WHEATBELT SOUTH REGIONAL ROAD GROUP Representing Hotham Dale, Lakes, Narrogin and Roe Sub Groups POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUAL Table of Contents 1. Purpose of the Regional Road Group ................................................................... 4 1.1 Regional Road Group Responsibilities .............................................................. 4 2. Composition of the Wheatbelt South Regional Road Group ................................. 5 2.1 Sub Groups: ..................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Technical Committee ....................................................................................... 5 2.3 Regional Road Group ....................................................................................... 6 3. Administrative Support ....................................................................................... 6 3.1 Committee Members ....................................................................................... 8 4. Meetings ............................................................................................................. 9 4.1 Attendance at RRG Meetings ......................................................................... 10 5. Direct Grants ..................................................................................................... 10 5.1 Direct Grant Payments ................................................................................... 10 5.2 Funds Management ....................................................................................... 11 6. Road Project Grants........................................................................................... 11 6.1 Multi Criteria Assessment Model (MCA) and User Manual ............................. 11 6.2 Traffic Count Data .......................................................................................... 12 6.3 Five Year Program.......................................................................................... 12 6.4 Distribution and Allocation of Local Road Project Funding .............................. 12 6.5 Minimum and Maximum Allocations ............................................................. 13 6.6 Amalgamations.............................................................................................. 13 6.7 Timetable for Funding Submissions ................................................................ 13 6.8 Notification of Status of Road Projects ........................................................... 14 6.9 Under or Over Expenditure ............................................................................ 14 6.10 Over Expenditure........................................................................................... 15 6.11 Changes to the Program................................................................................. 15 Changes to the program may occur in exceptional circumstances. ......................... 15 All Changes must be recommended by the Technical Committee, Endorsed by Sub Groups and Approved by the RRG. All Project changes must have legitimate reasoning and the proposed project be recorded in the Councils Five Year Road program. ............................................................................................................... 15 6.12 Payments ...................................................................................................... 15 6.13 Main Roads Website Link ............................................................................... 15 7. BlackSpot Funding ............................................................................................. 15 7.1 Assessment of Funding Submissions .............................................................. 16 7.2 Funding Allocation ......................................................................................... 16 7.3 Timetable for Funding Submissions ................................................................ 16 7.4 Road Safety Audits (Design Stage) .................................................................. 17 7.5 Works Involving a Highway or Main Road Intersection ................................... 17 7.6 Road Standards ............................................................................................. 17 7.7 Seal Width Standard ...................................................................................... 17 7.8 Payments ...................................................................................................... 17 7.9 Main Roads Website Link ............................................................................... 17 8. Regional Run Off Crashes Program ..................................................................... 17 8.1 Eligibility Criteria ........................................................................................... 18 8.2 Prioritisation.................................................................................................. 18 MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 2 of 37 8.3 Program Approval.......................................................................................... 19 8.4 Reserve Projects ............................................................................................ 19 8.5 Program Delivery Process .............................................................................. 19 8.6 Re-programming ............................................................................................ 19 8.7 Project Standards .......................................................................................... 19 8.8 Project Variations .......................................................................................... 20 8.9 Withdrawals and/or termination of projects .................................................. 20 8.10 Reporting ...................................................................................................... 20 8.11 Program Audit ............................................................................................... 21 8.12 Post Implementation Evaluation .................................................................... 21 8.13 Payments ...................................................................................................... 21 9. Commodity Route Supplementary Funding ........................................................ 21 9.1 Payments ...................................................................................................... 22 9.2 Main Roads Website Link ............................................................................... 22 10. Payments Road Project, Commodity Route, State Blackspot & Regional Run Off Crashes Programs ..................................................................................................... 22 10.1 Progress Payment Certificates (applicable to all grants) ................................. 23 10.2 Certificate of Completion (applicable to all grants) and Black Spot Project Completion Report (applicable to Black Spot grants) ............................................. 25 10.3 GST Requirements and Invoicing .................................................................... 29 11. Local Roads of Regional Significance .................................................................. 28 APPENDIX 1 – SIGNIFICANT LOCAL ROAD CRITERIA ................................................... 