The April 19th - Ss Cyril and Methodius Church


Saints Martha and Mary Sorority

The Women of Saints Cyril & Methodius Byzantine Catholic Church

Cary, North Carolina

Meeting Minutes January 4, 2015

The meeting took place in the parish hall during the fellowship hour after liturgy.

Attendees: Marie Taylor, Patti Kingery, Jane Dunbar, Nancy Driscoll, Rachel Blair, Donna

Ellwanger, Sallie Mills, Elizabeth Taylor

Discussion Topics:

Theophany or Our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ (January 6, 2015)

One of 12 Great Feasts of Liturgical Year

Holy Supper: Monday, January 5, 2015 at 5:30pm, Parish Hall

Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil & Great Blessing of Water at 7:00pm, Church

Burning of straw from Temple, Bonfire, Fireworks – following Liturgy

Action items & Responsibilities

Sallie: tablecloths & set up Parish Hall for Supper (note: Fr. Rick has purchased festive plates, napkins, etc. for Holy Supper)

Travis: Heat up food for Holy Supper (fish, halupki, tamales)

Rachel & Jane: prepare & bring salads for Holy Supper

Patti: Hot cider for after Liturgy

Nancy: Hot cocoa for after Liturgy

Annual House Blessings

Window for house blessings should be: January 7 th – February 1 st ; all need to be completed before Lent begins (February 16 th )

Friday, January 9 th – Ellwanger’s Annual Cookie Exchange & house blessing

 Parishioners should talk with one another and coordinate “clustered” house blessings

Action items & Responsibilities

Patti: will offer to assist Father Rick in coordinating his schedule for house blessings with parishioners’ requests

Encounter of Our Lord, God, and Savior, Jesus Christ with Simeon and Anna

(Presentation of Our Lord into the Temple) – February 2, 2015

*Schedule change for Liturgy on Sunday, February 1 st

Liturgy at 12noon (combined English/Spanish) in Church

Agape & celebration/Social Hour, following Liturgy in Parish Hall

 Vespers & Children’s Pageant at 3:00pm in Church

Action items & Responsibilities

Patti: coordinate Children’s Pageant

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Saints Martha and Mary Sorority

The Women of Saints Cyril & Methodius Byzantine Catholic Church

Cary, North Carolina

Meeting Minutes January 4, 2015

Michaelmas / Mardi Gras Dance (February 7, 2015)

Fallon Center, Raleigh, NC

Coordinated by Lance & George

Action items & Responsibilities

Patti: talk with Lance about details of event and anticipated needs/support from

Women’s group

Nancy: volunteered to help with food and/or decorating

Elizabeth: volunteered to assist with kitchen duties at the event

St. Nicholas Market Recap

Another successful event!

Estimated $15,000 taken in at event, including approximately $2,000 on Friday evening

Estimated profit could reach $10,000

Ted Nashland is working on preparing a final report of expenditures, profit, & inventory

(part of a school project)

Recommendations for next year:

Keep Friday night activity & shopping

Make sure St. Nicholas visits the market/guests outside after Vespers on Friday evening

Identify an individual to be responsible for 1-2 countries – set-up, layout, and clean-up

(including updating inventory list)

Action items & Responsibilities

Nancy suggested purchasing large plastic containers for each country represented at the

Market and organize a work day where inventory items can be sorted, counted, & listed

– possibly a workday in January?

Next Meeting : Sunday, February 1, 2015

Minutes respectfully submitted by Patti Kingery

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