Opportunities in the Electricity Sector in CARICOM Hugh Sealy, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Eng. (Chem.) Key Messages: 1. The Caribbean is on the cusp of an “energy revolution.” In many nations the economics are favorable and the political will exists. Relatively little financial support would be required to effect a paradigm shift in the energy sectors of these small islands and the sustainable development co-benefits are enormous. Very few countries in the world can go 100% green in their energy sectors by spending less than US$1 billion. The barriers to wide scale deployment of RE in the Caribbean are financial, technological and institutional. 2. The cost of electricity for the majority of CARICOM countries is amongst the highest in the world (~US$0.40/kWh) and has become a severe constraint to further economic development. Fossil fuel imports for electricity generation and transport represent ~ 5-15% of total import bills, ~ 20-40% of export earnings; are a drain on foreign exchange and affect national security. 3. The political will to effect a paradigm shift in the energy sector is evidenced by several national energy policies & low carbon development strategies, the recently agreed (2013) CARICOM Energy Policy and CARICOM Sustainable Energy Roadmap and Strategies (CSERMS) and voluntary commitments made in the Barbados Declaration as part of the SG’s SE4LL initiative. The region is blessed with abundant sources of indigenous renewable energy (solar, wind, geothermal – all volcanic islands, ocean energy, hydro – Guyana & Dominica, biomass – Guyana). 4. Wind energy and distributed solar are now cost-competitive in the region without the need for on-going subsidy through preferential Feed-in-Tariffs. Distributed solar in particular represents a significant threat to the current centralized generation paradigm and the privately owned electric utilities are well aware of this. Geothermal presents a very special opportunity for some of the islands to achieve very high if not 100% RE use for electricity generation and an opportunity to bring the transport sector (which in some cases represents up to 50% of primary energy usage) onto a “greened” grid. 5. The barriers to wide scale deployment of RE in the Caribbean are financial, technological and institutional/legislative. 6. Two types of financial support are required: a. Grants and concessionary loans to subsidise the capital costs of purchasing and installing the RE equipment. Note that many countries in the region have very high debt to GDP ratios (>100%) and further borrowing is constrained by IMF programmes. b. Financial assistance to compensate the electric utilities for loss of stranded fossil fuel assets and perceived loss of future earnings when the legislation is amended and existing monopolistic contracts are determined. 7. Technological assistance is required to design innovative storage to maximize grid penetration rates for variable RE and to create smart grids. 8. Institutional and legislative capacity building is required to assist CARICOM member countries to design project proposals and implement “bankable projects”; and to amend their legislative and regulatory frameworks to make them more conducive to RE deployment. Several Caribbean governments, particularly the smaller islands within the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), are constrained by Electricity Supply Acts and long term contractual arrangements, which have created monopolistic electric utilities with the rights to pass on 100% of the risk of escalating fossil fuel prices to the consumer. 1.0 Introduction Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member states are on the cusp of an “energy revolution” in their electricity sectors. Conditions are now favourable for a paradigm shift from centralised generation, distribution, and supply of electricity by monopolistic electric utilities using imported fossil fuels to a more distributed model using primarily solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind. The recent global drop in prices of PV technology in particular has made household PV systems competitive with electricity purchased from the national grid. Some of the member states also have potential access to geothermal energy and may have the capacity to completely decarbonise their electricity sectors by 2030 for less than US$1 billion per territory. Indeed, the costs of mitigation per tonne of CO2 avoided or reduced has been estimated at – US$48 (i.e. a savings of almost US$50/tonne – see Table 5.1) on average for CARICOM countries if they displaced 5% of their fossil fuel usage for electricity generation with solar PV1. Paradoxically, it is not climate change but simple economics that is driving this shift