29 APPENDIX 2– FORMS – SIGNIFICANT LOCAL ROAD NETWORK REVIEW ...................... 30 APPENDIX 3– Process for Variation to Roads of Regional Significance ........................ 33 12. Amendments to the WBS RRG Policy and Procedures Manual ............................ 35 MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 3 of 37 1. PURPOSE OF THE REGIONAL ROAD GROUP The Regional Road Groups will operate under the delegated authority of the State Advisory Committee. The Regional Road Groups will make recommendations to the State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee in relation to the Annual Local Government Roads Program for their Region and any other relevant issues. This may include advice in relation to State Black Spot Programs, amendments to Roads 2030 Strategy or its updated equivalent document, the Functional Road Hierarchy and five (5) year works projections. 1.1 Regional Road Group Responsibilities Within policies and guidelines established by the State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee, the Regional Road Group shall be responsible for the assessment of road funding needs, the annual distribution of State funds to Local Government roads, monitoring and reporting on the effectiveness of the application of the State funds for Local Government roads in its region. In so far as Local Government roads are concerned, the Regional Road Group shall ensure that funds made available by the State are applied to the road network to: maximise capacity and resources through joint purchasing and resource sharing Maximise benefits to the community; Preserve, improve and extend the road system and; Comply with the obligations of the Commissioner of Main Roads under legislation. The Regional Road Group shall arrange for sufficient information for it to comply with the Terms of Reference and other tasks including the following: Determining the relative road funding need in its region, both present and future; Establishing a five year plan for distribution of State road funds in the region; Developing methods for annual distribution of road funds to Local Government roads within the region; Providing funding information to Local Governments to facilitate expenditure of road funds; Making recommendations to the State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee for improved procedures and guidelines; Assisting the State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee with Local Government priorities at the regional level; Monitoring the implementation of the program in their region; and Providing the State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee with a summary of the annual Direct Grant expenditure (refer to clause 8.4). Applying criteria developed for Roads 2025 or the Functional Road Hierarchy to determine a network of roads that are eligible for Road Project Grants. MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 4 of 37 2. COMPOSITION OF THE WHEATBELT SOUTH REGIONAL ROAD GROUP The Wheatbelt South Regional Road Group is made up of 19 Councils, 4 Sub Groups &1 Technical Committee 2.1 Sub Groups: Four sub groups have been established to assist in the operations of the WBS RRG. Membership is detailed in Table 1 below. TABLE 1 – RRG SUB-GROUPS Sub-Group Hotham Dale (4) Lakes (5) Narrogin (5) Roe (5) Member Local Authorities Beverley Brookton Pingelly Wandering Dumbleyung Kulin Lake Grace Wagin Wickepin Cuballing Narrogin Narrogin (Town) West Arthur Williams Bruce Rock Corrigin Kondinin Narembeen Quairading Each Council is required to elect a RRG Representative (Councillor) to attend Sub Group Meetings. Sub groups are required to elect on a biennial basis and following local government elections their two (2) elected local government delegate to the RRG (Councillors). Sub groups are required to elect on a biennial basis (once every two years) two representatives (CEO’s) and one proxy (CEO) for the Technical Committee. Sub groups are required to elect on a biennial basis and following Local Government elections their Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson from elected local government delegates. Sub Group minutes are to support the outcomes of all elections. 2.2 Technical Committee The role of the Technical Committee is to provide administrative and technical advice to the RRG and sub groups. The WBS RRG Technical Committee comprises eight (8) Local Government representatives with experience in local government administration and/or with technical backgrounds with two (2) representatives from each of the Hotham Dale, Lakes, Narrogin and Roe Sub Groups. Non-voting members are the Regional Manager MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 5 of 37 and the Local Government Interface Manager and the Local Government Support Officer, Main Roads WA Wheatbelt South Region. Observers / Visitors are encouraged but may only contribute to the meeting at the invitation of the Chairperson. The chairperson of the WBS RRG is to act as the Chairperson of the Technical Committee. The Chairperson of the committee is to have a casting vote only. 2.3 Regional Road Group The Wheatbelt South Regional Road Group (RRG) comprises eight (8) elected local government councillors, or members, with two (2) elected members from each of the four affiliated sub groups, Hotham Dale, Lakes, Narrogin and Roe Sub Groups. The Chairperson of the WBS RRG is elected from the eight (8) sub group elected members by a majority vote. The Chairperson serves a two (2) year term with biennial elections held following Local Government elections. The sub group from which the Chairperson is elected shall appoint another elected representative to be their replacement delegate. The Chairperson holds a casting vote only. The Deputy Chairperson of the WBS RRG is elected from the eight (8) sub group elected members by a majority vote. The Deputy Chairperson serves a two (2) year term with biennial elections held following Local Government elections The voting rights of RRG elected Local Government members may not be transferred to non-elected persons. Elected members must vote on all motions at RRG Meetings with no provision for abstaining. In exceptional circumstance if the voting representatives are unavailable, then members present may allow voting rights for nominated Chief Executive Officers. 3. ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT The Main Roads Representative acts as Secretary for the WBS RRG and provides administrative support to the committee. The Main Roads Representative will; Coordinate Payments to Councils Pass information to Councils received from SAC Prepare Meeting Agendas and Minutes for the RRG & Technical Committee Call for Funding Applications Prepare & assess Funding Applications Submit all Final Project Programs MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 6 of 37 Provide Support and Advice Councils throughout the year in regards to Funding approvals, restrictions and amendments. Update Regional Road Group Committee Documents on a as needs basis. MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 7 of 37 3.1 Committee Members The Table below details 2013/2014 representatives for Sub groups, Technical Committee, RRG Delegates and RRG Chairperson. SUB GROUP LOCAL GOVERNMENT HOTHAM- Shire of Beverley DALE Shire of Brookton Shire of Pingelly RRG ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES Keith Murray (Voting Delegate) Kevin O’Connor (proxy) Shirley Lange (Voting Delegate Shire of Wandering LAKES Shire of Dumbleyung Shire of Kulin Martin Whitley Gordon Davidson (Voting Delegate) Jim Sullivan (Voting Delegate) Shire of Lake Grace Shire of Wagin Shire of Wickepin NARROGIN Shire of Cuballing Shire of Narrogin Town of Narrogin Shire of Bruce Rock Shire of Corrigin Shire of Kondinin Shire of Narembeen Shire of Quairading MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Greg Hadlow Peter Webster Mark Hook (Proxy) Mark Conley (Voting Delegate) Leigh Ballard (Voting Delegate) Shire of West Arthur Shire of Williams ROE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE Steve Gollan Geoff McKeown Aaron Cook Ryan Duff ? (Proxy) Lyn Baker (Chairperson) ? (Voting Delegate) Greg Vaughan (Voting Delegate) Julian Murphy Chris Jackson (Proxy) Graeme Fardon Page 8 of 37 4. MEETINGS Meetings will be scheduled by the RRG Secretary and dates will be considered at the Sub Group meetings and approved at the Regional Road Group Meeting. Timing May Group Technical Committee June Sub Group July Technical Committee (If Required) July Sub Group (If required) July Regional Road Group By 1st October Technical Committee By 10th October Sub Group Meetings By 20th October Tech Committee (if required) By 30th October Sub Group (If required) Main Purpose Discuss the proposed under and over expenditures Recommend reallocation of funds if required Review actions from the RRG Develop proposals for consideration at Sub Group meetings Recommend changes to the draft program to the Technical Committee Consider recommendations from the Technical Committee Consider Sub Groups feedback Consider alternative options provided by Sub Groups Develop proposals for RRG approval taking into consideration Sub Group comments Make recommendations based on Sub Group Feedback Consider final Road Program according to funding Consider program amendments made by the Sub Group Recommend to RRG final Road Project Program Consider actions / recommendations provided from the Technical Committee Consider all recommendations made from the Technical Committee Approve the Road Project Program Approve the carry over of Projects Review draft Road Project Program Review draft SBS Program Review draft RRORC Program Review actions from the RRG Develop proposals for consideration at Sub Group meetings Review proposals from Tech Committee Consider recommendations from Technical Committee Provide Feedback on Technical Committee recommendations Provide alternative options to Technical Committee to consider Consider Sub Groups feedback Consider alternative options provided by Sub Groups Develop proposals for RRG approval taking into consideration Sub Group Comments Make recommendations based on Sub Group Feedback Consider actions / recommendations provided from the Technical Committee MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 9 of 37 By 2nd Week in November 4.1 Regional Road Group Consider recommendations passed through the Technical Committee Approval / reject recommendations passed through the Technical Committee Attendance at RRG Meetings Attendance at RRG Meetings by council representatives (other than elected members) as observers (without voting rights) is encouraged. Representation from other interested parties is also to be encouraged. 5. DIRECT GRANTS Direct Grants are to be allocated to Local Governments on an annual basis using the Asset Preservation Model formula provided by the Western Australian Local Government Grants Commission. This amount is to be adjusted annually (positive only) by calculating the movement in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from January 1 to December 31 in the year prior to the budget year to determine the annual total Direct Grant allocation or by the percentage increase of VLF, whichever is greatest. To qualify for Direct Grant allocations, Local Governments must provide a Certificate of Completion to the Main Roads Western Australia Regional Office stating that the previous year’s allocation has been expended on roads in their district. Direct Grants are not to be used towards projects funded under the Road Project Grants Category or for flood damage works, except as provided in Section 9.8.2 of the State Road Funds to Local Government Procedures. Direct Grant allocations are subject to annual adjustment for gazetted road classification transfers (ie: State Roads to Local Government Roads and vice versa) and any net adjustment will be reflected in the total annual funding provided under this Agreement for Local Government roads. This adjustment will be based on the outputs of the Asset Preservation Model, which are agreed to by the State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee and will be made in the following year. 5.1 Direct Grant Payments The Local Government shall provide a Certificate of Completion (refer Attachment 2) to the Main Roads Western Australia Regional Manager for the previous financial year’s Direct Grant allocation prior to payments being made for the budget year. Direct Grant allocations made by Main Roads Western Australia to Local Governments are subject to the provisions of the Financial Management Act 2006 and Auditor General Act 2006 and therefore subject to audit. To facilitate a full and open accountability of Direct Grant allocations provided, Local Governments must ensure that appropriate financial records are established and maintained to enable verification of expenditures against those allocations provided. MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 10 of 37 This requirement is also contained in the Certificate of Completion (Attachment 2) declaration signed by the Local Government Chief Executive Officer. 5.2 Funds Management The Regional Road Group has the responsibility to ensure that Direct Grants are expended in the year of the distribution. Regional Road Groups should advise the State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee before the end of April in the budget year, of any likely under expenditure which may occur along with an explanation as to the cause. 6. ROAD PROJECT GRANTS The methodology for allocating funds to Rural Regional Road Groups for road projects is to be based on 75% of the Asset Preservation Model and 25% population factor. This distribution methodology is subject to review after two years but the State Advisory Council. Regional Road Group funds are to be distributed to projects on a priority basis using a prioritisation process that is agreed to by the Regional Road Group and endorsed by the State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee. These allocations are provided on a cost sharing basis of $2 from Road Project Grant funds to $1 from Local Government funds. The State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee may consider variations in exceptional circumstances. Direct Grants are not to be used towards projects funded under the Road Project Grants Category or for flood damage works. Regional Road Groups can allocate Road Project Grants for road related (ie. street lighting) projects provided they are of regional significance, are prioritised against other road projects within the region and prior approval is obtained from the State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory 6.1 Multi Criteria Assessment Model (MCA) and User Manual Local Government submissions for Road Project Grants must be in accordance with