ED Sepsis Screening Tool

ED Sepsis Screening Tool
SIRS Screen
 ‘None seen’
defaults in
Sepsis Screen’.
 1 or more SIRS
criteria will open
the Infection
Screen field
If patient is a “Negative Sepsis screen”, you will receive a
Task in 2 hours to re-evaluate.
Infection Screen
 ‘None’ defaults
in ‘Negative
Sepsis Screen’
 1 or more
infection criteria
will open
‘Positive Sepsis
If patient is a ‘Negative Severe Sepsis Screen” you will
receive a Task in 2 hours to re-evaluate.
If patient is a “Positive Severe Sepsis Screen” you are done
with the screening process.
Organ Dysfunction
 Field opens if the
patient has a
‘Positive Sepsis
 ‘None’ defaults in
‘Negative Severe
Sepsis Screen’
 1 or more organ
dysfunction will open
‘Positive Severe
Sepsis Screen’
ED Sepsis Screening Tool
ED Sepsis Screening Tool
Documented or suspected infection as evidenced by any of the following:
* New symptoms of infection (e.g. weakness, fever/chills, lethargy, new purulent drainage, etc.)
* Current or recent antibiotic therapy (NOT PROPHYLACTIC)
List of potential areas for suspected sepsis:
Pneumonia, empyema, cough
Symptoms of Urinary Tract infection
Acute abdominal infection
Skin/soft tissue infection
Bone/joint infection
Wound infection
Blood stream catheter infection
Implantable device infection
Unknown source
Nursing Care Guidelines for Positive Sepsis Screen ED
Cardiac Monitor, pulse ox, NBP
O2 per protocol to keep sats > 92%
Establish large bore IV
Anticipate the following labs: BC x2, CMP, lactate, CRP. ESR, Cortisol, U/A, sputum
Anticipate antibiotic orders and STAT administration
Vital Signs q 15 minutes until stable, then hourly
Nursing Care Guidelines for Positive Severe Sepsis Screen ED
Notify physician immediately
Above Nursing Care Guidelines, plus the following:
Establish 2nd large bore IV site
Labs per sepsis protocol if not already done (I-Stat labs at MMC)
Anticipate the following orders per facility specific protocol (ED Sepsis Power Plan at MMC)
 Fluid bolus for BP support or lactic acidosis
 Consider central line placement and additional invasive monitoring, (CVP and Arterial Line)
 Antibiotic administration within one hour of positive severe sepsis screen
Vital Signs q 15 minutes until stable, then hourly