
IONS Valencia 2015 – Spain, September 24 - 26
Contribution information
Please, choose the topic which your contribution fits:
Visual optics.
Fiber optics and optical communications.
Laser processing.
Ultrafast phenomena and nonlinear optics.
Image/signal processing.
Other: (indicate one)
Sort of contribution:
Oral or poster
IONS Valencia 2015 – Spain, September 24 - 26
Paper Title
First Author1, Second Author1, and Last Author2
Group, University, City, Country
Group, University, City, Country
Corresponding author e-mail: ionsvalencia2015submission@gmail.com
Keywords (3): optical communications, fiber sensing, Bragg fibers
Please use the following guidelines for submission of a one page abstract to be considered as a
contribution for IONS Valencia 2015 conference programme.
 The abstract must not be longer than one page including figures, acknowledgements and
references. The page size must be A4 format.
 All submitted abstracts must be in English, and follow the structured format below: purpose,
methods, results and conclusions.
 All fonts should be Century Gothic and justified. Title 14pt, authors 10pt, affiliations 9pt,
headings 10pt and bold, text body 10pt, references, acknowledgements 10pt, and figure
captions 8pt.
 If possible, include at least one figure, which should be referred in the text as Fig. 1. Use only
original figures or request the authors’ permission to use their figures in your work, otherwise
your manuscript will be immediately rejected.
 On submission, please attach a copy of the abstract using only .doc, .docx or .odt file
extensions to make us easier the compilation of the abstract booklet.
 References style is [1,2].
This template was written with the rules explained above and you can take it as guide to write
your contribution to IONS Valencia 2015. Try to be concise. You can choose between oral
presentation, 15 min talk (12 min of presentation and 3 min of discussion), and poster presentation.
Depending on the number of contributions, and the quality of these, the scientific committee may
be forced to change your desired type of presentation. Anyway, all abstracts will be included in the
conference booklet of abstracts, which participants will receive upon registration at the conference.
Fig. 1. Picture of a Beluga taken in The Oceanogràfic of the City of Arts and Sciences (Valencia, Spain). This is the largest
aquarium in Europe and contains representatives of the world’s main marine ecosystems. An example of an attractive place
to go before, during or after the meeting.
The contributions can be submitted until July, 1st 2015, and you will receive the acceptance
notification by July, 31 st 2015.
You can find more information in [3] or contact us at
Acknowledgements. If it is necessary, Acknowledgements are limited to one paragraph.
[1] F.Author, and S.Author, “Paper Title,” Journal or Conference Name 00, 001-010 (2015)
[2] F.Author, and S.Author, “Book Title”, Optional Additional Info as Chapter or Page Number, ed. by First Editor Name (2015)
[3] http://ionsvalencia.osahost.org/
IONS Valencia 2015 – Spain, September 24 - 26
Other topics
Do not use footnotes. Write all the information in the main text.
Avoid including tables or equations. If these cannot be avoided, use the style of eq. (1) and
Table I.
𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐 2
Table I. Number of edges and interior angles of some polygons
Number of Edges
Interior Angles