Minutes - Vision ICT Ltd

The Gorge Parish Council
Minutes for the Full Council meeting of The Gorge Parish Council held on Tuesday
18th February 2014 in The Gorge Parish Council Office at 7pm
FC/2014/19: Public Session: Presentation by Veolia regarding the new recycling service. Two
representatives from Veolia and one from Telford and Wrekin Council attended the meeting to explain
the way recycling materials will be collected from April 2014 and other waste from 2019. They gave a
brief history of the company and their vast experience in the collection of waste for local authorities.
The proposals are to provide a wheelie bin with a purple lid or a purple bag for all recycling except
paper and cardboard which will be collected from a box initially. The concerns about some areas in The
Gorge were taken on board and the offer of a walk round the area was taken up. Smaller trucks will be
used where they are now in The Gorge. The aim of the contract is to improve recycling to at least 60%
of refuse and eventually no waste will go to landfill. A community liaison officer will be employed to
improve recycling.
FC/2014/20: Apologies and Attendance. Apologies were accepted from Councillor Bolingbroke and
Davies. Present Councillors Bragg, Oldershaw, Hobson, Hodge, Osmund-Smith and Bennett. Also
present Borough Councillor Mollett.
FC/2014/21: Dispensations. None required.
FC/2014/22:Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on Tuesday 14th January 2014 and planning
Tuesday 4th February 2014. It was RESOLVED to sign and approve the minutes of the full council
meeting held on Tuesday 14th January 2014 and The planning meeting held on Tuesday 4th February
FC/2014/23: Borough Councillors: Councillors D Davies, T Hope and C Mollett: Councillor
Mollett had nothing to report specifically. He noted the Parish Council had been consulted on the
planning application in Lightmoor Road.
FC/2014/24: Matters Arising: a. Various matters raised with TWC. 6. 1 date for re opening of Church
Hill. There is no date yet for the reopening there are some structure issues. To add to this a wall has fallen
at the end of Church Hill by estate agents Nick Tart. The road will not remain closed once the work on the
wall has been completed. However the car park next to Nick Tart does remain closed off for safety reasons
and to ensure debris does not make its way onto the highway.
 Waterloo Street car park street lights reported no update.
FC/2014/25: Financial: a. Invoices to pay: a. It was RESOLVED to pay the following invoices:
Tn noChequeGross
Net Invoicedat Details
£30.00 12/02/14
Walkers Are Welcome -
£571.50 12/02/14
Dodd Group - Christmas
£220.00 12/02/14
Society of Local Council Clerks -
£29.22 12/02/14
£849.57 12/02/14
£330.00 12/02/14
A & B Landscaping -
135 dd quarter to
jan 14
£49.65 12/02/14
Southern Electric -
dd jan 14
£29.16 12/02/14
One Bill - telephone
£936.87 12/02/14
Mrs J Madeley - salary and
TFM - Supplies for Roadmen
Lyreco - Stationery
£212.69 12/02/14
Inland Revenue - PAYE
£213.56 12/02/14
Shropshire Council -
b. Consider grant to Samaritans. It was RESOLVED to pay a grant of £50.00.
c. Consider grant to Telford Sea Cadets. It was RESOLVED not to give a grant.
d. Consider the spending of Portas funds £4000.00. a request from IGMT for funds was considered
clerk to ask for a more definite proposal.
e. Consider contributing to the celebrations to mark the retirement of Dale End Park warden. It was
RESOLVED to contribute/pay for a tree. Clerk to offer Roadmen to carry out the extra works
carried out by the warden.
