ITC Analysis Proposal

ITC Analysis Proposal
This form is to be completed by those who wish to obtain ITC data, have determined their
specific area of interest and can provide us with the specific analysis you wish to conduct. If at
the time of the data request you are unsure of your analysis procedures, please complete this
form when your analysis procedures have been determined.
Lead Author
Proposed Title
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Co-authors: Click here to enter text.
☐ Journal Article
☐ Poster/Oral Conference Presentation
☐ Other (please specify): Click here to enter text.
Please provide a description of your proposed analysis methods using the following format:
1. Details of the sample subset being used (e.g. non-quitters by Wave x recruited a daily
smokers in waves y and z)
2. The weights to be used
3. The measures/variables
4. A brief description of frequency or other tables to be included
5. The models to be fit (outcomes, explanatory variables) and the hypothesis to be tested
6. The software and procedures to be used
ITC Proposal Analysis
Updated October 2014
Page 1 of 2
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Email the completed form to the project manager for the region related to the dataset(s)
requested. (Go to
ITC Proposal Analysis
Updated October 2014
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