click for SHOW GUIDE - American Crystallographic Association

Booth #500,502
Agilent has more than 20 years of experience designing and manufacturing single-crystal X-ray diffraction systems for
both small molecule and protein crystallography. From the inventors of dual-source technology, Agilent continues to
lead the way with the latest micro-focus SuperNova dual-source diffractometer. Like all Agilent systems, the SuperNova
comes complete with powerful CrysAlisPro software (with free updates for all our users). Agilent’s latest diffractometer,
the GV1000, is designed with Gradient Vacuum technology; affording Agilent’s brightest ever X-ray source for the most
challenging samples in structural biology and chemical crystallography. See the GV1000 at Agilent’s booth # 500/ 502
Anton Paar
Booth #504
Founded in 1922, Anton Paar has 1400 employees worldwide, providing a dense customer support network. The
company is market leader for non-ambient attachments for X-ray diffraction and a major supplier of small-angle X-ray
scattering (SAXS) equipment. Anton Paar offers the most comprehensive range of sample stages for non-ambient XRD
for almost all types of diffractometers, covering the temperature range from -190 to 2300 °C and various atmospheric
conditions. The SAXSpace instrument is the most versatile small-and-wide-angle X-ray scattering set-up on the market,
featuring transmission and reflection geometry, point and line-collimation mode, automated sample handling and
software packages for routine data analysis.
Area Detector Systems Corporation (ADSC)
Booth #209, 211
Area Detector Systems Corporation (ADSC) founded in 1983 by Scientists serving the Synchrotron community, has
designed, developed, and manufactured to-date a total of 84 advanced CCD Detector Systems for protein
crystallography applications and installed them worldwide. These CCD Systems have set a high quality performance
standard with several systems continually operating for over ten years without flaw. This same standard is now being
applied to the next generation of Pixel Array Detector Systems (PAD) as the company has developed and is now
manufacturing these advanced technology systems for various applications. Come to our exhibit and see this latest
available X-ray Detector Technology.
Art Robbins Instruments
Booth #301,303
New from ARI: SCORPION – a single channel positive displacement pipettor for designing optimization screens and
plates, as well as, deep well screen blocks using 15ml and 50ml source tubes. New Application for the CRYSTAL PHOENIX
- Set up NMR blocks equipped with 75mm capillary tubes. Both are innovative additions to ARI’s Crystal Phoenix, Crystal
Gryphon LCP, Gryphon LCP, LCP Mixer, CrysCam Imaging System, and the INTELLI-PLATE® line of crystallization assay
Avantium Pharmatech B.V.
Booth #513
Avantium Crystallization Systems is a leading provider of instrumentation for solid state research within the
pharmaceutical, chemical and biotech industries. The recently launched CrystalBreeder is a screening device for
medium-throughout crystallization studies capable of running 32 crystallization experiments in parallel at a 0.2-ml scale.
This screening tool allows your chemists to quickly understand the effect of multiple crystallization modes, solvents and
counterions on your crystallization with in-situ turbidity probes.
Blake Industries, Inc.
Booth #304
Blake Industries is the leader in supplying high precision x-ray and neutron instrumentation to research laboratories,
universities and synchrotron beam lines worldwide. We are the exclusive distributors for Huber instruments in the
United States, Mexico and Canada with multiple installations at all the North American Synchrotrons and have been
supplying x-ray users for over 40 years.
Bruker AXS
Booth #200,202,201,203
Provider of advanced X-ray solutions in life sciences, chemical and materials science. The D8 VENTURE and D8 QUEST
solutions for structural biology and chemical crystallography feature the cutting edge PHOTON 100 CMOS detector.
Systems include state of the art rotating anode generators and IuS microfocus sources with low maintenance and high
brilliance for Mo, Ag or Cu. Our industry-leading systems provide highest sensitivity for micro crystals and weak
diffractors, with powerful crystallographic software. Stop by booth #200-203 to see our latest single and dual source
systems as well as our award-winning SMART X2S.