to indigenous renewable energy in the Caribbean. In her address to the region (June 2014), Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF stated the following2: “A big issue is high energy costs. Electricity costs three times as much in Jamaica as in the United States. It costs even more in Barbados. So conserving and renewing energy, alongside efforts to bring more competition and dynamism to the energy sector, will be important.” For the majority of Caribbean SIDS, lack of access to abundant, clean and affordable electrical energy is severely constraining economic development. For some CARICOM member states, fossil fuel imports can represent 20- 40% of export earnings and almost total dependence upon importation of primary energy is affecting national security. 2.0 Key Characteristics of the Electricity Sectors in CARICOM A 2011 survey of the tariffs charged by 15 electric utilities in the region indicated (see Figure 1.1 below) that the mean tariff was ~ US$0.32/kWh, rising to US$0.36/kWh if T&TEC (Trinidad and Tobago) and NVEBS (Suriname) are excluded. The highest rate was US$0.60/kWh (BELCO – Bermuda). 1 Sealy, H. 2014. Draft Phase 2 Report to the World Bank – Exploring a Framework for a Solar Regional NAMA for the Caribbean. 2 The Caribbean and the IMF—Building a Partnership for the Future, Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund, University of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaica, June 27, 2014 2 Figure 2.1: 2011 Caribbean Electric Utility Tariff Survey (CARILEC, 2011) 3 Most Caribbean countries have small, open economies, heavily dependent upon imported fossil fuels and as evidenced in Figure 1.1 they are crippled by some of the highest electricity costs in the world despite being blessed with abundant potential sources of indigenous renewable energy. Several Caribbean governments, particularly the smaller islands within the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), are constrained by Electricity Supply Acts and long term contractual arrangements, which have created monopolistic electric utilities with the rights to pass on 100% of the risk of escalating fossil fuel prices to the consumer. The political will to break this dependence upon imported fossil fuels and generation monopolies and spur further economic development is evidenced by the recent approval (March 2013) of a CARICOM Energy Policy and a Caribbean Sustainable Energy Roadmap and Strategy (C-SERMS)4. Table 2.1 below is a partial summary of regional energy sector data that was compiled by a consultant (Worldwatch Institute) for the C-SERMS project. 3 Source: http://carilec.com/publications/CARILECAR2011.pdf Presented at the Forty-First Meeting of the Special Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) (Energy), Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 27 February and 1 March 2013 4 3 Share of Regional Electricity Consumption (%) Current Installed Capacity (MW) Current Installed RE Capacity (MW) Antigua & Barbuda 0.6 113 0.05 Bahamas 10.4 575 0 Barbados 5.7 240.4 1.4 Belize 3.6 136 80.24 Dominica 0.5 24.22 4.76 Grenada 1 52.77 0.3 Guyana 3 435 54.2 Haiti 1.3 261 54 Jamaica 17.8 925.2 64.8 Montserrat 0.1 2 0 St. Kitts and Nevis 0.7 63 12.2 St. Lucia 1.9 76 0.065 St. VincentGrenadines 0.7 47 7 Suriname 8.3 410 189 Trinidad & Tobago 44.1 2335 0 TOTAL 100 5695.59 468.05 Table 2.1: Regional Electrical Energy Data as compiled by the Worldwatch Institute for the CARICOM Secretariat (Worldwatch Institute, 2013)5 As is evident from Table 2.1, Trinidad and Tobago dominates the electricity sector within CARICOM with 44.1% of the total regional consumption, with Jamaica, a distant second at 17.8%. Total annual electricity consumption for CARICOM is estimated at approximately 18,000 GWh, with annual emissions of approximately 13 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (See Table 2.2 below). The majority of the other smaller islands, especially those within the regional subgroup – the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) have less than 120 MW of installed generating capacity. Hydro in Dominica, Belize, Guyana and Suriname dominates the very small market penetration achieved to date by renewable energy (~ 8% in 2012). 