The need to adapt forage species to a changing climate in pasture based agriculture. BR Cullen1, RP Rawnsley2, RJ Eckard1, MJ Bell1, K Christie2 1 Melbourne School of Land and Environment, University of Melbourne, Victoria. 2 Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmanis, Burnie, Tasmania. Introduction Adopting plant species with deeper roots, higher heat tolerance and/or greater summer activity are commonly suggested as adaptations for warmer and possibly drier future climates expected in southern Australia. In temperate regions of south eastern Australia this may include, for example, replacing perennial ryegrass with deeper rooted species such as tall fescue and phalaris, or incorporating more heat tolerant C4 species such as kikuyu into the forage system. These species are all currently used in livestock production systems in southern Australia and have been selected by producers to fit the climatic niche of the farm and the characteristics required in the production system. An important question is: how will the production characteristics of these perennial grass species change in future warmer and drier climates? Across southern Australia there is a range of pasture species sown related to annual rainfall and growing season length, together with characteristics required by the livestock production system. In the high rainfall regions (>750 mm annual rainfall) perennial ryegrass is the dominant species. It is favoured in these regions due to its high productivity and nutritive value, ease of grazing management, good responses to N fertilizer and rapid establishment. It is however susceptible to heat stress and fails to persist at the lower end of this rainfall zone, two of the key aspects of the climate that are likely to be challenged in future. Tall fescue is a deeper rooted species than perennial ryegrass, capable of higher levels of production in the warmer months of the year. Phalaris is a perennial grass typically sown in the 550-750 mm rainfall zone, where perennial ryegrass fails to persist. By comparison, it is deeper rooted and moderately more heat tolerant than perennial ryegrass; it also has a greater level of summer dormancy making it more persistent in this rainfall zone. While C4 grasses are not commonly used in SE Australia, there has been recent interest in using kikuyu because of its heat tolerance and deep rooted growth habit together with its summer activity potentially providing feed when C3 pastures are of below optimum feed quality and/or failing to grow. C4 species however are inherently lower in forage quality than C3 species thus resulting in lower animal production per unit of intake and potentially more enteric methane production per unit intake. When evaluating forage options differences in quality must be taken into account. This brief review indicates that there is a diversity of use of perennial grass options in SE Australia according to the existing climate. Grazing systems have been established on these plants because they are well adapted to the environment. The need to adapt the forage base in response to a changing 1 climate will occur when an alternative option provides an improvement over the existing pasture system. This may be assessed on a number of different levels: Annual ME production (taking into account DM and metabolisable energy content) Seasonal production (taking into account DM and metabolisable energy content) Persistence (related to length of dry periods). Year to year variability in production In this paper the options for adapting to climate change by using deeper rooted and heat tolerance traits are assessed by modeling the annual and seasonal production of a range of perennial grasses under historical and possible future climate scenarios at a range of sites in southern Australia. Different levels of climate change are imposed, representing the range of probable changes out to 2070, using the ‘resistance surfaces’ approach developed by Cullen et al. (2012). Methods Sites and pasture types simulated A description of the sites is provided in Table 1. The sites spanned a range of climatic zones from cool temperate at Elliott in north-west Tasmania to subtropical at Mutdapilly in south-east Queensland. At each site three or four pasture types were simulated based on different perennial grasses. The species modeled at each site represented species currently used in each region and species that may also be suitable in warmer and drier climate scenario. The pasture types simulated at each site are defined in Table 2. The perennial grass species simulated were perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, phalaris, native C3, native C4, kikuyu and Rhodes grass. The key differences between the perennial grass species simulated can be summarized in terms of root distribution, shoot:root