Larrakia Guide - Department of Arts and Museums

Northern Territory Library
Larrakia Guide
Craig, Beryl F.
Arnhem Land peninsular region: including Bathurst
and Melville Islands. Occasional papers in Aboriginal
studies; no. 8. Bibliography series ; no. 1. Canberra:
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, 1966.
NTC 016.30589 CRA
Galvin, Eleanor.
Selected Bibliography of material on the
Larrakia/Laragiya/Gulumirrgin language and people
held at the AIATSIS Library. AIATSIS Library, 2007.
Mills, Carol M.
A bibliography of the Northern Territory:
monographs. Belconnen, ACT : Canberra College of
Advanced Education Library, 1983.
Pilling, Arnold R.
Aborigine culture history: a survey of publications
1954-1957. Detroit : Wayne State Univ. Press, 1962.
NTC 016.30589 PILL
Swain, Tony.
Aboriginal religions in Australia: A bibliographic
Survey. Bibliography and Indexes in Religious
Studies, Number 18. New York : Greenwood Press,
NTC 016.29992
Thawley, John.
Bibliographies on the Australian Aborigine: an
annotated listing. Part. 4. The Aborigines: v. 1.
Supplementary parts 1-3. 2nd ed. Bundoora, Vic. :
Borchardt Library, La Trobe University, 1987.
305.89915 THAW
Abbott, C. L. A.
Australia’s frontier province.
Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1950.
[Paragraphs on ecological habits of
Larrakias, Wargeit, Arunta; p.137-152].
Anell, Bengt E.
Hunting and trapping methods in Australia and
Oceania. Lund : Ohlson, 1960.
FOL 305.89915 ANEL
[Detailed survey of collective and individual methods
throughout Australia & Tasmania; Fire drivers, drives
towards nets; Emu callers, disguised duckhunters,
hunters smeared with earth, poisoning, smoking out of
opossums, spearing, bird imitations, artificial decoys,
nets, pits, fall-nets & polesnares, traps; Maps show
distribution of methods; Quotes many authors].
Basedow, Herbert.
The Australian Aboriginal. Adelaide : F.W. Preece
and Sons, c1925.
NTC SP COLL 305.89915 BASE
[Includes legends concerning maternity among
Larrekiya people; shelters, fishing; Inter-tribal fights;
Initiation and Ceremonies].
Bauman, Toni.
Aboriginal Darwin: a guide to
exploring important sites of the past
and present. Canberra : Aboriginal
Studies Press, 2008.
NTC REF 305.89915 BAUM
[A guide book and social history of
Darwin. With close consultation with
the Larrakia people, provides practical information that
helps interpret Darwin’s past].
Berndt, Ronald M., Berndt, Catherine H.
The first Australians. Sydney : Ure Smith, 1967.
NTC 305.89915 BERN
[Spritual beliefs Djanggawul, Banaitja, Kunapipi &
others, Northern Territory tribes, relevant mythology;
secular myths retold; Ritual and description of
increase ceremonies, love magic rituals, dances,
notes on sacred, secular, mourning and gossip songs;
Artefacts, wooden carvings.]
Department of Arts & Museums
Berndt, Ronald M.
Kunapipi. Melbourne : