Seminar Topics and Paper Titles (CONS 486) 2015 1) Mon, Feb 23

Seminar Topics and Paper Titles (CONS 486) 2015
1) Mon, Feb 23 (“Long-term changes in ecosystems”)
Topic 4
Climate change and Pacific salmon
Martins, E.G., Hinch, S.G., Cooke, S.J., Patterson, D.A., 2012. Climate effects on growth, phenology, and
survival of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka): a synthesis of the current state of knowledge and future
research directions. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 22:887-914.
Presenters: Adriana De Torres, Jennifer Chen, Caesar Tang
Review Papers: Stephanie Hall, Jesse Way, Miaorong Zhu
Topic 8
Evolutionary changes by fish in response to anthropogenic ecosystem changes
Waples, R.S., R.W. Zabel, M.D. Scheuerell and B.L. Sanderson. 2007. Evolutionary responses by native
species to major anthropogenic changes to their ecosystems: Pacific salmon in the Columbia River
hydropower system. Mol Ecol 17:84-96.
Presenters: Alexandra Montoya, Neal Daulton, Emily Janzen
Review Papers: Sara Seyedsagha, Mara Brcic Bello, Tim Hawkins
2) Fri, Feb 27 (“Governments and governance”)
Topic 13
Government bureaucracies as impediments to fish conservation
Hutchings, J.A., C. Walters, and R.L. Haedrich. 1997. Is scientific inquiry incompatible with government
information control? Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 54:1198-1210
Presenters: Christine Latos, Dardan Goga, Gabriel Courchesne Normandin
Review Papers: Rachel Clark, Mikayla Roberts, Scott Hanson
Topic 19
Fishing without borders: Ocean governance and transboundary fisheries
Allison, E.H. 2001. Big laws, small catches: Global ocean governance and the fisheries crisis. J. Int. Dev.
Presenters: Ben Gallant, Lawson Spika, Joey Macdonald
Review Papers: Tori Pollins, Sharman Prior, Melanie Kuzyk
Topic 15
Role of marine and freshwater aquatic protected areas: pros and cons
Kaiser, M.J. et al. 2007. Evidence for greater reproductive output per unit area in areas protected from
fishing. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 64.
Presenters: Steve Healy, Mengqiu Chen, Michael Brassard
Review Papers: Cohen Hocking, Megan Fong, Patrick Waring
3) Mon, March 2 (“Human-induced changes to ecosystems”)
Topic 1
Anthropogenic changes to large aquatic ecosystems
Mills, E.L., and 16 others. 2003. Lake Ontario: food web dynamics in a changing ecosystem (1970-2000).
Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 60:461-490.
Presenters: Sean King, Vinayak Chabria, Justin Fleming
Review Papers: Catherine Thompson, Dan Sklar, Alex Swan
Topic 14
Species invasions in large ecosystems
Grigorovich, I.A., R.I. Colautti, E.L. Mills, K. Holeck, A.G. Ballert, and H.J.MacIsaac. 2003. Ballastmediated animal introductions in the Laurentian Great Lakes: retrospective and prospective analyses. Can.
J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 60.
Presenters: Marianne Fernandez, Carrie Kwok, Kamto Chung
Review Papers: Larissa Low, Jecoliah Williams, Sean Brown
4) Fri, March 6 (“Compensation, Restoration, Restocking…Effective?”)
Topic 16
Does stream restoration work?
Whiteway, S.L., P.M. Biron, A. Zimmermann, O. Venter and J.W.A. Grant (2010) Do in-stream
restoration structures enhance salmonid abundance? A meta-analysis. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 67: 831–
Presenters: Mohammad Asadian, Sara Seyedsagha, Stephanie Hall
Review Papers: Ryan Haines, Morgan Evans-Voigt, Quincy Lam
Topic 7
Role of conservation biology in fish hatcheries
Brown, C., and R.L. Day. 2002. The future of stock enhancements: lessons for hatchery practice from
conservation biology. Fish and Fisheries 3:79-94.
Presenters: Mara Brcic Bello, Jesse Way, Simon Woods
Review Papers: Lauren Poon, Ernest Tsui, Dave Semmelink
Topic 2
Aquatic habitat compensation in Canada
Jones, N.E., W.M. Tonn, G.J. Scrimgeour, and C. Katopodis. 2003. Productive capacity of an artificial
stream in the Canadian Arctic: assessing the effectiveness of fish habitat compensation. Can. J. Fish. Aquat.
