SOUTHEAST DISTRICT E-NEWS JUNE 10, 2015 Rev. Dawn Taylor-Storm, Southeast District Superintendent Rev. Lin George, Southeast District Resource Assistant 60 West Boot Road, West Chester, PA 19380 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Phone: 610.436.4277 Fax: 610.431.4715 Editorial Policy: The E-News will be published bi-monthly on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. The E-News will include messages from this office, informational announcements and dates of interest related to the District and the Conference, prayer requests and celebrations of ministry. Local events of churches will not be published unless they are of obvious interest to clergy. Please contact local churches directly if you wish to publicize an event in their bulletins or newsletters. If you wish to have an item considered for inclusion please email it in the text of an email or in a Word document by the second or fourth Tuesday at noon. The E-News is our first line of communication with Clergy. It is sent to all Southeast District Active and Retired Clergy and to the Southeast District Lay Leaders , Church Lay Leaders, and Lay Members/Equalizing Members . Please feel free to forward it to laity from your church or to your church office. Feel free to copy and paste material for inclusion in your bulletins and newsletters. Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 1 INDEX ACTION ITEM LIST CALENDAR NEW IN THIS ISSUE PRAYER REQUESTS – includes Death Notices Previously Announced: DISTRICT ANNOUNCEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS EPA CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENTS SOUTHEAST DISTRICT MISSION CONNEXIONS SOUTHEAST DISTRICT LAY LEADERS SOUTHEAST DISTRICT MISSION CONNEXION FACILITATORS SOUTHEAST DISTRICT COORDINATORS 2016 GENERAL CONFERENCE RELATED INFO 2016 NORTHEASTERN JURISDICTIONAL CONFERENCE RELATED INFO ACTION ITEM LIST (These items require your action in response to deadlines and/or RSVP’s to the District Office. Please be sure to read complete details and instructions in the articles in this E-News.) PASTORAL INTERVIEWS Pastoral Interviews have been scheduled for appointed clergy. The NEW Clergy Profile for 2015 is attached to this E-News. Only the New 2015 Clergy Profile will be accepted. Profiles are due in the District Office two weeks before your interview. They must be emailed as an attachment. Be sure to bring CEU certificates and your latest clearances to your interview. Licensed Local Pastors – bring your license for signing. Save the Date! SOUTHEAST DISTRICT CLERGY EVENT Sept. 21, 2015 Full Day Retreat All Appointed Clergy please plan your schedule so that you are able to attend this event. Watch for more info and registration. Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 2 CALENDAR Events that require clergy attendance or have a high expectation of clergy participation or events that clergy are expected to publicize to their congregations for the good of the church will be included in this calendar. Dates related to the function of the District Office will also be noted. 2015 July 18 United Methodist Night at the Phillies July 21 Level 1 (Basic) Sexual Ethics Aug. 14-16 Laity Academy Sept. 9-12 Laity Retreat Sept. 21 Southeast District Clergy Retreat Sept. 25 Shame-Less Lives, Grace-Full Congregations Oct. 8 Bishop’s Day on Southeast District Oct. 24 Level 1 (Basic) Sexual Ethics Nov. 7 Planting the Seeds Sexual Infidelity Among Clergy Members: Understanding Risk Factors And Prevention From An Attachment Framework Nov. 17 2016 May 10-20 2016 General Conference in Portland, Oregon July 10-15 2016 Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference in Lancaster, PA 2020 May 5-15 General Conference Minneapolis Convention Center Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 3 NEW IN THIS ISSUE PEDIATRIC UNIT IN MPASA, CONGO! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU SOUTHEAST DISTRICT! We exceeded our goal of $50,000! The Southeast District has raised $60,000 for Phase I. Watch for exciting information about Phase II. You may enjoy visiting the Congo Partnership website to see where the clinic will be built. You can watch a video and find other information about the Congo Partnership at: MESSAGE FROM DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT TAYLOR-STORM Dear Friends, Rev. David Eckert serves Drexel Hill UMC. Just as many of you have, he inspires me with his strength and determination. Please read his story and prayerfully consider sharing it with others. I pray that through our connection, a donor will be found. Together in Ministry, Dawn Taylor-Storm Southeast District Superintendent David Eckert is pastor of Drexel Hill United Methodist Church in Upper Darby, PA. He is married to Amy and they have two sons, Noel and Jonah. Before serving Drexel Hill, David served Conshohocken UMC and First UMC of Germantown as Associate Pastor. MESSAGE FROM REV. ECKERT Thank you to Rev. Dawn Taylor Storm, and to Bishop Johnson, for encouraging me and allowing me to share my story and my request. Thank you to each person for taking the time to read and consider this prayerfully. Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 4 I need a kidney. I have been living with kidney disease for ten years, and have reached a critical stage. I am still working, but have slowed down significantly, and I recently began dialysis treatments. I am on the national transplant list, but the average wait time in our region is two to six years. My best hope for a healthy future is to find a living donor. A person can donate one kidney and live a full healthy life with only one remaining kidney. I have tried asking quietly and have not found a donor. So I am asking boldly. I am asking my friends, my family, my church, my Cub Scout pack, and more. I am asking you to send this out to as many people as you can. Put me on every prayer list, and every Facebook page you can. I am praying that someone out there will hear my request, consider donating, and find they are a match. This is not an easy request for me to make, but I know that my life has come to depend on it. I also hope that my request might help someone else. According to the United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS), more than 100,000 people across the United States are listed for a kidney transplant. In the greater Philadelphia region alone, approximately 5,300 people are waiting for a kidney to become available. Consider donating, even if not to me, to one of these thousands. In the book of John, Jesus says, “No one has greater love than to give up one’s life for one’s friends.” We are not asking for a life. We are simply asking for a kidney. But that kidney could save a life! To qualify as a living donor, an individual must be: · In excellent health · Free from serious medical problems such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, heart disease and serious mental illness · Be between 21 and 60 years of age (slightly younger