the RRG’s MCA model and associated User Manual. The RRG has adopted the following principles in developing the MCA model: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) To be effective in distributing funds to roads of regional significance which have a high priority need within the region; To develop a simple process for local governments to prepare submissions and clearly understand the evaluation methodology; To ensure local roads of regional significance are maintained at an acceptable services level to meet user and safety needs; To improve the level of statistical traffic information and work rates to assist the accuracy of the road project evaluation process; To establish guidelines for acceptable road standards and levels of service for certain road types and traffic usage for input into the MCA process. MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 11 of 37 6.2 Traffic Count Data All traffic data supporting MCA road project submissions for local road project funding must comply with the requirements of the WBS RRG MCA User Manual. Submissions that include non-compliant traffic data may not be accepted. Main Roads WA is authorised by the WBS RRG to carry out independent audits to verify traffic count data. 6.3 Five Year Program As a part of the funding process, Councils are required to develop five year programs. This program is to ensure that the future funding requirements for the Road Project Grants are known. Five year Estimates are required to be completed as a part of the MCA Process, however Councils are required to submit a separate document detailing the entire five year program within the Council. 6.4 Distribution and Allocation of Local Road Project Funding Funding is allocated to all councils based on the maximum allocation recommended by the Technical Committee based on the indicative allocations received by Main Roads. Main Roads will complete desktop audits to ensure all road project applications meet the criteria described in the MCA User Manual. Councils above the maximum allocation are requested to reduce their total project costs to meet the maximum allocation. All Projects that have been reduced or removed from the program to meet the maximum allocation will be place in the reserve project list. From time to time additional State Government funds will become available to the RRG after the initial distribution of funding and prioritised projects have been approved. These funds shall be allocated based on the following procedure: 1. Councils with the identified reserve projects be offered the additional funding, recognising this may take them over the maximum cap 2. With any remaining funds, Councils be offered the opportunity to apply for an increase in the scope of their work or a new project, but the determination will be made entirely on the MCA score. Again this recognises that the maximum may be exceeded. In the event that the Final Allocation of funding is lower than the Indicative Allocation, the Capped amount will be reduced until Projects fit within the Final Allocation. The RRG Secretary will receive final funding allocations in June. The RRG Secretary will adjust the program and submit to the Technical Committee meeting for recommendation at the July meeting. MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 12 of 37 6.5 Minimum and Maximum Allocations Wheatbelt South Regional Road Group currently has a minimum allocation of $60,000 and a maximum allocation based on the following model: Indicative Allocation Maximum Cap <$4 Million $250,000 $4.0 - $4.5Million $275,000 $4.5 - $5.0 Million $300,000 $5.0 - $5.5 Million $325,000 $5.5 - $6.0 Million $350,000 $6.0 - $6.5 Million $375,000 $6.5 - $7.0 Million $400,000 *This model was endorsed by the RRG on 31/5/2011. Local Government Authorities may be subject to a capping amount which is on recommendation by the Technical Committee upon reviewing project applications. If a Council does not provide sufficient information or the application is rejected by the Technical Committee, the Secretariat of the Regional Road Group will correspond with the respective Shire advising of the outcome. The reason the project was rejected will be provided and a request to resubmit a road project application for the value of $60,000 State contribution, only if the Shire has no other projects approved. If the Council does not respond within three (3) weeks, the Council will receive no Road Project Funding. Remaining funds will be put back into the pool funding for allocation to other projects. Where the approved value of pool funding sought by a Local Authority is less than the relevant minimum allocation, the minimum allocation is reduced to the funding value in question. 6.6 Amalgamations TO BE UPDATED WHEN APPROVED BY RRG 6.7 Timetable for Funding Submissions Local road project funding submissions must be made in accordance with the following timetable: Submissions to MRWA: Finalise Technical Committee Agenda By 1st September By third week in September Review by Technical Committee: Completed by 1st October Review by the Sub Groups: By 10th October 2nd Technical Committee if required 2nd Sub Group if required RRG Approval By 20th October By 30th October No later than 2nd week in November MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 13 of 37 If Councils are unable to meet this deadline, they are to correspond in writing to the Secretary and advise when submissions will be received, but no later than 30thAugust. If submissions are not received at Main Roads by 1st September, or the revised date, submissions will not be accepted and the Local Government Authority will receive minimum allocation of Road Project Grant funding. 6.8 Notification of Status of Road Projects Road project funds not fully recouped by 31 March will require the Secretary to obtain from respective Councils whether the balance of a project’s funds will be recouped by 30 June. Where a Council considers the project’s balance of funds will not be recouped by 30 June, reasons are to be provided in writing to the Secretary by 30 April of each year. The Secretary will provide the Technical Committee with a list of identified projects, relevant Councils and the reasons for not expecting the works to be completed or recouped by 30 June. The Technical Committee will then consider the need to re-allocate un-recouped funds to existing projects provided the funds are to be recouped in that financial year or, to new projects approved for funding in the next financial year if it is considered to be more beneficial. The WBS RRG will consider all projects that were not fully recouped as at 30 June, and decide at the RRG meeting held in July of each year on a course of action for each project’s balance of funds, taking into account the reasons provided from Councils. 