Guidance for Special Event
Zone (SEZ) Application
Guidance for industry participants on applying for a Special Event Zone
Released January 2015
Special Event Zone Application Guidance, Version 1, November 2014
The purpose of this guide is to outline the requirements for establishing a Special Event Zone
(SEZ), either Airside or Landside. All requirements are stated in the Aviation Transport Security
Act 2004 (ATSA) and the Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005 (ATSR). This guide
articulates these requirements into one document.
This is a guide only. Please revert to the ATSA and ATSR if further clarification is required.
This guide supersedes all previous guides issued by the Office of Transport Security (OTS)
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
Prelude .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Contents ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Purpose of a Special Event Zone (SEZ)....................................................................................... 4
Guidance for Applicants............................................................................................................... 5
Map Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 6
Offences ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Risk and Mitigation Strategies ..................................................................................................... 8
Examples of acceptable maps for SEZ applications .................................................................. 9
Examples of maps not acceptable for SEZ applications .......................................................... 12
Application Form - Section A ................................................................................................... 177
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
Purpose of a Special Event Zone (SEZ)
The purpose of a Special Event Zone (SEZ) is to subject those zones, within either the airside or
landside, to controls some or all of which are different from those applying generally to the airside
area or landside security zone and area.
The legislative requirements are in the (ATSA) under sections 31A (5) & (6) for airside SEZ and
33A (5) & (6) for landside SEZ.
SEZs are designed to be in force intermittently with the legislative intent reflected in both the
Explanatory Memorandum to the Aviation Transport Security Amendment Bill 2006 and the
Explanatory Statement to the Select Legislative Instrument 2006 No.320 (the amending
Regulations). The former amended the Act to introduce the heads of power and legal foundation
for airside and landside event zones.
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
Guidance for Applicants
A Special Event Zone (SEZ) is an area that can be established inside the boundaries of a security
controlled airport for the purpose of managing security requirements that may apply to a particular
function, activity or event.
An SEZ is designed to be established at a particular location of a security controlled airport and set
to come into existence and at the time specified in the notice. A SEZ does not alter the usual
security arrangements of the whole security controlled airport as imposed by the Aviation Transport
Security Act 2004 (ATSA) and the Aviation Transport Security Regulations 2005 (ATSR).
It is the responsibility of the nominated SEZ Manager to ensure that any person who enters the
SEZ is authorised to do so, and has undergone any necessary security requirement arrangements
(eg;) should access to a SEZ require people to pass through a sterile area then screening must be
undertaken irrespective that the SEZ does not require screening.
There are two (2) types of SEZ that can be prescribed:
Airside SEZ: must be located entirely within the airside area; and,
Landside SEZ: must be located entirely within the landside area.
It is not possible for a single SEZ to overlap the boundary between an airside and landside area.
Any SEZ involving the airside and landside may be requested in a single application however,
details of the airside and landside SEZs must be clearly articulated to allow for separate SEZs to
be established.
If the proposed SEZ is to be located in the Security Restricted Area (SRA) this should be clearly
identified in the application.
An application for an SEZ must include a map of the proposed SEZ. Examples of SEZ maps are
provided as an attachment to this document.
The application is to be signed by the SEZ contact person.
Completed applications are to be sent as an attachment via email to the National Coordinator at
In order to manage the assessment and approval process, applications should be lodged at least
ten working days before the planned event. Applications received in less than 10 working days
will be processed as quickly as possible.
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
Map Requirements
A map(s) is required to be attached to a SEZ application so as to provide the delegate a visual
view of the proposed SEZ. The map provided with the application may be used as part of the SEZ
notice. The following is a list of requirements for maps:
maps are required to be of the airport where the SEZ is to be located;
SEZ location must be clearly identifiable, if not, an additional whole of airport map showing
the location of the SEZ is required;
may be:
In black and white; or,
colour; or,
satellite image;
and must be able to be clearly reproduced.
any map used must be able to clearly identify the SEZ location and the entry points into the
zone and exit points out of the zone;
SEZ boundary lines must be clear, straight and an appropriate size (not too thick or bold);
Lines delineating the SEZ boundary must include all areas of the SEZ and ensure any
airport location or facility (i.e. hangar) is only included if it is part of the SEZ;
Maps may but do not have to include:
o north point;
o longitude and latitude;
o aerodrome reference point; or,
o linear scale
Note: A delegate may request that the applicant provide further information about the application
prior to considering and approving the application.
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
The clarity of the map(s) outlining the boundaries of the SEZ is imperative, as certain offences
involving SEZs specifically relates to SEZ boundaries.