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
Booth #111
The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) is a leading provider of structural databases and informatics
applications for pharmaceutical discovery, materials development, research and education. At the heart of our
operations is the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), the world's repository of small molecule crystal structures. We
compile and distribute the CSD as well as associated tools for searching, analysing and visualising the valuable
information contained in over 650,000 experimentally determined crystal structures. In addition we distribute related
applications software including GOLD, Relibase+, SuperStar and DASH.
Booth #100
The Collaborative Computational Project No. 4 (CCP4) provides software for macromolecular structure determination by
X-ray crystallography with is widely used by commercial organisations and academic institutions around the world. CCP4
staff will be available to discuss any aspect of the project, including the latest release (6.3.0), the COOT and CCP4MG
molecular graphics packages, and data-processing with MOSFLM and iMOSFLM. Other highlights in the latest release
include refmac5.7 for refinement, aimless for data scaling, and phaser 2.5 for molecular replacement, along with new
pipelines ample and dimple.
Croatian Association of Crystallographers
Booth #102
Dectris Ltd.
Booth #300,302
DECTRIS successfully develops and manufactures Hybrid Pixel Detectors that are far superior to conventional X-ray
detectors. The main advantages are high dynamic range, short readout time and excellent signal-to-noise ratio, enabling
best possible data at shortest acquisition times. At this year's ACA Meeting, we are highlighting our new series of
PILATUS detectors for laboratory applications. Curious how to take advantage of PILATUS in your laboratory? Meet us at
our booth and do not miss our lunchtime seminar on Monday with news and information on PILATUS3, DECTRIS Specific
Solutions and EIGER.
Excillum AB
Booth #205
Excillum will display the MetalJet X-ray tube, the world’s brightest X-ray tube, based on the liquid-metal-jet anode
technology. The MetalJet tube is available in diffraction systems from Bruker or directly from Excillum as a standalone
tube for your custom diffraction system. We are also happy to discuss possibilities to upgrade your existing diffraction
system to a MetalJet tube.
FIZ Karlsruhe GmbH
Booth #104
FIZ Karlsruhe provides the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD) - the world’s largest database of fully evaluated
and published crystal structure data. Science and industry are offered high-quality records that will provide a basis for
studies in materials science. ICSD contains more than 160,000 crystal structures of inorganic substances published since
1913. Metals were included in ICSD several years ago when the former distinction between inorganic compounds and
metals was found to be inconvenient. The metal structures were recorded retroactively in cooperation with the National
Institute for Science and Technology. FIZ Karlsruhe is a leading international provider of scientific information and
services, among them high-quality sci-tech research and patent information, information portals for scientific
communities, and innovative e-Science solutions.
Booth #508,510
Second Order Non-linear Imaging of Chiral Crystals (SONICC) is an exciting new protein detection tool that uses pulsed
lasers to exploit the intrinsic frequency-doubling property found in protein crystals to produce high-contrast images.
Our upgraded UV imaging systems can distinguish between protein and salt crystals with short exposure times and now
with improved image quality. Rock Maker 2.0 is a powerful, yet easy to use software solution that automates the entire
protein crystallization process. Formulator is a next-generation liquid handler that uses patent-pending microfluidic
technology to dispense reagents up to ten times faster than traditional liquid handlers.
Booth #106
ICDD’s material identification databases are designed for rapid materials identification and interfaced with
diffractometers and data analysis systems of the world’s leading software developers and manufacturers of X-ray
equipment. The File is available in PDF-2 Release 2012 (250,182 entries); PDF-4+ 2012 (328,660 entries) featuring
digitized patterns, molecular graphics and atomic parameters; PDF-4/Minerals 2012 (39,410 entries); and PDF4/Organics 2013 (471,257 entries). ICDD promotes the application of materials characterization methods by sponsoring
the Denver X-ray Conference; its proceedings, Advances in X-ray Analysis and the journal, Powder Diffraction.
Booth #110
Incoatec GmbH
Booth #204
Incoatec manufactures Multilayer Optics for diffractometers and synchrotrons and the Microfocus Source IµS, which is
available in different configurations for crystallography and small-angle scattering. The IµS combines the superb
performance exceeding that of many rotating anodes with the easy handling of sealed tubes. It is available with Cu, Mo
or Ag radiation. Its beam is focused or collimated with a size in the range of 50...500µm. New are our SCATEX pinholes.