5 Caribbean Sustainable Energy Roadmap & Strategy (C-SERMS) Milestone I presented at the Forty-First Meeting of the Special Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) (Energy), Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 23 February, 2013 by Worldwatch Institute, Mark Konold-Project Manager 4 Country6 Antigua & Barbuda Bahamas Barbados Belize Dominica Grenada Guyana Jamaica Montserrat St. Kitts & Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent & the Grenadines Suriname Trinidad & Tobago Total Annual Electricity Consumption (GWh) Estimated Grid Emission Factor (tonnes CO2/MWh) Annual Estimated Emissions from Electricity Sector (Kilotonnes of CO2) 250 1930 918 462 90 199.7 833 3957 10 0.5 0.723 0.883 0.2278 0.5 0.613 0.948 0.7324 0.5 125 1,395 811 105 45 122 790 2,898 5 130 385 0.5 0.5 65 193 130 1310 0.5 0.5 65 655 7722 18326.7 0.725 5,598 12,872 Table 2.2: Estimated CO2 Emissions from CARICOM’s Electricity Sector 3.0 CARICOM Renewable Energy Targets In 2013, CARICOM leaders agreed to the following targets for the contribution of renewable energy to electricity generation (by capacity) (Table 3.1): C-SERMS Targets for % RE in Electricity Generation Baseline year Short-term target Medium-term target Long-term target 2012 2017 2022 2027 8% 20% 28% 47% Table 3.1: C-SERMS Targets for % RE in Electricity Generation (by capacity) 6 Data not available for Haiti. 5 These aggressive renewable energy targets are recognition that many of the economies (especially the smallest) in the region have the capacity to achieve almost 100% "greening" of their energy sectors within the next two decades with support from their development partners. The Caribbean may be one of the few regions where a transition to renewable energy for electricity generation can be achieved without substantial direct ongoing subsidy. Transitioning the domestic energy sector to indigenous renewable sources (geothermal, wind, solar and waste-to-energy) would have substantial transformative impacts on the economies of many Caribbean economies. However, the lack of domestic institutional capacity, the lack of an enabling regulatory framework and the lack of the initial financing to do the preliminary feasibility to prepare "bankable projects" have thwarted the transition and prevented the achievement of considerable national economic and environmental benefits, whilst also contributing to the global climate change mitigation effort. 4.0 Barriers to Wide Scale Deployment of RE In 2013/2014, a team from the Reiner-Lemoine Institut in Germany conducted a study of the barriers to renewable energy deployment in the Caribbean7 by interviewing 30 energy experts from around the region. The five top ranked barriers to wide scale renewable energy deployment, as perceived by the polled experts, were as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Gap between policy targets and implementation Lack of regulatory framework and legislation for private investors Diseconomy of scale Lack of legal framework for Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) 5. High initial investments The respondents ranked the lack of a regulatory framework to allow for competition in electricity generation (both centralised and distributed) as a high priority. However, this barrier should not be considered solvable merely by the provision of legal advice and capacity building. Indeed, the critical constraint appears to be the threat of expensive litigation by the existing utility if its monopolistic terms and conditions are altered by amendments to the current legislation governing the sector. Therefore, the solution must include financial support to the governments to allow for either a buy out of existing monopolistic contracts or to allow compensation to be paid to the utility for any “stranded assets” or perceived loss of future profit. It may be concluded that any requested support from CARICOM countries is likely to consist, inter alia, of the following elements: Legal/technical advice as to how best to create a favourable environment for renewable energy independent power producers (both centralised and distributed), whilst maintaining a stable grid and a viable grid operator, Financial support to determine existing monopolistic generation contracts, and 7 K. Richter and P. Blechinger, “Barriers and solutions to the development of renewable energy technologies in the Caribbean”, presented at the Symposium: Innovating Energy Access for Remote Areas: Discovering untapped resources, UC Berkeley, April 10 – 12, 2014 6 5.0 Financial support to defray high initial investment costs. Draft Results of Preliminary Financial Feasibility Study of Solar PV in the Caribbean8 The Caribbean has abundant sources of several forms of renewable energy, including hydro (Belize, Suriname, Guyana & Dominica), geothermal (Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines), biofuels (Guyana, Suriname, Belize). Wind energy is being produced commercially in Jamaica. Barbados has recently signed a contract with a private investor to produce electricity from solid waste 9 . However, solar photovoltaic technology is perhaps the renewable energy technology, although intermittent, with the greatest potential to transform the electricity sectors in the Caribbean. The region