
UNIT 1 Practice EXAM (ch. 1-5)
Introduction to Sociology (D. Conly textbook – You May Ask Yourself)
Choose the BEST answer. Circle the letter that corresponds with your BEST answer. (2 pts each)
1) Sociology is
a. Very narrow in scope
b. Concerned with what one person does or does not do
c. The systematic study of society, and individual and group behavior
d. An awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society.
Thinking of society as a living organism in which each part of the organism contributes to its survival is a reflection of which theoretical
a. Functionalist
b. Conflict
c. Feminist
d. Interactionist
The appearance of hip hop or rap music in South Korea is a sign of
a. Innovation
b. Globalization
c. Diffusion
d. Cultural relativism
While the findings of sociologists may at times seem like common sense, they differ from common sense because they rest on
a. Unorganized facts
b. Strong feelings
c. Rumors
d. What you see is what you get
e. Systematic analysis of facts using the scientific method
Which of the following is an NOT an aspect of culture
a. Oil
b. Nature
c. U.S. flag
d. Right to free speech and to bear arms
Terrorists groups are examples of
a. Cultural universals
b. Subcultures
c. Countercultures
d. Dominant ideologies
Which are considered to the be the most important/primary agents of socialization in the U.S. for children
a. Religion and media
b. Education and religion
c. Peers and family
d. Government and economy
Which of the following focuses its analyses on face to face encounters and interactions
a. Macrosociology
b. Cultural sociology
c. Microsociology
d. Groups
A white person goes into an upscale store to look at clothes. She is so excited about the huge sale and gathers a pile of clothes to take
into the dressing room. An African American goes into the store, and is excited about the sale, but hesitates to take many clothes into the
dressing room, afraid that the store’s staff will think he/she might shoplift. W.E.B. Dubois would that the African American has
a. Prejudice
b. Low self esteem
c. Paranoia
d. Double consciousness
10) Feeling a bias toward a culture that encourages and arranges marriages for 13 year old girls to older men is known as
a. Xenophobia
b. Cultural relativism
c. Ethnocentrism
d. Culture shock
11) A sociologist’s study of homeless men on New York’s Sixth Avenue involves hanging out with the homeless men (research subjects) to
collect data. This type of methodology is known as
a. A survey
b. An experiment
c. An observation
d. A reality show
12) Jasmine has volunteered at a local women’s shelter. While she is volunteering, she is given permission to collect data by asking women
the circumstances of their abuse. What method will Jasmine most likely use if she seeking deeper meaning
a. Experiment
b. Survey
c. Content analysis
d. Interview
13) An ordered series of closed ended questions intended to elicit descriptive data from research respondents is known as
a. A survey or questionnaire
b. A face to face interview
c. A case study
d. An observation
Circle true or false.
14) Resocialization is an unlearning and relearning
15) An example of an in-group in the U.S. are Hispanics.
16) Examples of total institutions are prisons, military, and mental institutions.
17) Social capital is the idea that social networks have little economic or social value.
18) The generalized other is more important in the socialization process than the significant other A. TRUE.
19) Sociologists use interviews to
a. Get descriptive data to understand the scope of the issue
b. Get statistical data that is reliable
c. Get an in-depth understanding of human behavior
d. Be biased in their research approach
20) An example of an ascribed status is
a. A college graduate
b. A lawyer
c. A black man
d. An athlete
21) An example of an achieved status is
a. Getting a promotion
b. A Hispanic woman
c. A Jewish man
d. A poor child
Match the social institution with its primary role/function in society.
a. Religion
22. replacing of the population and maintaining health
23. maintaining social order
24. distribution of goods and services
25. providing meaning to our lives
26. socializing members into the same culture
27. Which of the following would be considered a social group, according to sociologists?
a. people standing in line at a bank
b. people at a rock concert
c. your sociology class
d. everyone who is a football fan
28. A collection of people who share a physical location but do not have lasting social relations is called a/an:
a. social network.
b. category.
c. social group.
d. aggregate
29. Which of the following would be considered an example of a primary group?
a. your group of close friends
b. a high school football team
c. all students at your college
d. your sociology class
Fill in the blank.
30. A proposed relationship between variable A and variable B such as students attend class each day (A) are more likely to perform better pm
the sociology exam (B) is known as ______________________________________________________.
31. Violations of norms or folkways are ____________________________________ by members of society.
32. Learning how to be human (learning the do’s and don’ts and what to value and believe) in a culture is called________________________.
33. We use __________________________________to transmit or communicate culture. We use words, facial expressions, gestures, and
34. Give an example of a cultural innovation that has changed a social institution. How did the innovation change this institution?
35. An example of a folkway is________________________________________________________________________________________.
36. An example of a more (moray) is ___________________________________________________________________________________.
37. W.E.B Dubois is best known for his studies on ___________________________________________.
38. One way sociology is different from psychology is ______________________________________________________________________
Fill in the blank. Provide examples of the dominant ideology/culture in the U.S.:
39. Language ___________________________________________
40. Religion _____________________________________________
41. Race _______________________________________________
42. Sexuality ____________________________________________
43. Class ______________________________________________
Short answer. Please answer the following in 1-3 sentences. (5 pts each)
44 What is the conflict perspective of culture?
45. In what ways does hegemony play out in the social structure?
46. Why does public sociology matter?
47. In the cases of feral children such as Danielle Lerow (worse case of child neglect in Florida) and Oksana Malaya (girl raised by dogs),
what is sociological about these cases of children raised without a social environment or group (think about nature vs. nurture)?
48. EXTRA CREDIT (worth 10 pts). You are walking down the street and you see a preponderance of seemingly young girls who are
pregnant. Using your sociological imagination, please list one CAUSE and one EFFECT that would help us better understand this
phenomenon. Be sociological.