2nd Semester American Studies Final Exam Review Sheet Here is a

2nd Semester American Studies Final Exam Review Sheet
Here is a list of the units and objectives from the second semester of American Studies. Below each
unit’s objectives is a sample list of important terms and people that you will want to review for the
final. Anything from the semester is eligible for the final.
Gilded Age – Issues of the late 1800’s (textbook chapter 16)
 Describe the changes in the American political, physical, cultural, and economic landscape as a result of
westward expansion.
 Analyze the ramifications of industrialization on American society, industry, and culture.
 Identify key developments in the areas of business, technology, and inventions and their effect on
American culture.
 Understand the causes, issues, and impact of immigration on America and be able to identify students’
own cultural heritage.
 Identify key issues, politicians, events, and outcomes from national elections during the Gilded Age.
 Industrial development
 Labor Unions/Strikes
 Immigration
 Westward expansion
 Robber
 Gilded Age
 Populist Party
 Laissez Faire
Progressive Era (textbook chapter 17)
 Identify and describe the personalities, events, issues and outcomes of the Progressive era: politics,
culture, social reform, and labor & industry
 Identify key reform movements and their leaders and issues
 Identify the legacy of Progressive reforms
 William McKinley
 Booker T. Washington
 Muckrakers
 Upton Sinclair
 W.E.B. DuBois
 Square Deal
 Jane Addams
 William Taft
 Theodore Roosevelt
 Progressivism
Imperialism – WWI (textbook chapters 18 and 19)
 Understand what changes in technology, culture, business, industry, politics, and society led to
 Identify examples of American imperialism and colonial expansion, and the varying viewpoints on the
 Analyze America’s new role in world affairs, including our involvement in World War I
 Alfred T. Mahan
 USS Maine
 Zimmerman Telegram
 Emilio Aguinaldo
 Spanish American War
 Lusitania
 Woodrow Wilson
 Open Door Policy
 Selective Service
 Pancho Villa
 Panama Canal
 Fourteen Points
 John Pershing
 Roosevelt Corollary
 League of Nations
 Imperialism
 Dollar Diplomacy
 Great Migration
 Yellow Journalism
 Moral Diplomacy
Roaring 20’s (textbook chapter 20)
 Identify political trends, key issues, politicians, and events at home and abroad and their affects
 Analyze the various social movements and their ramifications on future American society
 Describe the economic and technological changes that took place in society and their long term impacts
 Identify the origins of the new American mass culture and their development and impacts
 Warren Harding
 Suffrage
 Scopes Trial
 Calvin Coolidge
 Red Scare
 Flappers
 Herbert Hoover
 Normalcy
 Harlem Renaissance
 Al Capone
 Teapot Dome Scandal
 Black Tuesday
 Henry Ford
 Buying on Margin
 Nativism
 Babe Ruth
 Prohibition
 Ku Klux Klan
 Charles Lindbergh
 Kellogg-Briand Pact
Great Depression / New Deal (textbook chapters 21 and 22)
 Identify causes of the Great Depression: long term and short term
 Identify changes in America as a result: social, economic, and political.
 Evaluate attempted solutions to Depression including key programs of the New Deal and their results
 Analyze long term results and residual programs of New Deal.
 Understand the impact of World War II on the Depression and its conclusion
 Herbert Hoover
 Great Depression
 3 R’s
 Franklin Roosevelt
 New Deal (examples of
 Court Packing
 Dust Bowl
WWII (textbook chapters 23 and 24)
 Describe the rise of dictatorships, world aggression, and other background causes leading to WWII
 Recognize the different alliances in the war and the reasons why they formed
 Explain the reasons for the entrance of the US into WWII
 Understand the Holocaust; its meaning, impact, responses, and implications on the contemporary world
and the future
 Identify major Pacific and European battles and outcomes
 Describe social ramifications of the war at home
 Understand the events that led to the end of WWII, the US victory, and the implications on the postwar
 Joseph Stalin
 Chester Nimitz
 Blitzkrieg
 Hideki Tojo
 Dwight Eisenhower
 Pearl Harbor
 Adolf Hitler
 Fascism
 Internment
 Benito Mussolini
 Nazi
 Rationing
 Winston Churchill
 Holocaust
 Kamikaze
 Harry Truman
 Appeasement
 Island Hopping
 Douglas MacArthur
 Mein Kampf
 Manhattan Project
 Erwin Rommel
 Atlantic Charter
 George Patton
 Lend-Lease
Cold War (textbook chapters 25, 26, and 28)
 Describe the ramifications of WWII on postwar America and the world: technology, conflicting
ideologies, social issues, and economic developments
 Discuss key events in the Cold War Era: confrontations, key leaders, outcomes
 Identify the conditions that led to the end of the Cold War: political conditions, confrontations, key
leaders, social conditions
 Nikita Khrushchev
 Truman Doctrine
 Baby Boom
 Rosenbergs
 Korean War
 GI Bill of Rights
 Fidel Castro
 Satellite States
 Brown v. Board of
 Joseph McCarthy
 Iron Curtain
 Domino Theory
 John Kennedy
 Cuban Missile Crisis
 Cold War
 Marshall Plan
 Great Society
 Containment
 McCarthyism
Civil Rights Movement/1960s-Present(ish) (textbook chapter 28, 29, and 30)
 Identify key issues, events, leaders and outcomes of the Civil Rights Movement
 Identify and analyze the causes, events, and outcomes of the various political, economic, social, and
reform movements: Vietnam, Sexual Revolution, Space Race, Women’s Rights, Watergate, Woodstock
Era, etc.
 Rosa Parks
 Robert Kennedy
 Vietcong
 Martin Luther King, Jr.
 Richard Nixon
 Tet Offensive
 Ho Chi Minh
 Gerald Ford
 Vietnamization
 William Westmoreland
 Gulf of Tonkin
 Detente
 Lyndon Johnson
 Watergate
Essay: You will have one of two essay questions to write. One will deal with foreign policy, and the
other will deal with domestic policy. You will have to address the changes that take place in one of
those two categories between different historical time periods.