experiences average insolation rates of 5.6 – 6.1 solar hours (5 - 6 kWh/m²/day)10. Unlike other RE sources, solar is accessible to the individual householder and is an opportunity to “democratise electricity generation”. Distributed generation using solar PV represents an existential threat to the existing generation monopolies. The cost of solar PV technology has decreased significantly in recent years, according to a report completed in 2012 by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. “Reported installed prices of U.S. residential and commercial PV systems declined 5%–7% per year, on average, from 1998–2011, and by 11%–14% from 2010–2011, depending on system size. Analysts estimate that the global module average selling price will decline from $1.37/W in 2011 to approximately $0.74/W by 2013 and that inverter prices will also decline over this period.” Source: Feldman, et. al., 2012. Photovoltaic (PV) Pricing Trends: Historical, Recent, and Near-Term Projections http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy13osti/56776.pdf A decline in prices has also been experienced in the Caribbean, although prices still appear higher than the global average. In Grenada, and in Barbados, the installed price of a 4kW PV system has declined from ~US$6,000/kW to ~US$4,000/kW during the period from 2010 to 201311. A preliminary financial analysis 12 , conducted on behalf of the World Bank, assumed the following scenario: 8 Sealy, H. 2014. Draft Phase 2 Report to the World Bank – Exploring a Framework for a Solar Regional NAMA for the Caribbean. 9 http://www.waste-management-world.com/articles/2014/03/240m-plasma-gasification-waste-to-energy-deal- signed-in-barbados.html 10 http://www.hotspotenergy.com/DC-air-conditioner/caribbean-latin-america-solar-map.php 11 Pers. Comm. Mr. Mark Hill, Chief Innovation Officer, Innogen (Bdos) & Dr. Dirk Burkhardt, Manager, Grenada Solar Power Ltd. (June, 2013) 12 Sealy, H. 2014. Draft Phase 2 Report to the World Bank – Exploring a Framework for a Solar Regional NAMA for the Caribbean. 7 Installation of solar PV units with a total capacity of 20% of the peak demand in each CARICOM state. If achieved by 2017, this would meet the shortterm target set by CSERMS. The installed Solar PV units would displace 5% of fossil fuel usage annually. Net mitigation costs were determined (without revenue from carbon offsets) assuming either US$2,000 or US$3,000 per installed kW of solar PV. The results are shown below in Table 5.1. Net Mitigation Costs without revenue from carbon credits @US$2000 per installed kW. (US$/tonne of CO2) -116.4 -2.1 -89.3 Net Mitigation Costs without revenue from carbon credits @US$3,000 per installed kW. (US$/tonne of CO2) 40.4 86.8 -11.6 -124.2 -128.9 28.7 -30.2 -16.8 -39.7 59.2 57.9 -4.6 143.1 -129.4 -4.1 Trinidad & Tobago -15.4 141.2 156.9 225.6 Average -$ 48 68.4 Country Antigua & Barbuda Bahamas Barbados Dominica Grenada Guyana Jamaica St. Kitts & Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent Grenadines & the Table 5.1: Net Mitigation Costs for Selected CARICOM Countries with 5% Solar PV (by consumption). Data for Belize, Haiti, Montserrat, and Suriname were not included in the results due to uncertainty over their veracity. The majority of the remaining CARICOM countries (except for Trinidad and Tobago at + US$141/tonne) present negative net mitigation costs at US$2,000/kW. However, the average net mitigation cost changes from –US$48 to +US$68 if the capital cost per installed kilowatt increases from US$2,000 to US$3,000. The sensitivity of internal rates of return (IRR) to capital costs, feed-in-tariffs and carbon revenues were determined for two representative CARICOM states – Jamaica and St. Lucia. In all the models run, the IRRs were positive, ranging from 8.64% (an installed cost of US$3,500/kW and a feed-in-tariff of US$0.20/kWh) to 30.31% (an installed cost of US$2,000/kW and a feed-in-tariff of US$0.30/kWh). 8 If the installation price is fixed at US$2,000/kW, the IRR increases from 18.93% to 30.31% when the feed-in-tariff (FIT) is increased from US$0.20 to US$0.30/kWh. If the FIT is held constant at US$0.20/kWh, the IRR decreases from 18.93% to 8.64% as the installation cost increases from US$2,000 to US$3,500/kW. The IRR appears to be less sensitive to the range of carbon prices used (0 – 20 US$/tonne) than to variation in capital costs or feed-in-tariff. It may be concluded that a distributed solar PV programme would be economically attractive and sustainable in most CARICOM member countries and would present net mitigation savings at the national level, if capital costs could be reduced from the current US$4,000/kW to approximately US$2,000/kW and a reasonable FIT (>US$0.20/kWh) could be guaranteed, even without revenue from carbon offsets. 