UNDP-KAZ- TOR Microcredit eng 2015

International consultant on microcrediting
Project name and number:
Improving sustainability of the PA system in desert ecosystems
through promotion of biodiversity-compatible livelihoods in and
around PAs, 00086425
Type of contract:
Duty station:
Home-based, one trip to Kazakhstan (Astana)
May 2015 –July 2015 (32 days home-based, 3 days in Astana,
The project objective is to enhance the sustainability of protected areas in globally important desert and
semi-desert ecosystems by expanding their geographic coverage, promoting a landscape approach and
supporting biodiversity-compatible livelihoods in and around PAs, focusing on regions of Ile Balkhash,
Ustyurt and Aral-Syrdarya desert and semi-desert ecosystems. The long-term solution to addressing the
threat of loss of desert and semi-desert ecosystems takes a more strategic landscape-based approach to
protected area expansion and management of the least-represented desert and semi-desert ecosystems
in Ile Balkhash and Southern Kazakh desert areas.
The project consists of three components:
The first component relates to expansion of the PA estate to include desert ecosystems, accompanied
with management plans for the PAs, financing, and permanent and fully staffed management units.
Second component relies on a high degree of integration of these protected areas with buffer zones,
wildlife corridors and other areas of the broader productive landscape.
Third component focuses on engagement of local communities in activities that bring income on the one
hand and ensure a biodiversity dividend on the other, as well as their participation in PA management.
Within the frameworks of this component, different economic mechanisms for engagement of local
communities in biodiversity management are going to be considered, and Microcredit Program aimed
to support sustainable livelihoods in and around PA implemented.
So far, according to global opinion, the micro-crediting is one of the tools to reduce poverty and improve
living standards of people. At the same time, some efforts are made to use micro-crediting as a tool
either to improve living standards of the local communities and conserve biodiversity of the project areas
through development of alternative livelihood activities.
However, there are lot of different existing microfinance organizations in Kazakhstan, the market is short
of demand for microcredits, particularly in rural area. Second-tier banks and microcredit organizations
provide microcredits, however, crediting conditions and documents required are rather tough and affect
the involvement rate of potential credit users.
Recently, there is a tendency towards increase in micro-crediting in rural area, however, biodiversity
conservation is still underestimated. The proportion of credits delivered for biodiversity-compatible
livelihoods is low, compared to portion of credits for agriculture and entrepreneurship development.
In 2008, within the frameworks of the UNDP/GEF projects entitled “Complex conservation of priority
wetlands as natural habitat of migratory birds”, three-year microcredit program was implemented. This
program made it possible to demonstrate practice of interrelation of microfinance sector development
as a tool for biodiversity conservation and mutual effective cooperation of organizations on
improvement of living standards of rural communities through provision of access to available
microcrediting in three project areas (Tengiz-Korgalzhyn, Alakol-Sasykol and Ural River Delta) near to
three PAs.
In 2010, new “Tabigi Orta” micro-credit program for 2010-2015 was developed. This program covered
settlements around 10 existing reserves, 11 national parks and 4 nature rezervats.
Today, within the frameworks of these micro-credit programs for the period of 2008 to 2014, 75 projects
of the total amount of US$1 200 000 or KZT170 455 400 were delivered. The projects were implemented
by the rural people that got a benefit from PA existed near to their villages and were involved directly in
the process of socio-economic development of the area in conservation context.
Taking into account this practice, the project “Improving sustainability of the PA system in desert
ecosystems through promotion of biodiversity-compatible livelihoods in and around PAs” under the
Outcome 3 “Community involvement in conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in and around
PAs is enhanced”, the “Eco Damu” micro-credit program for 2014-2024 was developed.
However, by implementing micro-credit programs for rural communities of the project areas
mentioned above, the project wants to have independent opinion on effectiveness of the programs and
opportunities for improvement. In addition, there is a low awareness of international practice in the area
of microcrediting. In order to improve implementation of microcredit programs, it is required to hire
international consultant on microcrediting.
Analyze existing microcredit programs, provide recommendations to improve the microcredit programs
and schemes using best international practices in the area of microcrediting as well as to attract
additional financing for microcrediting rural population.
Scope of work
International consultant, during his/her work will closely cooperate with the capacity building expert and
the expert on economic mechanisms of biodiversity management.
During his/her, work the international consultant will report to National UNDP biodiversity projects
manager (NM) and expert on economic mechanisms of biodiversity management.
The tasks of international expert will include:
1. Preparation of the review of successful microcrediting practices and schemes in other countries,
and experience of the Credit Unions establishment. Selection of best practices relevant to
2. Revision and analysis of the microcredit programs implemented in cooperation with the UNDP.
3. Revision of the potential of legal framework of Kazakhstan to integrate microcrediting schemes;
identification of opportunities and barriers to introduction. Preparation of analytical report.
4. Preparation of recommendations to improve microcredit programs and attract additional
financing to this sector from different sources.
5. Preparation of educational program and facilitation in arrangement of study tour to study
successful microcrediting practices, schemes and areas.
Expected results and payment:
1. The review of successful microcrediting practices and schemes
in other countries, and experience of the Credit Unions
establishment is prepared. The best practices relevant to
Kazakhstan are selected.
By 15 May, 2015
30 %
7 days home-based
By 15 June, 2015
2. Visit made to Kazakhstan, Astana for 3 days to review
microcredit programs, collect necessary information and meet
with stakeholders. Presentation on the revision of best practices
and schemes of microcrediting from other countries and
experience of Credit Unions establishment is made.
3 days in Astana,
Analysis of microcredit programs implemented in cooperation
with the UNDP is prepared.
12 days homebased
50 %
The potential of legal framework of Kazakhstan for
microcrediting to prepare report is reviewed.
3. To integrate best practices of international experience in
microcrediting schemes, the opportunities and barriers are
Recommendations are prepared to improve microcredit
programs in Kazakhstan and attract additional financing to this
sector. The analytical report is prepared.
4. The educational program is prepared and assistance provided
in arrangement of study tour to study successful microcrediting
practices, schemes and areas.
By 15 July, 2015
7 days home-based
By 30 July, 2015
20 %
6 days home-based
NB: The contract will be signed for fixed amount including costs for consultation services and travel
expenses required for preparation of the documents mentioned above.
Knowledge and skills:
Degree in the area of international law, economics, finance and other related areas
At least 5 years of work experience in microcrediting and related areas
Work experience in CA countries
Experience in preparing analytical reports. Strong writing skills
Work experience in Credit Unions and International Organizations
Excellent knowledge of English language, Knowledge of Russian language is an asset.
Technical requirements to reports
1. Style – Times New Roman
2. Outline is usual
3. Size – 11
4. Line spacing is single
5. Page parameters are 2х2х3х1
6. Spreadsheets are to be attached in Excel format
7. Reports are to be submitted in Russian or English language
Project ID
Dept ID
Talgat Kerteshev
UNDP Biodiversity Projects
Rassul Rakhimov
OIC of Environment and Energy _________________________________________