partitioning of carbon assimilates, photosynthesis response functions, high and low temperature tolerances and tissue flux response functions (Table 3). In terms of adaptation to future warmer and drier future climates, key differences between the species were in root characteristics and responses to high temperatures (Table 3). To compare the rooting characteristics of three different perennial grasses as examples, the maximum rooting depth for perennial ryegrass was 40cm, phalaris was 160cm and kikuyu was 200 cm. For the deeper rooted species a higher proportion of photosynthate was allocated to the roots, ie. 20% for perennial ryegrass versus 30% for phalaris and kikuyu (Table 3). There are also differences between the species in their response to maximum temperatures (ie. heat stress). For perennial ryegrass, heat stress begins to limit plant photosynthesis when the maximum temperature reaches 28°C and stops photosynthesis when it reaches 35°C (Table 3). Recovery from heat stress requires a T-sum of 50 which equates to 10 days of mean daily temperature of 20°C to fully recover. The onset of heat stress for phalaris occurs at a higher temperature (30°C), but time to recover is longer (T-sum= 200, equating to 40 days of mean daily temperature of 20°C to fully recover). This 2 longer recovery time reflects the summer dormancy of phalaris. By contrast, heat stress does not affect kikuyu until temperatures are higher and it recovers quickly, but its growth is limited by minimum daily temperatures less than 8°C. A mean annual metabolisable energy (ME) content for each of the pasture types was specified. This value was used across sites and seasons, and in the future climate scenarios. The values used were: perennial ryegrass 11.0 MJ ME/kg DM, tall fescue 10.5, phalaris 10.5, phalaris/nativeC4 9.5, native C3/C4 9.5, kikuyu 9.0, and Rhodes grass 9.0. The simulations were carried out using DairyMod (version 4.8.6) with non-limiting soil nutrients. The simulated pasture management was a monthly cut trial where pastures were cut to a residual mass of 1.4 t DM/ha on the last day of each month. Climate scenarios The baseline period was at each site was from 1/1/1971 to 31/12/2010, a forty year period centred on 1990. Future climate scenarios were generated by scaling the baseline climate using combinations of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4°C warming (380, 435, 535, 640 and 750 ppm CO2 respectively) and +10, 0, -10, -20, and -30% rainfall (ie. the resistance surfaces approach of Cullen et al (2012)). For each site the number of hot and cold days and nights (using the definitions of CSIRO and BoM 2007) under the five temperature regimes are shown in Table 4. Data analysis Annual and seasonal pasture production was expressed as GJ ME/ha based on the simulated pasture harvest in each month and the pasture ME content (described above) for each climate scenario. The inter-annual variability of pasture production was presented as the coefficient of variation (CV %). The mean number of days per year and wet (soil water content > field capacity) and dry (soil water content < 0.5 readily available water (RAW), where RAW is the mid-point between field capacity and wilting point) was also calculated for each pasture type and climate scenario. The soil water content calculations were made to 40cm soil depth for all pasture types. Mean annual runoff and drainage was also calculated. No statistical analysis of the climate scenarios was carried out because of inter-correlations in the way the scenarios were created. Results Mutdapilly Of the irrigated C3 pasture species, perennial ryegrass had higher ME production than tall fescue and phalaris but all these species were predicted to decline in production with moderate levels (+1-2°C) of warming (Fig 1). The irrigated C3 pastures provide greater ME production than Rhodes grass in winter, 3 even with warming (Fig 1). The rain-fed Rhodes grass is tolerant of warming, but its production is very sensitive to changes in rainfall with declining production simulated in the lower rainfall scenarios. At this site, the modelling suggests that a 30% decline in rainfall will lead to approximately a 50% decline in runoff (Fig 2). In the historical climate at Mutdapilly there are few wet days and many dry days (Fig 2). The proportional changes in these numbers in the future climate scenarios are not large. Moree The pasture types at Moree that incorporate a C4 species (either C4 native or Rhodes grass) are more productive under current climate than the phalaris only pasture, and also are more tolerant of warmer temperatures (Fig 3). The phalaris pasture also has higher inter-annual variability (measured as CV%). The one advantage of the phalaris only pasture is that it is more productive than native C3/C4 and Rhodes grass in winter, but