VITA Name: Donald E. Yett Address: 2042 Hansom Drive South Pasadena, CA 91030 Phone: Home (213) 256-6668 Date and Place of Birth: Marital Status: October 8, 2015 Office (213) 740-3514 January 30, 1931; Long Beach, California Widowed Academic Degrees: A.B. University of California, Berkeley (Highest Honors) University of California, Berkeley Ph.D. 1952 1968 Dissertation Topic: “An Economic Analysis of the Hospital Nursing Shortage” Current Research Interest: Economics of Medical Care; Human Capital and Labor Economics Teaching and Research Experience: Director, Human Resources Center, University of Southern California. February, 1966-present Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, University of Southern California. February, 1973present Professor of Business Economics, USC Graduate School of Business Administration, and Adjunct Professor of Economics, USC Department of Economics. September 1971 - January, 1973 Associate Professor of Business Economics, USC Graduate School of Business Administration, and Adjunct Professor of Economics, USC Department of Economics. September 1969- August, 1971 Visiting Professor of Health Economics, UCLA School of Public Health. 1696 Assistant Professor of business Economics and Finance, USC Graduate School of Business Administration. February, 1966-August 1969. 1 Lecturer in Business Economics and Quantitative Analysis, USC Graduate School of Business Administration; and Lecturer and Assistant Research Economist, School of Public Health, University of California at Los Angeles. September, 1965-January, 1966. Instructor in Economics and Research Project Director in the Medical Care Research Center, Washington University, St. Louis. September, 1961-August, 1965. Instructor in Economics and Research Associate, the Systems Research Group, Engineering Experiment Station, The Ohio State University. October 1958-July, 1961. University of California, Berkeley. September, 1954-June, 1958. Associate in Social Science. September, 1954-June, 1958. Associate in Business Administration Department, Summer, 1957. Field Interviewer and Statistical Assistant in the study of employment problems of older women in the San Francisco Bay Area under the direction of Professor Emily Huntington, Chairman of the Heller Committee for Research in Social Economics. Summer, 1956. Research Assistant to Professors R.A. Gordon and James Walter, Summer 1956. Teaching Assistant in Economic Statistics. Fall, 1955 and Spring, 1956. Research Assistant to Dr. Margaret Gordon in Institute of Industrial Relations. Summer, 1954. Teaching Assistant in Economic Principles. Fall, 1954, Spring and Summer, 1955, Fall, 1956 and Spring, 1957 (Head Teaching Assistant). Publications: “Economic Factors in Hospital Systems Analysis,” in The development of a Methodology for the Evaluation of Patient Care (with Daniel Howland, et al.). Columbus, Ohio: System Research Group, Ohio State University, 1960. “The Community-Hospital System,” and “An Economic Analysis of the Hospital Labor Shortage 1940-1960” in The Development of a Methodology for the Evaluation of Patient Care (with Daniel Howland, et al.). Columbus, Ohio: Systems Research Group, Ohio State University, 1961. “The Supply of Nurses: an Economist’s View.” Paper presented at the 49th Annual Convention of the Catholic Hospital Association in New York, June 23, 1964. Published in Hospital Progress, XLVI (February, 1965), pp. 88-102. “The Nursing Shortage and Nurse Training Act of 1964.” Paper presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association in New York, October 6, 1964. Published first in Industrial and labor Relation Review. XIX (January, 1966), pp. 28-31. “Physicians’ Expenses Relative to Output.” Paper presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association in San Francisco. November 1, 1966. Revised and published as “An Evaluation of Alternative methods of Estimating Physicians’ Expenses Relative to output,” Inquiry, IV (March, 1967), pp. 3-27. 2 “Trends in the Return on Investments in higher Education: 1949-59” (with Melvin Borland). Paper presented at the Econometric Society, Winter, 1966 Meetings in San Francisco, December 27, 1966. Condensed and published as “The Cash Value of College for Negroes and Whites,” Trans-Action, V (November, 1967), pp. 44-49. Research on Health Economics: Report of a Survey. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1967. Nurse Training Act of 1964: Program Review Report (with William R. Willard, et al. Public Health Service Publication No. 1740. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967. “A Reinterpretation of Hospital Cost Analysis” (with Judith K. Mann). Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association in Boulder, Colorade, August 24, 1967. Revised and published as “The Analysis of Hospital Costs: A Review Article,” Journal of Business, XL (April, 1968), pp. 191-202. Reprinted and published as “Hospital Costs” in Health Economics. Edited by Michael H. Cooper and Anthony J. Culyer. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books Ltd., 1973. “Methods of Estimating Occupational Attrition” (with Hugh Folk), Western Economic Journal, VI (September, 1968), pp. 297-302. “Lifetime Earnings for Nurses in Comparison with College-Trained Women,” Inquiry, V (December, 1968), pp. 35-70. “Costs of Health Care: An Economist’s View.” Paper presented at the Blue Shield Annual Program Conference in Chicago, Illinois, October 7, 1968. Published in Efficiency in Health Care Financing. Chicago: National Association of Blue Shield Plans, 1969. Condensed and reprinted as “Doctor’s Fees: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” Perspective, III (November-December, 1968), pp. 19-22. “Causes and Consequences of Salary Differentials in Nursing.” Paper presented at the 41st Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association in Berkeley, California, August 26, 1966. Revised and published in Inquiry, VII (March, 1970), pp. 78-99. Determination of Economic Attributes of Community Health Profiles and Health Indices (with Leonard Drabek, Michael D. Intriligator, and Josef May). Community Profile Data Center Technical Paper No. 8. Rockville, Maryland: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, May, 1970. “Estimation of Cost Functions for Health Services: The Nursing Home Case”, (with Douglas E. Skinner). Paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the Southern Economic Association, Atlanta, George, November 12, 1970. “Comment on Professor Harris’ Paper Impact of Health Services and Programs on the Economy.” Paper presented at Outcomes Conference II held by the California Center for Health Services Research and the National Center for Health Services Research and Development. Universal City, California. December 1-3, 1969. Published in Methodology of Identifying, Measuring and 3 Evaluating Outcomes of Health Service Programs, Systems, and Subsystems. Edited by Carl E. Hopkins. Rockville, Maryland: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1970. “The Department of a Micro-Simulation Model of Health Manpower Demand and Supply” (with Leonard Drabek, Michael D. Intriligator, and Larry J. Kimbell) in Proceedings and Report of the Conference on a Health Manpower Simulation Model, Vol. 1. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1970, pp. 9-172. (Conference held on August 31, and September 1, 1970, at the National Institutes of Health under the sponsorship of the Bureau of Health Manpower Education). “A Microsimulation Model of the Health Care System” (with Leonard Drabek, Michael D. Intriligator, and Larry J. Kimbell). Paper presented at the 130th Annual Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Detroit, Michigan, December 29, 1970. Published in The Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section. Washington, D.C.: American Statistical Association, 1970, pp. 13945. “Yes, Virginia, There is a Shortage of Nurses – But It’s Not Quite Simple as All That…” Paper presented at the Second Conference on the Economics of Health at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, December 7, 1968. Revised and published as “The Chronic Shortage of Nurses: A Public Policy Dilemma,” in Empirical Studies in Health Economics. Edited by Herbert E. Klarman. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1970. Reprinted and published as “The Nursing Shortage” in Health Economics. Edited by Michael H. Cooper and Anthony J. Culyer. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1973. “Macroeconomic Model for Regional Health Planning,” (with Leonard Drabek, Michael D. Intriligator, and Larry J. Kimbell). Paper presented at the 46th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 31, 1971. Revised and published in the Economic and Business Bulletin, XXIV (Fall, 1971), pp. 1-21. Physician Production Functions Under Varying Practice Arrangements (with Uwe E. Reinhardt). Community Profile Data Center Technical Paper No. 11. Rockville, Maryland: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1971. (Revised August, 1972). “The Use of Econometric Models to Forecast Health Manpower Demand and Supply,” (with Leonard Drabek, Michael D. Intriligator, and Larry J. Kimbell). Paper presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 14, 1971. Published as “Health Manpower Planning: An Econometric Approach,” Health Services Research, VII (Summer, 1972), pp. 134-47. “The Development and Application of a Debility Index for Patients in Nursing Homes,” (with Douglas E. Skinner). Paper presented at Health Services Research Conference on a Health Status Index, Tucson, Arizona, October 1-4, 1972. Published as “Debility Index for Long-Term-Care Patients,” in Health Status Indexes. Edited by R.L. Berg. Chicago: Hospital Research and Educational Trust, 1973, pp. 69-82. “A Microsimulation Model of the Health Care System in the United States: The Role of the Physician Services Sector,” (with Leonard Drabek, Michael D. Intriligator, and Larry J. Kimbell). Paper presented at the 5th International Federation for Information Processing Conference on Optimization Techniques, Rome, Italy, May 7-11, 1973. Published in 5th Conference on Optimization Techniques, Vol. 4, Part II. Edited by R. Conti and A. Ruberti. Berlin: SpringerVerlag, 1973, pp. 85-96. 4 “Socio-Economic Proxies for Measures of Health Status,” (with Daniel S. Levine). Paper presented at Health Services Research Conference on a Health Status Index, Tucson, Arizona, October 1-4, 1972. Published as “A Method for Constructing Proxy Measures of Health Status,” in Health Status Indexes. Edited by R.L. Berg. Chicago: Hospital Research and Educational Trust, 1973, pp. 12-22. “Analysis of Migration Patterns of Recent Medical School Graduates,” (with Frank A. Sloan). Paper presented at the Health Services Research Conference on Factors in Manpower Performance and the Delivery of Health Care, Chicago, Illinois, December 9, 1971. Revised and published as “Migration Patterns of Recent Medical School Graduates,” Inquiry, XI (June, 1974), pp. 125-42. “An Analysis of Length of Stay in Long-Term Health Facilities,” (with Douglas E. Skinner). Research Report on Grant No. 10-P-56030 under the Cooperative Research and Demonstration Program of the Social Rehabilitation Service and the Social Security Administration, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1974. Data Source Book for an Economic Analysis of Nursing Supply and Demand. NTIS Publication number PB 238 670. Springfield, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, 1974. “An Economic Analysis of the Market for Nurses.” Paper presents at Western Michigan University Department of Economics Winter Seminar Series, Kalamazoo, Michigan, February 27, 1974. Revised and presented as “Economic Analysis of Federal Subsidies for Nurse Training,” at the Forty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Southern Economic Association Meetings, Atlanta, Georgia, November 15, 1974. Published under original title in The U.S. Medical Care Industry: The Economist’s Point of View. Edited by Joseph C. Morreale. