitioning to the revised standards, and an email letter with more guidance will be sent shortly. Database of members – BFI may mail out direct if time is critical – keep Sue Henry and BFI up to date with any changes of details please – stating you are a NW network member. University review: taking place now including new materials Website space for regional networks to be developed BFI web pages – being reviewed – front page will change – and it will simplify further Latest news: NICE new postnatal care quality standard recommending BFI and a number of the revised standards including relationship building (these standards enhances the PN care NICE guidelines – it does not replace them) Department of Health infant feeding profiles show correlation between higher breastfeeding rates and lower hospital admissions. Group discussed same – SH encouraged group to look at this in local areas and reveal how the profiles can influence local need / commissioning. SH shared hard copy for group to see. 2) Feedback from local areas – challenges facing infant feeding coordinators was discussed 3) Supporting BFI implementation: Revised BFI standards discussed – group agreed much easier and exciting – good that this group can support with this transition / development of the standards locally 4) Specialist infant feeding issues: o Strep B information discussed – info circulated to group prior to meeting o Hind milk feeding information discussed – agreed to see local policies o LIFIB (Lancashire Infant Feeding Information Board) discussed – highlighted the work going on in this group o First steps nutrition trust – group agreed these were good resources o Small Wonders project – project highlighted o Best Beginnings app. – highlighted o National Parenting magazine – group has collated a NW response re this magazine 3 FUTURE MEETINGS: Pre meeting questionnaire responses: o What can the group do to help / support you? – most answers – network support (peer / moral / networking), service development (ideas / innovation / best practise / care quality / expertise), general information ( sharing / news / updates / BFI standards updates) o What are your local infant feeding issues? – peer support / breastfeeding rates / formula supplementation o Your areas of expertise? – BFI hospital and community / IBCLCs / teaching / leadership / infant feeding support / quality / growth charts / organisation / communication / donor milk / LIFIB / frenulotomy / safer sleep /incentive scheme / parent education +lots of others . . . . o Are you willing to present your interest at the meetings? – most responses - yes Group suggestions re specialist infant feeding issues / challenges that can be supported at future meetings: o Tongue tie / Frenulotomy services in the NW / Lip ties o Safer sleeping issues o Transition to breastfeeding for neonatal babies o BFI team member to attend a meeting o Engaging children’s wards o Leadership issues / support Group suggestions re possible speakers: o Group to consider and inform SH NETWORKING TIME: Some time spent networking part way through meeting and also time left at the end of the meeting. Suggestions received to keep this time to the middle part of the meeting. AoB: MEETING EVALUATIONS: SH designed a ‘meeting evaluation’ as this was the first newly formed NW group and wanted to hear everyone’s voice re how they felt it went and what we can do better. Evaluation comments and suggestions shared with the group following the meeting. Evaluation questions asked: Did the meeting meet your needs / was it worth your while / comments? Meeting highs? Meeting lows? Other suggestions / comments? NEXT MEETING DATE: FRIDAY 6TH DECEMBER 2013 – 12.30 – 4.30PM COUNTY HALL PRESTON (COMMITTEE ROOM C), PRESTON, LANCS, PR1 OLD ACTION TABLE ALL SH Suggestions to SH re possible guest speakers / volunteers to present topics of interest Agenda items ahead of next meeting to SH please Consider who will take meeting notes at next meeting Try to engage with Cumbria again Prepare for next meeting – agreed ground rules for NW to start each meeting Develop further NW group philosophy and share with group for comments Invite MW to speak about safer sleeping at the next meeting re local work Clarify if public can access network contact details / meeting notes etc. via website? Find out if staff who attend the ‘in house education’ BFI course can buy the train the trainer CDRoM To clarify if pending new conversation page (that replaces checklist) will be incorporated in national hand held notes Plan group info query re infant feeding team staffing / birth rate / BFI status / community or hospital, hours spent training etc. 4