less in other seasons (Fig 3). There was little effect of pasture type or warmer climate scenarios on runoff, but runoff declined in the lower rainfall scenarios (Fig 4). At this site there were few wet days and many dry days in current and future climates (Fig 4), and the proportional changes in wet/dry days in the future scenarios were not large. Albany In the historical climate scenario there was little difference in annual ME production from perennial ryegrass, phalaris and kikuyu, but perennial ryegrass and phalaris both declined with warming while productivity of kikuyu pasture increased (Fig 5). Kikuyu and Perennial Rye were more sensitive to rainfall decline than Phalaris, while phalaris was more resilient to warming than perennial ryegrass (Fig 5). Kikuyu was more productive than the C3 species in spring and summer and this difference increased with warmer scenarios, but the difference was not as large with -30% rainfall (Fig 5). Warming increased winter production in all species, but +3-4°C is required before winter production of kikuyu can match that of the C3 species (Fig 5). In terms of water balance, warming alone at the Albany site was simulated to reduce drainage, by about 60 mm/year with +4°C, and this was exacerbated by lower rainfall (Fig 6). The warmer and drier future climate scenarios increased the number of dry days and reduced the number of wet days (Fig 6). Wagga Wagga Pasture types that incorporated the C4 native grass at Wagga Wagga had annual ME production in both current and future climates (Fig 7). The phalaris/native C4 pasture type also had a relatively even distribution of production throughout the year. Phalaris was more productive than perennial ryegrass (Fig 7), and the high and increasing number of dry days will likely further challenge perennial ryegrass persistence in this environment (Fig 8). 4 The simulations showed that drainage will be reduced to near zero with a 30% reduction in rainfall under perennial ryegrass and a 10% rainfall reduction under phalaris only and phalaris/native C4 pasture types (Fig 8). Dookie In the historical climate phalaris is more productive than perennial ryegrass and kikuyu at Dookie (Fig 9). In the future climate scenarios phalaris production is predicted to decline with +3-4°C warming while kikuyu will increase a little under the same scenarios. With large rainfall declines (-30%) phalaris is more productive that kikuyu. Phalaris was more productive than kikuyu in all climate scenarios in winter, and in spring until >+2°C warming occurs (Fig 8). Kikuyu was simulated to be more productive in summer under all climate scenarios, even though its production declined with warming. Runoff was not affected by pasture type or warming, but declined with reduced rainfall (Fig 10). Drainage was highest under perennial ryegrass followed by phalaris and kikuyu (Fig 10), and was reduced by warming and lower rainfall. Overall an increasing number of dry days under warmer and lower rainfall scenarios (Fig 10), is likely to reduce persistence of perennial ryegrass. Hamilton In the historical climate tall fescue was a little more productive than phalaris, followed by perennial ryegrass (Fig 11). Kikuyu was less productive than the other species in current climate. Kikuyu may become more productive than the other species with >+2°C warming provided there is little decrease in rainfall. Kikuyu has potential to complement production of the temperate species by providing more production in summer (Fig 11), particularly as temperate species decline in warmer climates. However kikuyu production in winter was less than the temperate species under all climate scenarios. The increasing number of dry days in the warmer and drier future scenarios (Fig 12) may limit persistence of perennial ryegrass. Runoff was not affected by pasture type or warming, but declined with reduced rainfall (Fig 12). Terang In the historical climate the rank order of annual ME production was tall fescue > perennial ryegrass = kikuyu > phalaris (Fig 13). Of the temperate species, production of tall fescue and phalaris declined with increasing temperatures while perennial ryegrass increases with 1-2°C warming then declines with further warming (Fig 13). Phalaris production was more resilient to lower rainfall compared to other species (Fig 13). Kikuyu will be only be more productive than temperate species with >1°C warming provided that rainfall does not decline by more than 10% (Fig 13). 