SPEAKER: Bill Richardson, Pastor of Adult Ministries
TEXT : Luke 1:26-38
Main idea: The life of Jesus was possible because his conception was the result of God’s direct, creative intervention so that Jesus shares in both the divine and the human world. Mary’s response to this divine intervention shows that God’s action requires human submission to the divine will. v26-27 Again Gabriel is sent by God to give the message to Mary. This message is straight from the throne room of heaven.
“The emphasis on her virginity sets up the miracle of the child’s genesis. Barren wombs like Elizabeth’s, had been opened before, but a virginal conception was an unprecedented act of God.” Garland, Luke
The six month refers to the 6th month of Elizabeths pregnancy (Luke 1:36) and therefore connects the two birth announcements.
“During betrothal, a man and a woman were considered as husband and wife, even though they lived apart and did not have sexual relations”. Jeremias, New Testament Theology
"In Jewish tradition a girl was normally betrothed in the thirteenth year and for legal but not domestic purposes was from that point on considered to be married. Around a year later the girl was taken to the bridegroom's home for normal married life to begin.
” Nolland, Luke
Betrothal could only be broken by divorce or death. It was a binding agreement and far more serious than a present day engagement. Mary is a young woman in a culture where women had no voice. She came from a small village of no importance. God specializes in using people who society or culture do not rate as having significant worth or value.
Do you ever feel insignificant to God because you don’t have something to offer?
Do you ever feel that God can never use you or you do not feel worthy?
God has a wonderful plan for your life if you will let him guide you.
What Luke is clear to point out is that Joseph is a descendant of King David (Luke 1:32,69, 2:4,11 3:31).
Jesus is sometimes referred to as ‘Son of David’. This is his messianic title. v28 Gabriel addressed Mary as one who was ‘highly favored’. Notice that he only greets her and does not worship her.
Mary was favored because God was with her. God has shown special grace towards Mary. This was similar to Gideon
(Judges 6:12).
“By this he (Gabriel) does not mean, as Roman Catholics teach, that she is ‘full of favor’ in the sense that she will be able to confer favor but that she has received favor.” Geldenhuys, Luke
v29,30 Mary was troubled by Gabriel’s words and similarly with Zechariah, Gabriel calmed her and told her not to be afraid (Luke 1:13). This is an indication that Gabriel is bringing good news. God has chosen Mary for a special purpose. v31-33 Gabriel advises that Mary will become pregnant; it is an absolute certainty. Mary is a virgin and yet she will conceive. She is to give him the name Jesus which means Jehovah is the Savior. He will be great (Deut 10:17, Titus
2:13) and will be called the Son of the Most High (Luke 1:76, 6:35, 8:28, Acts 7:48, 16:17) i.e. the Son of God. What
Gabriel is saying here is that Jesus will be divine.
“He is … the Son of God from the point of conception, before he has taken on any of the functions of Kingship.” Strauss,
The Davidic Messiah in Luke-Acts.
God will give him the ‘throne of his father David’ This relates back to the prophesy in 2 Samuel. Where God promises through the prophet Nathan to King David that he will have a descendant who will reign on his throne forever.
“Now then, tell my servant David, “This is what the Lord Almighty says……Your house and your kingdom shall endure for ever before me; your throne shall be established for ever.” 2 Sam 7:8,16
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and for ever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.” Isaiah 9:6,7
This is one of the major promises of the Old Testament that will be fulfilled through this baby Jesus.
“His coming was prophesied in scriptures; his birth was announced by an angel who ranks highest in the hierarchy of angels; his conception was enabled by the creative power of the divine Spirit. He will be uniquely powerful and will fulfill God’s plans for Israel’s and the worlds salvation.” Garland, Luke
Jesus will be King of Israel and is the long awaited Messiah. His Kingdom will never end and he will reign forever.
‘In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence.
He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshipped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.” Daniel
Just to clarify that v 31 and 32a refer to Christ’s 1st advent where 32b and 33 refer to his 2nd coming.
“To Him, therefore, shall be given the royal might and sovereignty promised in the Old Testament to the
Messiahking of the lineage of David.” Geldenhuys, Luke
Do you believe the Bible is one book?
Do these prophecies in the Old Testament encourage you in your faith seeing that they came true?
Do believe that you have a Savior?
God has a plan in operation from the begging of time until the end of this world. He is in total control of past , present and future. v34 Mary’s response (How will this be?) is different to Zecharia’s response (How can I be sure of this? v18).
Zechariah was filled with doubt but Mary assumes this will happen. She does not understand how it will happen because she is a virgin, but expects it to happen because she believes the angel Gabriel.
“The pattern of the two annunciations reveals Jesus’ superiority over John. John’s conception is extraordinary;
Jesus’ conception is beyond extraordinary” Garland, Luke v35 In answer to her question Gabriel says that the ‘Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most
High will overshadow you.’ Gabriel is telling Mary that this child will be born of God. He will be divine and God will create life within her womb. If there is any doubt in the angels words he says that ‘the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God ’. God is about to dwell with mankind in this person of Jesus Christ. This will be one of the most important times in the World’s history.
“Luke sees the whole Christian movement, from its earliest beginning in John and from the conception of Jesus in the womb, to the ascension and afterwards, as inspired, governed, and empowered by the Holy Spirit”.
White, The Answer Is the Spirit
“ Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him
Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14 v36, 37 Even though Mary did not ask for a sign Gabriel gave her one her relative Elizabeth who was barren is now in her 6th month of pregnancy. Nothing is impossible with God (Gen 18:14)! v38 Mary humbly accepts what is going to happen to her by faith. She submits to God’s will for her life. She doesn’t plague the angel with questions she just accepts it. ‘I am the Lords servant’ Mary will serve the Lord out of love and not like a slave serves a master because he has no choice. She has no idea what is going to happen to her in the future with regards to the engagement or any future shame (Matthew 1:19) but she simply trusts in God. Note that the angel left Mary with no repercussion. This means that she answered Gabriel correctly and her heart was in the right place before God.
Have you ever had to humbly accept God’s will despite the costs?
How easy or hard is it to submit to God’s plan and not your own plan?
Is the Holy Spirit asking you to submit in some area of your life?
“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!’ Luke 1:45
“God works through faithful humans who trust his power to bring his promises to fulfillment and who yield themselves to his control.” Garland, Luke