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan, 1974. “Impacts of Alternative Types of National Health Insurance Plans,” (with Larry J. Kimbell). Paper presented at the Inaugural Convention of the Eastern Economic Association, Albany, New York, October 25, 1974. Revised version presented at Previewing National Health Insurance Symposium sponsored by the National Pharmaceutical council, Washington, D.C., November 13, 1974. Published in Previewing National Health Insurance. Washington, D.C.: National Pharmaceutical Councin, Inc., 1974, pp. 51-58. “A Multivariate Analysis of Factors Affecting Length of Stay and Costs for Care in Long-Term Health Facilities,” (with Douglas E. Skinner). Research Report on Grant No. 10-P-56030 under the Cooperative Research and Demonstration Program of the Social and Rehabilitation Service and the Social Security Administration, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1974. An Original Comparative Economic Analysis of Group Practice and Solo Fee-For-Service Practice-Final Report: Analysis from the Seventh Periodic Survey for Physicians. D.E. Yett, Project Director. NTIS Publication number PB241 546. Springfield, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, 1974. “The Use of an Econometric Model to Analyze Selected Features of National Health Insurance Plans,” (with Leonard Drabek, Michael D. Intriligator, and Larry J. Kimbell). Paper presented at a Joint Session of the Health Economics Research Organization and the American Economic Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 28, 1971. Revised version presented at the 5 Conference on the Economics of Health and Medical Care in Developed Countries, Tokyo, Japan, April 5, 1973. Published as “Econometric Forecasts of Health Services and Health Manpower,” in The Economics of Health and Medical Care. Edited by Mark Perlman. London: The MacMillan Press, Ltd., 1974. “A Microsimulation Model of Health Care System in the U.S.,” (with Leonard Drabek, Michael D. Intriligator, and Larry J. Kimbell). Paper presented at the Econometric Society Meetings, New York City, December 29, 1973. Published as “A Microeconometric Model of the Health Care System in the United States,” Annals of Economic and Social Measurement, IV (Summer, 1975), pp. 407-33. “Economic Impact of Diabetes,” (with Paul S. Entmacher, et al.), in Report of the National Commission on Diabetes to the Congress of the United States, Vol. iii, Part 2, December 10, 1975, pp. 305-51. An Economic Analysis of the Nurse Shortage. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Company, 1975. An Evaluation of Policy Related Research on the Effects of Alternative Health Care Reimbursement Systems (with Larry J. Kimbell). NTIS Publication number PB 244 400. Springfield, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, 1975. “A Microsimulation Model of the Health Care System in the United States: The Role of the Hospital Sector,” (with Leonard Drabek, Michael D. Intriligator, and Larry J. Kimbell). Paper presented at the Twentieth International Meeting of the Institute of Management Science, Tel Aviv, Israel, June 24-29, 1973. Published in Applied Mathematics and Computation, 1 (1975), pp. 105-130. “A Macroeconomic Model of the Production and Distribution of Physician, Hospital, and Other Health Care Services,” (with Leonard Drabek, Michael D. Intriligator, and Larry J. Kimbell), in Health System Modeling and the Information System for the Coordination of Research in Oncology. Edited by D.D. Venedictov. Laxemburg, Austria: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 1977, pp. 147-89. Reprinted in Academe and State Legislative Policies for Health. Edited by Selma J. Mushkin. Washington, D.C.: Public Services Laboratory, Georgetown University, December, 1976, pp. 77-110. “Validation of Health Manpower Data.” Paper presented at the 16th National Meeting of the Public Health Conference on Records, Statistics, St. Louis, Missouri, June 14-15, 1976. Published in the Proceedings of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics. Rockville, Maryland: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, February, 1977, pp. 194-202. “U.S. and Foreign Medical School Graduates: Comparison of the Initial Career Choices,” (with Richard L. Ernst and John S. Greenlees). Paper presented at Joint Session of the American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization, Chicago, Illinois, August 30, 1978. “Facts Versus Folklore Concerning the Market for Physicians’ Services,” in Competition in the Health Care Sector: Past, Present and Future. Edited by Warren Greenberg. Germantown, Maryland: Aspen Systems Corporation, 1978, pp. 103-120. 6 “The Cost of Producing Long-term Inpatient Services in Alternative Settings,” (with Douglas E. Skinner). Paper presented at the 54th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 18, 1979. A Forecasting and Policy Simulation Model of the Health Care Sector: The HRRC Prototype Microeconomic Model (with Leonard Drabek, Michael D. Intriligator, and Larry J. Kimbell). Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Company, 1979. “Nurse Market Policy Simulations Using an Econometric Model,” (with R.T. Deane), in Research in Health Economics: An Annual Complation of Research, Vol.1, Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1979. “The HRRC Health Care Sector Simulation Model,” (with Leonard Drabek, Michael D. Intriligator, and Larry J. Kimbell), in Microeconomic Simulation Models for Public Policy Analysis, Vol. 1 - - Distributional Impacts. Edited by Robert H. Haveman and Kevin Hollenbeck. New York: Academic Press, 1980, pp. 231-75. “Blue Shield Plan Physician Participation,” (with R. Ernest, W. Der. And J. Hay). Presented at the 55th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association, San Diego, California, June 16, 1980. Published in Health Care Financing Review, Spring, 1981, pp 9-24. “Discussion of Presented Papers.” In Health Care and Industrial Relations - - Costs, Conflicts, and Controversy. Edited by Rosalind M. Schwartz. Monograph and Research Series No. 28, Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Los Angeles, 1981, pp. 91-102. “Nursing Home Admissions Policies Under Reimbursement” (with John S. Greenlees and John M. Marshall), Bell Journal of Economics, Spring 1982, pp. 93-106. “A Model of Physician Pricing, Output, and Health Insurance Reimbursement: Findings from Study of Two Blue Shield Plans’ Claims data,” (with R. Ernst, W. Der, and J. Hay). Presented at the Joint Session of the American Economic Association and the Health Economics Research Organization, Denver, Colo., Sept. 5-7, 1980, and at the World Congress on Health Economics, Leyden, The Netherlands, Sept. 9-11, 1980. Published in J. Van de Gaag, W. Neenan. And T. Tsukahara (eds.), Economics of Health Care, Praeger Press, 1982, pp. 197-230. Evaluating the Cost Effectiveness of Health Care Innovation: The Case of “Cimetidine.” Paper presented at a Joint Session of the American Economic Association and the Health Economics Research Organization, New York, December 30, 1982. “Physician Pricing and Health Insurance Reimbursement,” (with R. Ernst, W. Der, and J. Hay), Health Care Financing Review, February, 1984, pp. 69-80. “Physician’s Background Characteristics and Their Career Choices,” (With R. Ernst), Medical Care Review, Spring, 1984, pp. 1-36. “Fee Screen Reimbursement and Physician Fee Inflation,” (with R. Ernst, W. Detr, and J. Hay). Presented at a Joint Session of the American Economic Association and the Health Economics Research Organization, San Francisco, California, December 28-30, 1983. Journal of Human Resources, Spring, 1985 pp. 278-291. 