6.9 Under or Over Expenditure If the final cost of a project is less than the approved budget allocation, the Local Government will be paid the actual expenditure incurred subject to certification of satisfactory completion of the project. The balance of the approved budget allocation is to be reallocated by the Regional Road Group to the next priority project. Where Local Governments have claimed payments in excess of the final project cost and the funds claimed are $1 000 or less than the actual project cost then funds can be retained provided they are expended on other road projects. However, where the amounts claimed by a Council for an individual project exceeds the total project cost by more than $1 000, the total unexpended amount must be returned to the Main Roads Western Australia Regional Manager for redistribution by the relevant Regional Road Group. For the final project claim, Councils can only claim the lesser of the balance of the outstanding approved allocation or up to the total project cost. MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 14 of 37 6.10 Over Expenditure Where a project is completed for more than the budget allocation the respective Local Government shall fund the shortfall. The Respective Local Government may notify Main Roads Western Australia of the Over Expenditure and if there are any Under Expenditures in the program, these funds may be allocated to Over Expended Projects with the approval of the Regional Road Group. 6.11 Changes to the Program Changes to the program may occur in exceptional circumstances. All Changes must be recommended by the Technical Committee, Endorsed by Sub Groups and Approved by the RRG. All Project changes must have legitimate reasoning and the proposed project be recorded in the Council’s Five Year Road program. All proposed project changes must be submitted with reasoning and a conforming MCA Application to Main Roads prior to the May Technical Committee Meeting. 6.12 Payments Payment requirements are as per Item 10 6.13 Main Roads Website Link Further information in regards to Road Project Grants can be found at; https://www.mainroads.wa.gov.au/BuildingRoads/Projects/LocalGovernment/Pages/Lo calGovernment.aspx 7. BLACKSPOT FUNDING Funding provided under the State Black Spot Program on Local Roads is to target improving the safety of roads with a proven crash history or high risk locations with the likelihood of crashes occurring. The State Black Spot Program Guidelines detail the technical and administrative criteria governing project applications, implementation of approved works and procedural requirements for expenditure and recovery of approved funding. The State Black Spot Program Guidelines identify Main Roads Western Australia as the Managing Authority (State Black Spot Program Manager), responsible for administering the Program Guidelines. For Local Roads, the Delivery Authority is Local Government who is responsible for managing the delivery of projects. State Black Spot projects on local roads are funded by way of a joint contribution (2 SBS : 1 LG). Every endeavour must be made to fully expend the funds in the year of allocation. Under exceptional circumstances, extension of projects may be considered by the Managing Authority. Where an approved project cannot be delivered within the MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 15 of 37 financial year, the Managing Authority shall advise the Regional Program Co-ordinator/ Business Manager as early as possible, to enable the funding to be transferred to an alternative project or projects during that financial year. Project status information reports shall be prepared by the relevant Delivery Authority and forwarded to the State Black Spot Program Manager who is responsible for coordinating all reporting associated with the State Black Spot Program. Details of project status information and submission are to be provided in accordance with the format detailed in the below table. Report Type Submission of Information Annual Report June 30 June 30 Verbal/written Report on Project Construction At RRG Meetings Status Project Completion Reports With Final Claim Payments under the State Black Spot Program on Local Roads is as per Road Project Grants (refer Item 10) For State Black Spot projects on local roads, completion reports (Attachment 3) are to be certified by the Works Supervisor/Engineer and the Chief Executive Officer of the Local Government and forwarded to the RRG Secretary. The State Black Spot Program on Local Roads will fund all costs directly associated with an approved project. Administrative overheads are indirect costs and therefore are not eligible for funding. Ongoing running costs are not eligible for funding. 7.1 Assessment of Funding Submissions Assessment and prioritisation of Local Government State Black Spot Program funding submissions is carried out by Main Roads WA Officers. Conforming projects are prioritised based on a Risk Reduction to Cost Ratio determined from ARRB’s Road Safety Risk Manager (RSRM) software. 7.2 Funding Allocation State Black Spot funding is allocated to projects in priority order. All available funds are fully allocated. 7.3 Timetable for Funding Submissions Local government state black spot program funding submissions must be made in accordance with the following timetable: Submissions to MRWA: Finalise Technical Committee Agenda By 1st August By third week in September Review by Technical Committee: Completed by 1st October MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 16 of 37 Review by the Sub Groups: By 10th October 2nd Technical Committee if required 2nd Sub Group if required RRG Approval By 20th October By 30th October No later than 2nd week in November 7.4 Road Safety Audits (Design Stage) Local Government Authorities are encouraged to carry out Road Safety Audits at design stage for complex local road projects such as intersection treatments and realignments, where safety and design issues such as speed, sight distance and signing are significant. 7.5 Works Involving a Highway or Main Road Intersection Where the works are to involve a highway or main road intersection, it is mandatory that Main Roads WA is first approached for approval to carry out the design, and for approval of the design and eventual road works. 7.6 Road Standards Local governments should endeavour to meet Austroads Road Design Guidelines. 7.7 Seal Width Standard RRG Technical Committee has considered MRWA Seal Width Guidelines and has agreed that a reconstruction seal width standard of 7 metres is appropriate for all Significant Local Roads. A width of 6.2m reseal is acceptable for existing roads. Any deviation from this standard requires endorsement from RRG Technical Committee and RRG approval. If endorsed RRG Technical Committee shall seek RRG approval. 7.8 Payments Payment requirements are as per Item 10 7.9 Main Roads Website Link Further information in regards to State Blackspot Program can be found at; https://www.mainroads.wa.gov.au/OurRoads/RoadSafety/BlackSpotProgram/Pages/ap proved_state.aspx#guide 8. REGIONAL RUN OFF CRASHES PROGRAM The objective of the Regional Run Off Crashes Program (RRORC) is to further reduce and/or prevent road trauma on WA Roads by undertaking projects that will assist in the reduction or elimination of Run Off Road Crashes. Adoption of this objective will directly assist to deliver the Western Australia’s Towards Zero Road Safety Strategy long-term goal of eliminating road crashes as a major cause of death or serious injury. MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 17 of 37 8.1 Eligibility Criteria For projects to be eligible for consideration in this program, they must qualify for inclusion within priority lists provided by Main Roads. Every two years the network will be analysed to identify a priority list where sections of road lengths exceed the network average for ROR trauma crashes. The sections will be divided into the following three categories. Network Average Comparison Priority 1 ≥5 Priority 2 ≥3 Priority 3 ≥1 For consideration, the project should be located within sections of priority as provided by Main Roads. During the prioritisation of projects, factors such as ranking priority, economy of scale, deliverability and cost effectiveness of proposed treatments will be considered. Funding for nominated projects within each Region will be allocated in order of priority. Funds are only available for projects approved under the program and address the objective of this Program. Funds are only available for new/improvement works and not available for maintenance type treatments. 