Warm Up Questions: Sept. 22

Anatomy & Physiology
Unit 2: Cells, Tissues and Integument
Warm Up Questions: Sept. 22
Monday 9/22: describe each of the 3 types of muscle
Tuesday 9/23: list at least 5 examples of CT
Wednesday 9/24: What is CT Proper?
Thursday 9/25: What are some of the roles of CT in the body?
Friday 9/26: why would fat cells need large vacuoles?
Warm Up Questions: Sept 29
Monday 9/29: what are endocrine and exocrine glands?
Tuesday 9/30: what is the difference between ground substance and matrix?
Wednesday 10/1: What are some of the unique features of cardiac muscle?
Thursday 10/2: what are the roles of the integumentary system?
Friday 10/3: Where in the integument do you find areolar and reticular CT?
Warm Up Questions: October 6
Monday 10/6: Is there a vitamin or mineral that is “most” beneficial?
Tuesday 10/7: no question
Wednesday 10/8: What are osteocytes?
Thursday 10/9: List the functions of bones.
Friday 10/10: Explain the idea that all the little bones in the wrist allow for more movements
Academic Vocabulary
I Can Statements:
Within the tissue types; I can recognize that bone is supporting connective tissue
I can differentiate between osteocytes, osteoblasts and osteoclasts
I can name bones of the appendicular skeleton
I can name bones of the axial skeleton
I can label the bones of the wrist
I can c/c compact (compound) to spongy bone
I can related tissue structure (arrangement and cell type) to tissue function
I can list 4 types of tissues
Unit 1: Regions and Systems
Warm Up Questions: Sept 2
Tuesday 9/2: Define anatomy, define physiology, compare and contrast the two ideas. (anatomy is the
all the parts and physiology explains functions. Both could deal with something like the heart but
anatomy would be the chambers and valves and structures while physiology would be pumping and
words like stroke volume and output – more mechanical, note the root word physics)
Wednesday 9/3: Sketch a dog, a person and a heart. Label each with dorsal, ventral, anterior,
posterior, left and right. (Dorsal is back can also be behind or beneath/ventral is belly or front or
above/ anterior is above or head/ posterior is below, behind, rear, tail/ once you have a midline and a
top you should be able to tell right and left – “patient” or objects R or L – not yours)
Thursday 9/4: Circulatory system and cardiovascular system are interchangeable. Define word roots
and explain how they mean the same thing. (Circulatory has circle or circulate as a root – to move
things in a loop… whats important are the things being moved; oxygen, ammonia, carbon dioxide,
sugar, hormones, etc…. point is not to move the blood cells but what they carry!, Cardio means heart –
need heart to move or pump things… Vascular means series of tubes; refers to vessels blood is moving
Friday 9/5: Sketch a body and label the 3 main “sections” or planes. (sagittal separates R from L,
transverse separates top from bottom and frontal separates front from back)
Warm Up Questions: September 8
Monday 9/8: From MEMORY list the organ systems – you have a quiz tomorrow. ( integumentary,
skeletal, muscular, nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine, excretory, digestive, lymphatic,
Tuesday 9/9: Make sure you know the functions and structures (organs) associated with each system –
you have a quiz today (see study guide and book pgs 8-9)
Wednesday 9/10: Define organic compound and give 10 examples (have chains or rings of carbon; found
in living organisms; carbs/lipids/nucleic acids and proteins: hemoglobin, adrenaline, cholesterol,
glucose, glycogen, actin, myosin, etc)
Thursday 9/11: Which system or systems is the immune system part of? (ALL – circulatory cause WBC,
skeletal cause marrow makes blood, integumentary cause skin prevents infections, etc)
Friday 9/12: Systems – organs – tissues – cells – compounds…. List the chemicals (several classes and
examples) found in the body. (again proteins/ carbs/ lipids/ nucleic acids but including things like
water, oxygen, calcium… )
Warm Up Questions: September 15
Monday 9/15: List 4 organic macromolecules and give 2+ examples of each carbohydrates like sucrose
and glucose, lipids like cholesterol and fatty acids, proteins like myosin and growth hormone, DNA and
Tuesday 9/16: What is a nutrient? What are vitamins and minerals? Nutrients are substances required
by the body. Vitamins act in connection with enzymes and minerals are always inorganic
Wednesday 9/17: Define integument skin, organ system responsible for physical protection, preventing
dehydration, receiving sensory information and secretion
Thursday 9/18: How did you study/ prepare for today’s test? Flash cards? Quizlet? Worksheets? Book?
Online book? etc
Friday 9/19: What does “contractile” mean? Able to shorten, muscles “contract” and pull on bones.
Academic Vocabulary for this Unit
Sensory receptor
I Can Statements for this Unit
can list the systems (11)
can list the organs in each system
can explain the function of each system
can identify chemicals found in the body and what they are used for
can list and explain the tissue types (4)
can give examples of each tissue type
can recognize and label each tissue type when I see an image
can tell the functions of each tissue type.
can related the shape/ structure of tissues and cells to their specific functions.