Transdisciplinary Research in Cancer of the Lung (TRICL)

Transdisciplinary Research in Cancer of the Lung (TRICL)
Monthly Area 3 Teleconference Minutes
February 26, 2014
Participants: Loic, Mark Chateau, Yuangqing, Rayjean, Iona, Neil, Judi
Cohort and Projects updates
Loic: Chris is working with people who contributed SNPs and is slicing up data
for people who nominated SNPs and/or data. JNCI lung pleiotropy paper finally
approved and will come out in a few weeks. Laura Beirut’s JNCI submission is
under review. Cross-cancer pleiotropy analysis is still ongoing; putting together
final datasets now. It will take too long to obtain CLL data. Still need to get
numbers of overlapping controls for PLCO. Working with Neal on that. The
meeting in Lyon is in a month.
Rayjean: Waiting on data from MEC. Need variables from PLCO; family history of
smoking-related cancer. Send cancer site so we can create variables. Personal
history has been sent. Area 3 risk prediction requesting family history. Yuangqing
is waiting from variables from PLCO. The ID version should be solved. We are
still waiting from conversion from PLCO. We sent in application to NOST and
sent the revisions. We have circulated a draft agenda for the meeting in Lyon and
will send out a revised version. Daniela is hoping to tell us in March/April about
Year 5 funding. There is a preliminary draft of the P01 circulating around and we
are planning to clean it up to discuss at the March meeting in Lyon.
Neil: PLCO has data on whether first-degree relative had cancer. I have to press
the CGR data center about overlapping controls for PLCO data. I inquired about
NOST proposal with Rosa Medina and will see what I can find out.
Yuangqing: Using data on hand for preliminary analysis and will present
something at the meeting.
a. Mechanistic models for lung cancer progression: towards refined estimation of
genetically-driven susceptibility functions
-Loic: We talked about this last time and approved it pending modifications. Marc
clarified main issues relating to data that are needed relating to healthy individuals.
The only need is health status of non-cases. We also included a list of candidate
SNPs. We will have to check with Steering Committee on overall approval status. It
needs a letter of collaboration from TRICL.
b. The determinants of tobacco carcinogen metabolism and their risk predicting
ability for lung cancer
-Loic: Looking at nicotine metabolism and metabolism of carcinogens. Would
considering nicotine metabolism improve risk prediction for lung cancer? Looking
for predictors among SNPs and questionnaire variables. We would like to then
validate any findings in TRICL.
-Neil: A lot depends on OncoArray variants that are not covered in GWAS. CYP2A6
and low frequency genes are important. Measuring nicotine dependency would also
be good. Fagerstrom score or just cigarettes per day would be one important
element in nicotine dependency.
-Rayjean: I sent comments back to Lani already. Approved to go to Steering
c. Iona’s proposal was reviewed on the Area 1 call and was approved.
Action Items
We will not have the TRICL Area 3 call on March 20, 2014 at 2:00 P.M. EST
since this is in proximity to the ILCCO/TRICL meeting.