Baseline 3.3 - Cigna Wellness Aggregate Data

Valencia Community College
Health Assessment and CIGNA Health Advocacy Program Participation Summary- Quarter
One 2010
Valencia Community College takes the health and well-being of each of its employees to
heart. Understanding personal health risks is an essential element of health improvement.
During the 2009 Open Enrollment Period, Valencia Community College (VCC) offered the
online Health Assessment (HA) tool, available from CIGNA HealthCare, to all employees
eligible for health plan coverage. The HA, developed by The University of Michigan Health
Management Research Center (UM-HMRC), utilizes sophisticated algorithms to identify
health risks. Analysis of HA data
Supports employer decisions to create targeted worksite health and wellness
programs by providing self-reported information about the population’s health status,
health changes, and overall health improvement over time.
Allows CIGNA to recommend health coaching and condition care programs such as
online or telephonic coaching program which allow you to speak over the phone with
a qualified health professional about a condition and goals you hope to obtain to
achieve optimal health.
Provides each member with a road map to good health.
The purpose of this report is to identify risk factors that may adversely affect the health of the
company’s employees. The targeted recommendations that result from the HA analysis can
help VCC promote employee participation in CIGNA's health management programs
designed not only to improve their current health status but also to prevent future health
Health Assessment Results Executive Summary
104% employees completed the health assessment.
57% of health assessment respondents were female; 27% of respondents fall within the
50-59 age group.
The three most prevalent self-reported health problems are: allergies (26%), back pain
(18%), and high blood pressure (16%).
Top three areas employees are ready to make changes within the next 6 months are: to
improve their health (84%), increase their physical activity (80%), and lose weight (67%).
8% percent of respondents have a high risk status (5 or more risks), 24% are medium
risk (3-4 risks), and 68% percent of low risk status (0-2 risks).
The three most prevalent risk factors are: weight (41%), existing medical problems such
as Diabetes and Heart Disease (31%), and blood pressure (27%).
Recommendations are provided for helping employees improve their health in the areas
weight management, fitness, and nutrition- promote/provide incentive for Healthy
Steps to Weight LossSM program
chronic disease- promote Well Aware for Better Health Disease Management
program for Diabetes and Heart Disease
incorporate metric gathering component into wellness activities that involves
Body Mass Index, weight, blood pressure, glucose, HbA1c, and cholesterol.
stress management- promote/provide incentive for Strength & ResilienceSM
Health Assessment Program Referrals
Disease Management (51%)
o Diabetes- 100
o Heart- 0
o Asthma- 28
o COPD- 21
o Low Back Pain- 0
o Depression- 36
o Weight Complications- 115
o Targeted Conditions- 155
Lifestyle Management Program (46.2%)
o Tobacco- 71
o Weight- 341
o Stress- 0
Employee Assistance Program (2.8%)- 25
Health Advocacy Employee Engagement- Quarter One
 registration- 33.9% (through April 2010)
Healthy Babies kits ordered- 1
Lifestyle Management Program participation- 0
Healthy Steps to Weight Loss- 0
Strength & Resilience- 0
Quit Today- 0
TelDrug penetration- 32%
Health Advisor- 107 (6%) identified (Norm 4%)
Health Risk Assessment was the top identification source during the current
period at 72.7% of eligible members