7 Physician Location and Specialty Choices (with R. Ernst). Health Administration Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1985. “Health Care Reform Legislation: The Financial Import on Physicians,” USC Medical Journal, September, 1994, pp. 40-43. Principal Investigator or Project Director of the following projects: Public Health Service Grants GM 09712 and NU 0054 to conduct an economic analysis of the hospital nursing shortage. Public Health Service Contract No. PH 108-66-78 to develop a methodology for estimating the costs of producing general dental services. Social Security and Social Rehabilitation Service Cooperative Research and Demonstration Program Grant No. 10-P-56030/9 to estimate the economic costs of long-term inpatient care in different institutional settings. Public Health Service Contract No. PH 108-77-146 to prepare two volume study of the shortage of nurses for publication by the U.S. Public Health Service. Public Health Service Grant NU 00277 to study the private returns on investment in training for nurses and physicians. Public Health Service Grant NU 00328 to conduct a pilot study of nurse mobility patterns. Public Health Service Grant HS 00565 to study the economic impact of alternative reimbursement systems (Medicare, Medicaid, and private payment) on the operations of the Southern California nursing home industry. Public Health Service Contract No. PH 108-69-69 for the development of a microsimulation model of health manpower demand and supply. Public Health Service Grant NU 00274 to develop an econometric model of the market for nurses. Health Services Administration Contract No. HSM 110-69-1 to make a determination of the economic attributes of community health profiles and health indices. Subsequently amended to include the development of a macroeconometeric model to forecast health services demand and supply at regional and subregional levels. Also subsequently amended to include a Multivariate Analysis of Health Status Indicators. Public Health Service Grant NU 00346 to make estimates of the returns on nurse training (using unpublished Census data) for hospital and other nurses by state. Health Services and Mental Health Administration Contract No. HSM 110-70-354 to do an original and comparative economic study of group and solo fee-for-service and prepaid practices (including subcontract to the AMA and for assistance in survey design, data collection, and analysis). National Institute of Mental Health Contract No. HSM 42-70-91 to study long range financing of mental health programs. 8 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Order No. SA-2456-68 to tabulate the results of the Division of Nursing’s 1966 Hospital Manpower Survey. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Order No. SA-11176-69 to prepare a report on estimates of production functions for physicians’ services made using the Medical Economics, Inc. annual survey of MD incomes and expenses. Social Security Administration Contract No. SSA-71-3218 to make estimates of total personal expenditures for skilled nursing home care by type of facility, state, and region. Continuing contract from Medical Economics, Inc. to tabulate and analyze the results of their annual survey of physicians’ incomes and expenses. Subcontract from New York University to conduct a study of policies to influence physician location decisions as part of their prime Contract HEW 0S 69-94. Public Health Service Contract No. NIH 714-4065 to develop and estimate a simulation model which deals explicitly with the microanalytical behavior of individuals and institutions compromising the health care system. Department of Commerce Grant No. OER 433-G-72-12 (99-7-13252) for the identification of economically distressed areas. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Contract No. HEW 0S-72-194 to make estimates of costs, revenues, profits, manpower utilization and patient dependency in skilled nursing homes. Contract from Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc. to study the impact on health care costs of an open versus closed psychotherapeutic formulary. National Science foundation Grant No. G1-39344 to evaluate research on effects of alternative health care reimbursement systems. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant No. 359 to study factors determining physician choice of location and type of practice. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant No. 2051 for the development of methods to forecast the impacts of policies to induce physicians to become primary care practitioners and to locate in underserved areas. National Center for Health Services Research Grant No. 1 RO1 HS 01786-01 to Study U.S and Foreign Doctors Entering Practice. Health Care Financing Administration Contract 600-76-0160 for the Analysis of Medicare Prevailing, Customary and Actual Charge Data. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant No. 3330 on the Preparation of a Report on Physician Location and Specialty choices. 