NORTHERN TERRITORY BOARD OF STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT, EDUCATION AND TRAINING POLICY Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Policy: Transition to Year 9 Responsibility <Northern Territory Board of Studies of: Effective Date: 16 August 2013 Next Review 16 August 2016 Date: Target Audience: Principals and teachers 1. DECS File: 2010/0940 VERSION NUMBER: <No. 2> POLICY This policy details the curriculum, assessment and reporting requirements of all Northern Territory (NT) schools (government and non-government) for students from Transition to Year 9. It replaces all previous policy statements currently published in the Overview of the Northern Territory Curriculum Framework (NTCF). This policy supports schools during the transition from the NTCF to the Australian Curriculum, requiring teachers to teach within a dual curriculum environment. Northern Territory Board of Studies Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Guidelines T – 9 have also been developed to support teachers to implement the requirements outlined in the policy statement. The Northern Territory Board of Studies Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Policy: 10 -12 and Northern Territory Board of Studies Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Guidelines 10 – 12 are also available for the Senior Years of schooling. 1.1 Curriculum The Australian Curriculum places an emphasis on all students having access to their ageappropriate curriculum. It sets out what should be taught (content) and the expected quality of that learning (achievement standards). When Australian Curriculum learning areas are developed by Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and endorsed for publication by education Ministers, the NTBOS will determine the implementation timeline for NT schools. All NT schools will teach the1 Transition to Year 9 Australian Curriculum English, Mathematics, Science and History Northern Territory Curriculum Framework (NTCF) until each learning area is replaced by the Australian Curriculum as directed by the NTBOS. Whole School Curriculum and Assessment planning Schools will plan, document and oversee implementation of a whole school curriculum and assessment plan that ensures the systematic delivery of curriculum. Australian Curriculum learning areas and NTCF learning areas must be included in the plan as per the NT implementation timelines of the Australian Curriculum. 1 Unless delivering alternative curriculum as approved by ACARA. Page - 1 - of 7 Cross-curriculum priorities The Australian Curriculum identifies three cross-curriculum priorities: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability. Teachers are expected to address the cross-curriculum priorities when teaching by embedding them within each learning area of the Australian Curriculum as it is implemented. General capabilities General capabilities are a key dimension of the Australian Curriculum. Teachers are expected to embed and make explicit the General capabilities within each learning area of the Australian Curriculum as it is implemented. NT EsseNTial Learnings NT EsseNTial Learnings can still be used when teaching NTCF learning areas not yet replaced by Australian Curriculum learning areas. Handwriting Handwriting is a component of the Australian Curriculum: English from Foundation to Year 7. In the NT students will be taught Victorian Modern Cursive Script. Indigenous Languages and Culture The Indigenous Languages and Culture (ILC) component of the NTCF is intended for use with Indigenous students in Maintenance and Revitalisation language programs. Schools with an approved biliteracy program (refer to sector specific policies) are expected to use the ILC to plan and assess first language and culture programs. The Australian Curriculum Languages Foundation to Year 10 Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages will replace the ILC component once published by ACARA and approved by the NTBOS for implementation. Time allocation All students in NT schools are to be provided with the opportunity to demonstrate their attainment of each learning area achievement standard. This will require teachers to ensure there is an allocation of appropriate time for teaching the content of the learning area. The Northern Territory Board of Studies Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Guidelines T–9 provide further details on recommended times for each learning area. This information is available on Learning Links. 1.2 Pedagogy Teachers will: use evidence-based pedagogies to provide effective opportunities for students to reach their year level achievement standards monitor the impact of pedagogical choices on student learning and adapt their teaching programs according to their students’ learning needs. Refer to the Northern Territory Board of Studies Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Guidelines T-9 for further details on pedagogy. Page - 2 - of 7 1.3 Assessment Teachers will assess English, Mathematics and all other learning areas and subjects taught that semester. General capabilities should be incorporated into ongoing assessment plans to inform teaching and learning. Achievement standards Teachers will assess student progress and achievement against the Learning Area Achievement Standards for the Northern Territory which comprise Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards and Northern Territory Curriculum Achievement Standards. As an Australian Curriculum learning area or subject is endorsed for implementation by the NTBOS, the Learning Area Achievement Standards for the Northern Territory will be updated to include the Australian Curriculum achievement standard. Refer to the Northern Territory Board of Studies Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Guidelines T-9 and sector specific policies for details on implementation of assessment requirements. Whole School Curriculum and Assessment planning Schools will plan, document and oversee implementation of a whole school curriculum and assessment plan that allows teachers to gather and record evidence of students’ demonstrations of achievement standards ensure consistency of teacher judgment through confirming and clarifying processes use assessment data to inform teaching and learning programs implement assessment according to a whole school approach. Assessment tasks and processes Teachers are expected to use a range of assessment opportunities to monitor student progress a range of assessment strategies and tasks that reflect the Principles of Assessment. Refer to the Northern Territory Board of Studies Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Guidelines T-9 for principles of assessment definitions. assessment for, of and as learning to monitor learner progress and to inform teaching. National Assessment Program Schools will administer assessments in the National Assessment Program. These include: National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) full cohort testing in literacy and numeracy for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sample assessments for the National Assessment Program. 