5 Kikuyu does have potential to complement production of the temperate species by providing more ME in summer (Fig 13), particularly as temperate species production declines in warmer climates. However kikuyu production in winter was less than the temperate species under all climate scenarios. The increasing number of dry days with warming and reduced rainfall (Fig 14) may limit persistence of perennial ryegrass. Runoff was not affected by pasture type or warming, but declined with reduced rainfall (Fig 14). Ellinbank In the historical climate scenario, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue and kikuyu produced similar amounts of ME while phalaris was lower (Fig 15). Production of the temperate species was predicted to decline with warming while kikuyu was predicted to increase. However, temperate species will remain more productive than kikuyu in winter. Annual drainage was simulated to be lower with the deeper rooted species, and drainage declined with warming and lower rainfall scenarios (Fig 16). An increasing number of dry days was predicted in the warmer and drier climate scenarios, although the total numbers of dry days per year was less than at the Terang and Hamilton sites. The simulated reduced number of wet days may reduce winter pasture damage. Elliott In the historical climate, tall fescue and phalaris produced more ME than perennial ryegrass, while kikuyu had lower productivity than the temperate species (Fig 17). All temperate species were predicted to increase production with warming. Kikuyu would not become more productive than temperate species until there was 4°C warming. The benefits of kikuyu providing higher summer production were not as large as at other sites, owing to higher levels of temperate species production at this site. The modeled trend was towards reduced number of wet days (which may lessen winter pasture damage) and more dry days in the future climate scenarios (Fig 18). Discussion Future warmer and drier climate scenarios will alter the balance between the productivity and persistence of perennial grasses to support livestock production systems. The impact of climate scenarios will affect regions differently. Those regions that are currently hot and dry (eg. Moree and Wagga Wagga) will remain so, but existing pasture types at this location based on a mix of C3 and C4 species appears to be quite resilient to the changes in climate. In other regions, hotter and drier conditions are likely to challenge the productivity and persistence of current pasture species, particularly where the current species are near the edge of their adaptive range. A good example of this is perennial ryegrass based pastures at Hamilton and Terang in southwest Victoria. While perennial ryegrass is well adapted to cope with increasing temperature alone, tall 6 fescue (a deeper rooted option) offers some growth advantages particularly in summer. Phalaris (a summer dormant option) appears more resilient to rainfall declines and offers higher levels of persistence under hotter (Table 3) and drier (Figs 12 and 14) conditions. In these environments, C4 grasses will be well suited if the climate becomes warmer but only if there is not a substantial decline in rainfall. The low winter production of C4 species at the sites in southern Victoria, even in warmer scenarios, will continue to be a limitation to the use of this species. In a cool temperate site such as Elliott, perennial ryegrass production will increase in warmer and drier scenarios and its benefits in ease of management are likely to see it continue to be widely used. However as the climate becomes warmer and drier, deeper rooted options such as tall fescue and phalaris may be integrated into the systems particularly as they provide higher levels of production over summer. Overall, increasing numbers of hot and dry days will challenge persistence shallow rooted perennial grasses such as ryegrass. This will tend to favour the summer dormant species such as phalaris, however the tradeoff between the ease of management of ryegrass with the persistence benefits of phalaris is likely to be amplified in many regions of southern Australia. There appears some evidence to support the notion that C4 grasses like kikuyu could be integrated into a component of the farm under warmer climates because it offers a complementary growth pattern to the temperate species. However it is not expected to be more productive than temperate species without the combination of substantial warming and limited rainfall decline. Kikuyu is very reliant on summer rainfall to grow, so its production is highly susceptible to rainfall decline. In addition low winter production will limit its adoption as feed grown through this period is valued a lot higher by farmers The results of this analysis have highlighted that changes in the relative performance of pasture species is expected in future climates based on their heat tolerance and rooting depth. It has also raised further questions and issues that need to be addressed as we attempt to design forage systems adapted to warmer and drier climates. For example: The tradeoff between production and persistence will change and be