or slightly older candidates may be considered on case by case basis) · I am seeking a donor with an O blood type, but all types are urgently needed. The first step is to learn about live donation and to fill out a questionnaire. All this is on this University of PA Website: Submitting the questionnaire is a first step, not a final commitment to donate. My goal is to get 30 (thirty) new applications into the UPENN system by the end of June. That’s one donor a day, in the hope of finding that one person who might be a match for me, and perhaps other donors to save other lives. My fantastic wife, Amy, has set up a facebook page, “Donors for David” where you can learn more and communicate with us. Or you can email me directly at Thank you for your prayerful consideration. David Eckert Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 5 Save the Date! BISHOP’S DAY ON SOUTHEAST DISTRICT October 8th Clergy Session will be in morning at Simpson Meadows in Downingtown. Laity Session will be in evening at Lima UMC. Additional details and registration will be announced in the future. JUNE IS AIDS EDUCATION MONTH June is National HIV/AIDS Awareness Month and also AIDS Education Month. The H.U.B. (Help Us Be) of Hope, a multi-faith HIV/AIDS resource ministry endorsed by the Eastern PA Conference, will co-sponsor a multi-faith event on June 23, from 5 to 7 PM, at the Lincoln University Coatesville Campus, 351 Kersey St., Coatesville. RSVP by June19. All faith leaders are invited to join them for dinner, entertainment, fellowship and learning about HIV/AIDS. Please download and share the event flyer. "Awareness and Education are key to HIV/AIDS prevention and effective treatment," says the Rev. Deborah Tanksley-Brown, who heads H.U.B. of Hope. "We hope to see everyone there." EASTERN PA CONFERENCE SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE ANNOUNCES RESTRICTIONS Effectively immediately (as of May 18, 2015) and until further notice, new lay applicants for Eastern PA Conference scholarships must be attending--or planning to attend--a theological school approved by The UMC's University Senate to be considered for a scholarship. At this time only students in theological school are being considered. The Committee apologizes for any inconvenience; but currently the Committee is restricted in how the current source of funds can be distributed. NEW SAFE SANCTUARIES POLICIES POSTED ON WEBSITE At the request of the Rev. James Wilkin, Safe Sanctuaries Committee Chairman, important documents have been added to the Safe Sanctuaries resources Webpage for use by churches, groups, and individuals. The committee's Annual Conference resolution recommending new policies was adopted with minor Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 6 changes. The new policies, along with five additional documents, have been posted on the website. Learn more... FREE VBS PROGRAM The Society of St. Andrew offers "Abundance Orchard: Where Faith Grows and Hungry People are Fed." Download Flyer This free, complete Vacation Bible School curriculum offers five 2- to 3-hour sessions in multiple sets for Old Testament (Year 1) or New Testament (Year 2) Preview Online It includes biblical lesson helps for teachers, and resources for storytelling, arts & crafts, recreation, music, snacks, and missions activities, along with VBS planning suggestions, and daily memory verses. The materials are intended to raise hunger awareness and financial support for the gleaning and feeding ministries of the Society of St. Andrew, which involves people in hands-on mission, feeding hungry neighbors by gleaning and bagging fresh fruits and vegetables that otherwise would go to waste. Preview and order VBS materials online at: Contact Lynette Johnson, Director of Church Relations, at 800-333-4597 or 32nd LAITY ACADEMY Register now for the 32nd Laity Academy, set for August 14-16, once again at The Inn at Reading, 1040 North Park Road, Wyomissing PA. The theme is "Planting Seeds: Rooted in God's Word." The online registration is now live, where plenty of information about this annual education and fellowship event is available. This is the largest gathering for laity each year--click here for more information.. "It's your opportunity to learn about your church, your God, and your place in God's Kingdom from seminary-level instructors. It's a joyful weekend of fellowship with like-minded others. A chance to become a Christ Servant Minister or to take advanced courses if you are already a CSM. A time to begin the journey toward Certified Lay Speaker or even Certified Lay Minister." Access can be found to the: Paper Registration Form and Course Selection Brochure; 2015 Academy for Laity Course Descriptions; and the 2015 Academy for Laity FAQs all on the event information page. For more information, contact Aubrey Bates or Anne Taylor. Hotel reservations must be made directly with the hotel at: Mention "Lay Academy." Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 7 ACCESSIBILITY AT DISTRICT OFFICE Please contact Lin so that arrangements can be made to use a first floor room for your visit if the stairs are difficult for you. Save the Date! SOUTHEAST DISTRICT CLERGY RETREAT Cultivating Healthy, Transformative Christian Community Monday, September 21, 2015 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Location: Malvern Retreat House, Family Life Center 315 South Warren Avenue, Malvern, PA 19355 Presenter: Rev. Jim Walker Rev. Jim Walker, author of Dirty Word, The Vulgar, Offensive Language of the Kingdom of God and innovative founding pastor of Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community in Pittsburgh is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church. Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community was intentionally created to reach out to the South Side community. “The Table”, a community kitchen, seeks to be a bridge between the kingdom of God and those who come by creating community, building relationships and loving one another. The “Homeless Ministry” tries to display God’s love through listening, caring, forming relationships, making friends, and sharing in life together because “loving one another means sharing in burdens and traveling life together”. Jim is also an actor and a playwright and uses drama as a way of sharing the stories of the Bible in new and relevant ways. For Southeast District Clergy only - this is full day gathering of our district clergy. D. S. Dawn Taylor-Storm requests that you please make this a major priority. Let’s strive for 100% of appointed clergy in attendance. CEU’s will be earned. Registration will be available July 1. Save the Date! PLANTING THE SEEDS OF MINISTRY Nov. 7 Hopewell UMC Keynote: Mike Slaughter Watch for more info. Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 8 APPOINTMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS Bishop Peggy Johnson announces new clergy appointment changes See complete lists of new clergy appointments and retirements. (Some individuals may continue serving at their current appointments in retired status.) RACIAL-ETHNIC SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE For the past four years, Global Ministries has provided racial ethnic scholarships to more than 330 clergy, lay and seminarian students across the continental United States to attend the annual School of Congregational Development in Indianapolis. The goal is to assist as many clergy, laity and/or seminarians as possible. The application is online and can be accessed 24/7. Please note that scholarship awards will be made on a "first come" basis. So apply early. YOUTH, YOUNG ADULT LEADERS TO LEARN ABOUT UM SEMINARS Youth group and young-adult leaders of ethnic minority local churches and campus ministries are invited to attend a three-day "In Focus" familiarization event about United Methodist Seminars on National & International Affairs. The General Board of Church & Society (GBCS) program will introduce the custom-designed seminars and explain how to organize and lead seminar groups in the nation's capital. Dates for the two events are: June 24-26 for pastors/directors of youth and young-adult ministries in ethnicminority local church settings, and July 7-9 for pastors/directors of Wesley Foundation and other campus ministry groups. The first 15 persons to register can do so at no onsite cost, a savings of $75. The UM Seminars program is about experiential learning and engaging with others around social issues affecting communities. Learn more... Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 9 CSM – CHRIST SERVANT MINISTRY Basic Course Training (All are welcome) August 14 -16, 2015 – There will be a Basic Course at the Reading Motor Inn as part of the Laity Academy. A “Registration Form― and additional information is expected to be available by the end of May. For more information about the 2015 Laity Academy contact the Dean of the Academy, Aubrey Bates – Advanced Training (All are welcome) August 14 -16, 2015 – There will be a number of Advanced Courses at the Reading Motor Inn as part of the Laity Academy. A "Registration Form" and additional information is expected to be available by the end of May. For more information about the 2015 Laity Academy contact the Dean of the Academy, Aubrey Bates – For more information on Christ Servant Ministries or CSM sponsored events call: 717-838-2812 or E-mail: George Hollich A CONFERENCE ON TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP Presented by the Northeastern Jurisdiction of the UMC OCTOBER 2-4, 2015 Hershey Lodge, Hershey, PA Click on this link to register: This innovative, resource-rich training opportunity seeks to equip emerging leaders throughout the Jurisdiction’s 10 annual conferences. Sponsored by the NEJ’s Vision Table, the conference will alter the way you think about how faith can be lived out in our churches and communities. You’ll discover new ways to more fully live into your identity as a leader. Possibilities abound. Speakers will include: Fiona Haworth – a spirit-filled, hospitality-driven corporate executive who brings the best of the boardroom to the church;. Nadia Bolz-Weber – a visionary, boundary-breaking Lutheran pastor; Leaders of The Chapel in Brunswick, Ga., a United Methodist church that is revolutionizing discipleship. Albert Mosely, president of Gammon Theological Seminary, will provide theological reflections, engaging in a new kind of Christian conferencing with the presenters and participants. Bishop Gary E. Mueller, of the Arkansas Episcopal Area, will offer invited guests from conference Cabinets and Boards of Ordained Ministry significant next steps in creating vital congregations. Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 10 ADVANCED SEXUAL ETHICS WORKSHOP “Shame-Less Lives, Grace-Full Congregations” Friday, September 25, 2015 – 9:00 Am To 3:30 Pm West Lawn UMC, 15 Woodside Ave., Reading, PA – 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM. Rev. Dr. Karen A. McClintock is a psychologist, author and congregational consultant. She is a clergy member of the California/Nevada Annual Conference where she served as parish pastor for nearly two decades. Her new book, Shame-Less Lives, Grace-full Congregations (Alban) sheds light on patterns of shame which limit congregational joy and health. Healthy Disclosure in Congregations (Alban) explores professional ethics, communication boundaries, secrets in congregations, and sexual abuse prevention. Our workshop will contain segments from each of these books which are available ahead of time through Alban Publishing. This will be a thought provoking and stress relieving workshop. Having served five parishes, Karen presents lectures and case studies with a sense of humor and compassion. She knows the dangers inherent in the complex relationships clergy find themselves in. Having overcome shame in her own life and work, she leads others toward graceful lives and leadership. By the end of the day participants will have learned to reduce negative communication patterns (gossip, rumors, triangulation, secrets, and anonymous email) in congregations. They will also learn ways to identify and eliminate shame in their own daily leadership and within congregational systems. She has also authored; Preventing Sexual Abuse in Congregations (Alban) and Sexual Shame: An Urgent Call to Healing (Fortress Press). She has been an adjunct professor at Northwest House of Theological Studies, Pacific School of Religion, and Southern Oregon University. She engages in conversations about sexuality that are life affirming, while creating safety and healing. More information is available at The fee for the workshop is $35 per person and includes continental breakfast starting at 8:30 AM, lunch, and course materials. This workshop will satisfy the quadrennial requirement of sexual ethics. A 0.5 CEU certificate will be issued at the completion of the workshop. Contact person: Andrea Brown – Click on this link to register: CAROL DAVIS SHARES RECIPE FOR TRIPLE TIER BROWNIES If you attended the Intercultural Conversations Event at Elam UMC then you may have wished to have the recipe for Carol’s brownies. 1 pkg. fudge brownie mix (13 x 9 pan size) Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 11 1 pkg. (11.5 oz.) milk chocolate chips 1 cup peanut butter 3 cups rice krispies 1 can (16 oz.) cream cheese frosting 1 cup salted peanuts (chop or leave whole) Prepare and bake brownies according to package directions, using a greased 13 x 9 pan. Cool on a wire rack. In large saucepan, combine the chocolate chips and peanut butter. Cook over low heat for 4 minutes or until smooth, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in cereal. Set aside. Spread frosting over brownies. Sprinkle with peanuts. Spread with peanut butter mixture. Chill 30 minutes or until set before cutting. Store in the refrigerator. RECOMMENDATIONS SOUGHT FOR REPAIR OF STONE BUILDING DUE TO WATER DAMAGE Please contact Rev.DongJin Choi at Norwood UMC if you have had work done to repair water damage on an older stone building. UNITED METHODIST NIGHT AT THE PHILLIES The annual United Methodist Night at the Phillies is Saturday, July 18 as the Phils play the Florida Marlins at 7:05 PM. Hopewell UMC in Downingtown has a block of seats (perhaps more than needed) and might be willing to share which another local UM congregation which has not made prior arrangements. The seats are in section 138; since they are lower level seats, the price is $47.00 each. If any congregation wants to COMMIT to a small group of seats within this larger block secured by Hopewell, please be in touch with dick pry ( or the church office (610.269-1545). Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 12 NEW DISCIPLE BIBLE STUDY OPPORTUNITY Your Church Is Invited to Help Beta Test the New Bible Study Since 1987, Disciple Bible Study has reached nearly 3 million people worldwide, introducing the grand sweep of Scripture in a 34-week format. Now Disciple Fast Track maintains the integrity and principles of the original study, but its modifications can better meet the needs of a hectic world. Participants still receive a thorough introduction to the Bible, but in almost a third less time. Fast Track is not a replacement for the original; it is simply a practical option. Disciple Fast Track uses the same Disciple Study Manual, but the class time and course length have all been adjusted for busy lifestyles. New print and video materials, which are extremely easy to use, give participants the tools to absorb and retain what they learn in this shortened format. Main features of Disciple Fast Track: · Classes meet for a total of 24 weeks · Each group session lasts 75 minutes · Designed for Small Groups and Large Groups · A new, user-friendly Leader Guide · 24 new weekly Illustrated Review Videos · 24 new Introductory Videos · Illustrated Review Flash Cards · Leader Online Training and Online Community Disciple Fast Track is being developed by Bishop Richard Wilke (author of the Disciple Bible Study Manuals) and Susan Fuquay, Christian Educator, with the permission and endorsement of the United Methodist Publishing House, the publisher of Disciple Bible Study. In this final year of development, we are looking for 30 churches from each Annual Conference to join us in beta testing. We need you. Three hundred and fifty churches participated last year with over 5000 participants. These churches reported a surge of Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 13 people who signed up to learn the basic story of the Bible, Genesis to Revelation, but in a shorter time frame! Participants experienced spiritual growth and spiritual renewal. Please go to the website and explore all the materials and read what other pastors, educators, leaders, and participants are saying. Then, consider joining us as one of the 30 churches in your annual conference on this awesome journey of launching Disciple Fast Track! NEW ADVANCED SEXUAL ETHICS WORKSHOPS ANNOUNCED Two new workshops have been added to the list of approved advanced sexual ethics workshops. To view the entire list of basic and advanced workshops go to the Eastern PA Conference Announcements section of this E-News. Advanced Level Workshop Offerings: 1) “Shame-Less Lives, Grace-Full Congregations.” - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 – West Lawn UMC, 15 Woodside Ave., Reading, PA – 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM. Rev. Dr. Karen A. McClintock is a psychologist, author and congregational consultant. She is a clergy member of the California/Nevada Annual Conference where she served as parish pastor for nearly two decades. Her new book, Shame-Less Lives, Grace-full Congregations (Alban) sheds light on patterns of shame which limit congregational joy and health. Healthy Disclosure in Congregations (Alban) explores professional ethics, communication boundaries, secrets in congregations, and sexual abuse prevention. Our workshop will contain segments from each of these books which are available ahead of time through Alban Publishing. This will be a thought provoking and stress relieving workshop. Having served five parishes, Karen presents lectures and case studies with a sense of humor and compassion. She knows the dangers inherent in the complex relationships clergy find themselves in. Having overcome shame in her own life and work, she leads others toward graceful lives and leadership. By the end of the day participants will have learned to reduce negative communication patterns (gossip, rumors, triangulation, secrets, and anonymous email) in congregations. They will also learn ways to identify and eliminate shame in their own daily leadership and within congregational systems. She has also authored; Preventing Sexual Abuse in Congregations (Alban) and Sexual Shame: An Urgent Call to Healing (Fortress Press). She has been an adjunct professor at Northwest House of Theological Studies, Pacific School of Religion, and Southern Oregon University. She engages in conversations about sexuality that are life affirming, while creating safety and healing. More information is available at The fee for the workshop is $35 per person and includes continental breakfast starting at 8:30 AM, lunch, and course materials. This workshop will satisfy the quadrennial requirement of sexual ethics. A 0.5 CEU certificate will be issued at the completion of the workshop. Click on this link to register: 2) “Sexual Infidelity Among Clergy Members: Understanding Risk Factors and Prevention from an Attachment Framework.” - TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2015 – West Lawn UMC, 15 Woodside Ave., Reading, PA – 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Attachment is the bonding process that God designed to Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 14 build closeness in humans. Attachment begins in infancy as a survival necessity, but continues into our adult lives and closest adult relationships. Emotional sharing, vulnerability, and touch are key components of the adult attachment bond which help build intimate relationships in adults. When clergy members have their attachment needs met in healthy ways they are less likely to engage in boundary crossings or boundary violations with their parishioners. This workshop will educate clergy and lay leaders about the wonderful attachment design that God has created for their fulfillment in relationships, and will focus them on meeting those needs in healthy relationships. Attachment needs assessment and self-care strategies will be offered for both married and single clergy alike. Workshop facilitator, Dr. Jesse Gill, Psy.D., is a Christian psychologist who has worked at Psychological Health Affiliates in Lancaster, PA, for the past 14 years. He has been greatly enriched in his work integrating Scripture with Attachment Theory, and applying it to marital therapy. He just released his book, “Face to Face: Seven Keys