6.0 Conclusions Access to clean affordable energy is a key crosscutting issue affecting the sustainable development of most of the member states of CARICOM. The economies of the region are yet to recover from the global recession that started in 2008. In 2014, growth remains sluggish partly because of high-energy costs. Except for Barbados and Trinidad & Tobago, Caribbean countries are becoming increasingly indebted to Venezuela under the Petrocaribe Agreement. Lack of economies of scale, lack of favourable legislative and regulatory frameworks for independent power producers or distributed generation, the fear of litigation if the existing framework is dismantled and the high cost of capital and the requirement for high initial investment have led to a huge gap between stated energy policy and actual implementation in the Caribbean. For CARICOM member states to reach their short (20% by 2017) and midterm (28% by 2022) targets of installed renewable energy capacity, assistance will be required from the development partners. Two types of financial support will be required: c. Grants and concessionary loans to subsidise the capital costs of purchasing and installing the RE equipment. Note that many countries in the region have very high debt to GDP ratios (>100%) and further borrowing is constrained by IMF programmes. d. Financial assistance to compensate the electric utilities for loss of stranded fossil fuel assets and perceived loss of future earnings when the legislation is amended and existing monopolistic contracts are terminated. Technological assistance will be required to design innovative storage to maximize grid penetration rates for variable RE and to create smart grids. Capacity building will be required to assist CARICOM member countries to design project proposals, implement “bankable projects” and to amend their legislative and regulatory frameworks to make them more conducive to RE deployment. Small islands are microcosms of larger societies and may act as models for decarbonisation. However, their sheer lack of size presents unique challenges and opportunities. There is little inherent resilience to external economic or environmental shocks and economies of scale are non-existent. Conversely, the lack of size should also translate into a lack of inertia, implying 9 an ability to rapidly transform and adapt, if capacity and financial constraints are overcome. Concerted international support will be required. Many of the members of CARICOM have populations of less than 150,000, GDPs below US$1 billion, peak electricity demands of less than 100 MW and annual GHG emissions less than 1 MT of CO2e. This lack of scale has made it difficult for individual small islands to identify commercially attractive or “bankable” mitigation projects that would stimulate private sector investment or prioritised support from developed countries and international financial institutions. The aggregation of small national projects into a regional programme is likely to be more attractive to both public and private investors. Hence, the World Bank is currently exploring the feasibility of the submission of a Regionally Appropriate Mitigation Action (RAMA) by CARICOM to facilitate wide scale deployment of solar PV. A regional approach to defray the costs and risks of exploration for geothermal energy in the volcanic islands of the eastern Caribbean may also be more effective than the current sporadic national efforts. A regional geothermal drilling risk fund has been mooted but not acted upon. It is anticipated that “bundling” of projects will reduce administrative costs and reduce the institutional capacity requirements for each participating country. This will be especially beneficial to the governments of the smallest islands for whom limited institutional capacity has been a major constraint to accessing international support. The potential for reduced transaction and project management costs will also attract more local, regional and international private sector project developers. Conventional energy burns fossil fuels; renewable energy burns capital! It cannot be overstressed that the paradigm shift in the electricity sector cannot be achieved without access to affordable capital. A special window in the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for SIDS to access funding (public and private) for renewable energy and energy efficiency is recommended. It is also recommended that the international community further support recently formed institutions such as SIDS DOCK, which have a specific mandate to support decarbonisation of SIDS. Very few (if any) other regions in the world stand to benefit as much as the Caribbean from decarbonisation of their electricity sectors. 10