


The Gorge Parish Council

Minutes for the Full Council meeting of The Gorge Parish Council held on Tuesday

15 th October 2013 in The Gorge Parish Council Office at 7pm

FC/2013/144:Public Session: new resident Chris Plumley a solicitor who works in the local government sector attend he is keen to help in any way he can. He is following the parish council on the website.

FC/2013/145: Apologies and Attendance: Apologies were accepted from Councillors Oldershaw and Hodge. Also from Borough Councillor Mollett. Present Councillors Bragg, Bennett, Hobson,

Bolingboke and Osmund-Smith.

FC/2013/146: Dispensations. None.

FC/2013/147: Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on Tuesday 17th September 2013 and planning Tuesday 1 st October 2013. After slight amendment the minutes of the full council meeting held on Tuesday 17 th September 2013 and planning meeting held on Tuesday 1 st October


FC/2013/148: Borough Councillors: Councillors D Davies, T Hope and C Mollett. Borough

Councillor Davies reported that he has been negotiating with TWC officers regarding some traffic issues and how they can be addressed . these include a new proposals to extend the 20mph limit a little way to also include some traffic calming. Clerk to put 20mph on agenda for November meeting.

FC/2013/149: Matters Arising : a. Various matters raised with Telford and Wrekin Council:

Wooden Road in need of repair. Repaired.

Kerbing by Malthouse Inn Missing. Not report it has been repaired.

Damaged Pavement Ironbridge High Street.

Area between Salthouse Road/Church Road Jackfield trees and scrub. Clerk talking to HCA.

Wall against path to Woodside leaning.

Damage Path The Wynd. (could be one for the Roadmen).

Fly tipping by Woodside allotments.

Tree in Coalport. No response to date. b. Remote back up update. Cloud has been installed.

FC/2013/150: Financial: a. Invoices to pay: a. It was RESOLVED to pay the following invoices:

Tn no Cheque Gross Vat Net Invoice date Details Cheque


82 741




15/10/13 Mrs J Madeley - salary


83 742 £239.26

84 743 £189.03





15/10/13 Shropshire Council - Pension

15/10/13 Inland Revenue - Tax and PAYE



85 744 £330.00

86 745 £360.00

87 746 £354.00

88 Oct13 £42.41

89 747















Consider Grant to Wellington Cottage Care .






A & B Landscaping - Roadmen

Mazars - external audit

15/10/13 Lyreco - newsletter stamps

15/10/13 Society of Local Council Clerks - national


One Bill - Telephone and Broadband






38 c.

Consider Grant to Jackfield Village Hall. It was RESOLVED to grant £250.00 d. Consider Grant to Jackfield Residents Association. Defer until new financial year. e. Consider Grant top Gorge Gardening Group. It was RESOLVED to grant f. Upgrade to website. Defer until next financial year clerk to find out costs of individual email addresses. Clerk to get a quote. g. Approve External audit and receive comments. It was RESOLVED to accept the external audit noting the minor comments. h. Lease for office confirmed. Noted.

FC/2013/151: Planning: a. New Applications: a 1 2013/0747 Mr P Langley, 33 Hodge

Bower, Ironbridge. Replacement of two front windows.

Full Planning.

The Gorge Parish Council has no comment to make on this application.

2 2013/0791 Mr A Connah and Ms K Petty, 52 Paradise, Coalbrookdale.

Replacement double glazed wooden windows to front elevation. Full planning.The Gorge Parish Council has no comment on this application.

3 2013/0799 Mr J Hughes, Land Adj 39 High Street, Coalport.

Display of 3 externally illuminated fascia signs. Advertisement.The Gorge Parish Council has the following objections to this application: 1. The lights are inappropriate for this part of The Gorge. Other properties in The Gorge have been refused permission to use this type on lighting. 2. The design sticking out into the road would mean the lights would be vunerable to damage from high sided vehicles. 3. Local residents are concerned the lights will shine into their properties.

4 2013/0800 Mr J Hughes, Land Adj 39 High Street, Coalport. Change of use of storage unit

(Unit class B8) to vehicle repair unit (use class B1). Full planning. The Gorge Parish Council understands the applicant currently has no right of access to the back of the property. this will mean access will be directly off the road which will be unsuitable. 2. The use of upvc windows will let light into the property but will also allow lighting to shine out into neighbouring properties. 3. There is a flow of water through the barn from the brook at the back at times of flood. there is no mention in the application about how this will be addressed to ensure the water is not polluted.

