(ADE). - Northern Arizona University

M.Ed. in Elementary Education with Certification Emphasis
Thank you for your interest in Northern Arizona University’s Master of Education-Elementary Certification
program. Northern Arizona University strives to make a difference in the quality of teaching and teacher
preparation today, tomorrow, and for the next century. Our program is accredited by Council for the
Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) which provides evidence that NAU graduates meet national
standards for teacher training.
This program is offered at the main Flagstaff campus as well as statewide sites in Phoenix, Tucson, and Yuma.
While several courses may be offered online this is not an online program and methods classes must be taken in
a classroom setting. Our caring and experienced faculty and small class size ensure that you will receive the
attention you need to succeed in reaching your goal of becoming an elementary teacher.
Please review the following information regarding campus facts, admission criteria, application, coursework
and academic requirements, student teaching, graduation, teacher certification, and frequently asked questions
to determine if this is the right program for your goals.
1. The M.Ed. Elementary with Certification program is offered at the following sites:
 Flagstaff…beginning fall, spring, summer
 East Valley…beginning fall cohort & spring cohort
 North Valley…beginning spring cohort
 Tucson… beginning fall cohort
 Yuma… beginning fall, spring, summer
2. Cohort programs require students to attend all classes in the pre-set sequence. Cohort programs are
designed to be completed in 17 months, including student teaching.
Candidates must provide the following admission criteria with their application:
1. Transcripts showing award of a bachelor’s degree, in any discipline, from an accredited institution
2. Transcripts showing successful completion of admission pre-requisites:
o minimum 2.5 grade point average (gpa) in bachelor’s degree
o minimum 3.0 gpa in English composition course(s) equivalent to ENG 105 at NAU
o minimum 2.0 gpa in college algebra or acceptable math course
o minimum 2.0 gpa in laboratory science course
3. Copies of the front & back of current IVP fingerprint clearance card
4. Completion of the zero-credit BbLearn course called Elementary Subject Matter State Licensure Exam
Pre-Tests. The Pre-Test will be uploaded into your BbLearn shell once you apply to NAU, declared the degree
and are admitted to the program.
5. Completion of the Equity Teacher Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RSZDJ95
6. Admission to NAU Graduate College as a degree seeking student.
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Students participating in the M.Ed. Elementary with Certification degree will be working with an Academic
Advisor and Lead Faculty.
1. The Lead Faculty are integral to the student’s success in the program. They will provide mentorship, as
well as information regarding program timelines, content, structure and site-specific details.
2. Academic Advisors will evaluate coursework as it pertains to the program admission process, program
admission, and completion. They will also assist students with the many processes and applications that
must be completed for the program.
3. Information regarding Academic Advisors and Lead Faculty can be found on page five of this packet.
1. Complete the application to the Graduate College: http://nau.edu/GradCol/Admissions/. Select M.Ed.
Elementary with Certification program and specify which campus you will attend (Flagstaff, East
Valley, North Valley, Tucson, Yuma). Please note that you may not be able to start the program each
2. The application for the Teacher Education Program is imbedded within the Graduate College’s
3. NAU’s Graduate College only requires the submission of an official transcript from the institution where
you completed your undergraduate degree; however, the Teacher Education Program requires transcripts
from every institution you have attended. Be sure to include all transcripts when applying to the
Graduate College.
1. This program is a minimum of 46 units, including student teaching. You may be required to complete
additional credits (i.e. technology course or any pre-requisites not completed previously).
2. You have six years in which to complete the program. All coursework cannot be more than six years
old. Transferred credits also must have been taken within the six-year time limit and be approved for
3. You cannot earn any grade below a “C” and must maintain a 3.0 gpa in your graduate studies. You may
have a maximum of six units of “C” grades if your gpa is 3.0 or higher.
4. Not all courses are available each semester. Your adviser will work with you to determine the most
beneficial course sequence.
1. All M.Ed. students must complete 11 units of student teaching under the mentorship of an NAU
university supervisor and 1 unit of student teaching reflective seminar. Student teaching and the
reflective seminar must appear on official transcripts for the degree to be awarded.
2. Student Teaching applications must be submitted one year prior to the student teaching semester. Most
M.Ed. students will submit student teaching applications during the first semester of coursework.
3. Student teaching is all-day (8 hours), full-time for 80 days. Student teachers follow the schedule of their
cooperating classroom teacher.