f. Consider grant to RAF Air Cadets 2379 (Dawley Squadron). It was RESOLVED not to give a
g. Clerk’s pension. The Shropshire County Pension fund is reviewed annually by an independent
actuary. Each year a letter is received informing each employer part of the scheme what contributions it
has to make and employees have to make. This year it has been determined that in the next financial
year the contribution made by the employer ie pc. Needs to increase to 17.4% from 12.3% of employee
annual salary. This is an increase of £800.00. There is a deficit in the fund of £300.00 this can be paid
over 3 years however to save explanation for the next 3 years clerk would like to recommend the full
amount is paid in one sum in April 2014. First payment is not due to the next financial year. This
explanation would have been provided at the time of budget decisions however the decision was made
earlier than I expected sorry. Because the pc is a member of the pension fund there appears to be no
choice but to pay.
h. Consider community twitter training at Maws. Noted.
i. Consider grant to Crucial Crew. The organisers’ anticipate 30 children from Coalbrookdale and
Ironbridge School will attend. It was RESOLVED to grant £200.00.
j. Consider grant to Ironbridge Brass Band youth section project. It was RESOLVED to grant
£1000.00 from the Portas funds to fund the youth section of the project.
k. Consider part funding path refurbishment to Galleon park Ironbridge. It was RESOLVED to pay
£3000.00 towards the cost of the repair to this path from a total cost of £3085.00 being a quote from
Telford and Wrekin Council.
l. Consider grant to Shropshire Barn Owl Group. It was RESOLVED not to give a grant.
m. Phone and Broadband package. The current phone and broadband contract was due for renewal in
February 2014. After consulting LSI Utilties the deal offered by One Bill was too good to better. From now
on the contract for two years is £24.95 a month for unlimited broadband and free calls and texts.
FC/2014/26: Planning: a. New Applications: a TWC/2014/0110 Crown Reduction of 1 Liquidamber
tree 44 Wellington Road Coalbrookdale.
TWC/2014/0103: Erection of 1 yurt and associated compost toilet and shower block at Lees Farm
Coalport Road Madeley.
TWC/2014/0105: Installation of approximately 150m of 11kv overhead line. Land at Salthouse Road
Jackfield/The Lloyds Ironbridge.
TWC/2014/0093 Pruning of 1 Willow Tree Woodside Orchard Woodside Coalbrookdale.
TWC/2014/0079 Outline application for residential development for 50 dwellings and 12 apartments
including access layout and scale.
It was RESOLVED to make no comment on any of these applications.
b. Decisions See list of decisions. TWC/2013/0988 Installation of replacement timber door to front
elevation 200Ferry Road Jackfield. Grant Full planning permission.
TWC/2013/1022: Felling of n5 nordic tress, 1 ash tree, 1 cherry tree and 2 conifers, 27 Madeley
Road Ironbridge. Conservation area consent.
TWC/2013/1023/1024 Refurbishment of existing kitchen and utility room with new tiled roof small
window bricked up with utility and kitchen windows replaced. Grant full planning and listed
c. Invitation to Several TWC officers re stability and planning issues. A response has been received
but to date no reply to the invitation to officers and borough councillors to attend a meeting. Clerk to
take the complaint to the next stage.
d. ENF/2012/0391. This refers to sheds in the garden at 49 Wellington Road no further action is
proposed. Noted.
i. Any other planning matters. None.
FC/2014/27: Farmers Market in Ironbridge. Clerk to respond with the following comments.
Suggested the team talk to Nadia Lord who organises several markets in Shropshire for the best place
to trade for be benefit of existing traders, the proposed site on a Sunday is very busy and always full
during the summer months. It is also the spaces locals use to park. Clerk to report.
FC/2014/28:Committees and working parties reports: a. Social Media policy and twitter and
facebook accounts. Councillor Bennett has produced a first draft clerk to add to next agenda.
b. Risk Assessment. Councillor Bennett, Bragg and Oldershaw will present a document to next
c. Website. This will be ready to replace existing by the end of March.