Initially, they were developed for SAXS instruments and are available now for synchrotrons, too. SCATEX prevents
parasitic scattering at pinhole edges leading to better performance and more compact instruments.
International Union of Crystallography
Booth #108
Exciting developments are taking place within the IUCr Journals, including the imminent arrival of IUCrJ, an open-access
high-profile journal ( whose first issue will coincide with the beginning of the International Year of
Crystallography in 2014. IUCrJ will publish influential articles on all aspects of the sciences and technologies supported
by the IUCr via its commissionss, including emerging fields where structural results underpin the science reported in the
article. Visit the IUCr booth to find out more and at the same time pick up a free copy of the recent Bragg Centennial
special issue of Acta A (while stocks last), an IYCr2014 poster for your lab, the latest IUCr Newsletter and information
about the 2014 IUCr Congress in Montreal
JAN Scientific, Inc.
Booth #310
JANSi UVEX is a very sensitive transmission/UV fluorescence stand-alone imaging station. In UV fluorescence images,
protein crystals, protein microcrystals and crystal-like protein objects stand out from non-protein crystals and
background protein precipitate. An optional UV absorbance module allows the detection of nucleic acid crystals or
protein crystals whose fluorescence is quenched. JANSi UVEX is compact, lightweight, cost effective and is easy to
operate. It also can be integrated with plate hotels for high-throughput applications. JANSi VISEX is a compact imager
that can be integrated in synchrotron beamlimes for crystal centering.
Booth #208
Move liquids with sound. The Echo® acoustic liquid handler moves nanoliter volumes of crystallography fluids with ultrahigh precision, including proteins, microcrystals, and viscous screening reagents. The acoustic technology allows easy
miniaturization of crystallization protocols. Stop by the booth to learn about the Echo and Access system for protein
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory - Advanced Light Source
Booth #109
Come to our booth and learn about the ALS scientific program and the outstanding capabilities of its beamlines—you
will even have the opportunity to do a test-run on a beamline by remote access! Located above the UC Berkeley
campus, the ALS is the destination for over five hundred structural biologists every year, with its world-class beamlines
available for protein and chemical crystallography, SAXS on solution samples, and x-ray tomography of whole cells. In
addition, chemists, geologists, and materials scientists have performed photo excited-state crystallography, highpressure experiments mimicking down to the core-mantle boundary, and Laue micro diffraction exploring stress and
strain. Many of the MX beamlines have undergone recent optics and endstation upgrades, producing higher flux and
smaller spot sizes than ever before. Endstations include advanced features such as user-adjustable variable collimators,
outstanding inline sample viewing, large format detectors, highly automated sample mounting, stream-lined data
collection and processing, and remote control capability. The beamline staff are known for their dedication to helping
users and their friendly "can-do" attitude.
Lyncean Technologies
Booth #312
Lyncean Technologies, Inc. offers a new laboratory-scale, state-of-the-art, miniature synchrotron and associated end
stations. For biomedical research, the Compact Light Source (CLS) performs Differential Phase Contrast Imaging with its
native beam together with grating interferometer system. For diffraction applications, the Compact X-ray Station (CXS)
can be added to deliver focused beams over a range of continuously-tunable X-ray energies suitable for macromolecular
crystallography and powder diffraction. A new high-performance SAXS/WAXS beamline is under development for
biological and semiconductor metrology applications.
MacCHESS/Cornell University
Booth #103
MacCHESS ("Macromolecular diffraction facility at CHESS") is an NIH funded facility at the Cornell High Energy
Synchrotron Source. It operates 3 dedicated beamlines and also provides support for some users of other CHESS
stations. In addition to supporting experiments in macromolecular crystallography and BioSAXS, MacCHESS conducts
research in microcrystallography, high pressure cryocooling, BioSAXS development, and macromolecular dynamics. A1, a
bright monochromatic beamline, is suitable for general crystallography and SAD (single-wavelength anomalous
diffraction) experiments containing selenium. F1 beamline, with its well-collimated monochromatic beam and large area
detector, is well suited for large complexes (including viruses). Tuned just above the bromine absorption edge, it can
also yield excellent SAD data when bromide is present. F2 station is configured for BioSAXS and features highly
developed sample-handling hardware as well as excellent control and processing software. G1, a high-flux multilayer
station shared with CHESS, is also available for BioSAXS on a part-time basis. F3 station, equipped with narrow
bandwidth multilayer optics, operates from 5.9 to 15.4 keV and is suitable for SAD phasing using elements with edges in
this range. Robotic sample loading is available at both crystallography (F1, A1) and BioSAXS (F2 and G1) stations.