9 Veteran’s Administration Contract V101 (93) P-1005 (economic analysis component) to develop model for forecasting utilization of VA medical services and analyzing probable impacts of user fees. Other Professional Activities Consultant to the Ohio State Nurses’ Association on Economic Security Program Issues, April, 1961-September, 1961. Participant in the “Conference on the Economics of Health and Medical Care,” University of Michigan, May 10-12, 1962. Paper presented at the “Hospital Administration” session of the 49th Annual Convention of the Catholic Hospital Association, New York, October 6, 1964. Paper presented at “The Medical Market” session of the 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, New York, October 6, 1964. Consultant to Medical Economics, Inc., on annual surveys of physician’s incomes and expenses, 1965-1978. Consultant on the Economics of Medical care to the School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles, California, February, 1966-January, 1967. Consultant, North American Aviation, Inc., Space and Information Systems Division, on health system stimulation and modeling, March – April, 1966. Paper presented at the ”Economics of Health, Education, and Welfare” session of the 41st Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association, Berkeley, California, August 26, 1966. Paper presented at “The Economics of Health and Medical Care” session of the 94th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, California, November 1, 1966. Paper presented at the Econometric Society Winter 1966 Meetings, San Francisco, California, December 27, 1966. Member of the Program Review Committee for the Nurse Training Act of 1964, U.S. Public Health Service, Bureau of Health Manpower, May-November, 1967. Consultant to Southern California Neurosurgical Society on revising their relative value scale, May, 1967-November, 1968. Paper presented at “The Economics of Health” session of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association, Boulder, Colorado, August 24, 1967. 10 Paper presented at the “Outcomes Conference II” of the California Center for Health Services Research, December 2, 1969. Participant in National Center for Health Services Research and Development “National Invitational Conference on Provisional Guidelines for Automated Multiphasic Health Testing and Service,” Washington, D.C., January 21-23, 1970. Member of ad hov Review Committee for National Center for Health Services Research and Development on Health Careers Research and Demonstration Project, New York City, February 10-12, 1970. Consultant on hospital manpower to Comitè D’Etude De La Main D’Oeuvre Hospitaliére, Montreal, Canada, February, 1970. Consultant to the Society of Head and Neck Surgeons on Revising their Relative Value Scale, February, 1970. Consultant on cost-benefit analysis to the project on “Drug Utilization Review with On-Line Computer Capability” conducted by the University of Southern California School of Medicine, February, 1970-February, 1971. Consultant on economic aspects of the demand for health care of selected suburban populations to St. Louis County Health Department, February, 1970-July, 1970. Speaker at University of Southern California Regional Institute in Social Welfare Conference, April 27, 1970. Participant in National Institute of Mental Health Meeting on “Long –Range Financing of Mental Health Programs” Chevy Chase, Maryland, April 29-30, 1970. Paper presented at “Conference on a Health Manpower Simulation Model” held at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, August 31- September 1, 1970. Paper presented at the “Economics of Health Care” session of the 40th Annual Conference of the Southern Economic Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 12, 1970. Speaker at University of Southern California School of Dentistry “Colloquium on Community Oral Health,” December 5, 1970. Member of Research in Nursing Patient Care Grant Application Review Committee for National Institutes of Health, August, 1967-July, 1970. Participant in National Bureau of Economic Research “Conference on Income and Wealth” Ottawa, Canada, October 20-21, 1967. Member of Editorial Board of Inquiry (a medical economics journal sponsored by the National Association of Blue Cross Plans), 1967-1979. Consultant to the University of Wisconsin School of Nursing, August-September, 1968. 11 Member of the U.S. Public Health Service Community Profile Data Center Ad Hoc Advisory Committee (now Division of Monitoring and Analysis, Bureau of Community Health Services, Health Services Administration), September, 1968-October, 1973. Paper presented at “Cost of Health Care” session to the Blue Shield Annual Program Conference, Chicago, Illinois, October 7, 1968. Consultant on the Economics of Multiphasic Screening to the National Center for Health Services Research and Development, October, 1968-January, 1970. Paper presented at the “Second Conference on the Economics of Health” at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, December 7, 1968. Participant in National Center for Health Services Research and Development “Conference on Research on the Costs of Medical Care,” Bethesda, Maryland, January 31-February 1, 1969. Paper presented at University of California “Conference on Managing the Medical Practice,” May 2, 1969. Participant in the “Outcomes Conference I” of the California Center for Health Services Research, May 24-27, 1969. Paper presented at Engineering Foundation and the Society for Advance Medical Systems Joint Research Conference session on “Engineering in Medicine Multiphasic Screening III,” Deerfield, Massachusetts, August 18, 1969. Paper presented at the “New England Blue Shield Professional Relations Conference, “Kennebunkport, Maine, September 6, 1969. Paper presented at the “Medical Economics Workshop” of the University of Iowa, September 1517, 1969. Paper presented at the “Microanalytic Simulation of Household Behavior” session at the Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, Detroit, Michigan, December 29, 1970. Participant in National Institutes of Health Meeting on “The Role of the National Institutes of Health in Fostering the Application of Systems Analysis to Academic Medical Centers,” Bethesda, Maryland, February 25 and 26, 1971. Paper presented at the “Econometrics” session of the 46th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 31, 1971. Paper presented at “Special Session on Health Manpower Planning” at the 99th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 14, 1971. Discussant on Panel at Meeting of the American Association of Medical Society Executives, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 27, 1971. 