8.2 Prioritisation The evaluating authority for local roads is the Regional Road Group and Main Roads (joint assessment). The evaluating authority shall undertake an initial conformance assessment of all nominations to determine eligibility in accordance with these Guidelines. The initial assessment should confirm that each project: meets the program project criteria; recommends an appropriate cost-effective treatment(s) to address the objective of this program; is adequately scoped and estimated; and is deliverable in the nominated time frame. Following the initial conformance assessment, the evaluating authority shall prioritise all projects according to the Priority ranking, and if required, according to deliverability and cost effectiveness of treatment at the proposed location. Where nominated projects include interface works (e.g. where a local road intersects with a highway or main road) the proponent for the work shall pay for all work associated with the project. Furthermore, an Agreement in Principle must be sought by the proponent from Main Roads. MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 18 of 37 8.3 Program Approval Recommendation, endorsement and approval of projects for the Regional Run Off Road Crashes Program will be completed by the Regional Road Group, then referred to the Executive Director Road Network Services for endorsement by the Managing Director of Main Roads and the Commissioner of Main Roads. The recommended program will be submitted to the Minister for Transport for approval. The approved program will be forwarded to the State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee for information. 8.4 Reserve Projects Nominations for projects that were not successful, but met the criteria for funding, will be listed as reserve projects. The proponents of endorsed reserve projects will be notified and advised that these projects may be funded at short notice should funds become available as a result of other approved projects being cancelled or withdrawn. Reserve funding will be allocated to the next project where a Local Government is able to commit funding and execute the project. These projects will not be automatically considered for funding in the following years as priorities may change. Reserve projects not funded in the year for which they were submitted will need to be re-nominated in future years. 8.5 Program Delivery Process Projects are to be delivered in the year when funds are allocated. 8.6 Re-programming Funding provided from the Road Trauma Trust Account in one financial year cannot be carried over to the next financial year. Requests for re-programming of funds to unfinished projects (if any), will need to be submitted by Main Roads to the Road Safety Council on a yearly basis for its consideration and approval. Any requests by the Local Governments for re-programming of funds to unfinished projects are to be submitted via the RRG Secretary to the Program Development Coordinator, Road Network Services. 8.7 Project Standards Prior to the commencement of works, the scope must be fully detailed and in accordance with the approved program. The Nominee must ensure that all necessary approvals are obtained prior to the commencement of work. All new or altered regulatory signs and pavement markings are to be approved by Main Roads prior to commencement of construction. MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 19 of 37 All design must be carried out in accordance with all relevant standards and guidelines and reflect best practice and within the original cost estimates for the project. Full allowance shall be made for the interests of vulnerable road user groups and the provisions of disabled persons. All work shall be carried out under appropriate and properly prepared specifications. 8.8 Project Variations The Regional Run Off Road Crashes Program is a fully allocated program without allowance for cost or scope variations. Any cost variation must therefore be contained within the overall program budget. Project estimates must therefore be accurate to ensure delivery of the overall program without any project deferrals. Variations to the scope or to the total estimated cost must be sought immediately, under the normal authorisation limits. Main Roads must be advised of any variations leading to savings in total cost or where the project’s final cost is less than the allocation from the program. Any savings will be returned to the Program for re-allocation on a state-wide basis. 8.9 Withdrawals and/or termination of projects Where an approved project doesn’t proceed, all claimed funds shall be returned to the to the Regional Run Off Road Crashes program for re-allocation. Subject to deliverability, unallocated funds will be allocated to reserve projects within the same group of regions. In exceptional circumstances only, the Managing Authority may consider requests for re-allocation of funds between the two groups of regions. 8.10 Reporting Project status information shall be prepared by the relevant delivery authority and forwarded to the Program Development Coordinator (via Regional Program Coordinators) who will coordinate all reporting associated with the Regional Run Off Road Crashes Program. Summary of reports: Report Monthly Status Update Project Completion Report Frequency Monthly (via the Regional Program Co-ordinator) To be attached to the last claim The Project Completion Report is to be signed by the Chief Executive Officer (or a delegated person on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer). All reports are to be forwarded to the RRG Secretary. MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 20 of 37 8.11 Program Audit Main Roads may arrange for independent auditing of a sample of projects funded under the Regional Run Off Road Crashes Program. This may include: Site inspections including treatments and variations to scope of works. Local Governments and regions are required to keep a record of project development papers for possible audit. Financial audit of claims, contract variations and contract payments to ensure compliance with these Guidelines. 8.12 Post Implementation Evaluation It is of fundamental importance that this program be accountable for results in terms of safety outcomes. Main Roads will arrange an independent evaluation to identify the actual safety performance of the program. 8.13 Payments Payment requirements are as per Item 10 9. COMMODITY ROUTE SUPPLEMENTARY FUNDING $2.5 million per year will be set aside from the total Road Project Grant allocation for a Commodity Route Supplementary Fund from 2012/13. Commodity Routes are defined as routes where there is a significant high priority transport task associated with the transport of a commodity such as grain, timber, agricultural lime, iron ore, etc. Proposals will be sought by the State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee from the Regional Road Groups. Regional Road Groups will assess the merits of a business case supporting an application to the Commodity Route supplementary Fund and make a recommendation to the State Advisory Committee. An annual application, which can include projects staged over more than one year, will be made to the State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee. Allocations will be provided on a cost sharing basis of $2 from the Commodity Route Supplementary Fund and $1 from Local Government funds. The State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee may approve other special contributory arrangements on the recommendation of the Regional Road Group. The Commodity Route Supplementary Fund will be applied to projects not eligible or not prioritised for Road Project Grant funding. MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 21 of 37 The State Advisory Committee will review all applications for Commodity Route funding and select successful projects for funding. Unallocated Commodity Route Supplementary Funds may be reallocated by the State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee across all Regional Road Groups. 9.1 Payments Payment requirements are as per Item 10 9.2 Main Roads Website Link Further information in regards to Commodity Route Supplementary Funding can be found at; https://www.mainroads.wa.gov.au/BuildingRoads/Projects/LocalGovernment/Pages/Lo calGovernment.aspx 10. PAYMENTS ROAD PROJECT, COMMODITY ROUTE, STATE BLACKSPOT & REGIONAL RUN OFF CRASHES PROGRAMS All Grant allocations made by Main Roads Western Australia to Local Governments are subject to the provisions of the Financial Management Act 2006 and the Auditor General Act 2006 and therefore subject to audit. To facilitate full and open accountability of Road Project Grant allocations provided, Local Governments must ensure that appropriate financial records are established and maintained to enable verification of expenditures against the original project funding approved. The financial records must be in a format capable of assessment within the context of any annual audit process undertaken by Main Roads Western Australia auditors. Local Governments requiring recoup of expenditure from the Road Project Grants, Commodity Route, National and/or State Black Spot and Regional Run off Road Crashes Programs may claim funds from the Program at the following milestones, and all Invoices are to be accompanied by either a Progress Payment Certificate (4A) or a Certificate of Completion (4B): Milestone Commencement of project (Initial Claim) 40% Progress towards completion (Second Claim) Completion (Final Claim) (Certificate of Completion and, if applicable, Project Completion Reports must be submitted prior to final payment being made) MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Certificates Progress Payment Certificate Progress Payment Certificate Certificate of Completion and if applicable, Project Completion Reports for RRORC, NBS & SBS Payment 40% 40% 20% Page 22 of 37 Certificates and Invoices are to be forwarded by post for processing to: Accounts Payable Main Roads Western Australia PO Box 194 NARROGIN WA 6312 10.1 Progress Payment Certificates (applicable to all grants) Progress Payment Certificates (Example follows) must include approved project allocations as included in the original funding request, claim details including expenditure details of this and prior claims. Project Commencement and Estimated Completion dates must be included. The Chief Executive Officer and the Works Supervisor/Engineer must sign this certificate prior to the funds being released to the Local Government. MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 23 of 37 PROGRESS PAYMENT CERTIFICATE MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 24 of 37 10.2 Certificate of Completion (applicable to all grants) and Black Spot Project Completion Report (applicable to Black Spot grants) Certificates of Completion (Example follows) must include an accurate final cost (i.e. the actual cost to complete the project – not the approved allocation), including expenditure detail as included in the original funding request. The Chief Executive Officer and the Works Supervisor/Engineer must sign this certificate prior to the balance of the funds being released to the Local Government. For National and State Black Spot projects, an additional report – A Black Spot Project Completion Report must be completed and forwarded to Main Roads with the Certificate of Completion (as mentioned above) and the Invoice. This report is to include “before” and “after” photographs (in electronic format), inserted in the document as JPEG files. All parts of the report are to be completed including the total cost of the project to complete the project and the report is to be certified by your Shire’s CEO. (Example follows Certificate of Completion). MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 25 of 37 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 26 of 37 MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 27 of 37 BLACK SPOT PROJECTION COMPLETION REPORT MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 28 of 37 10.3 GST Requirements and Invoicing The following table details the GST Requirements for all Grants. Grant Direct Grant Road Project Commodity Route Supplementary National and State Blackspot Regional Run Off Crashes GST Type GST Free Grant Allocation Plus GST Grant Allocation Plus GST Grant Allocation Plus GST Grant Allocation Plus GST MRWA will issue Blanket Purchase Order Details to all Shires for each approved grant allocations. All invoices must include the following information: ROAD PROJECT GRANTS Grant Description and Funding Year Description of Work, Road Name & SLK Progress Payment # MRWA Project Number # Blanket Purchase Order No. # NBSP - BLACKSPOT Grant Description and Funding Year Description of Work, Road Name & SLK Progress Payment # MRWA Project Number # Blanket Purchase Order No. # REGIONAL RUN OFF ROAD CRASHES Grant Description and Funding Year Description of Work, Road Name & SLK Progress Payment # MRWA Project Number # Blanket Purchase Order No. # COMMODITY ROUTE SUPPLEMENTARY FUNDING Grant Description and Funding Year Description of Work, Road Name & SLK Progress Payment # MRWA Project Number # Blanket Purchase Order No. # SBSP - BLACKSPOT Grant Description and Funding Year Description of Work, Road Name & SLK Progress Payment # MRWA Project Number # Blanket Purchase Order No. # MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual DIRECT GRANTS Grant Description and Funding Year Shire Name MRWA Project Number # Blanket Purchase Order No. # Page 29 of 37 11. LOCAL ROADS OF REGIONAL SIGNIFICANCE Only Local Roads part of the Significant Local Road Network shall be eligible for Road Project Grant funding. 