to a Secure Marriage” and speaks regularly on the subject. Dr. Gill and his wife April are in leadership together at their church, and are enjoying the experience of creating secure attachment in their marriage and in parenting. The fee for the workshop is $35 per person and includes continental breakfast starting at 8:30 AM, lunch, and course materials. This workshop will satisfy the quadrennial requirement of sexual ethics. A 0.5 CEU certificate will be issued at the completion of the workshop. Registration details to be announced. PRAYER REQUESTS Revised Death notice--Mrs. Vicki Lynn Lefever-Hill June 8, 2015 Mrs. Vicki Lynn Lefever-Hill, of Millersville, the wife of the Rev. Richard M. Hill (Honorable Location), died Wednesday, June 3, 2015. Her memorial service was held at the Grace Campus of Millersville Community UMC on Saturday, June 6. A lifelong musician, she earned a degree in Music Education and played flute with professional symphony, chamber and opera groups. Rev. Richard Hill served the following churches: Berwyn; Clarks Grove; Norristown Haws Avenue; and Marticville. In addition to her husband of 34 years, Mrs. Lefever-Hill is survived by their two children, Jonathan R. Hill (married to Jenna K. Hill) and Jennifer L. Hill; one granddaughter and one brother, Michael S. Lefever (married to Anita Lefever). Memorial remembrances can be made to Hospice & Community Care at or the American Cancer Society, To submit an on-line condolence, visit The address is 320 Blue Rock Road Millersville, PA 17551. Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 15 Mrs. Lefever-Hill obituary is at Please keep the MPASA Pediatric Medical Clinic in your prayers as together we reach out in love to the people of Congo and especially to the children who will come to the clinic. Please keep all those who are mourning the death of loved ones in your prayers. Please pray for Southeast District Clergy and Families who are coping with health issues. Please continue to pray for Emma, the granddaughter of Rev. Bonny Smith, Extension Ministry, Chaplain, Taylor Hospice in Ridley Park. DISTRICT ANNOUNCEMENTS SOUTHEAST DISTRICT UNITED METHODIST WOMEN SCHEDULE OF EVENTS September 9 Day Apart at Camp Innabah November 14 Annual Celebration Olivet UMC, Coatesville MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS LICENSING SCHOOL FOR LOCAL PASTORS SUMMER 2015 The dates for the Local Pastor’s Licensing School on the Peninsula Delaware Conference are June 21-28 at Pecometh Riverview Retreat in Centreville, MD. This is all of the information that has been released so far. Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 16 THE EASTERN PA CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH LICENSING SCHOOL Interested in Pastoral Ministry as As a certified and licensed Local Pastor A Growing Church Licensing School Come to a Licensing School sponsored by the Eastern PA Conference Board of Ordained Ministry and held at the teaching pastor’s church: West Chester UMC, Lititz UMC, Mount Hope UMC, Eastwick UMC, Phila. And Eastern PA Conference Center in Valley Forge, PA Cost $1000 for all five segments or $250 per segment Five Major Areas of Study: Church Administration/ Leading a Congregation/ Larry Leister/, March 14, 28 and April 18, 2015 /Lititz, PA Pastoral Care/Truman Brooks/ June 13, 27, July 11, 2015/West Chester, PA Growing Church/Multiplication/2015 Valley Forge Conference Center July 18/Paul Nixon, August 8, Mission/Outreach, Peter Wernett/Gordon Hendrickson, August 29, Wesleyan Ministry, Charles Yrigoyen Preaching/Worship/Sacraments/ Tom Haugh/Oct. 3, 24,Nov. 7, 2015 Mt. Hope, PA Christian Education/Michael Roberts/ Nov.14,Dec.5, 2015;Jan.9 2016 Phila.,/Valley Forge, PA Course instructors are clergy in the Eastern PA Conference and from Path1 Who Should Attend? Persons looking to be trained in a growing church licensing school Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 17 Registration Form for Eastern PA Licensing School Name: Address: Area Code/Phone: Email Address: Home Church Name: Home Church Pastor’s Signature: Address: Local Pastor’s Conference Registrar’s signature: DCOM Chair’s Signature: District Superintendent’s signature: Please check the appropriate response(s): 1. I am taking this course because I am exploring ministry. _____ 2. I am under appointment or expect to receive an appointment. Name of appointment if applicable. ______________________ 3. I have completed high school or equivalency. ______ 4. I have completed college/university. ______ 5. I am a certified candidate. ____ Please return this form to: Rev. Gordon Hendrickson-PO Box 163 St. Peter’s, Pa. 19470 Enclose a non-refundable check for $ 250 payable to Bethany Each of the five sections cost $250 or you can pay the entire course for $1100. Deadline for Registration is one month before class begins. Local Pastor Registrar for Eastern Pa Larry Richard 717-926-8206 Questions?????? Call Gordon @ 267-258-9507 Note: Completion of this course does not guarantee an appointment to a local church. The following process from the Discipline Par.315.2 must be met: Conditions for candidacy certification, the licensing school, and the examination and recommendation by the District Committee on Ordained Ministry. STUDENT SIGNATURE: ____________________________________ I give authorization for my records to be reported to my Conference and/or District Committee on Ordained Ministry. I acknowledge this school will count for my licensing education only if I am appointed by 2018. Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 18 EPA CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENTS SCHOOL OF CONGREGATIONAL DEVELOPMENT August 13-16, 2015 Racial Ethnic Scholarships Available. . .Apply Today For the past four years, Global Ministries has provided racial ethnic scholarships to more than 330 clergy, lay and seminarian students across the continental United States to attend the annual School of Congregational Development. Our goal is to assist as many clergy, laity and/or seminarians as possible. Our application is online and can be accessed 24/7. Please note that scholarship awards will be made on a "first come" basis, so we encourage you to apply early. . . .read more Where Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel at Keystone Crossing 8787 Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis, IN 46240 (317) 846-2700 (direct hotel #) The rate is $151 (inclusive of 17% sales tax) (includes continental breakfast, free parking, and free Internet in hotel rooms) 32nd LAITY ACADEMY Fri.