How to STOP HIB (harassment, intimidation and bullying) / Web

How to STOP HIB (harassment, intimidation and bullying) / Web Quest and Strategic Plan
STEP ONE: (one class period) You are researching the issue of bullying from the perspective of
a student. Use this page to answer the questions. Use the back if necessary. Visit these
websites: (search bullying look for student centered articles)
Other: write your website here When your research is complete you should be able to answer the following questions:
1. What is bullying? Name at least three types.
2. Who is a bully?
3. Who is a victim?
4. How should a student handle a bully? Name at least three strategies:
5. Who are bystanders? What can they do?
5. Am I a bully? Have I been a victim? Name at least three reasons that make you think so.
6. What happens to bullies at our school?
7. What can students do about bullying? Name at least three ideas.
Following the completion of the questions you should compile a list (in perspective groups) of
important information that your group feels should be included in strategic plan that will help
educate, communicate, connect, prevent and respond. You will compile these lists on a separate
piece of paper that will be provided. Remember YOUR grade is based on how thoroughly YOU
complete both activities.
How to STOP HIB (harassment, intimidation and bullying) / Web Quest and Strategic Plan
STEP ONE: (one class period) You are researching the issue of bullying from the perspective of
a parent. Use this page to answer the questions. Use the back if necessary. Visit these
websites: (search bullying – look for articles for parents)
Other: write your website here 1. What is bullying?
2. What are the different ways that children bully? Name at least three ways.
3. Why do children bully? Name at least three reasons.
4. What are some signs that your child is being bullied? Name at least three signs.
5. How can a parent help if your child is being bullied?
6. What do you do if your child is the bully?
7. What can be done about bullying? Name at least three ideas.
Following the completion of the questions you should compile a list (in perspective groups) of
important information that your group feels should be included in strategic plan that will help
educate, communicate, connect, prevent and respond. You will compile these lists on a separate
piece of paper that will be provided. Remember YOUR grade is based on how thoroughly YOU
complete both activities.
How to STOP HIB (harassment, intimidation and bullying) / Web Quest and Strategic Plan
STEP ONE: (one class period) You are researching the issue of bullying from the perspective of
a teacher or staff member. Use this page to answer the questions. Use the back if
necessary. Visit these websites: (search bullying)
Other: write the website address here 1. What is bullying?
2. What are some common characteristices of a bully? Name at least three
3. What are the different types of bullying? Name at least three types.
4. What makes a kid a bully?
5. What makes a victim?
6. How should a victim respond to a bully? Name at least three responses.
7. What can schools do about bullying? What can teachers do about bullying? Name at least
three ideas.
Following the completion of the questions you should compile a list (in perspective groups) of
important information that your group feels should be included in strategic plan that will help
educate, communicate, connect, prevent and respond. You will compile these lists on a separate
piece of paper that will be provided. Remember YOUR grade is based on how thoroughly YOU
complete both activities.