amplified across southern Australia. This will influence farmers’ choice of species. The role of summer active temperate species (eg lucerne) requires further consideration. The analysis presented here suggests that there is a niche here, to complement species with winter dominant growth patterns. We are already seeing farmers switching to more lucerne (on suitable soils), this and other summer-active options require further work. Can intensive pasture production systems based on mixed C3/C4 species in southern Australia be developed? Their complementary growth patterns suggest that this would be desirable. Such systems do exist for example in mixed ryegrass/kikuyu swards in coastal NSW, except there they winter irrigate the ryegrass while we may need summer irrigation to keep the kikuyu alive. 7 Table 1. The location soil types, annual rainfall (mm, 1971-2010) and climate zone of the sites simulated. Soil typeA Annual rainfall Climate type Red mesotrophic 1245 Cool temperate haplic ferrosol Ellinbank -38.25, 145.93 Red mesotrophic 1033 Temperate haplic ferrosol Terang -38.25, 142.85 Brown chromosol 771 Temperate Hamilton -37.83, 142.06 Brown chromosol 680 Temperate Dookie -36.37, 145.70 Vertic calic red 568 Warm temperate chromosol Albany -34.90, 117.80 Petroferric brown 755 Temperate sodosol Wagga Wagga -35.10, 147.30 Red chromosol/ 539 Warm temperate leptic tenosol Moree Clay loam 587 Subhumid Mutdapilly -27.63, 152.71 Black vertosol 836 Subtropical A in all cases soil depth was specified to 2 m to allow maximum rooting depth for kikuyu. Site Elliott Lat./Long. -41.08, 145.77 Table 2. The pasture types simulated at each site. Site Elliott Ellinbank Terang Hamilton Dookie Albany Wagga Wagga Moree Mutdapilly Perennial ryegrass, white clover Perennial ryegrass, white clover Perennial ryegrass, white clover Perennial ryegrass, subterranean clover Perennial ryegrass, subterranean clover Perennial ryegrass, subterranean clover Native C4, phalaris, sub, annual rye Native C3/C4 Irrigated perennial rye Pasture types simulated Tall fescue, white Phalaris, white clover clover Tall fescue, white Phalaris, white clover clover Tall fescue, white Phalaris, white clover clover Tall fescue, sub Phalaris, clover subterranean clover Phalaris, Kikuyu, subterranean subterranean clover clover Phalaris, Kikuyu, subterranean subterranean clover clover Phalaris, sub, Perennial ryegrass, annual rye sub, annual rye Phalaris, sub Rhodes grass, sub Irrigated tall fescue Irrigated phalaris Kikuyu, white clover Kikuyu, white clover Kikuyu, white clover Kikuyu, subterranean clover - - - Rhodes grass 8 Table 3. Key biophysical parameters for the perennial grass species simulated in DairyMod. Parameter Leaf appearance interval at 20°C (days) Leaves per tiller Partitioning of new growth to leaf + sheath N content optimum, maximum (%) Min T photosynthesis (°C) Opt T photosynthesis (°C) Cold stress: on-set (°C) Cold stress: full (°C) Cold stress: recovery (T-sum) Heat stress: on-set (°C) Heat stress: full (°C) Heat stress: recovery (T-sum) Leaf flux – temp: min, opt (°C) Leaf flux scalar at GLF water=0, GLF water=1 Maximum root depth (cm) Depth for 50% root distribution Root partitioning with no water or nutrient stress (% new growth) Perennial ryegrass 10 Tall fescue 10 Phalaris Kikuyu 10 Native C3 20 Native C4 20 Rhodes grass 10 10 3 70 3 70 4 60 6 60 4 50 4.5 50 6 60 4.0, 5.0 3.5, 4.0 4.0, 4.5 3.0, 4.0 2.0, 2.5 2.0, 2.5 3.0, 4.0 3.5 20 28 35 50 3.0, 20.0 2.0 20 30 35 200 0.0, 20.0 2.0, 0.5 8.0 32.0 8 1 10 34 39 10 5.0, 20.0 2.0, 0.5 3.0 20.0 0.0, 20.0 2.0, 0.5 10.0 35.0 10 5 400 0.0, 20.0 2.0, 0.5 2.0 20 28 35 50 3.0, 20.0 2.0, 0.5 2.0, 0.5 12.0 35.0 7 3 50 5.0, 20.0 2.0, 0.5 40 15 120 50 150 30 200 50 60 20 100 25 200 40 20 23 30 30 20 20 30 9 Table 4. Mean number of hot days (maximum temperature>35°C), hot nights (minimum temperature >20°C), cold days (minimum temperature <15°C) and cold nights (minimum temperature <5°C) per annum at each of the site with 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4°C warming. 0 1 Hot days Hot nights Cold days Cold nights 11 42 0 31 18 64 0 21 Hot days Hot nights Cold days Cold nights 31 46 12 60 45 65 6 46 Hot days Hot nights Cold days Cold nights 4 0 32 14 5 1 15 6 Hot days Hot nights Cold days Cold nights 21 16 69 89 27 24 51 69 Hot days Hot nights Cold days Cold nights 8 5 106 114 13 8 86 89 Hot days Hot nights Cold days Cold nights 7 1 132 99 9 2 103 69 Hot days Hot nights Cold days Cold nights 6 1 115 54 7 2 79 31 Hot days Hot nights Cold days Cold nights 4 1 115 58 6 1 87 37 Hot days Hot nights Cold days Cold nights 0 0 182 99 0 0 152 69 Warming scenario (°C) 2 Mutdapilly 28 88 0 14 Moree 62 84 3 34 Albany 7 5 6 2 Wagga Wagga 36 35 34 51 Dookie 18 13 65 66 Hamilton 13 3 69 46 Terang 9 4 46 17 Ellinbank 9 3 58 22 Elliott 0 0 118 42 3 4 43 112 0 8 64 