Annex 1 TERMS OF REFERENCE Position: National Consultant on biodiversity assessment and design of biodiversity compatible rehabilitation measures Project number and name: “Improving sustainability of PA system in desert ecosystems through promotion of biodiversity-compatible livelihoods in and around PAs” Type of Contract: IC Duty Station: Kazakhstan Duration: 35 days total during 25/05/2012 – 30/09/2012 Introduction: The desert and semi-desert ecosystems (Central Kazakh, Eastern Kazakh, Mountain-andvalley deserts, foothill deserts) make up most of the country, almost 58%. The Southern Kazakh desert region (largest deserts are Ustyurt and Kyzyl Kum) covering 30.3 million ha of most typical dry desert ecosystem contains two Global 200 Ecoregions, a number of Important Bird Areas (IBAs) and is a home to the largest threatened mammals such as Goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa), Onager (Equus hemionus), Pallas's Cat (Otocolobus manul or Felis manul), Caracal (Caracal caracal). The Ile Balkhash region is a mountain-valley desert ecosystem with unique landscape diversity that provides habitats for nesting and foraging to the IUCN threatened bird species: Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus), White-headed Duck (Oxyura leucocephala), Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca), Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca), Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni), Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata), and Pallas's Sandgrouse (Syrrhaptes paradoxus). Being the largest drainage basin in the arid region in Central Asia, Ile Balkhash supports the livelihood activities of app. 3.2 million people, including the city of Almaty. It is important for rangeland agriculture, irrigated farming, fisheries, hunting and recreational activities. Tugai forests within desert landscapes, including some patches of unique Asiatic poplar wooded areas, cover app. 80,000 ha, of which app 15% suffer from severe degradation. As confirmed by the CBD 4th National Report, “the biodiversity index of desert and semidesert ecosystems has dropped by 66% in the past decade primarily due to unsustainable crop agriculture, and excessive grazing”. The contemporary PA system falls short in terms of its biogeographic representation, with the desert ecosystems currently being under-represented. Deserts have been historically considered wastelands judged purely from economic perspective. Kazakh deserts shelter important migrating mammals and birds whose status depends on landscape level approach to conservation, combining strict conservation in the breeding/nesting areas with sustainable use in other areas. Yet PA design and expansion decisions do not consider the broader landscape level processes. And collaborative management in protected area governance in Kazakhstan remains a gap. Background: The full sized project “Improving sustainability of PA system at desert ecosystem through promotion of biodiversity compatibly livelihoods in and around PAs” in amount of USD 4,364,000 for 5 years is cleared for inclusion in the work program and will be funded by the GEF Trust Fund. 1 The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has approved and will be funded by the GEF Trust Fund the Project Preparation Grant (PPG) in amount of USD 120,500 for 18 months. The PPG process will engage stakeholders and will support activities that will develop a full project document and CEO Endorsement Request. The PPG will start in January 2012 and last until the end of July 2013. According to GEF rules and regulations the following step is submission of signed PPG initiation plan to GEF Secretary. This document will be submitted to the GEF following further information gathering and stakeholder consultation, and will be accompanied by co-financing letters in line with pledges made in the PIF. The respective partners and co-financers will be fully engaged in the project design phase; one-on-one consultations, working group meetings, and project development workshops will be convened for the purpose. The project partners listed as co-financiers to the PIF have ensured proportional co-funding for the PPG, and will fully participate in the preparation of the full-size project documentation. In this way, the involvement of co-funding partners will be fully ensured. The PPG activities will consolidate and supplement the existing information supplied in the PIF on the state of desert landscapes in Kazakhstan, with focus on protected area management and community involvement in wider landscape. The PPG will address comments of the GEF Secretariat, STAP, and Council. The PPG activities will take into account the lessons learnt from previous UNDP-GEF projects in Kazakhstan and projects of other agencies and donors relevant to the subject matter of the project. The development of the project will follow the principles of CACLIM partnership and priorities set in this framework document for Kazakhstan. The project’s technical feasibility and economic viability will be assessed as will the risks associated with its implementation. In order to achieve these objectives, the PPG has been organized into the following components and activities: 1. Detailed assessment of policy and regulatory settings of the project; 2. Assessment of the capacity of different agencies to support the implementation of project activities; 3. Specifics of on-the-ground actions; 4. Feasibility analysis and budget. Objective: The project preparatory grant (PPG) is to prepare a full-sized project “Improving sustainability of PA system