Year 5 -

Year 5 – Summer Term 1 – Mrs Thingsaker and Mrs Holmes
That’s Life (Science and Technology)
As Scientists, we will look at forces and how they
impact on the things we do.
As Musicians we will be practicing songs for a
performance at St Albans Cathedral
As Linguists we will learn about The return of Spring.
As Sports people we will be creating bridges with our
In outdoor PE we will be exploring athletics
As Philosophers and studiers of religions we will be
looking at Leaders in Religious Communities
As Values people and people who consider the world
around us we will courage and how we can use this it
influence our decisions at times of uncertainty
As Computer Programmers we will be exploring how we
can stay connected
As Design Technologists we will be designing and
creating machines to transport Wallace and Gromit to
the moon (linked to English)
To the nearest 10, 100, 1000.
Using rounding to add near
multiples of 10 to 2/3 digit
Addition: Strategies for
adding strings of 1 digit
numbers and multiples of 10.
Share a range of texts about machines
Identify the features of explanatory texts
Titles that use words like 'how' or 'why', will help readers to
understand what the text is about and make them want to find
out more (using the rest of the writing to make points that
help to answer the question); paragraphs break up the text and
make sure it follows a sequence; time connectives help put
things in the right order.
Use text mapping to internalise the text and to become
familiar with the language and the sentence construction
Plan to innovate the text by asking and answering key questions
Innovate the text using features of Talk for Writing
Invent a new text
As Geographers we will be taking a short break this
half term and we will resume after half term.
As Historians we will be taking a short break this half
term and will resume after half term
As Artists and Designers we will be taking a short
break this half term and we will resume after half
Understand and use formula
for area and perimeter of
Read and plot co-ordinates in
the first quadrant.
Use, read and write units of
time including 24-hour clock.
Practising TU x U by
partitioning T and U.
Recognising Common Multiples.
Multiplying TU by TU using
standard written methods.
Relate fractions to division.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG)
The use of a hyphen to create new words or provide clarity
Extended work on expanded noun phrases
Sentence types, main and subordinate clauses, coordinating and
subordinating conjunctions
Prepositions and prepositional phrases
On-going revision of all word classes
Will be on
and Fridays.
Please ensure
your child has
a full PE kit in
school on
those days.
Remember to
hear your
children read
three times a
week and
ensure that
their reading
record is
signed five
times a week.
Year 5 – Summer Term 2 – Mrs Thingsaker and Mrs Holmes
Walk Like an Egyptian (Place and Time)
As Scientists, we will be looking at the Earth and it
position in the Solar System in relation to the Sun and
As Linguists we will be learning The Planets
As Musicians we will continue to rehearse for a
performance at St Albans Cathedral
As Sports people we will be looking at the different
ways to travel around the room using apparatus to add
dimension to our movements.
In outdoor PE we will continue to practice our athletic
skills for Sports Day
As Philosophers and studiers of religions we will
continue to look at Creation Stories
As Values people and people who consider the world
around us and its value to everyone in different
As Computer Programmers we will continue exploring
how we can stay connected.
As Geographers we will learn about our locality,
counties of the UK and starting to use compasses and
grid reference to locate places on ordnance survey
As Historians we will learn about how Our Locality has
changed over time and how the history has shaped
where we live.
As Artists and Designers we will be taking a short
break this half term.
As Design Technologists we will be taking a short
break this half term
To the nearest 10, 100, 1000.
Using rounding to add near
multiples of 10 to 2/3 digit
Addition: Strategies for
adding strings of 1 digit
numbers and multiples of 10.
Persuasive Writing
Identify and collect language that manipulates the reader
Watch commercials that persuade consumers to purchase
Analyse features
Create persuasive posters, letters and presentations to
promote, advertise and give information about their inventions
Use text mapping to internalise the text and to become
familiar with the language and the sentence construction
Plan to innovate the text by asking and answering key questions
Innovate the text using features of Talk for Writing
Invent a new text
Will be on
and Fridays.
Please ensure
your child has
a full PE kit in
school on
those days.
Practising TU x U by
partitioning T and U.
Recognising Common Multiples.
Multiplying TU by TU using
standard written methods.
Relate fractions to division.
Understand and use formula
for area and perimeter of
Read and plot co-ordinates in
the first quadrant.
Use, read and write units of
time including 24-hour clock.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG)
In SPaG the children will be revisiting aspects of letter writing
Punctuation of sentences - accuracy and variety, including
options to replace traditional full stops.
Remember to
hear your
children read
three times a
week and
ensure that
their reading
record is
signed five
times a week.