NAME _______________________________ 6 _____ Rotation ___________________ date _________ Europe Learning Targets and Success Criteria ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY: We are learning to use maps, globes and geographic tools to gather, process and report information about people, places and environments. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. EXAMPLES: We are looking for understanding of the basic properties of maps, globes and diagrams to gather, process and report information about people, places and environments. We created political and physical maps in class. Political features=cities, countries, provinces, states Physical features=lakes, rivers, oceans, seas, mountains, deserts, etc. RESOURCES TO HELP ME STUDY: CONNECTIONS TO OTHER UNITS: GEO3: Globes and other geographic tools can be used to gather, process and report information about people, places and environments. Cartographers decide which information to include and how it is displayed. Document: Learning Targets Unit: Europe Grade: 6 Last revised: 1/1/2013 page 1 NAME _______________________________ 6 _____ Rotation ___________________ date _________ Europe Learning Targets and Success Criteria We are learning to use latitude and longitude coordinates to identify absolute location. ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. EXAMPLES: We are looking for a line of latitude and a line of longitude that intersect at a specific place in East Asia. Latitude—measures the distance north or south of the Equator Longitude—measures the distance east or west of the Prime Meridian Hemisphere—half of the earth Prime Meridian—divides the Earth into eastern and western hemispheres Equator—divides the Earth into northern and southern hemispheres Arctic Circle—line of latitude (66 ½ degrees north)—the tundra region is located in the Arctic Circle Absolute location—requires both latitude and longitude When recording absolute location, latitude is always listed first, followed by longitude. RESOURCES TO HELP ME STUDY: CONNECTIONS TO OTHER UNITS: GEO4: Latitude and longitude can be used to identify absolute location. Document: Learning Targets Unit: Europe Grade: 6 Last revised: 1/1/2013 page 2 NAME _______________________________ 6 _____ Rotation ___________________ date _________ Europe Learning Targets and Success Criteria ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY: We are learning to identify human characteristics of place. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. EXAMPLES: We are looking for population, language, traditions, income levels, food, music, and leisure activities that are found in a place. Most countries in Europe have a unique language and traditional holidays, clothing, music and food. Refer to your Tour of Europe passport for examples. As communication and transportation have advanced, these traditions have spread (diffused) throughout other countries and are no longer limited to only the native country. EXAMPLES FROM FRANCE: Language—French Food—croissants, crepes Holidays—Bastille Day Clothing—Berets Music—minuet EXAMPLES FROM ITALY: Language—Italian Food—pasta Holidays—Christmas, Easter, other Roman Catholic holidays Dance—tarantella RESOURCES TO HELP ME STUDY: Document: Learning Targets CONNECTIONS TO OTHER UNITS: Unit: Europe Grade: 6 Last revised: 1/1/2013 GEO5: Regions can be determined, classified and compared using various criteria (e.g. landform, climate, page 3 NAME _______________________________ 6 _____ Rotation ___________________ date _________ Europe Learning Targets and Success Criteria We are learning to identify physical characteristics of place. ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. EXAMPLES: We are looking for landforms, climate, natural resources, plants, animals and agricultural products that are found in a place. Landforms— mountain ranges (Ural, Caucasus, Alps) rivers (Rhine, Volga, Thames, Seine, Danube) plains Climate—Europe has several climate regions (tundra, taiga, Mediterranean, marine west coast, continental)—see climate map in atlas Natural Resources—coal, natural gas Plants and Animals—varies depending on climate and elevation Agricultural Products—varies depending on the climate region; Examples: olives in Greece, potatoes in Ireland, wheat in northern plains RESOURCES TO HELP ME STUDY: CONNECTIONS TO OTHER UNITS: Atlas (climate map) Document: Learning Targets Unit: Europe Grade: 6 Last revised: 1/1/2013 page 4 NAME _______________________________ 6 _____ Rotation ___________________ date _________ Europe Learning Targets and Success Criteria We are learning to identify common characteristics of places that geographers use to create regions. ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. EXAMPLES: We are looking for common landforms, climate, population, culture, and/or economic characteristics that geographers use to create regions. Geographic regions in Europe include: Alps—rugged mountain range curving through south central Europe Northern Plains—vast land area of low elevation curving across Northern Europe Mediterranean—region of peninsulas and islands bordering the Mediterranean Sea Tundra—cold, treeless plains in far northern part of Europe and Russia Taiga—region south of tundra; boreal forest, swampy land European Union—shared system of money (euro), people and goods can travel easily between member countries, removed trade barriers between member countries RESOURCES TO HELP ME STUDY: CONNECTIONS TO OTHER UNITS: GEO5: Regions can be determined, classified and compared using various criteria (e.g. landform, climate, population, cultural or economic). Document: Learning Targets Unit: Europe Grade: 6 Last revised: 1/1/2013 page 5 NAME _______________________________ 6 _____ Rotation ___________________ date _________ Europe Learning Targets and Success Criteria We are learning to explain how variations among physical environments in the Eastern Hemisphere influence human activities. ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. EXAMPLES: We are looking for ways humans depend on the natural environment to survive. We are looking for ways that humans adapt to the natural environment. EXAMPLES OF HOW HUMANS ADAPT TO THEIR ENVIRONMENT: Clothing Food Shelter Jobs Leisure (skiing) Transportation Sami family in Lapland RESOURCES TO HELP ME STUDY: CONNECTIONS TO OTHER UNITS: GEO6: Variations among physical environments within the Eastern Hemisphere influence human activities. Human activities also alter the physical environment. Document: Learning Targets Unit: Europe Grade: 6 Last revised: 1/1/2013 page 6 NAME _______________________________ 6 _____ Rotation ___________________ date _________ Europe Learning Targets and Success Criteria We are learning to explain how human activities have altered the physical environments of the Eastern Hemisphere. ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY: 1. 2. 3. The Rhine-MainDanube River system connected by canals. 4. 5. EXAMPLES: We are looking for ways that humans modify the environment to meet their needs (e.g. dams, mines, farms, roads). EXAMPLES: Canals (see above) Bridges Aqueducts Tunnels built through mountains (see map at right) Funiculars Hydroelectricity created from running water (waterwheels) Reforesting to replace trees New forms of transportation—roads, tunnels, bridges, railroad tracks Tunnels through the Alps Mts. RESOURCES TO HELP ME STUDY: CONNECTIONS TO OTHER UNITS: GEO6: Variations among physical environments within the Eastern Hemisphere influence human activities. Human activities also alter the physical environment. Document: Learning Targets Unit: Europe Grade: 6 Last revised: 1/1/2013 page 7 NAME _______________________________ 6 _____ Rotation ___________________ date _________ Europe Learning Targets and Success Criteria ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY: We are learning to explain how tradition and diffusion have influenced modern cultural practices and products in the Eastern Hemisphere. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. EXAMPLES: We are looking for examples of how ideas, goods, and cultural practices have spread as people have moved and migrated. Tradition—a long-established or inherited way of thinking or acting EXAMPLES OF TRADITION: Foods (e.g. Hungarian goulash, German weiner schnitzel) Holidays Religious practices and rituals Dances (e.g. Irish step dancing) Diffusion—the spread of people, ideas, technology and products among places EXAMPLES OF DIFFUSION: Spread of religions throughout Eastern Hemisphere (e.g. Islam in England) Spread of foods (McDonald’s and KFC Throughout Eastern hemisphere) RESOURCES TO HELP ME STUDY: CONNECTIONS TO OTHER UNITS: Document: Learning Targets Unit: Europe Grade: 6 Last revised: 1/1/2013 GEO8: Modern cultural practices and products show the influence of tradition and diffusion. page 8