YARD WASTE PICKUP SPECIFICATIONS Yard debris is defined as grass clippings, leaves and brush/hedge trimmings that result from the regular maintenance of your yard. Yard debris does not include stumps, rocks, dirt, sod, gravel, mulch, whole trees, or clean-up from storm damage. Collection of these items may be provided for an additional charge. The specifics regarding yard waste collection are as follows: 1. Brush must be cut into four-foot lengths, with limbs no larger than four inches in diameter, tied in small bundles or bagged. 2. Bundles of brush can be no larger than two feet in diameter. 3. In Loudoun County, leaves, grass clippings, hedge trimmings and all other yard debris must be placed in a separate container clearly marked “yard waste” or in biodegradable paper bags. Yard waste put out at the curb in plastic bags will not be picked up. 4. In Fairfax County, yard waste may be set out in clear plastic bags, reusable plastic or metal containers, or brown paper bags. 5. In Prince William County, yard waste may be set out in plastic bags (clear or otherwise), reusable plastic or metal containers, or brown paper bags. 6. The weight limit for yard waste is 35 pounds per bag or container.