Tests on the discipline of Biology 1. The science that studies the function of organisms, called a) Ecology b) Morphology c) Anatomy d) Physiology 2. The essence of the cell theory accurately reflected in the position a) all the cells of a multicellular organism have the same function b) all the cells of a multicellular organism are identical in structure c) All organisms are composed of cells d) occur in the body cells from the intercellular substance 3. The main chemical compounds that define the personality of the body, yavlyayutcya a) water and mineral salts b) fats and carbohydrates c) compounds of sulfur, phosphorus d) nucleic acids and proteins 4. An example of asexual reproduction - is a) parthenogenesis in bees b) Development of plants from seed c) The formation of gametes in birds d) reproduction by budding hydra 5. The figure shows a) Mucor b) Streptococcus c) bacteriophage d) Dispute moss 6. mesoderm no embryos a) Frogs b) Earthworms c) Turtles d) Hydra 7. The method of twin studies carried out by a) crossbreeding b) Research ancestry c) observations of objects of study d) artificial mutagenesis 8. Among the plants produced by crossing individuals with pink flowers, plants were 25% with the red color of the flower, rose 50% and 25% white. This example a) linked inheritance b) incomplete dominance c) Test cross d) crossing poligibridnogo 9. Which of these animals can transmit to posterity the mutation occurred in the cells of the tissue cover? a) The Fox b) Mouse c) Hydra d) Starling 10. A common feature of all the cells of bacteria, plants, fungi and animals is the ability to a) metabolism b) meiosis c) movement d) contractility 11. monocots is a) cabbage b) potatoes c) corn d) gooseberries 12. Seeds breeds a) kelp b) horsetail c) moss Kukushkin flax d) Spruce 13. The malaria parasite is transferred a) mites b) flies c) mosquitoes d) the simplest 14. The most common mammalian adaptation to life in the non-permanent environments is the ability to a) seasonal shedding b) protection of offspring c) regulators d) high fertility 15. Bile is produced in a) the gallbladder b) the duodenum c) liver d) pancreas 16. The fastest of these cells in the adult share a) erythrocytes b) muscle cells c) neural cells d) bone marrow cells 17. The human body uses for its existence, mainly energy a) thermal b) chemical c) light d) mechanical 18. It is conditioned reflexes a) molting snake b) a mole digging underground tunnels c) feeding calves milk d) a dog barking at the team "voice" 19. The figure shows the organ of hearing person. What number is designated department, to the loss of elasticity that are too loud noises? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 20. The brown bear and the spectacled bear scientists consider different types because a) they differ in appearance b) They live in different territories c) between them there is reproductive isolation d) They eat different food 21. Under the action of natural selection mainly organisms survive and reproduce a) the strongest b) more adapted to the conditions c) the most intricate d) the most prolific 22. mimicry in animals observed similarity a) genotypes b) phenotypes c) fertility d) dietary habits 23. Among living animals on Earth chimpanzees find the closest relative of man, as evidenced in the first place a) the similarity of their genomes b) the similarity in the structure of the tRNA c) belonging to the same class d) the structure of mitochondria 24. The decomposition of organic matter in the ecosystem decomposers are factors a) abiotic b) biotic c) anthropogenic d) limiting 25. An example of competition organisms can serve relations a) dodder with other plants b) colza and cultivated plants in a wheat field c) nodule bacteria with the roots of legumes d) fungus Ganoderma and birch