The four (4) offences under the ATSR are:
3A.06 – if a person moves out of an airside SEZ;
3A.07 – if an airside SEZ manager allows unauthorised movement:
3A.12 – if a person moves out of the landside SEZ; and,
3A.13 – if an airside special event zone manager allows unauthorized movement.
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
Risk and Mitigation Strategies
The risk and mitigation strategies required to be outlined in the SEZ application should clearly
address any risks that are identified in the development, operation and conclusion of the SEZ. It is
the responsibility of the applicant to identify mitigation strategies which will be undertaken to
address the risks.
A delegate may request that the applicant provide further information about the risk and mitigation
strategies outlined in the application.
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
Examples of acceptable maps for SEZ applications
Figure 1
This map clearly identifies the SEZ and entry and exit point by the use of hatching and symbols
which are all explained through a legend attached to the map.
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
Figure 2
This map provides details on the map which identifies the SEZ and its entry and exit points by
using markings that clearly delineate the SEZ and text applied to the map.
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
Figure 3
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
Figure 4
The maps in examples Figures 3 and 4 show the SEZ in relation to the airport as well as an
enlargement which clearly shows the SEZ boundary and entry and exit points.
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
Figure 5
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
Figure 6
The maps in examples Figures 5 and 6 show maps of the SEZ in both drawn and photo images.
Both maps clearly identify the airport and the specifics of the SEZ.
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
Examples of maps not acceptable for SEZ applications
Figure A
This map does not clearly highlight where the airside boundary is, and therefore does not enable a
clear understanding how the SEZ will be accessed, ie; via airside or landside access. The map
should highlight the airside by the use of text or a legend.
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
Figure B
The map is not acceptable because:
the airside boundary is not marked;
the SEZ is not labelled and thus clearly identified; and,
entry and exit point/s have not been marked.
SEZ maps must clearly identify the airside boundary, the SEZ must be clearly identified and entry
and exit points must be marked. These details can be attached as text onto the map or through
the use of symbols and hatching and explained in a legend attached to the map.
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
Application Form - Section A
SEZ Applicant
SEZ Contact Person
Include contact details – phone, email and postal
(Reg 3A.02 (2)(a))
SEZ Manager
Include contact details – phone, email and postal
(Reg 3A.03)
Type of SEZ to be established
Airside and Landside:
(Reg 3A.02(1) and Reg 3A.08(1))
Description and purpose of SEZ
Describe the type of event (air show, emergency
exercise, construction works etc.).
Outline why a Special Event Zone is critical to your
activity and include details of how the security
arrangements in the proposed Special Event Zone(s)
requested differ from the legislated use of the
landside/airside security area (eg; non display of
(Reg 3A.02(2)(c))
Special Event Zone Application Guidance, Version 1, November 2014
Date and time the zone is to be activated and deactivated
Period/s – time, date and duration.
How many people are estimated to attend the activity
being undertaken in the proposed Special Event
Zone(s) and how was the estimation calculated eg;
by invitation, by similar event held previously or by
number catered for?
(Reg 3A.02(2)(e))
An explanation of how the security risks were identified
Explain how the security risks were identified.
If the applicant is not the airport operator, the
application should provide details about any
consultations with the airport operator.
(Reg 3A.02(2)(g))
Risk and mitigation strategies
Detail measures to be taken to manage and mitigate
security risks resulting from the event that will be
held in the proposed Special Event Zone(s).
(Reg 3A.02(2)(h))
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
TSP implications
Will changes need to be made to the TSP for the
purpose of managing and mitigating security risks
resulting from the proposed event?
(Reg 3A.02(3))
If the applicant for an SEZ is not the airport operator
i.e. the applicant is an industry participant, please
provide confirmation that consultation has taken
place with management of the airport.
(Reg 3A.04)
The map
The application must include a map of the airport
that shows the proposed SEZ area clearly marked
on the map (including the location of entry and exit
points). Supporting map enlargements that show
greater detail and provide further clarity of the SEZ
boundary are encouraged.
A map showing the proposed airside and/or
landside SEZ must be attached to the
application. The map must show the entry
and exit points into and out of the Zone(s);
Applicants are encouraged to source a
current map which shows the boundary of
the airport and the established airside and
landside areas (approved under section 28
of the Act);
The SEZ(s) should be clearly shown by a
distinct boundary or in shading/hatching or
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015
The airside boundary should be shown
clearly distinguishing the airside and
landside areas;
The map should show the name of the
Use of a legend showing the map features
(relevant to the SEZ) is recommended;
Where a legend is not used, map should be
annotated to show relevant features such as,
boundaries, entry/exit points and
The map should be good quality/resolution;
Maps may be black and white, colour or
satellite image which can be clearly
(Subsection 31A(2), Subsection 33A(2), Reg 3A.03)
Guidance for Special Event Zone Application, Version 2, January 2015