4. Student teachers may not be assigned to a school where relatives are employed or attending classes.
5. Student must take a pass the NES Subject Knowledge Elementary Exams before being placed for
student teaching. See NES Resource Sheet on pages 8 and 9 for exam information.
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1. Graduation applications are submitted prior to the student teaching semester. Your academic adviser will
review the application, obtain the proper signatures and submit the application to the Graduate College.
2. All coursework must have grades posted and the graduation application must be on file before the
degree will be posted.
3. Students are responsible for ordering their commencement regalia through the NAU bookstore.
1. The M.Ed. Elementary with Certification program is a state-approved teacher preparation program that
results in an Institutional Recommendation (IR). NAU sends each student an Institutional
Recommendation once the degree has posted.
2. Students must take and pass the state exams for teacher certification – professional knowledge and
subject knowledge.
3. Students apply directly to the Arizona Department of Education for their provisional teaching certificate
once they have passing scores on the required state exams.
4. Students must also demonstrate knowledge of the Federal and Arizona Constitution for standard
certification. The State of Arizona requires all teacher candidates to have a course(s) or an appropriate
examination(s) that meet Arizona Constitution and US Constitution. Currently, teacher candidates have
3 years to complete this requirement; however, it is recommended that teacher candidates complete this
requirements while working towards degree completion. There are many classes that can be used to
meet this requirement. If you didn’t take a course as an undergraduate or an appropriate examination,
you can complete this requirement through coursework at NAU or any Arizona Community College.
Please contact your academic advisor to determine if previous coursework will meet these requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions:
If I am already certified in Elementary Education, is this the program I need?
No. If you are already certified to teach elementary education and want to complete a master’s
degree, you should enroll in the M.Ed. in Elementary Education for Continuing Professionals.
I did not graduate with a 2.5 gpa in my bachelor’s degree. Can I be admitted to this program?
You may submit an Admission Appeal requesting conditional acceptance into the program as long
as you meet all other admission criteria. If accepted, you may be required to demonstrate that
you are able to maintain a 3.0 gpa during your first semester of coursework.
I do not have the English (or Math or Science) pre-requisite grade/course. Can I be admitted to
the program?
You may submit an Admission Appeal requesting conditional acceptance into the program as long
as you meet all other admission criteria. If approved, you may take/retake the deficient course
during your first semester of M.Ed. coursework. You must successfully complete the requirement
during the first term of coursework in order continue the program. Ideally, you should take/retake
the deficient course prior to beginning the program due to the rigor of the curriculum.
Can I take my courses online?
No. This is not an online program. Although there may be some courses offered in an online
format, methods and curriculum courses must be taken in the classroom.
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Do I have to come to Flagstaff to complete this program?
No. The M.Ed. Elementary with Certification program is available in Phoenix (East and North
campuses), Tucson, and Yuma as well as Flagstaff. Please note that the Phoenix and Tucson sites
operate in a cohort so you must commit to attending each class in your cohort.
How long will it take me to complete this program?
The M.Ed. Elementary with Certification program is 46 units/credits. If you attend one of the
cohorts in Phoenix or Tucson you will complete your coursework over three semesters and
student teach during your final semester (fall or spring). If you attend the Yuma or Flagstaff
campus you will have six years in which to complete the program.
How do I obtain a fingerprint clearance card?
Your faculty/site liaison should have fingerprint packets available. You can also contact the
Department of Public Safety directly. Be sure that you request an IVP Fingerprint Clearance
Card. Please note that you may not take any ECI courses until NAU has copies of your
fingerprint clearance card on file.
Do I have to student teach?
Yes. All M.Ed. Elementary with Certification students must complete 80 days of full-time student
teaching under the mentorship of a cooperating teacher and NAU university supervisor.
Can I use my time as a volunteer/long-term substitute teacher for student teaching?
No. All students must complete student teaching. Substitute teaching and/or volunteering does not
meet the student teaching requirement
Does this program qualify me for financial aid?
Yes. For information regarding your eligibility, contact the Office of Financial Aid at NAU
Can I substitute teach while completing my student teaching?