12 Paper presented at the National Center for Health Services Research and Development Conference on “Factors in Manpower Performance and the Delivery of Health Care” Chicago, Illinois, December 9, 1971. Paper presented at a joint Session of the Health Economics Research Organization and the American Economic Association on “Research Pertaining to National Health Insurance,” New Orleans, Louisiana, December 28, 1971. Discussant on Panel: “Operations Research Evaluation of Health Planning Policies” at the 41st National Meeting of the Operations Research Society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 26-28, 1972. Papers presented at “Area Health Education System Workshop” sponsored by the Tennesse MidSouth and Memphis Medical Programs, Gatinburg, Tennessee, July 7, 1972. Two papers presented at “Health Services Research Conference on a Health Status Index” sponsored by the Hospital Research and Educational Trust, Tucson, Arizona, October 1-4, 1972. Chairman of “Hospital Costs and Hospital Production Functions” session of the National Center for Health Services Research and Development Conference on Direction in Health Economics held in New Orleans, Louisiana, December 8, 1972. Participant in Policy Center Conference on Health Care Regulations sponsored by a grant from the National Science Foundation, Vail, Colorado, June 7-9, 1974. Consultant to Medicus Systems Corporation, Chicago, Illinois, on review and evaluation of studies on the productivity of nursing personnel, June 1974-July 30, 1975. Consultant to WESTAT, Inc., Rockville, Maryland on the incidence, prevalence, and costs of intercranial neoplasms, July, 1974-January 1977. Moderator for Panel on Closed vs. Open Formularies, Revolution in Health Care Symposium sponsored by the World Health Information Services, Inc., at Columbia, South Carolina, September 30, 1974. Consultant to Division of Monitoring and Analysis, Bureau of Community Health Services, Health Services Administration, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, September, 1974-October, 1975. Paper presented at “Health Economics” session at the Inaugural Convention of the Eastern Economic Association; also served as Chairman and Discussant at other session, Albany, New York, October 25-27, 1974. Paper presented at “Previewing National Health Insurance Symposium” sponsored by the National Pharmaceutical Council, Washington, D.C. November 13, 1974. Paper presented at “Topics in Federal Support of Health Manpower Training” session at the Forty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Southern Economic Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 14-16, 1974. 13 Paper presented at a Joint Session of the Health Economics Research Organization and the American Economic Association on “Government Regulation and Price Setting in the Health Care Sector,” San Francisco, California, December 28, 1974. Discussant at “Competitive Equity in Higher Education: Public vs. Private” session of the Association for Social Economics Meetings, San Francisco, California, December 28, 1974. Consultant to California State University and College Foundation, Office of the Chancellor, on allied health manpower education survey, December, 1974. Consultant to CONSAD Research Corporation on a study of the effectiveness of loan forgiveness as an incentive for health practitioners to locate and/or remain in undeserved areas, December, 1972-January, 1973. Consultant to Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc. Nutley, New Jersey, on the economics of the pharmaceutical industry, 1972-1980. Paper presented at the 5th International Federation for Information Processing Conference on Optimization Techniques, Rome, Italy, May 7-11, 1973. Paper presented at the Econometrics Studies Session of the 48th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association, Claremont, California, August 17, 1973. Paper presented at the “Analytical and Quantitative Models in Health Economics” session of the Econometric Society Meeting, New York, December 29, 1973. Member, Board of Associate Editors, Applied Mathematics and Computation, January 1974January, 1988. Paper presented at lecture series on Economic Aspects of the Medical Care System in the United States, Department of Economics Winter Seminar Series, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, February 27, 1974. Consultant to Westinghouse Electric Company Health Systems Population Center, Columbia, Maryland, on investigation of delivery of family planning services in occupational settings, February, 1974. Consultant to Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, New Jersey, on feasibility of conducting economic analysis of data to be collected in a survey of time spent in different professional activities by physicians in twenty-four specialties, March, 1974. Consultant to Division of Program Appraisal and Data Planning, Bureau of Quality Assurance, Health Services Administration, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. March 1974June, 1975. Consultant to National Institute of Mental Health, Division of Manpower and Training Programs to perform site visits on training grant proposals at University of Chicago and University of Wisconsin, April 1-May 14, 1974. 14 Consultant to National Center for Health Statistics, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, on analysis of their latest nursing home survey (RPS-4), April, 1974. Consultant to Westinghouse Electric Corporation Health Systems Population Center, Columbia, Maryland, on technical assistance to the Government of Korea in the field of health planning and health economics, January, 1975-1976. Participant in “Conference on Current Information on Health Manpower” sponsored by the Conservation of Human Resources, Columbia University, held at Tarrytown, New York, April 16-18, 1975. Chairman of discussion group at “Symposium of Collectors and Users of Health Statistics Related to the Disadvantaged” sponsored by the National Center for Health Statistics - - Office of Health Resources Opportunity, Bethesda, Maryland, April 21-22, 1975. Chairman of session on “Health Indices: Plenary Session on the Varying Concepts and Applications of Health Indices” at the Data Use and Analysis Laboratory Workshop sponsored by the National Center for Health Statistics, Orlando, Florida, April 28-29, 1975. Participant in the John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences “International Conference on Health Costs and Expenditures (A Study of the Health Policy Studies Program),” held at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, June 2-4, 1975. Consultant to CSF, Ltd., Washington, D.C., on a micro-model for nursing manpower needs, June, 1975-June, 1976. Participant in the Workgroup on Economic Impact of Diabetes of the Committee on the Scope and Impact of Diabetes of the National Commission on Diabetes. Paul S. Entmacher, Workgroup Chairman, July 1, 1975-August 31, 1975. Consultant to Information and Communication Applications, Inc., Rockville, Maryland, on the development of automatic data processing matrices of national employment statistics on allied health occupations, July, 1975-July, 1976. Speaker at Manpower Workshop of the National Association of National Medical Programs Conference, San Diego, California, September 23, 1975. Consultant to Blue Cross-Blue Shield of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, on medical economic issues, September, 1975. Two Papers presented at International Institute for Applied Systems Analyses (IIASA) Conference on Public Health Modelling held in Moscow, U.S.S.R., December S-10, 1975 and in Laxenburg, Austria, December 11-12, 1975. Participant in the Third Seminar on Pharmaceutical Public Policy Issues sponsored by the American University, Washington, D.C., December 15-16. 