Club-school link ideas

Club and school links ideas for football clubs
It is important for clubs to embrace forming links with local schools,
intermediates and secondary schools.
Remember the objective is to form long term, two way benefits.
Promote partnerships in newsletters, websites, in your documentation
to funders; support each other for facility upgrade or renewal projects
for instance.
Ensure there is a document like a Memorandum of Understanding in
place, and when it will be reviewed (annually) and by whom. Be open
and transparent in your dealings and with a focus on providing benefit to
the wider community!
Some ideas of what a partnership may include:
1. High School Leaders – students undertake coaching/refereeing
qualification at school and then coach in club environment.
Tie it into existing leadership programmes such as Duke of Edinburgh.
Student leaders could also run primary school festivals held on club
2. Club coaches in schools – club coaches deliver within school
environment e.g. before school, lunchtime or afternoon club or football
in schools programme on behalf of Federation.
There are a range of Whole of Football opportunities for clubs to
promote football to schools
3. Facilities – School opens up indoor and outdoor facilities for club use
(and vice versa). Club loan equipment to school
4. Promotion – posters, flyers, school & club newsletters, website can be
used in promoting club and school activities