No. You need 80 days of full-time student teaching in the same classroom to complete student
If you wish to participate in the M.Ed. Elementary with Certification Degree here are your
____ Contact your academic advisor for evaluation of your course work.
Refer to the attached Advisor List
Apply to Northern Arizona University’s Graduate College: http://nau.edu/gradcol/
 Choose the M.Ed. Elementary with Certification Degree
Complete the Fingerprint Clearance Process
If participating through an Extended Campus Site, contact your Lead Faculty to discuss the programs
structure and have your program of study signed. Refer to the attached Advisor/Lead Faculty List
Submit completed Student Teaching Application:
Fall student teaching application deadline: October 15
Spring student teaching application deadline: April 15
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College of Education
Masters in Elementary Education with Certification Emphasis
Department Chair
Dr. Pamela Powell, Chair
Teaching and Learning Department
Phone #
E-Mail Address
College of Education Student Services Academic Advisers
Colleen Rice
Flagstaff Campus-Students with last names A-D
Rena Hamilton
Extended Campus Yuma CREST Liaison
Extended Campus Yuma Liaison
Flagstaff Campus-Students with last names E-H
Laverne Kescoli
Extended Campus North Valley Liaison
Flagstaff Campus-Student with last names I-M
Tomantha Horseherder
Extended Campus Tucson Liaison
Flagstaff Campus-Students with last names N-R
Candice Holloway, Academic Advisor
Extended Campus East Valley Liaison
Flagstaff Campus-Students with last names S-Z
Flagstaff Masters-Elementary Education with Certification Lead Faculty
Dr. Sig Boloz
Phoenix Masters-Elementary Education with Certification Lead Faculty
Dr. Diana Uyder – East Valley
Dr. Claire Schonaerts - North Valley
Tucson Masters-Elementary Education with Certification Lead Faculty
Ms. Susan Townsend
Yuma Masters-Elementary Education with Certification Lead Faculty
Dr. Vicki Ardisana
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Master’s of Education
Elementary Certification Program
Student Name (Print): ________________________________________ I.D. #: ____________________
Student Signature: ______________________________________________________________________
Adviser’s Signature: _____________________________________
Date: _______________________
APPROVED PROGRAM OF STUDIES – Courses selected with the approval of the adviser
I. FOUNDATIONS: (10 hours)
ECI 570 Core Introductory Seminar
(1 hour)
EDF XXX Educational Foundations (EDF 500, EDF 630, or EDF 671) (3 hours)
EPS XXX Educational Psychology (EPS 605, EPS 610)
(3 hours)
BME 500 Foundations of Structured English Immersion
(3 hours)
II. CORE EDUCATION COURSES: (18 hours. A valid fingerprint clearance card must be on file to enroll in these courses)
ECI 571 Reading and Language Arts Methods
ECI 572 Teaching Lab (concurrent with 571)
ECI 573 Elementary Mathematics Methods**
ECI 574 Social Studies/Science Methods
ECI 575 Curriculum & Assessment in the Elementary Classroom
(6 hours)
(1 hours)
(3 hours)
(4 hours)
(4 hours)
III. EDUCATIONAL SPECIALTIES: (6 hours plus Educational Technology course)
____ Educational Technology Course *
ESE 548 Survey of Special Education
BME 631 Structured English Immersion & Sheltered English Content
(3 hours)
(3 hours)
Students must pass the NES Elementary Subject Knowledge Subtest 1 &2 to be eligible for a student teaching placement.
ECI 576 Student Teaching/Internship
ECI 577 Student Teaching Reflection Seminar
(11 hours)
(1 hour)
TOTAL: (46 hours)
An approved educational technology class must be completed prior to student teaching.
** College Algebra or equivalent mathematics is a prerequisite for Elementary School Mathematics, ECI 573.
 The ECI coursework above cannot be applied to NAU non-certification, Early Childhood, Elementary, or Secondary Masters.
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Important Information:
Graduate College:
Building 11 (Ashurst)
Financial Aid:
Building 1 (Gammage)
Residence Life:
http://www4.nau.edu/reslife/reslife/ 928-523-3978
Campus Health Services:
Scholarship Information:
Graduate Assistant Info:
Professional Education Unit: http://nau.edu/PeuHome/Student-Resources/
for application to the Teacher Education Program and Student Teaching
College of Education, Student Services coe.stuserv@nau.edu
Arizona Department of Education
State Certification Exams (AEPA)
State Certification Exams (NES)
Building 27 (Eastburn)
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Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments (AEPA) /
National Evaluation Series (NES)
 What is the AEPA/NES exam?
The Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments (AEPA) is a series of tests to determine an individual’s competency for
employment in the Arizona public school system. Tests developed by the AEPA are used in conjunction with National
Evaluation Series (NES) tests to attain certifications or endorsements from the Arizona Department of Education (ADE).