Microbeam with a focal spot size of 18-20 microns and a 10 fold increase in beam intensity is available at all beamlines
upon request. Easy access to beamtime is through a one-page online express-mode form:
Microlytic North America
Booth #509
Microlytic is a provider of products for the structural biology marketplace. Our mission is to provide a portfolio of
innovative products that simplify the workflow, increase productivity and offer an attractive economic value proposition
to our customers. Microlytic develops innovative technology to help solve the major problems in structural biology. We
develop microfluidic chips to let users grow crystals large enough to be used immediately for X-ray diffraction, plus give
users direct access to the crystals themselves. The Crystal Former system represents the first microfluidic platform to
allow users to go from crystallization screen to structure in one chip.
Mitegen, LLC
Booth #409,411,413
MiTeGen designs, manufactures and distributes a full range of products for the expression, crystallization, and X-ray
diffraction of proteins and small molecule/inorganic compounds. In addition to MiTeGen's core innovative crystal
mounting products, we now offer an expanded selection of crystallization tools from the industry's leading
manufacturers. These tools include state-of-the-art crystallization plates and screens, as well as Uni-pucks, cassettes,
and all of the other equipment needed to optimally prepare your samples for routine crystallography or high-throughput
screening and data collection.
Molecular Dimensions Inc
Booth #501
Molecular Dimensions is celebrating 15 years of dedication to supplying ground breaking products for Protein
Crystallography. We specialize in market- leading academically developed supplies for protein crystal growth, including
pioneering screening kits, the highest quality crystallization plates, and novel automated solutions. Our aim is and has
always been, to deliver the optimum materials and products needed for success in biomolecular structure quickly and
efficiently. So don't hesitate to call by booth 501 to see what's new and maybe win something along the way. Molecular
Dimensions - the choice for the very best in protein crystallization.
Booth #405
NatX-ray specializes in the development, manufacturing and sale of the automated X-ray crystallography system G-Rob
TM. NatX-ray also distributes consumable products such as phasing compounds, crystallization plates and other
crystallography products for laboratories and synchrotrons, in partnership with Greiner BioOne, Molecular Dimensions
Inc., Mitegen LLC and Crystal Positioning Systems, Inc. NatX-ray LLC (located in San Diego, California) is the exclusive
distributor for the US, Canada and Mexico of the Greiner Bio-One CrystalQuick X TM plate, a 96 well plate especially
developed for in situ screening. Featuring: posters, flyers and other commercial support; consumable samples and video
on PCs
Oxford Cryosystems Inc.
Booth #505
Oxford Cryosystems is a market-leading manufacturer of specialist scientific instrumentation and software. The origins
of the company lie in the design and manufacture of the original Cryostream Cooler in 1985, which immediately became
the system of choice for cooling samples in X-ray diffraction experiments. The range of products for use in sample
cooling has now expanded to include liquid-free systems such as our Cobra, helium coolers and specially adapted
systems for use with powder samples. Today the company is considered to be the global market leader in X-ray
diffraction sample cooling. In addition, our software brand, Crystallographica, offers both free software for
crystallography teaching as well as one of the best-known search-match programs, Crystallographica Search Match.
Booth #311,313,410,412
Rayonix, LLC is the leading developer of innovative X-ray detector technologies.The Rayonix frame-transfer CCD,
facilitates data collection at up to 140 frames/second. These HS (High-Speed) X-ray detectors have no count rate
limitation. New detector designs, including the MX170-HS with a center hole, allow the direct beam to pass through, for
simultaneous SAXS/WAXS data collection. Only Rayonix has the technology to bond back-thinned/back-illuminated CCD
chips to fiber-optic tapers for the higher electro-optical gain, large-format mosaic HE X-ray detectors. The Rayonix SX165
is widely accepted as the highest quality single-CCD X-ray detector available. Talk to us for custom versions of our
detectors for specific needs.
