Lesson Title/Topic: Plate Tectonics (6th Grade Science) Target Concept: Exploration of tectonic plates and their roles in geological events. Standard/Rationale: TEKS 112.18.b.10D- describe how plate tectonics causes major geological events such as ocean basins, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain building. Lesson Objectives: Given 8 images, the student will differentiate then arrange a puzzle according to plate movement and the four major geological events that occur along plate boundaries with 80% accuracy. Assessment: Completed puzzle Materials: Timer Paper Puzzle pieces Glue sticks Overhead projector Powerpoint presentation ClassDojo (online application) Internet use Lesson Cycle: (Direct Instruction) The teacher will: The students will: Focus/Mental Set: Ask students to close their eyes for 5 seconds and think about planet Earth. Silently count to 5 then instruct students to open their eyes. Monitor the room, then randomly call on 3 students to provide an explanation of the image(s) that came to mind. (Allow each student 10-15 seconds to respond) o Desired answers: Sphere shaped, constantly spinning, covered by land and water, etc… (answers may vary) After the final student has answered, ask students if they knew that Earth’s crust is actually broken into many pieces like a jigsaw puzzle. Inform students that these parts are called tectonic plates. “We will now watch a short video on the evolution of plate tectonics.” (2:31) https://.be/OinfMLdornyoutuU?t=5s Close eyes and reopen once instructed. If called upon by the teacher, the student will provide their response to the class. Once complete, the students will direct their attention to the board to watch a short video on plate tectonics. Teacher Input: “Now that you have a general understanding of plate tectonics, let’s explore how the movement of these plates causes major geological events such as ocean basins, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, View slideshow of plate movement and the geological event created. Brainstorm with the teacher about how the geological events occur. and mountain building.” ( Begin slideshow of the 4 major geological events. Cover 1 event at a time. Stop to discuss and review with students before moving to the next slide.) “For example ocean basins can be thought of as large bowls that contain ocean water. Found under the sea. They can be relatively inactive areas where deposits of sediment slowly collect or active areas where tectonic plates meet.” Project image and provide an example. o Inactive- the Gulf of Mexico o Active- Atlantic ocean, Arctic ocean “Plates are constantly ramming each other, sliding past each other, or pulling apart. Sometimes there are movements within the Earth’s crust that cause stress to build up at points of weakness, and rocks to deform. When the stored energy is suddenly released as an earthquake occurs.” Project image. “Next we’ll take a look at volcanic eruptions. These occur when molten rock, ash and steam pour through a vent in the earth's crust. ” Project image “Lastly we have mountain building. Mountains take longer to form. They also form differently depending on where they are on earth. So, think about mountains and try to form your own opinion on how mountains are formed.” Allow students additional time to think. (about 10 seconds) Use ClassDojo to randomly call on one student to provide their answer to the class. Explain to students that they will assemble a puzzle of the Earth’s crust. Students will be provided a sheet with the tectonic plates. When arranged properly the pieces will form planet Earth and the major tectonic plates. Students will finalize the puzzle by labeling the 4 major geological events that occur along the certain plate boundaries. Show images of the plates and allow students to determine where they fit on planet Earth. Use ClassDojo to select random students until 50% of the puzzle is completed. (Puzzle will be completed in groups later on in class.) Advise students puzzles will be collected after classed. No grade will be given, but puzzles will be handed back to use as study material for the upcoming exam. Guided Practice: Explain the concept of the “Showdown”. Inform students that they will be split into 5 groups. Use ClassDojo to randomly divide the class into 5 Listen for instruction on completing the plate tectonics puzzle. Student will view images of the major tectonic plates. When called on by the teacher the students will identify where the tectonic plate is located on their planet earth puzzle. Once the correct answer is given, each student will glue that piece onto their paper. Pair off into 5 groups. Once the teacher has read the question each student will write down their answer. Showdown captains will groups. Use the application a second time to select a Showdown Captain to represent each group. The teacher will ask the questions aloud. Students will be allowed time to think before writing their answers on paper. (15-30 seconds) When the Showdown Captain calls, “Showdown!” teammates all display their own answers. If correct teams can celebrate, if incorrect, tutoring will occur and then celebrate. The person to the left becomes the new Showdown Captain for the next round. call “Showdown!” Teammates show and discuss their answers. The Showdown Captain leads to the checking. If correct the team celebrates, if incorrect teammates tutor. . guide. Independent Practice: Students will work in a groups to Allow the students to work with their groups on their complete the puzzle. puzzle. Walk around the room to observe how students are progressing. Closure: Ask students to put the finished puzzles in the basket near the door. As they leave the room have them provide one thing that they learned from class. Students will provide an answer as their ticket out the door.