-Sun., Aug. 14-16, 2015 Register now for the 32nd Laity Academy, set for August 14-16, once again at The Inn at Reading, 1040 North Park Road, Wyomissing PA. The theme is "Planting Seeds: Rooted in God's Word." The online registration is now live, where plenty of information about this annual education and fellowship event is available. This is the largest gathering for laity each year--click here for more information. "It's your opportunity to learn about your church, your God, and your place in God's Kingdom from seminary-level instructors. It's a joyful weekend of fellowship with like-minded others. A chance to become a Christ Servant Minister or to take advanced courses if you are already a CSM. A time to begin the journey toward Certified Lay Speaker or even Certified Lay Minister." Access can be found to the: Paper Registration Form and Course Selection Brochure; 2015 Academy for Laity Course Descriptions; and the 2015 Academy for Laity FAQs all on the event information page. Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 19 For more information, contact Aubrey Bates or Anne Taylor. Hotel reservations must be made directly with the hotel at: Mention "Lay Academy." 2016 Save the Date! LAITY RETREAT Wed.-Sat., Sept. 9-12, 2015 2015 EASTERN PA CONFERENCE APPROVED SEXUAL ETHICS WORKSHOP SCHEDULE A. LEVEL 1 (BASIC) (0.5 CEUs, required for all entering ministerial roles) Level 1 (Basic) Sexual Ethics Workshops provide the essential, ethical and legal dimensions of appropriate healthy boundaries for those serving in ministerial roles. The primary purpose of this workshop is to educate participants on how to incorporate such healthy boundaries into their professional and personal behavior. The Level 1 (Basic) Workshop is mandatory for all persons seeking certification as candidates in ministry, candidates for ministerial roles and for all other individuals beginning ministerial roles within the Eastern PA Conference. The Level 1 (Basic) may be taken as a “refresher” workshop (instead of, or in addition to, an Advanced Level Workshop) – in fulfillment of the quadrennium continuing education requirement – by all serving in a ministerial role who have previously completed a level 1 course. Level 1 (Basic) Sexual Ethics Workshop Offerings: 2) Level 1 (Basic) Sexual Ethics – TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2015 – Conshohocken UMC , 20 West 6th Avenue, Conshohocken, PA 19428 (phone – 610-828-1250) – 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Registration Fee is $30 per person (includes continental breakfast starting at 8:30 AM, lunch, materials). Workshop facilitators: Dr. Donna Fiedler and Ricky Ayala. Register online at (log in with your user name and password, go to “Events,” then “Basic Sexual Ethics,” then select the workshop, then click on “More Information,” then “register now.”). CEUs = 0.5 Questions, contact David Woolverton, or 717-653-5493. 3) Level 1 (Basic) Sexual Ethics – SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2015 – West Lawn UMC, 15 Woodside Ave., West Lawn, PA (Reading) – 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Registration Fee is $30 per person (includes continental breakfast starting at 8:30 AM, lunch, materials). Workshop facilitators: Dr. Donna Fiedler and Ricky Ayala. Register online at (log in with your user name and password, go to “Events,” then “Basic Sexual Ethics,” then select the workshop, then click on “More Information,” then “register now.”). CEUs = 0.5 Questions, contact David Woolverton, or 717-653-5493. Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 20 ** Generally, the following year’s Basic Level 1 workshops are the same relative dates in the coming year – typically the Tuesday or Saturday corresponding to the prior year dates. B. ADVANCED LEVEL ELECTIVES IN SEXUAL ETHICS (0.5 CEUs required beyond the Level 1 (Basic) per quadrennium) Advanced Level Electives in Sexual Ethics are designed not only to complete the required quadrennial continuing education expectations, but to engage persons in ministerial roles in ongoing accountable dialogue on appropriate healthy boundaries in ministerial practice. The emphasis on these courses is not just on “data input,” but on praxis (applying what we know, integrating what we learn into our professional and personal behavior). Only one 0.5 CEU credited workshop in sexual ethics is required every four years, but all workshops are open to all persons for their benefit. (Additional CEU credit can be obtained and applied toward our professionally required 4.0 CEUs per quadrennium, by taking these additional courses.) Advanced Level Workshop Offerings: CANCELLED “Healthy Sexuality and Embodiment in the Practices of Ministry” – TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2015 REPLACED WITH: 1) “Shame-Less Lives, Grace-Full Congregations.” - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 – West Lawn UMC, 15 Woodside Ave., Reading, PA – 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM. Rev. Dr. Karen A. McClintock is a psychologist, author and congregational consultant. She is a clergy member of the California/Nevada Annual Conference where she served as parish pastor for nearly two decades. Her new book, Shame-Less Lives, Grace-full Congregations (Alban) sheds light on patterns of shame which limit congregational joy and health. Healthy Disclosure in Congregations (Alban) explores professional ethics, communication boundaries, secrets in congregations, and sexual abuse prevention. Our workshop will contain segments from each of these books which are available ahead of time through Alban Publishing. This will be a thought provoking and stress relieving workshop. Having served five parishes, Karen presents lectures and case studies with a sense of humor and compassion. She knows the dangers inherent in the complex relationships clergy find themselves in. Having overcome shame in her own life and work, she leads others toward graceful lives and leadership. By the end of the day participants will have learned to reduce negative communication patterns (gossip, rumors, triangulation, secrets, and anonymous email) in congregations. They will also learn ways to identify and eliminate shame in their own daily leadership and within congregational systems. She has also authored; Preventing Sexual Abuse in Congregations (Alban) and Sexual Shame: An Urgent Call to Healing (Fortress Press). She has been an adjunct professor at Northwest House of Theological Studies, Pacific School of Religion, and Southern Oregon University. She engages in conversations about sexuality that are life affirming, while creating safety and healing. More information is available at The fee for the workshop is $35 per person and includes continental breakfast starting at 8:30 AM, lunch, and course materials. This workshop will satisfy the quadrennial requirement of sexual ethics. A 0.5 CEU certificate will be issued at the completion of the workshop. Click on this link to register: 2) “Sexual Infidelity Among Clergy Members: Understanding Risk Factors and Prevention from an Attachment Framework.” - TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2015 – West Lawn UMC, 15 Woodside Ave., Reading, PA – 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Attachment is the bonding process that God designed to Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 21 build closeness in humans. Attachment begins