138 0 5 81 104 1 23 101 124 0 14 9 12 2 0 12 24 0 0 45 47 19 35 57 60 11 22 25 19 44 46 33 27 26 31 16 6 39 28 21 9 19 15 12 7 21 8 15 11 7 3 11 7 33 12 16 13 15 5 0 1 82 22 0 4 46 10 10 (a) (b) Figure 1. Mean (a) annual pasture production (GJ ME/ha) and coefficient of variation (CV %) and seasonal (b) production (GJ ME/ha) for irrigated perennial ryegrass, tall fescue and phalaris, and rain-fed rhodes grass pastures at Mutdapilly under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 11 (a) (b) Figure 2. Mean annual runoff (mm) (a) and wet and dry days (b) for rain-fed rhodes grass pasture at Mutdapilly under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 12 (a) (b) Figure 3. Mean (a) annual pasture production (GJ ME/ha) and coefficient of variation (CV %) and (b) seasonal production (GJ ME/ha) for phalaris, native C3 C4 and rhodes grass pastures at Moree under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 13 (a) (b) Figure 4. Mean annual runoff (mm) (a) and wet and dry days (b) for phalaris, native C3 C4 and rhodes grass pastures at Moree under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 14 (a) (b) Figure 5. Mean (a) annual pasture production (GJ ME/ha) and coefficient of variation (CV %) and seasonal (b) production (GJ ME/ha) for perennial ryegrass, phalaris and kikuyu pastures at Albany under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 15 (a) (b) Figure 6. Mean annual drainage (mm) (a) and wet and dry days (b) for perennial ryegrass, phalaris and kikuyu pastures at Albany under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 16 (a) (b) Figure 7. Mean (a) annual pasture production (GJ ME/ha) and coefficient of variation (CV %) and seasonal (b) production (GJ ME/ha) for perennial ryegrass, phalaris and C4 native, phalaris pastures at Wagga Wagga under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 17 (a) (b) Figure 8. Mean annual drainage (mm) (a) and wet and dry days (b) for perennial ryegrass, phalaris and C4 native, phalaris pastures at Wagga Wagga under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 18 (a) (b) Figure 9. Mean (a) annual pasture production (GJ ME/ha) and coefficient of variation (CV %) and seasonal (b) production (GJ ME/ha) for perennial ryegrass, phalaris and kikuyu pastures at Dookie under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 19 (a) (b) (c) Figure 10. Mean annual runoff (mm) (a), drainage (mm) (b) and wet and dry days (c) for perennial ryegrass, phalaris and kikuyu pastures at Dookie under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 20 (a) (b) Figure 11. Mean (a) annual pasture production (GJ ME/ha) and coefficient of variation (CV %) and seasonal (b) production (GJ ME/ha) for perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, phalaris and kikuyu pastures at Hamilton under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 21 (a) (b) (c) Figure 12. Mean annual runoff (mm) (a), drainage (mm) (b) and wet and dry days (c) for perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, phalaris and kikuyu pastures at Hamilton under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 22 (a) (b) Figure 13. Mean (a) annual pasture production (GJ ME/ha) and coefficient of variation (CV %) and seasonal (b) production (GJ ME/ha) for perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, phalaris and kikuyu pastures at Terang under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 23 (a) (b) (c) Figure 14. Mean annual runoff (mm) (a), drainage (mm) (b) and wet and dry days (c) for perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, phalaris and kikuyu pastures at Terang under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 24 (a) (b) Figure 15. Mean (a) annual pasture production (GJ ME/ha) and coefficient of variation (CV %) and seasonal (b) production (GJ ME/ha) for perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, phalaris and kikuyu pastures at Ellinbank (red ferrosol) under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 25 (a) (b) Figure 16. Mean annual drainage (mm) (a) and wet and dry days (b) for perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, phalaris and kikuyu pastures at Ellinbank (red ferrosol) under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 26 (a) (b) Figure 17. Mean (a) annual pasture production (GJ ME/ha) and coefficient of variation (CV %) and seasonal (b) production (GJ ME/ha) for perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, phalaris and kikuyu pastures at Elliott (red ferrosol) under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 27 (a) (b) Figure 18. Mean annual drainage (mm) (a) and wet and dry days (b) for perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, phalaris and kikuyu pastures at Elliott (red ferrosol) under the temperature (°C) and rainfall (%) change scenarios. 28