1.4 Reporting Written Reports It is expected that schools regularly communicate clear information about achievement to students and their parents/carers by addressing the policy requirements. Page - 3 - of 7 For all learners from Year 1 to Year 9, schools will provide at least one written report each semester that is readily understandable (plain language) and provides clear information on learner progress to the person responsible for the student use A to E grades (or an equivalent 5 point scale) to report on achievement in English, mathematics and for areas of learning taught and assessed that semester, except for students with disability who are on an Education Adjustment Plan (EAP) report on achievement against the year level achievement standard in all areas of learning at least once within the school year provide a report of the relative performance of the child’s peer group at the school on request by parents distribute the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) student report to parents of participating students (3,5,7 and 9). Schools will provide written reports for Transition students on achievement in English, mathematics and for areas of learning taught and assessed each semester. Teachers are not required to allocate A to E grades for reporting for Transition students. Teachers are required to identify the EAL/D phase of English language attainment using the Australian Curriculum EAL/D Learning Progression. Teachers will include specific comments on progress made in English language acquisition for EAL/D students who require additional support to assist them to develop proficiency in English. Interviews Schools will provide opportunities for parents/carers of students to attend at least one formal interview within each school year to have informal discussions with teachers when requested. 1.5 Student Diversity Students in Australian classrooms have multiple, diverse and changing needs that are shaped by individual learning histories and abilities, as well as cultural and language backgrounds and socioeconomic factors. Every student is entitled to enriching learning experiences across all areas of the curriculum. Schools must recognise that each student can learn and that the needs of every student are important. Teachers should value and build on students’ prior learning, experiences and goals. Teachers should set high expectations for each student and account for the current levels of learning of individual students and the different rates at which students develop. Learners for whom English is an Additional Language (EAL) Students who are learning English as an additional language have the same curriculum entitlement as students who are learning English as a first language. While the language of instruction for all learners in the NT is Standard Australian English, it is expected that home language be used to support teaching and learning where resources allow. Page - 4 - of 7 Students with disability Students with disability have the entitlement to age-appropriate curriculum. It is expected that curriculum is designed, implemented and assessed for students with disability so they are able to participate on the same basis as all students. To meet these expectations teachers are required to ensure: learning programs are based on the Learning Area Achievement Standards for the Northern Territory and/or the extended continua for the general capabilities of Literacy, Numeracy, Personal and social capability, ICT capability, Critical and creative thinking, Ethical understanding and Intercultural understanding assessment strategies and tasks enable learners to demonstrate the Learning Area Achievement Standards and/or achievement against the general capabilities extended continua learning programs recognise the learning capacities and needs of the learner and describe adjustments to teaching, learning and assessment strategies necessary for the learner to participate teaching and learning materials are made available in a format that is appropriate for the learner. Teachers are to refer to system/sector policies for guidance and materials on teaching students with disability. Gifted learners Gifted learners should have access to educational programs that are flexible, inclusive and appropriate to their developmental needs. This includes differentiated curricula that incorporate modifications to content, pedagogy, and assessment opportunities to accelerate learning, enabling gifted learners to progress at their own rate. School leaders and teachers should refer to the Northern Territory Board of Studies Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Guidelines T -9 and the Australian Curriculum when designing and delivering learning programs to cater for the diverse needs of students. 2. BUSINESS NEED This policy statement has been developed in response to the introduction of the Australian Curriculum to NT schools in 2012. The introduction of the Australian Curriculum represents a change in paradigm for NT teachers who have been teaching, assessing and reporting within an outcomes-focused curriculum framework since 2002. As the roll-out of Australian Curriculum learning areas is being staged over a number of years this requires teachers to teach using two curricula. As a consequence, new policy is required to enable teachers to effectively teach, assess and report on student learning in this transitional environment. This policy enables cross-sectoral (Government, Catholic, Independent and Christian) alignment of teacher and school practice and thereby achieving Territory wide consistency of curriculum implementation. Page - 5 - of 7 3. RESPONSIBILITIES NTBOS will ensure: the policy is current and accords with development of the Australian Curriculum and nationally agreed directions from education Ministers. NT school systems and sectors will ensure: all schools and relevant office and regional personnel are aware of and have access to the policy and guidelines principals oversee the implementation of the policy and guidelines in schools the provision of accurate, effective and timely advice and support to schools implementing NT Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Policy and Guidelines. Northern Territory principals will ensure: 4. teachers design and deliver teaching learning and assessment programs in accordance with the NTBOS Policy and Guidelines T – 9 and sector specific policy and guidelines the school meets all other requirements outlined in the policy. DEFINITIONS Learners for whom English is an Additional Language or Dialect: EAL/D students are those whose first language is a language or dialect other than Standard Australian English and who require additional support to assist them to develop proficiency in English. Students with Disability: Those students with an impairment or disability as defined under in the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (DSE) and the Anti-Discrimination Act (NT). The DSE can be found at: 2 Gifted Learners: Students who are gifted, excel or are capable of excelling, in one or more areas including academic studies, visual and performing arts, physical ability, creative thinking, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills (DECS 2013). 5. RELATED POLICIES/LEGISLATION Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority Act (2008) Disability Standards for Education 2005 NT Anti-Discrimination Act 2011 Sector specific policies: Department of Education and Children’s Services Catholic Education NT - NT Christian Schools Association - Association of Independent Schools NT - Page - 6 - of 7 6. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ACARA 2012, The Australian Curriculum Version 3.0 ACARA 2012, The Shape of the Australian Curriculum Version 3 ACARA 2011, National Assessment Program NTBOS 2008, Northern Territory Curriculum Framework 7. COMMUNICATION STRATEGY This policy will be published on the Northern Territory Board of Studies website. A copy of the policy statement and guidelines will be sent to the Northern Territory Department of Education and Children’s Services, the Northern Territory Catholic Education Office, the Northern Territory Christian Schools and the Association of Independent Schools of the Northern Territory for distribution to schools and relevant office staff. 8. REVIEW As the Australian Curriculum is introduced across all learning areas the policy will be updated to reflect these changes. A formal review will be undertaken three years after policy endorsement. Page - 7 - of 7