in infancy as a survival necessity, but continues into our adult lives and closest adult relationships. Emotional sharing, vulnerability, and touch are key components of the adult attachment bond which help build intimate relationships in adults. When clergy members have their attachment needs met in healthy ways they are less likely to engage in boundary crossings or boundary violations with their parishioners. This workshop will educate clergy and lay leaders about the wonderful attachment design that God has created for their fulfillment in relationships, and will focus them on meeting those needs in healthy relationships. Attachment needs assessment and self-care strategies will be offered for both married and single clergy alike. Workshop facilitator, Dr. Jesse Gill, Psy.D., is a Christian psychologist who has worked at Psychological Health Affiliates in Lancaster, PA, for the past 14 years. He has been greatly enriched in his work integrating Scripture with Attachment Theory, and applying it to marital therapy. He just released his book, “Face to Face: Seven Keys to a Secure Marriage” and speaks regularly on the subject. Dr. Gill and his wife April are in leadership together at their church, and are enjoying the experience of creating secure attachment in their marriage and in parenting. The fee for the workshop is $35 per person and includes continental breakfast starting at 8:30 AM, lunch, and course materials. This workshop will satisfy the quadrennial requirement of sexual ethics. A 0.5 CEU certificate will be issued at the completion of the workshop. Registration Details to Be Announced. 2016 GENERAL CONFERENCE INFO May 10-20 in Portland, Oregon PETITION SUBMISSION BEGINS FOR GENERAL CONFERENCE 2016 Petitions for consideration by the 2016 General Conference may be submitted to the Petitions Secretary from April 1 through October 13, 2015. According to church law, "Any organization, clergy member, or lay member of The United Methodist Church may petition the General Conference..." Detailed instructions are available on the General Conference website at Typed petitions may be submitted through the General Conference website, by postal mail, or via e-mail to All other correspondence should be directed to 2016 GENERAL CONFERENCE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteers are needed for a variety of roles during the 2016 General Conference, The United Methodist Church’s top legislative assembly, which will meet in Portland, Oregon from May 1020, 2016. Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 22 At this time, volunteers are needed for the following positions: 28 recorders, 10 channel “B” identifiers and 20 verbatim transcribers/copy editors. Recorders will serve as members of the staff of the secretary of the General Conference and work in direct support of their assigned legislative committee. Recorders are responsible for entering data such as the time, date, and results of committee votes, as well as making changes to pre-entered petition text to reflect the amendments approved by the committee. This information is prepared for the recorder by the legislative committee secretary who manually tracks this information as it happens. The recorder is not responsible for taking minutes or tracking the discussion of the legislative committee. Channel “B” identifiers will serve as members of the staff of the editor of the Daily Christian Advocate (DCA), the official record of the activity of the General Conference. Channel “B” identifiers will follow action of the plenary, repeating delegates’ names, annual conferences and vote tallies into a microphone. Verbatim transcribers/copy editors also serve as members of the staff of the editor of the DCA. They are responsible for using Microsoft Word to enter data. They will listen to audio files and transcribe the recordings. All volunteers are responsible for their own travel and expenses. Those interested can apply here now through July 1, 2015. About General Conference The General Conference is the top policy-making body of The United Methodist Church, and meets once every four years to consider revisions to church laws, as well as adopt resolutions on current moral, social, public policy and economic issues. It also approves plans and budgets for churchwide programs for the next four years. The next General Conference takes place May 10-20, 2016 in Portland, Oregon. Follow General Conference on Facebook. Contact: Sara Hotchkiss,, 615-369-2352 2016 NORTHEASTERN JURISDICTIONAL CONFERENCE EASTERN PA CONFERENCE TO HOST 2016 NORTHEASTERN JURISDICTIONAL CONFERENCE July 10-15, 2016 At Lancaster County Convention Center, Penn Square Marriott Hotel Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 23 HOSPITALITY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR NORTHEAST JURISDICTIONAL CONFERENCE JULY 2016 EPA Conference is hosting the 2016 Northeast Jurisdictional Conference in Lancaster next July. There will be a table at 2015 Annual Conference where you can sign up to volunteer to help with hospitality. Dates are July 10-16, 2016. SEEKING QUILT MAKERS TO MAKE STOLES FOR NORTHEAST JURISDICTIONAL CONFERENCE DELEGATES HELP Wanted! Anyone who can sew a straight seam, please consider the following opportunity. The Northeast Jurisdiction Conference of The United Methodist Church, being held July 10-15, 2016, in Lancaster, PA will have 200 delegates in attendance. It is customary to give each delegate a prayer mantle or stole made by members of the host conference. We, the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference, are the hosts, and are looking for volunteers to make patchwork quilt style prayer stoles for the delegates. That means 200 stoles! A simple pattern and directions will be provided.*Fabric can be supplied, or use your remnants. We need lots of volunteers. If 40 people volunteer to make 5 stoles we reach our goal! If you can make 1 or 10 or more, please let us know. This is an excellent opportunity to teach children to sew and share their talents for the Lord and the work of the Church. Samples will be on display at Annual Conference this year. Stoles should be completed by April 2016. Please contact Judy Ehninger (610-965-2290 or with questions. Give your name for pattern direction and information. *Finished dimensions suggested are 2 3/4 inches by 46 inches (or 3 inches by 48 inches before seams). They could be as wide as 4 inches but no shorter than 46-48 inches. Some of the samples are eight 6-inch squares sewn together, or six-8 inch squares, then folded in half and stitched to make the stole. both sides the same, and about 2 3/4-3 1/2 inches wide. Other samples are 4-inch squares pieced together with a plain back. This finished stole is about 3 1/2 inches wide. No batting or filler is necessary. The idea is to have variety, so guidelines are very flexible. Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 24 SOUTHEAST DISTRICT MISSION CONNEXIONS MISSION CONNEXION GROUPS 1). The Prospect Group Facilitator: Rev. Sterling Eaton (267) 372-6049 Norwood UMC (Pastor DongJin Choi) Prospect UMC (Pastor Sterling Eaton) Ridley Park UMC (Pastor Cindy Babiak) Taylor Hospice (Chaplain Bonny Smith) Vitas Innovative Hospice (Chaplain Laura Welch) Prospect Ecumenical Group (Pastor Sterling Eaton) 2). The Parkesburg Group Facilitator: Rev. Mark Beideman 610.585.0575 Cochranville UMC (Pastor Jimmy Montgomery) Faith Community UMC (Pastor Mark Beideman) Friendship UMC (Pastor Shirley Daddario) Parkesburg UMC (Pastor Mark Beideman) Parkesburg Ecumenical Group (Pastor Mark Beideman) Pomeroy UMC (Pastor Mark Beideman) 3). The Oxford Club Facilitator: Rev. Mark Terry 610.563.4415 Avondale UMC (Pastor Mercedes Case) Chatham UMC (Pastor Hun Ju Lee) Fremont: Union UMC (Pastor Kurt Schenk) Hamorton UMC (Pastor George Miller) Kemblesville UMC (Pastor Dave Bergstrom) Kennett: UMC of the Open Door (Pastor Neil Gutmaker, Deacon Deborah Tanksley-Brown, Deacon Susan Worrell) Landenberg UMC (Pastor Hun Ju Lee) New London UMC (Pastor Mercedes Case) Oxford UMC (Pastor Mark Terry) West Grove UMC (Pastor Monica Guepet) West Grove: Cristo Rey UMC (Pastor Lillian Munoz) 4). The West Philadelphia Group Facilitator: Dr. Michael Roberts’s 267.481.3780 Berry-Long Memorial UMC (Pastor Misty Fuller) Camphor Memorial UMC (Pastor Frank Moore) Clearview UMC (Pastor Suzette Douglas Brown) Crossroads Hospice (Chaplain Amy Emmett-Rardin) Eastwick UMC (Pastor Michael Roberts) Sayer’s Memorial UMC (Pastor Misty Fuller, Deacon Stephanie Brown Wilson) Simpson Fletcher UMC (Pastor Narie Grayson) University City: Calvary UMC (Pastor John Pritchard) Wharton Wesley UMC (Pastor Bob Booker) Crossroads Hospice (Chaplain Amy Emmett-Rardin) 5). The Drexel Hill Group Facilitator: Rev. Kevin Babcock (215) 900-1240 Drexel Hill UMC (Pastor David Eckert) Upper Darby: New Life UMC (Pastor Evelyn Kent Clark) Landsdowne Trinity (The Garden Church) (Pastor Evelyn Kent Clark) Clifton Heights UMC (Pastor Kevin Babcock, Deacon Ben Hartley) Darby: Union Memorial (Pastor Victor Gimenez) Darby: Mt. Zion (Pastor Whymon Simmons) Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 25 6). The 352 Corridor Facilitator: Rev. Ethel Guy 610.329.8432 Chester: St. Daniel’s UMC (Pastor Herb Coe) Gradyville UMC (Pastor Deborah Gildart-Hanks) Lima UMC (Pastor Robert Wilt) Linwood UMC (Pastor Ethel Guy) Marcus Hook: Cokesbury UMC (Pastor Sandra Cislo) Media: First UMC (Pastor Laurie Ann Rookard) Middletown: Christ UMC (Pastor Sharon Paul) Mount Hope UMC (Pastor Thomas Haugh) 7). The Small Urban Church Connection Facilitator: Ms. Joan Lawson 610.872.3587 Chester: Grace Community UMC (Pastor John Lewis) Chester: Siloam UMC (Pastor Herbert Gibbons) Chester: Trinity UMC (Pastor James Ford) Eddystone UMC (Pastor Charlie Thomas) Trainer UMC (Pastor James Ford) 8). The Blue Route Connection Facilitator: Rev. Kenneth Gelzhiser Swarthmore UMC (Pastor Sukja Bang) Springfield: Covenant UMC (Pastor Jim Anderman) Springfield: C. C. Hancock UMC (Pastor Janet Hess) Broomall: Christ UMC (Pastor Jesse Coale) Broomall: St. Mark’s UMC (Pastor Ken Gelzhiser) (610) 356-1199 9). The West Chester Group Facilitator: Ms. Jen McGuire 610. 804.0029 Grove UMC (Pastor Bron Yocum, Pastor Lin George) Marshallton UMC (Pastor Scott Widmer) West Chester UMC (Pastor Truman Brooks) West Chester: El Buen Samaritano UMC (Pastor Evodia Villalva) Willistown UMC (Pastor Coryn Peña) 10). The Coatesville/Downingtown Group Facilitators: Rev. Mark Moore 610.384.2433 Coatesville: Olivet UMC (Pastor David Davis) Hibernia UMC (Pastor Joan Trout) Rev. Vicki Pry 610.613.1732 Romansville UMC (Pastor Cindy Hall) Thorndale UMC (Pastor Mark Moore) Downingtown UMC (Pastor Charlie Cole) Exton UMC (Pastor Johnson Dodla) Hopewell UMC (Pastor Steve Morton, Pastor Amy Banka) Nantmeal UMC (Pastor Sharon Paul) 11). Route 202/Route 1 Corridor Facilitator: Dr. John Inghram 610.459.2911 Thornton: Bethlehem UMC (Pastor Tim Kriebel) Elam UMC (Pastor John Inghram) Booth’s Corner: Siloam UMC (Pastor Thomas Daniel) Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 26 SOUTHEAST DISTRICT LEADERSHIP July 2014 - July 2015 Southeast District Lay Leaders Joan Lawson; William Thompson Southeast District Committee on Church Location and Building CHAIR: Gail Armstrong 2015 Robert S. Booker; William Kirkey; Mary Ruch 2016 Mark Beideman; Gail Armstrong; Alvin Kingcade 2017 John Inghram; David Cloetingh; Glenn Wadel Southeast District Committee on Ordained Ministry CHAIR: Joan Trout Registrar: Tim Kriebel Group Mentoring Coordinator: Bob Wilt 2015 Thomas Daniel; Susan Worrell; William Thompson 2016 Joan Lawson; Timothy Kriebel; Joan Trout 2017 Bronwyn Yocum; Hun Ju Lee; Bob Wilt Southeast Committee on District Superintendency CHAIR: Herb Coe 2015 Herbert Coe; Alan Clark; Lynne McCall 2016 Frank Pullia; Sharon Paul; Jennifer Lafferty 2017 Joan Lawson; Mark Moore; Kay McCoy Southeast District Nominations Team CHAIR: District Superintendent Joan Lawson; William Thompson; Gail Armstrong; Joan Trout; Herb Coe; Mark Terry; Dan Lebo Southeast District Resource Team CHAIR: Mark Terry Marilyn Wilt; Shirley Daddario; Dan Lebo; William Thompson Michael Roberts; Johnson Dodla; Joan Lawson Amy Banka; Mark Terry; Melissa Jones; Deborah Tanksley-Brown Southeast District Mission ConneXion Facilitators Council The Prospect Group Sterling Eaton The Parkesburg Group Mark Beideman The Oxford Club Mark Terry The West Philadelphia Group Michael Roberts The Drexel Hill Group Kevin Babcock The 352 Corridor Ethel Guy The Small Urban Church Connection Joan Lawson The Blue Route Connection Kenneth Gelzhiser The West Chester Group Jen McGuire The Coatesville/Downingtown Group Mark Moore & Vicki Pry Route 202/Route 1 Corridor John Inghram Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 27 SOUTHEAST DISTRICT LAY LEADERS Ms. Joan Lawson (610) 872-3587 Mr. William P. Thompson (610) 453-7534 SOUTHEAST DISTRICT MISSION CONNEXION FACILITATORS The Prospect Group Facilitator: Rev. Sterling Eaton (267) 372-6049 The Parkesburg Group Facilitator: Rev. Mark Beideman 610.585.0575 The Oxford Club Facilitator: Rev. Mark Terry 610.563.4415 The West Philadelphia Group Facilitator: Dr. Michael Roberts 267.481.3780 The Drexel Hill Group Facilitator: Pastor Victor Gimenez, 267.709.1204 The 352 Corridor Facilitator: Rev. Ethel Guy 610.329.8432 The Small Urban Church Connection Facilitator: Ms. Joan Lawson 610.872.3587 The Blue Route Connection Facilitator: Rev. Ken Gelzhiser (610) 356-1199 The West Chester Group Facilitator: Ms. Jen McGuire 610.804.0029 The Coatesville/Downingtown Group Facilitators: Rev. Mark Moore Rev. Vicki Pry 610.384.2433 610.613.1732 Route 202/Route 1 Corridor Facilitator: Dr. John Inghram 610.459.2911 SOUTHEAST DISTRICT COORDINATORS Disaster Relief, Older Adult Ministry, Shirley Daddario Evangelism, Rev. Misty Fuller Committee on Disabilities, Marilyn Wilt Church & Society, Bill Seybold United Methodist Men, Kevin Bidwell Southeast District E-News June 10, 2015 Page | 28