Arizona has adopted the NES tests for certification in many content areas, and now uses the NES tests in place of many
earlier existing tests for licenses and endorsements. AEPA now has a single website for access to information and services
for tests customized for Arizona and NES tests.
 How are the exams structured?
Each exam is 100% computer based. Most exams are multiple choice (anywhere from 100-150 questions). Some exams are
both multiple choice and also include a written response section.
 Which AEPA/NES exams do I need to take?
BSED and MED Elementary Education
 * AEPA/NES of Subject Knowledge: Elementary - Subtests 1 (NT102) & 2 (NT103)
AEPA/NES of Professional Knowledge: Elementary (NT051)
 * AEPA/NES Middle Grade exam in Language Arts (NT201), Mathematics (NT203), Social Studies (NT202), or
Science (NT204) if student teaching in a middle school
BSED Elementary Education with Early Childhood Endorsement
 * AEPA/NES of Subject Knowledge: Elementary - Subtests 1 (NT102) & 2 (NT103)
 AEPA/NES of Professional Knowledge: Elementary (NT051)
 AEPA/NES Early Childhood Subject Knowledge (36)
BSED Early Childhood Education
 AEPA/NES Early Childhood Subject Knowledge (36)
 AEPA/NES Early Childhood Professional Knowledge (93)
BSED Elementary & Special Education
 * AEPA/NES of Subject Knowledge: Elementary - Subtests 1 (NT102) & 2 (NT103)
 AEPA/NES of Professional Knowledge: Elementary (NT051)
 AEPA/NES of Subject Knowledge: Special Education (NT601)
BSED Elementary & Special Education with Early Childhood Endorsement
 * AEPA/NES of Subject Knowledge: Elementary - Subtests 1 (NT102) & 2 (NT103)
 AEPA/NES of Professional Knowledge: Elementary (NT051)
 AEPA/NES of Subject Knowledge: Special Education (NT601)
 AEPA/NES Early Childhood Subject Knowledge (36)
MED Special Education – Cross Categorical
 AEPA/NES of Professional Knowledge: Elementary (NT051)
 AEPA/NES of Subject Knowledge – Cross Categorical: Elementary (NT601)
MED Special Education – Early Childhood
 AEPA/NES Early Childhood Professional Knowledge (93)
 AEPA/NES Early Childhood Subject Knowledge Special Education (23)
* Needs to be completed prior to student teaching
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 Which AEPA/NES exams do I need before student teaching?
Elementary Education
Elementary & Special Education
Elementary Education with Early Childhood Endorsement
AEPA/NES of Subject Knowledge:
Elementary Education (Subtest I) – NT102
Elementary Education (Subtest II) – NT103
 When should I take the AEPA/NES exams?
All Elementary Education majors (including Elementary & Special Education dual majors) are required to pass the AEPA/NES
Elementary Subject Knowledge exam prior to student teaching. It is recommended that this exam be completed during the
freshman or sophomore year. All other exams are only required for AZ certification. They are usually completed right
before student teaching or during the student teaching term.
 Where can I get some help?
Test Preparation Center
Building: NAU Eastburn Education #27 room 190
Phone: (928) 523-7157
Email: appel@nau.edu
Website: http://nau.edu/COE/Student-Resources/APPEL/
Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments (AEPA)
Website: http://www.aepa.nesinc.com/
National Evaluation Series Test (NES Test)
Website: www.nestest.com
 How do I register? Where can I take the exam?
Register online (http://www.aepa.nesinc.com/) at any time. Before registering, you may:
Locate a test center
Check real-time seat availability
 What is the passing score?
The passing score is 220 on each subtest
 What if I don’t pass the AEPA/NES exam?
You can repeat the exam after 30 days, you will need to pay the exam fee every time you retake the exam
You may take it an unlimited number of times
 When will I get my scores?
The scores are available to print, as soon as you complete your exam
Score reports will be available within four weeks of testing. Select "Get Results" to view your exam results
You may also choose during registration to have your score report emailed to you
 Are preparation materials available for the exams?
Preparation materials are available for all AEPA/NES exams, including an interactive online study guide, full-length
practice test, test framework, and testing tips
The TPC (Test Preparation Center) offers an online course as a resource for those who plan on taking the AEPA/NES
 Cost and time?
$50 for one Elementary Education Subject Knowledge subtest; $95 for both subtests
$95 for all other exams
Varies by exam
For more information on Arizona teaching certification: http://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/certificate-requirement/teaching-certificate/
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