5 2013/0804 D & N Calabrese, Propsect House, 36 HodgeBower, Ironbridge. Erection of a two storey and single storey side extension. Full planning.

The Gorge Parish Council has the following objections to this application: 1. There is no stability report or coal board report within the application.

This area of Hodge Bower is within zone 3 of the hi point rendal report and requires such reports. 2.

There is no information about how the issue of instability will be addressed within the application. the architect refers to there being no need for such information. this is not what the parish council understands the situation to be. if it is possible The Geotech team should be consulted on this application in an areas where land slip has already occurred. 3. The existing buildings have walls against the Hodgebower Spur. there is no information on how the two storey extension will be built to ensure the road is not cut off. 4. There is no information about how the foundations will be built to address the stability issues.

b. Decisions See list of decisions. It was RESOLVED to make the following comments. The full list of conditions for the first two applications are available on line.

1 2013/0483 Miss H Holmes, Merry Thought Village, The Wharfage, Ironbridge

Change of use from existing mixed us unit ( Ues Classes B1, B8 and A1 to a food store (use Class A1) with associated landscaping and car parking.

Full planning.



Comments:The Gorge Parish Council supports the development of a supermarket in principle. However the parish council would like to make the following comments. Would it be possible if any planning obligation contribution could be used to improve traffic management in this part of The Gorge, support bus services and support an after school club and breakfast club at the school. The Merrythought site is subject to flooding (noted in the application). There is no indication within the application of expected times of deliveries. The Parish Council would like to suggest a condition restricting times of delivery to ensure local residents are not disturbed at unsocial able hours.


15/10/13 Full Planning


2 2013/0484 Miss H Holmes, Merrythought Village, The Wharfage, Ironbridge.Demolition of existing timber framed office block.

Conservation area.


24/07/13 The Gorge Parish

Council has no comment to make on this application.


15/10/13 Conservation Area



3 2013/0666 Mr D Griffiths, 2 The Square, Ironbridge. Erection of replacement conservatory.Listed

Building Comment


The Gorge Parish Council has no objection to the application in principle.

However any skip that may be required for the work should be positioned where it cannot prevent use of the public car park in The Square. Any damage to Church steps should made good using materials to match existing. Access to Church Steps should be maintained at all times.


15/10/13 Listed Building Consent.

4 2013/0706 2 The Square Ironbridge.

Erection of replacement conservatory.

Full Planning.


04/09/13 The Gorge Parish Council has no objection to the application in principle.

However any skip that may be required for the work should be positioned where it cannot prevent use of the public car park in The Square. Any damage to Church steps should made good using materials to match existing. Access to Church Steps should be maintained at all times.


15/10/13 Full planning permission.

c. Planning application TWC/ 2013/0215 update. This application has been green carded.

d. TWC/2013/0618 due to be considered at plans board on 16 th

October and at Shropshire

Council 8 th

October. Noted.

e. Any other planning matters.

FC/2013/152: Parish Plan update. Clerk presented an updated action plan showing which actions have been completed. Clerk to add to the agenda for November meeting to consider completing a follow up and to consider a neighbourhood plan.

FC/2013/153: Committees and working parties reports: a. Twitter account. Clerk to meet

Councillor Bolingbroke Tuesday 22 nd

October to discuss and a recommendation will be bought to the November meeting. b.

Emergency plan. Clerk to invite relevant Telford and Wrekin officer to the next meeting.. c.

Risk Assessment. Clerk presented an amended version to the parish council. Councillor

Bolingbroke agreed to review.

FC/2013/154: Environmental and highways issues. a.

Report from last litter pick. The litter pick was a big success and enjoyed by the 10 residents who took part. b.

Roadmen works. They continue to work on the paths and roads identified.


Nature Walks Leaflet . Clerk has a quote from printers for the wildlife booklet. 1000 booklets

£450 and 2000 £565. Need to make a decision. Funds available in Environmental budget. It was RESOLVED to print 2000. Clerk to arrange. d.