Sci. 60:849-863.
Presenters: Tim Hawkins, Miaorong Zhu, Marie Nosten
Review Papers: Paul Hacker, Olivia Gray, Alex Bland
5) Mon, March 9 (“Hey, fish are vertebrates too!”)
Topic 5
Do fish feel pain and its role in conservation and management
Rose, J.D., R. Arlinghaus, S.J. Cooke, B.K. Diggles, W. Sawynok, E.D. Stevens, and C.D.L. Wynne. 2012.
Can fish really feel pain? Fish Fish. 1-37.
Presenters: Rachel Clark, Tori Pollins, Cohen Hocking
Review Papers: Adriana De Torres, Neal Daulton, Alex Fox
Topic 6
Ethics and conservation of capture-release fisheries
Arlinghaus, R. A. Schwab, C. Riepe, and T. Teel. 2012. A Primer on Anti-Angling Philosophy and Its
Relevance for Recreational Fisheries in Urbanized Societies. Fisheries 37(4): 153-164.
Presenters: Sharman Prior, Megan Fong, Mikayla Roberts
Review Papers: Jennifer Chen, Alexandra Montoya, Christine Hung
6) Fri, March 13 (“Soup, buttons, and names: the breadth of aquatic conservation”)
Topic 10
Overharvest of commercially valuable invertebrates
Anthony, J.L., and J.A. Downing. 2001. Exploitation trajectory of a declining fauna: a century of
freshwater mussel fisheries in North America. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 58: 2071–2090.
Presenters: Patrick Waring, Scott Hanson, Melanie Kuzyk
Review Papers: Caesar Tang, Emily Janzen, Sean King
Topic 17
Conservation and ecotourism
Gallagher, A. J., and N. Hammerschlag. 2011. Global shark currency: the distribution, frequency, and
economic value of shark ecotourism. Curr. Iss. Tour. 14: 797-812.
Presenters: Catherine Thompson, Larissa Low, Joyce Li
Review Papers: Gabriel Courchesne Normandin, Joey Macdonald, Kamto Chung
Topic 9
Use of historical and indigenous knowledge in fisheries management
Spens, J. 2006. Can historical names and fishers’ knowledge help to reconstruct the distribution of fish
populations in lakes? In Fishers’ Knowledge in Fisheries Science and Management. pp. 329-349.
Presenters: Jecoliah Williams, Dan Sklar, Sean Brown
Review Papers: Michael Brassard, Vinayak Chabria, Marianne Fernandez
7) Mon, March 16 (“Invasions and biodiversity”)
Topic 12
Tropical lakes biodiversity crisis
Witte, F., J. H. Wanink, and M. Kishe-Machumu. 2007. Species distinction and the biodiversity crisis in
Lake Victoria. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 136:1146–1159.
Presenters: Alex Swan, Paul Hacker, Ryan Haines
Review Papers: Christine Latos, Lawson Spicka, Steve Healy
Topic 21
Climate change and invasive species
Walther, Gian-Reto, et al. 2009. Alien species in a warmer world: risks and opportunities. Trends Ecol.
Evol. 24.
Presenters: Morgan Evans-Voigt, Lauren Poon, Olivia Gray
Review Papers: Dardan Goga, Ben Gallant, Mengqiu Chen
8) Mon, March 23 (“Risk and extinction”)
Topic 3
Risks of aquatic species extinction
Reynolds, J.D., N.K. Dulvy, N.B Goodwin, and J.A. Hutchings. 2005. Biology of extinction risk in marine
fishes. Proc. Royal Soc. B. 272.
Presenters: Christine Hung, Quincy Lam, Ernest Tsui
Review Papers: Simon Woods, Marie Nosten, Joyce Li
Topic 18
Ocean acidification and effects on aquatic fauna
Pörtner, H.O. 2008. Ecosystem effects of ocean acidification in times of ocean warming: a physiologist’s
view. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 373.
Presenters: Dave Semmelink, Alex Bland, Alex Fox
Review Papers: Justin Fleming, Carrie Kwok, Mohammad Asadian
9) Fri, March 27
Managing fisheries impacted by run-of-river hydropower
Presenter: Danielle Courcelles