FC/2014/29:Environmental and highways issues. a. litter pick. Clerk will contact the organisers and
look into separate insurance.
b. Roadmen works. Continue to work on areas known to them. Clerk to ask them to clean the singage
on Cherry Tree Hill and remove leaves from the Silken Way.
c. Friends of Rough Park. There is a meeting on 12th March. Clerk to attend.
d. Letter from Newport Town Council regarding parking enforcement. Noted.
e. information about disabled access from Station Yard Car Park for comment. ( see pack and photos
available at meeting).
f. Ironbridge Road diversion via Jackfield and Coalford. Update.
g. Station Road Road Closure update.
h. report of a nasty fall on pavement in Ironbridge. see report
i. Notification of Road closure Cherry Tree Hill 23rd March for Bridge inspection.
k. Complaint from resident regarding speed of traffic on Madeley Hill and danger near Jockey Bank
for pedestrians.
FC/2014/30: Land Stability project. A. Jackfield stabilisation stakeholder group. The Stakeholder
group met before the meeting. The project is progressing. The main contractor has not yet announced
the European procurement process is still being worked through. The car parking spaces on Calcutts
Road is not possible the land is in private ownership and no agreement has been possible so far. A
planning application has been submitted to remove the conditions asking for this work to be carried
out. Reports were also given to update those present about the hole in Ironbridge Road. A solution has
been found to repair the road. There is now a problem on The Lloyds with the river bank eroding and
causing cracks in the footpath. The road remains open for the time being. The collapsed wall at the
end of Church Hill may not be as a result of land slip. Discussions are on going with the landowner.
FC/2014/31: Reports: Reports from each community written.
FC/2014/32: Reports from groups and organisations the parish council is represented on.
a. Minutes of last Parish forum meeting. Noted.
b. Ironbridge Gorge WHS steering group meeting 27th January 2014. Noted.
c. Telford and Wrekin Bus Users group minutes. Noted.
FC/2014/33: Annual Meeting. Clerk to arrange the event for the 6th May invite Mr Barker and Mr
Rushton from Telford and Wrekin to speak.
FC/2014/34: Correspondence: a. Consider supporting Madeley Town Council’s event The Nine Men of
Madeley. It was RESOLVED to support this project. Also to put a piece in the Gorge Gazette about the incident.
b. offer of running courses. Noted.
c. Shropshire Tourism request to promote our town in their days out brochure. Noted it was RESOLVED not to
d. Electoral Review of Telford and Wrekin: Final Recommendations. In short the Ironbridge Gorge ward remains
the same with one representative Horsehay and Lightmoor ward remains the same also with two borough
councillors, the Parish Council remains the same with 8 parish councillors representing the three wards as now.
Where there are changes these will take place from 2015 election. Full report available. Noted.
c.TWC information about the process for interested parties to express and interest in running the green gym
programme. (partly based at Wood side allotments. ) noted.
d. Various press releases from IGMT re events. Noted.
e. Ironbridge Quarterly IGMT. Noted.
f. Telford Foodbank trustee board members recruitment. Noted.
g. TWC budget powerpoint presentation. Noted.
FC/2014/35: Any other business: (Only items advertised should be discussed and decided upon. Items
can be suggested for the next meeting).
FC/2014/36: Date of next meeting Tuesday Planning: Planning 4th March 2014 and Full Council
18th March 2014 at The Gorge Parish Council office Maws Craft Centre. The meeting was declared
closed at 9pm.
Code: Black
there may need to be some debate
For information
Black and highlighted some action required
6. 1 date for re opening of Church Hill. There is no date yet for the reopening there
are some structure issues.
 Waterloo Street car park street lights reported no update.
7d. The Parish Council currently has £4000.00 from Telford and Wrekin Council and the
Portas funds to spend on heritage based events that will interest both tourists and
IGMT are asking for help to fund the WHS festival next year and there is the Brass Band
festival. £2000 of the funds is unrestricted on how it is spent and £2000.00 that needs to be
spent on capital expenditure ie one offs and not running costs.
7e. Mr R Francis is retiring in May from his duties in Dale end Park. He has done many hours
of work outside normal working hours in Ironbridge and the park. The Parks and Open
spaces team are having a collection and they would like to plant a tree too. The Parish
Council has no power to contribute to the leaving present but could help buy a tree.