11.1 Criteria for Local Roads of Regional Significance Local roads of regional significance must meet the criteria for freight and community access, tourism / recreation and road function as detailed at Appendix 1 and be approved by RRG. 11.2 Variation to Roads of Regional Significance Wheatbelt Region’s Narrogin RRG has requested that the Significant Road Network be reviewed on an annual basis. Local Government Authorities and Main Roads shall review the network and submit applications for network variations to RRG Technical Group for consideration. See Appendix 2 for Details. If it is considered that a road link is not significant by a party other than the Local Government Authority responsible for that link. The request for removal shall be received by Main Roads. Main Roads will then approach the responsible Local Authority for comment. If the LGA does not agree to the link’s removal then an application to retain the link on the network shall be completed and submitted to RRG Technical Group for consideration. All applications (exclusions and additions) shall be considered by the RRG Technical Group and assessed in accordance with criteria for roads of regional significance as outlined at Appendix 1. A recommendation shall be prepared by RRG Technical Group and RRG approval shall be sought. The “Significant Road Network” maps shall be updated with RRG approved network changes. Changes shall be incorporated into the “Roads 2025 Regional Road Development Strategy” document. A flowchart showing the process for variation to roads of regional significance is provided at Appendix 3. 11.3 Local Road Link Crossing RRG Boundary If the variation involves a road link crossing the RRG boundary the LGA preparing the variation application must approach the neighbouring LGA for written endorsement of the proposed variation. MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 28 of 37 APPENDIX 1 – SIGNIFICANT LOCAL ROAD CRITERIA SIGNIFICANT LOCAL ROAD CRITERIA 1. 2. FREIGHT AND COMMUNITY ACCESS 1.1 Connects areas of significant population. 1.2 Performs District Distributor function. 1.3 Forms part of an inter-regional route. 1.4 Links regional and inter-regional routes. 1.5 Connects major transport terminal with major route. 1.6 Services a major resource or industrial site. 1.7 Provides access to regional institution or community service centre. 1.8 Services off-rail grain storage facility 1.9 Part of regional heavy haulage route. 1.10 Access to remote community (Pop>250). 1.11 Sole access between remote community (Pop>50) and nearest town. TOURISM / RECREATION 2.1 Access to tourist attraction/recreational area of State/Regional significance. 2.2 Part of State or regionally significant tourist drive. 2.3 3. High visual quality proven through formal visual assessment. Connects region with significant tourist destination and gives travel time and 2.4 distance savings. GENERAL 3.1 No other parallel route exists DEFINITIONS Regional Distributor Route: Shall be defined as a road that provides a connection between inter-regional routes or between areas of significant population. Inter-Regional Route: Shall be defined as a road that provides the main connection between this region, other regions in the State and interstate. Major Route: A road which provides both regional and inter-regional access. MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 29 of 37 APPENDIX 2– FORMS – SIGNIFICANT LOCAL ROAD NETWORK REVIEW NOMINATION FOR ROAD REMOVAL FROM SIGNIFICANT ROAD NETWORK Nominated by: Phone: e-mail address: Date: ROAD NAME: PLEASE ATTACH LOCALITY MAP LOCAL GOVERNMENT/S RESPONSIBLE FOR ROAD: REASON (Describe the significance of the road’s network role in the context of the trip type e.g. freight, tourism, regional, local, origins / destinations e.g. sale yards, resource developments, tourist attractions, regional medical facilities and other appropriate information.) MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 30 of 37 SUBMISSION / RE-SUBMISSION FOR ROAD TO BE RECOGNISED AS SIGNIFICANT ROAD NAME: ROAD NUMBER: PLEASE ATTACH LOCALITY MAP Local Government: Date: FUNCTION eg. Provides access for grain growers and haulage contractors to the Aldersyde off-rail grain receival point from Pingelly, which is an alternative railhead for the bin. The significance of this road has increased as a result of Cooperative Bulk Handling’s policy of grain segregation at the receival points. (Describe the road’s network role in the context of the trip type e.g. freight, tourism, regional, local, origins/destinations e.g. sale yards, resource developments, tourist attractions, regional medical facilities and other appropriate information.) MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 31 of 37 DEVELOPMENT NEED eg. There is a need to widen this road to accommodate the increasing number of heavy vehicles associated with grain cartage. The majority of this road is unsealed. (Describe the sections that are substandard.) DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY eg. Widen sections to 7 m and seal. (Broadly describe the types of works required to bring the road up to the 7m seal standard. List these works in order of their relative importance as an indication of how the upgrade can be staged.) DOES THIS ROAD CROSS THE REGIONAL BOUNDARY ? IF ANSWER IS YES Has neighbouring Local Government Authority agreed that this road is significant ? Has neighbouring Regional Road Technical Group agreed that this road is significant ? YES NO YES NO YES NO NOT YET ASSESSED ATTACH AGREEMENT/S TO SUBMISSION IF ANSWER IS YES TO ANY OF THE ABOVE TWO QUESTIONS MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 32 of 37 APPENDIX 3– PROCESS FOR VARIATION TO ROADS OF REGIONAL SIGNIFICANCE PROCESS FOR VARIATION TO ROADS OF REGIONAL SIGNIFICANCE Part 1 of 2 Review Current Significant Local Road Network WHO: All LGAs and MRWA No Are There Any Changes Required ? Yes WHO: All LGAs and MRWA Complete Removal Nomination Form or Addition Submission Form and sent to MRWA Yes Is the Nominator the Responsible LGA ? WHO: Nominator No WHO: MRWA Send a copy of Nomination Form to responsible LGA WHO: MRWA No Is Nomination for Removal ? Yes WHO: Responsible LGA Complete a Re-Submission Form and send to MRWA WHO: Responsible LGA No Is Nomination agreed with ? Yes WHO: Responsible LGA Revise Submission and Notify MRWA of Agreement WHO: Responsible LGA Notify MRWA of Disagreement with Reasons WHO: Responsible LGA END OF PART 1 MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 33 of 37 PROCESS FOR VARIATION TO ROADS OF REGIONAL SIGNIFICANCE Part 2 of 2 Compile all Forms and Review Comments from Part 1 of process and prepare for RRG Technical Committee Meeting WHO: MRWA Consider all applications for Network Changes using “Significant Local Road Criteria” At RRG Technical Committee Meeting WHO: RRG Technical Committee Minute Decisions and Prepare Recommendations for RRG Consideration Consider Each Recommendation at RRG Meeting WHO: MRWA WHO: RRG Minute Decisions WHO: MRWA Amend “Significant Road Network Maps” and Incorporate changes in “Roads 2030 Regional Road Development Strategy Document” WHO: MRWA Yes Was Recommendatio n Approved by RRG? No WHO: MRWA END OF PART 2 MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Page 34 of 37 12. AMENDMENTS TO THE WBS RRG POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL This manual has been adopted and approved for use by the Wheatbelt South Regional Road Group, with reference to the minutes of the WBS RRG meeting held 13 May 2009. Motions from the eight (8) elected sub group delegates to the RRG proposing amendments to the WBS RRG Policy and Procedures Manual must be carried by a vote equal to or greater than 75% of the eight sub group elected delegates. REVISIONS Revision Description 1 Entire Review 2 Section 10 & 11 Amendments agreed to at RRG Mtg 29/7/14 MAIN ROADS Western Australia Narrogin Regional Road Group – Policy and Procedure Manual Date Nov 13 July 14 Page 35 of 37