OVERVIEW My production will be set in just 2 locations. The first one, a naturally lit path in-between fields, welcoming the viewers to think of a nice natural sight. The second, a cave that leads to a golden stream, firstly giving a mysterious look but then finally giving a bright look to give viewers a sense of joy. The ProductionIt starts with a mother, son and dog walking along a path and they realise the dog has lost its bone. On a search for the bone, the dog and boy find a dark cave with a glimmering light at the end, so mischievously they both run to the end of it and find a ‘Golden Stream’. After discovering it, they both end up falling in to which they escape by finding a pirate boat and jumping on its life raft whilst trying to stay invisible to the pirates. After successfully escaping on the raft, they hear a loud noise and become anxious, although they find out to be the mother angrily telling them to get out a puddle they had been playing in, bringing the dog and boy back to realisation. Shots Script Scene One: Walking on a stone path next to fields Sound FX: Walking on Gravel Wind Birds Tweeting Narration: Tim, Jane and Dan are on a dog walk on a sunny Saturday. Birds Tweeting Wind 1)Towards camera two shot of three walking Tim: So mum, how far away are we? I’m knackered Jane: Alright, stop moaning, we’re 5 minutes away 2)Close Up of janes face 3) Close up of Tims face Tim: Eughh, Hey Dan Dan: Whats up Tim? Tim: Where is your bone? Don’t tell me you’ve lost it! Dan: What? Oh know, but I just had it, where’s It gone! Tim: Don’t panic we can find it, lets just retrace our steps Jane: No, come on boys we need to get home for dinner Dan: Hold on, I think I smell it ‘woof’ 4)Side Shot of all three walking 5)Close Up of Tims face 6)Two Shot of all three(front on) 7)Mid Shot of Dan(front on) Walking on Gravel Over the shoulder looking at Dan Tim: Wait, hold up Dan wait for me! Walking on gravel Scene Two/Three: Near Bushes Sound FX: Bush Sound Tim: Where are you Dan? Hmm if I were a dog, where would I put myself? Wide Angle of Tim with surroundings Tim: Woah what is that? Some sort of light, behind that bush. is that you Dan? I need to check this out. Bush Noise Over the shoulder (Looking at bush) Scene Four/Five: Discovering Cave/Finding Dan Sound FX: Gravel Walking Narrator: Tim exits the other side of the bush and sees Dan, glaring, to Tim’s amazement at a cave, with a bright light at the end. Tim: Dan…. What, is that? Dan: I do not know, maybe it’s a secret passage to a new world!! Two Shot(Front on) I am going to check It out! You coming? Tim: I don’t know, it seems strange Dan: Come on, don’t be scared Walking on gravel Tim: NO, Dan wait, mums looking for us. Ah right Okay whatever, Tracking Shot(Tims point of view following dan) I guess I’ll have to go with him Walking on gravel Scene Six: Noticing the Golden River Sound FX: Water Gushing Tim: Woah what is that Dan? Dan: Lets get a closer look Tim Two shot(behind shot) Close up of dans face Walking on gravel Water Gushing Tim: It looks like a stream, and its running fast Wide Angle showing tim, dan and surroundings Dan: GOLD!! Mid Shot(mid upwards, showing reactions) Close up of Tims face Tim: No…. a golden stream! Lets get over there! Walking on gravel Scene Seven: Going into the river Sound FX: Plates hitting together (boy falling) Sound of Leather/clothing bending Splash Water Gushing Water Gushing Tim: There is not way this can be real gold Dan, we could Low Angle of dan and tim be rich! Dan: Yes YES, think of all the bones I could buy, all the video games you could play Tim Tim: I’m going to touch it, we need to know its real! Close up of Tims arm (SOUND OF LEATHER/CLOTHING) Dan: Okay well just.. Be, CAREFUL Tim: Woah, Woah, Dan grab me ahhhh (PLATES HITTING TOGETHER) Close up of Dans face Low Angle of tims lower half Splash Dan: Tim, I told you, BE CAREFUL, hold on ill come and get you Tim: Ahhhh, get me out of here it’s such a strong current Close up of dans face High Angle showing the stream and Tim Scene Eight: Dan’s saviour attempt Sound FX: Splash Water Gushing Water Gushing Mid Shot showing Tims head in stream and Dan Dan: Let me think, let me think erm, grab onto my tail. I can hold you; I’ll be able to pull you out Tim: No you aren’t heavy enough, you won’t be able to take Close up of tims face my weight, I will pull you In with me Close up of dans face Dan: its Okay, just grab it, I’ve got you Tim: Alright, got you Dan: Ah no no let go, im falling back ahhh Two Shot of tim grabbing dans tail Splash Tim: Oh Great, what did I say Dan! Low Angle/Mid Shot dan and tim in river Scene Nine: Spotting the Pirates Sound FX: Water Gushing Dan: Okay okay, well as a dog, I can’t really swim well so High Angle of Dan + Tim we need to get out of here somehow Tim: Right ok, wait… what’s that? Look Dan something is Wide Angle showing dan, tim and surroundings coming towards us Dan: I know... it’s also getting bigger and bigger, wow. it looks like a rowing boat lets ask for help Tim Tim: Wait, that’s no rowing boat… They’re pirates don’t say Close Up of Tims face anything Dan, if they spot us we could be in trouble Dan: Oh no oh no, there’s nowhere to hide Two Shot of Tim and Dan(front on) Tim: Wait, I have an idea, see that life raft at the bottom of the boat? Dan: Yeah I see it Tim so what? Long Shot showing boat Tim: That’s our only way out, we need to jump in it and row off, without them seeing us Dan: Hmm I don’t know Tim, it’s risky Tim: We have to Dan: Ok, ok Two Shot(front on) Scene Ten: Dolphin Riding Sound FX: Dolphin Sound Jump Noise Water Gushing Dan: So, Tim, what’s the plan? How can we get on that boat Two Shot(front on) without them seeing us? Tim: I don’t know it will be hard, I don’t know if either of us will be able to swim that far Dolphin sound Wide Angle showing dolphins entering Tim: Dolphins! Dan: I think they want to help us Tim, the dolphins want to give us Shot Reverse Shot showing Tims face whilst dan talks a ride to the boat Dolphin sound Tim: lets hop onto their backs, we have no other choice if we want to escape Dan: (jump noise) Yes I’m on my dolphin, are you Tim? Tim: (jump noise) yes I’m on, let’s go! dolphin noise Water Gushing Scene Eleven: Arriving at the Boat Sound FX: Dolphin Sound Creaking Sound Ripping Sound Waves Sound Wide Angle showing Dan jumping onto dolphin Wide Angle of Tim jumping onto dolphin Waves Sound Tim: Okay we’re here, thanks dolphins! Atleast we are away from Two Shot/Side shot of them pulling up to raft the main gushing of water, its calm here dolphin sound Dan: on Tim: Dan: Tim, lets just do this quickly so they don’t spot us, we will jump , I’ll bite the rope to un-tie us and you can row us away Good plan Dan! You go first onto the boat Alright, I got this Close up of Tims face Extreme close up of dans eyes Creek sound Two Shot(Tim in foreground, dan in background) Tim: SHHH, take lighter steps, you need to be quiet Dan: I know I know ok * quieter creak*Okay you come on now Tim Tim: Alright, you go cut the rope I’ll get the paddles Close up of dans face Ripping sound Dan: The ropes cut, we are free paddle Dan, paddle! Tim: Lets go, I’ll try not to make too much noise Two Shot(Dan in background tim in foreground) Scene Twelve: Mum finds them Sound FX: Waves Sound Boom Sound Waves sound Close Up of Dans face Dan: We’re free! Well done Dan, that was quick paddling Tim: Yes, safe at last! Mid Shot of Tim paddling Dan: Wait, did you hear that? Two Shot of shocked dan and tim front on Tim: Actually I did… what was that? boom boom Over the Shoulder of Dan looking towards the start of the cave Dan: Something is coming from over there, the start of the cave tim get over here now Mid Shot of tim paddling Tim: Was that you Dan? Dan: Wasn’t me… Tim: We’re doomed… Two Shot from side of dan and tim tim, tim Close up of dans face Dan: What is it!! Jane: Tim, Dan GET OVER HERE NOW AND GET OUT OF THAT PUDDLE Tim: What puddle, it’s a golden river, we’re trapped! Jane: No, you’re in a puddle under a cave, get out now , you’re getting your shoes dirty. Close up of Janes face Two Shot(front on) of dan and tim Mid Shot of Jane