Sweyney Bridge . the bridge will be closed for 5 nights during the fortnight beginning 21 st

October for resurfacing work. e.

CCTV a report. . Clerk has been investigating CCTV Systems. Various responses from fellow clerks. Jist being if you put a system in you have to decide if it is going to record and use if needed or have the system connected to a monitoring centre. Two companies have expressed an interesting quoting. Companies used by other parish councils. Paul Fenn TWC

Community Safety suggests a meeting with Police crime risk advisor. He can arrange this.

There is guidance in the public realm document. There may be a need for planning application.

So far I have established there are various systems available. So far I have no costings until the

Parish Council decides if they want to go further but there are ways forward. Parish Council need to decide if they wish to proceed with a feasibility . It was RESOLVED to arrange a meeting with the Police crime risk advisor to assess the need for a system in Ironbridge. Clerk to arrange. f.

WW1 poppy seeds scheme. It was RESOLVED to take up Telford and Wrekin’s suggestion of a field of flowers including poppies for the centre of Ironbridge. Clerk to arrange. g.

Rough Park. Madeley town Council are keen to discuss working together to protect Rough

Park. h.

Safety of children walking to school. A resident has emailed with concerns about speeding traffic on Lincoln Hill. She has asked if a barrier system could be installed. Clerk to add to the traffic meeting. She also had concerns about abuse by drivers of the zebra crossing on


Buildwas Road . clerk gave advise about ringing the police with car numbers when this happens. i.

Dip in the Lodge Field. The dip that has appeared on The Lodge Field is as a result of an unrecorded mine moving. It has been fenced off and the Coalboard, who are responsible are monitoring, are monitoring. j.

traffic meeting 31 st

October. The meeting will go ahead. k.

Telford Energy services. Noted.

FC/2013/155: Land Stability project. The Jackfield project now has planning permission from Shropshire Council who have also delegated all powers to Telford and Wrekin Council .

The next major works will be felling of trees in December. There needs to be a stake holder group set up and the Parish Council will be invited to arrange this. More information to follow.

FC/2013/156: Reports: (written and for information) a. Coalbrookdale.

b. Coalport. c. Jackfield.

d. Ironbridge. e. Lightmoor.

No reports received .

FC/2013/157:. Reports from groups and organisations the parish council is represented on.

a. Woodside Allotments. Councillor Hobson attended the meeting. b.

Ironbridge Temporary Flood Defences Action Plan. Clerk attended a meeting and has a copy of the draft new plan .


Bus users group issues with new provision for bus stops. Noted.

FC/2013/158: Christmas Lights report from meeting. Telford and Wrekin Council will not be arranging the road closure. There will be a market after all. It was RESOLVED clerk would arrange the road closure with costs coming from projects budget. Clerk toarrange.

FC/2013/159: Correspondence: a . Complaint about a bus parked in centre of Ironbridge. Noted.

b. TWC Small Business Saturday 7 th

Dec. Info. Noted.

c. Parish Charter Monitoring Group minutes. Noted.

d. Telford and Wrekin Bus user group minutes. Noted.

e. Letter from Rt Hon D FosterMP DCLG . It was RESOLVED clerk would write to minister supporting the Telford and Wrekin Campagin.

f. Comments about various issues after the Festival. Via website from a resident of

Coalbrookdale. Noted.

g. Thank you letter from Ironbridge Gorge walking Festival. Noted.

h. Letter to Health Minister regarding a & e in Telford and Wrekin and Shropshire. Noted.

i. Invitation to Telford and The Wrekin CAB Annual General Meeting and Public meeting. 23 rd

October. Noted.

j. Invitation to Telford and Wrekin Council Civic Carol Service.2


December. Ticket only.


k. Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin Launch 2th October. Invitation 9.45-1pm. Noted.

l. Letter re the Building schools for the future programme. Noted.

FC/2013/160:Any other business: (Only items advertised should be discussed and decided upon. Items can be suggested for the next meeting).

FC/2013/161:. Date of next meeting Tuesday Planning: Planning 5 th

November 2013 and

Full Council 19 th

November 2013 at The Gorge Parish Council office Maws Craft Centre.

The meeting was declared closed at 9.10pm.