7g. The Shropshire County Pension fund is reviewed annually by an independent actuary.
Each year a letter is received informing each employer part of the scheme what
contributions it has to make and employees have to make. This year it has been
determined that in the next financial year the contribution made by the employer ie pc.
Needs to increase to 17.4% from 12.3% of employee annual salary. This is an increase of
£800.00. there is a deficit in the fund of £300.00 this can be paid over 3 years however to
save explanation for the next 3 years clerk would like to recommend the full amount is
paid in one sum in April 2014. First payment is not due to the next financial year. This
explanatiaon would have been provided at the time of budget decisions however the
decision was made earlier than I expected sorry. Because the pc is a member of the
pension fund there appears to be no choice but to pay.
7h. Sabine at Maws office is offering to organise a 3hr twitter cours at £50 plus vat min 6
people so far she only has one taker. The course will include writing press releases and
launching into social media. A local company called J &PR Ltd will be teaching the
7k.. Last month it was reported that a lady had fallen over on the path into Galleon park. This is a
path maintained by the rights of way team. When the parish council left STROWP we kept the
subscription within the budget to spend on rights of way projects. to date the budget of £9000 is still
there only £1000 has been spent todate. Below are the costs.
The path is 75 metres long approx, and I would suggest that a 1 metre width would be sufficient for
this route.
 The cost of excavating the material = £110.00 - £150.00
 I have presumed that the excavated material can be disposed of on site and that there is no cost
for this.
 Timber edging for 150 metres (both sides of the path) = £1 125.00
 Geotextile (if required) = £70.00
 Laying of stone sub-base and 40mm – dust surfacing stone = £1 500
 4 x sleeper type steps @ £60 per riser = £240.00
The total cost of improving the path as suggested by Mrs Vaughn (I know she didn’t mention the
surfacing work, but it really needs it if the steps are going to make any sense and to get rid of the
slippy bits in wet weather) would be approx £3 085.00.
7m. the current phone and broadband contract was due for renewal in Feb. after consulting
LSI Utilties the deal offered by One Bill was too good to better. From now on the contract for
two years is £24.95 a month for unlimited broadband and free calls and texts. (don’t text!).
8c. Clerk has received a reply from Mr M Barker (in Pack) however to date no reply to the
original invitation to discuss the matter. Clerk is still pursuing this.
8d. ENF/2012/0391 49 Wellington Road Coalbrookdale. This was about sheds in the garden.
It was decided an application was needed an incomplete one was submitted but after this
length of time it is now deemed not in the public interest to pursue this enforcement and
the case has been closed.
11h. An elderly resident of Waterloo Street has fallen and broken her shoulder. This has
already been replaced. She was advised by residnets to phone me at home! To obtain a
compensation form for the clothing that was cut from her by the ambulance service. Clerk
ahs reported the damaged pavement she tripped on, told her how to contact TWC and
promised to put a thank you in the next edition of the gorge gazette for all the people who
helped her.
16. Correspondence: a. Consider supporting Madeley Town Council’s event The Nine Men of Madeley(see
b. offer of running courses (see pack).
c. Shropshire Tourism request to promote our town in their days out brochure. (The gorge already in it
several times).
d. Electoral Review of Telford and Wrekin: Final Recommendations. In short the Ironbridge Gorge
ward remains the same with one representative Horsehay and Lightmoor ward remains the
same also with two borough councillors, the Parish Council remains the same with 8 parish
councillors representing the three wards as now. Where there are changes these will take
place from 2015 election. Full report available.
c.TWC information about the process for interested parties to express and interest in running the green
gym programme. (partly based at Wood side allotments. )
d. Various press releases from IGMT re events.
e. Ironbridge Quarterly IGMT.
f. Telford Foodbank trustee board members recruitment.
g. TWC budget powerpoint presentation.