Tri-County Youth Hockey Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: July 20th at 7:00 PM Present: John Pilon, Stacey Esposito, Jessica Horn, Jason Horn, Rich Esposito, Jason Squillante, Heidi Squillante REPORTS: Financial All checks/cash has been deposited from the March try-outs. The P.O. box has been emptied and registrations were collected. Our account is positive and there is money to cover the costs of ice for the beginning of the 2015-2016 season. Need someone to shadow Spencer. Talk to people individually. Travel Commissioner Registrar Western NY fined us $50 for missing two meetings in Buffalo Nothing new to report Athletes are not allowed on the ice unless they are registered through USA Hockey. Laptops will be provided at the rink during the month of September so that parents are able to register online before first practice. Coaches/Managers can notify teams that they can register now. Team lists have been compiled but need to be cleaned up. It was suggested that the list have a “revised date” typed on it so that we know if it is the most recent and accurate list. House Commissioner East High will be scheduling location, Tuesday, October 13th Fair play point is being changed from 1 point to .5 A database will be created to record penalties and coaches will be responsible for submitting information. Tri-County Coaches meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 3rd at 7:00 PM House and Travel levels (Bill Gray’s Taproom) Sponsors/Snack bar/Elections The sponsorship form will be changed so that the form will be mailed directly to Stacey so that she can keep a current record of the team sponsors Fundraisers On Saturday, August 29th the Bantam travel team will be having a hot dog sale at the Brockport Walmart. The Pee Wee Travel team is having a Golf Tournament on Sunday, September 13th . Pee Wee Travel is also organizing a Yankee Candle Sale October 1st through November 1st . The Mite White Team (Horn) is organizing a Tri-County Apparel Sale (September – October) NEW** Squirt House team is having a chicken BBQ on October 2nd (or sometime that weekend) Head of Coaching Nothing to report Calendar/Timeline March – Travel teams can schedule ice times for August, Reconsider the travel try-out dates and make them later May/June – Midget Travel Ice Scheduling for August July – Jerseys, Rosters, Schedule coaches and managers meeting dates December - Street hockeyfest planning ACTION ITEMS/NEW BUSINESS Ice Scheduling Ice for travel teamSeptember schedule should be started soon Jersey Update Gem23 Pure Hockey - $95 per jersey Responsible Party Jessica will contact Jeanne to confirm that she will continue to schedule for the league Need to make a decision within the week. Just Dishin’ - $150 per player (includes home and away jerseys and socks) Lamont - $65-$85 per jersey, sublimation TCYH Family Picnic Sunday, August 30th Hafner Park – get there early to reserve the back pavilion Advertising Yard signs Schools Tri-County advertisers Hamlin Clarkson Herald Appointed Positions Ace Coordinator – Rich Esposito Public Relations – Articles to the Hamlin Clarkson Herald, TriCounty Advertiser Jersey Coordinator – Jeremy Rowley volunteered Equipment Trailer Rich is contacting Just Dishin’ to get a sample of a heavier jersey Jessica will create a flyer to advertise At next meeting discuss more specific planning Heidi is going to look into passing out hard copies of flyers at BCS Need volunteers to set up the yard signs from last year. Looking to get these out by Mid-August We are looking for a parent to volunteer as the Public Relationship rep. This would be a person that would write articles on a monthly basis (or more) to show off what our league is doing and highlight our athletes. John will get a blank check to give to Rich to purchase a trailer Hamlin Parade August 7th We will not be participating this year. Try Hockey Free Saturday, September 12th Sunday, September 20th Jeanne will schedule these two dates Lawn signs – put out around August 15th Volunteers are needed to put lawn sign outs Contact schools early September Jason will contact schools Account for refundable bottles and cans in Brockport and Hamlin, profit would go to the league Jessica Extra hours of Ice for Squirt House Ice is available and Jeremy can approach his team and ask if they would be willing to pay for it. This would mean an extra practice per week Jeremy Rowley Tri-County Managers Meeting Once the Managers Manual is created a meeting with all team managers will be scheduled. TCYH Street Hockeyfest Tentatively planned for Summer 2016 Planning will start in December/January of this season Next Meeting is scheduled for: Stacey and Jessica Monday, August 17th Horn Residence Submitted by: Jessica Horn Jason and Jessica (other volunteers are needed and welcomed) Adjourned at 9:00 PM