Booth #101
< &>
The RCSB PDB ( and the PSI Structural Biology Knowledgebase ( are resources for researchers
and students studying the biological macromolecules and their relationships to sequence, function, and disease. RCSB
PDB provides access to experimentally-determined proteins and nucleic acids structures, while the PSI SBKB is a portal to
structures, models, methods and more.
Rigaku Americas
Booth #400,402,401,403
Rigaku instruments lead the way for understanding the structure of matter in the fields of biology, chemistry and
material science. Dedicated to supplying instruments for the structural biology and chemistry communities, Rigaku
drives discoveries that increase our understanding of the universe at a molecular level. Products include instrumentation
and software for macromolecular and chemical crystallography, crystallization automation and biological solution
scattering. Rigaku supports its products with expertly trained engineers and scientists who are dedicated to providing
high-quality service through personal accountability and professional commitment to our customers. For more
information on Rigaku products, please visit
Southeast Regional Collaborative Access Team (SER-CAT)
Booth #105
SER-CAT, a consortium consisting of 22 member institutions, began in 1997 to provide third generation x-ray capabilities
to macromolecular crystallographers and structural biologists in the southeastern United States. SER-CAT’s consortium
operates an ID and BM beamline, with automated and mail-in capabilities for remote access, and is located at Sector 22
of the Advanced Photon Source of the Argonne National Laboratory. General Users are accepted at SER-CAT by
application through the APS. Full and associate institutional memberships are also available for more dedicated and
expanded access capabilities. Additional information regarding SER-CAT may be obtained by visiting or
by calling 706-542-3384.
STOE & Cie GmbH
Booth #307
STOE & Cie GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany is a manufacturer of equipment and highly efficient control and evaluation
software for crystallographers for more than 120 years. Our recent products are the new STOE STADI VARI PILATUS
single crystal diffractometer and the STADI MP with the Dectris MYTHEN 1K detector for powder work.
TA Instruments
Booth #308
More worldwide customers choose TA Instruments as their preferred microcalorimetry supplier. Our innovative
microcalorimeter product line includes the Nano ITC Standard & Low Volume, the Nano DSC with automation, TAM III
and Multi Cell DSC. TA Instruments is uniquely qualified to meet customer needs for ultrasensitive microcalorimetry
analysis of proteins, and provide high technology microcalorimeters, combined with our excellent training and customer
TTP LabTech Ltd.
Booth #404,406
TP Labtech has been offering leading products for protein crystallization for the last 10 years. TTP Labtech’s mosquito is
the protein crystallographer’s favourite liquid handler. It reliably gives a perfect drop, every time while making protein
samples go further. TTP Labtech’s mosquito Crystal makes protein crystallization screening faster, more cost-effective
and quite simply easier than ever before. TTP Labtech’s mosquito LCP fully automates LCP set-up accurately and
repeatedly by dispensing the highly viscous LCP mixture and quickly covering with precipitant. TTP Labtech’s dragonfly,
the recently developed screen optimizer, is a liquid handler for simple, fast and accurate screen optimization, it has
extremely low dead volume and can handle all types of liquids regardless of viscosity. Come by our booth to see the full
range of liquid handlers for protein crystallographers.
Booth #305
Xenocs, distributed in the US by Mosaic Distribution LLC, supplies advanced solutions for nanomaterials studies such as
the Xeuss system, a high performance SAXS equipment integrating state of the art detectors and our high brilliance
GeniX 3D source, coupled to our latest generation of scatterless collimation for maximized useful flux on the sample and
ultimate set-up resolution. Xenocs also has a large experience in supplying advanced X-ray optics, collimation and
sources to upgrade XRD and single crystal diffraction equipments. At ACA we will in particular present new BioSAXS
experiments achieved with our Xeuss equipment.