1975. 15 Chairman of a joint session of the Health Economics Research Organization and the American Economic Association entitled “In anticipation of National Health Insurance: Analyses of Health Cost Containment Programs.” Dallas, Texas, December 30, 1975. Paper presented at “Manpower and Facilities Statistics” session of the 16th National Meeting of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics, St. Louis, Missouri, June 15, 1976. Consultant to Battelle Health Care Study Center, Seattle, Washington on Cost Reporting Systems for Nursing Home Care, July, 1976-December, 1977. Chairman of a joint session of the Health Economics Research Organization and the American Economic Association entitled “Economic Analyses of Medical Malpractice Insurance,” Atlanta City, N.J., September 18th, 1976. Consultant to Eli Lilly & Co. and the USC School of Pharmacy on Fiscal Impact of Adding Keflex to the Medi-Cal Formulary, December, 1976. Member, Board of Directors, National Leauge for Nursing, 1976-1979. Paper presented at the Federal Trade Commission Conference “Competition in the Health Care Sector: Pas, Present, Future,” Washington, Doc., June 1, 1977. Chairman of session on “Economics of Health Care” at the 52nd Annual Conference of Western Economic Association, Anaheim, California, June 20-23, 1977. Member, Western Economic Association Program Committee, 5nd Annual Conference, June 2023, 1977. Discussant at conference on “Functional Health Status and Biomedical Research and Technology,” Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., September 24, 1977. Consultant to Applied Management Sciences, Inc., Silver Springs, Maryland, on evaluation of nurse manpower models, November, 1977-June, 1978. Chairman of joint session of Health Economics Research Organization and American Economic Association on “Regulation in Health Care Industry,” New York, December 29, 1977. Discussant at conference on Health Care in the American Economy: Issues and Forecasts, sponsored by Blue Cross and Blue Shield Associations, Miami, Florida, January 15-18, 1978. Paper presented at “National Health Insurance and the Nurse” session of the 25th Annual Congress of the Association of Operating Room Nurses. New Orleans, Louisiana. March 17, 1978. Consultant to Massachusetts Medical Society on Setting of Blue Shield reimbursement Rate in Massachusetts. May, 1978-June, 1979. Paper presented at National League for Nursing, Public Affairs Committee Seminar on “The emergence of Nursing as a Political Force,” Washington, D.C., August 22, 1978. 16 Chairman of a joint session of the Health Economics Research Organization and the American economic Association on “Economic Analysis of Hospitals,” Chicago, Illinois, August 29th, 1978. Paper presented at a joint session of the Health economics research Organization and the American Economic Association on “Health Manpower research,” Chicago, Illinois, August 30, 1978. Consultant to firm of Renzi and Kilbridge (attorneys) on the present income loss owing to sight impairment, December, 1978. Speaker at workshop on Life Support Policies sponsored by the Los Angeles County Citizens Committee on Life support policies, USC Health Sciences Campus, February 3, 1979. Paper presented at session of Eastern Economic Association meeting on “Economic Analyses of Health Service Policy Issues,” Boston, Massachusetts, May 12, 1979. Papers presented at two sessions of Western Economic Association Convention on Health Economics, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 18 and 19, 1979. Consultant to Group Health Association of American. Inc., on report concerning the “Cost of Benefits for Alcoholism in a National Health Insurance Program,” September-December, 1979. Consultant to Kentland Institute of Preventive Medicine, Kentland, Indiana, on evaluation of health strategies project, September, 1979-January, 1980. Speaker at IIASA_AMIEV Conference on “Health and the Environment,” Luxemburg, Austria, October 30, 1979. Chairman of joint session of the Health Economics Research Organization and American economic Association on “Government Regulation in the Health Care Field,” Atlanta, Georgia, December 28, 1979. Consultant to Policy Research, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, on NHSC physician retention in health manpower scarcity areas, December, 1979-June, 1980. Two Papers presented at WEA invited Session - - “Health Economics,” 55th Annual Meetings of the Western Economic Association. San Diego. California. June 16, 1980. Discussant at conference “Health Care and Industrial Relations - - Costs, Conflicts, and Controversy,” presented by the UCLA Institute of Industrial Relations and School of Public Health, June 20, 1980. Paper presented at the World Congress on Health Economics, Leyden University, Leyden, The Netherlands, September 9-11, 1980. Speaker at meeting of employee Relations Staff and Nursing Staff, Kaiser-Permanente Corp., Los Angeles, California, October 2, 1980. 17 Consultant on federal nurse manpower policy to Director, Health resources Administration, May, 1981-December, 1981. Speaker at Economic Workshop, National Academy of Science, Institute of Medicine Study of Nursing and Nursing Education, October 16, 1981. Chair, joint session of American Economic Association and health Economics Research Organization on “Federal Health Programs in the Face of Budget Cutbacks,” Washington, D.C., December 29, 1981. Consultant to National Academy of Sciences, Institutes of Medicine, Study of Nursing and Nursing education, 1981-1982. Consultant to USC Citizen’s Research Foundation on development of index of cost of election campaigns, 1982. Paper presented at ASSA Annual Meetings, join session of the American Economic Association and the Health Economics Research Organization, New York, December 28-30, 1982. Chair, joint session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Demand for Mental Health Services,” San Francisco, December 28, 1983. Member of Executive Advisory Committee of the Health Systems Management Center of Case Western Reserve University, October, 1980-July, 1984. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Cost Benefit and Cost Effectiveness Studies of Health Care Programs,” Dallas, December 29, 1984. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Effects of health Insurance on Demand for Health Services,” Dallas, December 30, 1984. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Distributional Effects of large Increases in Physician Supply,” New York, December 28, 1985. Paper present at ASSA annual meetings, joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization, New York, December 30, 1985. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Analysis of the Impacts of perspective Payments Systems,” New Orleans, December 29, 1986. Consultant, Columbia University, Conservation of Human Resources 6-City Nursing Study, July 25-December 8, 1987. 18 Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Consumer Ignorance in Markets with Asymmetrical Information, Chicago, December 28, 1987. Member, Board of Associate Editors, Applied Mathematics and Computation, January, 19741988. Paper presented annual meeting of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, San Diego, October 22, 1989. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Health Care Sector Simulation Models,” Atlanta, December 30, 1989. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Econometric Studies of hospital Factor Costs” as ASSA meetings, Washington, D.C., December 30, 1990. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Economic Impact of the AIDS/HIV epidemic” at ASSA meetings, New Orleans, January 5, 1992. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “How Effective are ‘Managed Health Care’ Insurance Systems?” at ASSA meetings, Anaheim, January 6, 1993. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Forecasts of the Effects of the Clinton Health Reform Proposals,” at ASSA meetings, Boston, January 5, 1994. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Analysis of Health Care Reform Legislation Impacts, at ASSA meetings, Washington D.C., January 7, 1995. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “The Future of Medicare” at ASSA meetings, San Francisco, January 7, 1996. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Supply and Demand for Medicare Personnel” at ASSA meeting, New Orleans, January 6, 1997. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Managed Care Market Outcomes” at the ASSA meetings, Chicago, January 4, 1998. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Physicians and HMO’s: Market Allies or Adversaries?” at the ASSA meetings, New York, January 5, 1999. 19 Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Quality Issues in Managed Care” at ASSA meetings, Boston, January 7, 2000. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Impacts of Managed Care on the Practice of Medicine” at ASSA meetings, New Orleans, January 5, 2001. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “The Future of Medicare” at ASSA meetings, Atlanta, January 4, 2002. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Medicare as a Social Movement” at the ASSA meeting, Washington, D.C., January 4, 2003. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “MD-Economists on medical Issues in health Economics” at ASSA meetings, San Diego, January 5 2004. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Policies to Help the Medically Uninsured: How Well do They Work?” at ASSA meetings, Philadelphia, January 9, 2005. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Economic Analysis of the Medicare Modernization Act” at ASSA meetings, Boston, January 6, 2006. Chair, joint session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Economics of Medical Care ‘Report Cards’” at ASSA meetings, Chicago, January 5, 2007 Chair, joint session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Performance Measurement in the Health Care Sector” at ASSA meetings, New Orleans, January 4, 2008. Chair, joint session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Coverage and Cost Implications of Health Insurance Reforms” at ASSA meetings, San Francisco, January 4, 2009. Chair, joint session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Health System Reform: Essential for Universal Insurance Coverage?” at ASSA meetings, Atlanta, January 3, 2010. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Health Care Reform Issues” at ASSA meetings, Denver, January 9, 2011. 20 Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Medicare and Prescription Drugs” at ASSA meetings, Chicago, January 7, 2012. Chair, Session of Health Economics Research Organization session on “Are Health and Health Care Getting Better in the United States?” At ASSA meetings, San Diego, January 4, 2013. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Early Effects of the 2010 Affordable Care Act” at ASSA meetings, San Diego, January 5, 2013. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Provider Responses to the Design of Medicare Reimbursements” at ASSA meetings, Philadelphia, January 3, 2014. Chair, Joint Session of American Economic Association and Health Economics Research Organization on “Health Insurance and Labor Market Outcomes” at ASSA meetings, Boston, January 3, 2015. Chair, Health Economics Research Organization on “Health Insurance Reform” at ASSA meetings, Boston, January 3, 2015. Other Professional Activities/Ongoing Activities Program Chairman of the Annual Meeting of the Health Economics Research Organization, December, 1963-present. Member of the American Medical Association National Advisory Committee on Physician Statistics, October, 1972-present. Consultant to College of American Pathologists, Washington, D.C., on Medicare and Medicaid Reimbursement Practices, May, 1976-present. Member of Advisory Panel, Center for Economic Studies in Medicine, January, 1987-present. 21