at desert ecosystems through promotion of biodiversity-compatible livelihoods in and around PAs”. The overall goal of the project is assist Kazakhstan in implementing relevant aspects of the CBD Program of Work on Protected Areas and the project addresses one of the key priorities of the CACILM initiative, focusing on promotion of landscape approach to sustainable land management in Kazakhstan. The project’s objective is to enhance the sustainability of protected areas in globally important desert ecosystems by expanding their geographic coverage, promoting landscape approach and supporting biodiversity-compatible livelihoods in and around PAs, focusing on regions of Ile Balkhash and Southern Kazakh deserts. This objective will be achieved through the following outcomes: (i) PA system of Kazakhstan contains representative samples of desert and semi-desert ecosystems (ii) Tools for landscape-level desert and management are developed and implemented and (iii) semi-desert conservation Sustainable use of biodiversity by local communities in and around PAs. 2 planning and Scope of work: Under the guidance and supervision of the PPG Coordinator and UNDP programme officer, the National Consultant on stakeholder engagement and resource mobilization expert will provide high quality services to ensure timely and efficient delivery of expected outputs as per the ToR. In particular, the National Consultant will: 1. Review of biodiversity impacts and threats at three project sites (maximum 5 pages) Summarize key anthropogenic threats to biodiversity conservation in three targeted regions: Ile Balkash area (Ile Balkash Reservat & Altyn Emel NP), Ustyurt Plateau (Ustyurt Zapovednik and zapovedniye zones), and Aralsk region (Barsakelmess Zapovednik)—with quantitative and qualitative indicators and rankings (from highest to lowest). The consultant should also review a list of flagship species in the approved PIF and update it with species sustainability indicators that would serve as performance targets for this project. Provide information on current/future PAs in the three regions: location and size of PAs, date of establishment (or expected date), type of protection, PA staff, maitenance & protection costs, ecological and economic parameters of expected buffer zones and corridors around the protected areas, if any. The consultant should make use of final ENO & TEO for Ile Balkash Reservat, government PA expansion plans, government and akimat ordinances, and other relevant documents as reference materials. Finalize the selection of pilot sites for co-management arrangements under Output 3.1, and define specifics of co-management arrangements at PAs and in buffer zones. Presents a brief proposal of how territorial plans can be adjusted to eliminate existing threats to biodiversity and land degradation in the two targeted regions. 2. Rehabilitation measures at demonstration sites and capacity building (maximum 3-4 pages) Define boundaries, describe activities, performance indicators, budget and benefits of demostration projects aimed at rehabilitation of wetlands (approx 2,000 ha), restoration and sustainable management of Tugai forests (1,000 ha and 20,000 ha respectively) in the Ile Balkhash basin. When designing these conservation measures, please consider the use of traditional land use practices and ways of increasing land productivity. The fullfillment of this task requires that the consultant visits the Ile-Balkash project area to meet stakeholders on the ground and test feasibility of proposed demos. Advise of optimal parameters of a cattle management regime for Aralsk and Ile Balkhash regions. Assess capacity needs, technical requirements, and institutional arrangements (software, hardware, competencies, protocols, etc) for implementation of a long-term biodiversity monitoring system for targeted species and ecosystems of this project (Output 2.2 of approved PIF). (ii) Other support to the preparation stage including: Provision of short follow-up analyses and commentary on the draft FSP (by email) Note: - The overview should be in Russian language; - The report should be provided electronically as MS Word for Windows files. 3 The font used should be: Times New Roman size 11; Italics should be used only for Latin names of species; no other italics will be accepted into the text; The format should avoid bullets; stars; arrows, etc.; The format of the document should be on Letter size. - Expected results and payments: No. 1. Results Review of BD impacts & threats at three targeted areas finalized and submitted to PPG Coordinator (Item 1 of ToR) Finalized and agreed sites and activities for demonstration projects. Cost estimates for demonstration projects submitted (Item 2 of ToR) Brief assessment of capacity and hardware needs of existing and about-to-be created PAs in targeted regions Responses to comments on draft FSP submitted 2. 3. 4. Timing 11 June Amount (optional) 16 July de facto 30 July 30 September Responsibility: Reports to PPG Coordinator Ensures timely and quality execution of the Terms of Reference Ensures unconditional carrying out of requirements of the Contract Knowledge and skills: - S/he must have a degree and /or specialization in an area relevant to the consultancy, e.g. Biodiversity, Natural Resources Management etc. - S/he must have at least 10 years of work experience in PA feasibility assessment and establishment in Kazakhstan; - S/he should have a substantial experience in wetlands restoration and conservation of Tugai forests; - Basic knowledge of PC use is required. - Excellent writing skills in Russian. 4