Solar & Energy Storage Seminar Bryan Ekus | IPVEA IPVEA Working together to build a stronger global suppliers’ network for the solar PV and stationary battery storage industries 1st Solar Business Leaders Lunch May 19th in Shanghai, China during SNEC 2014 Solar Business Dinner Club Intersolar Events Solar Power International 6th PV Production and Battery Forum September in Amsterdam during EU PVSEC Energy Storage Journal Energy Storage Journal Energy Storage Journal (business and market strategies for energy storage and smart grid technologies) is a new quarterly B2B publication that covers global news, trends and developments in energy storage and smart grid markets. Energy Storage Energy Transmission – Paradigm Shift • Today – Constant production – From production to consumers • • • Energy Producer Distribution Grid Households /Industry Me t e r In t e rfa ce Me t e r • Tomorrow – Volatile production Co n t ro l Un it Me t e r – Multidirectional load patterns • • • • • Solar Electric Cars Wind Storage Customer 6 Energy Storage - Considerations • • • • • The problem with renewable power is timing. Solar power peaks in the early afternoon, when the sun is high overhead. Wind power peaks at night. Balancing these resources poses a challenge for the electricity grid. As more power generation from intermittent sources such as solar and wind come into use. – short, steep ramps – when the utilities must bring on or shut down generation resources to meet an increasing or decreasing electricity demand quickly, over a short period of time; – overgeneration risk – when more electricity is supplied than is needed to satisfy real-time electricity requirements; and – decreased frequency response – when less resources are operating and available to automatically adjust electricity production to maintain grid reliability. These factors lead to different operating conditions that require flexible resource capabilities to ensure grid reliability. 7 Countermeasures for Renewable Expansion 8 Countermeasures for Renewable Expansion Increased Transmission Capacities Energy Storage Expanding Renewables Flexiable Generation Assests Demand Site Management Smart App‘s 9 Countermeasures for Renewable Expansion Increased Transmission Capacities Energy Storage Expanding Renewables Flexiable Generation Assests Demand Site Management Smart App‘s 10 Potential: Residential vs. Commercial Load shifting with storage device is better applicable to private households. Decentralized Rooftop Market - Household, Weekdays - Decentralized Rooftop Market - Commercial 8am-6pm, Weekdays - Low correlation with electricity generation High correlation with electricity generation Storage is required to shift the load Storage not necessarily required (little potential to shift load) 11 Examples of Storage Technology Source JRC 12 Examples of Storage Technology Better for energy quality management Source: EIA 2012 13 Examples of Storage Technology Most relevant to the PV sector is the implementation of electrical storage devices like lithium-ion batteries Batteries are expensive – Plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles were to drive down the cost. The California Independent System Operators (ISO) created future scenarios of net load curves to illustrate these changing conditions as they are on track for 33 percent of retail electricity from renewable power by 2020 The Duck Chart Typical March Day Conclusions • Storage systems are an essential part of the energy system • Broad range of storage options are necessary to meet the requirements • Systems differ in various parameters like storage capacities, speed, volume, storage duration and expandability – therefore there is no perfect solution • Costs and profitability depend on prices differences in peak/off peak, uses cases (energy market, long term vs. short term, local conditions) USA P.O. Box 771507 Orlando, Florida 32877 Tel: +1 747 777 2081 Mobile: +1 407 733 1901 17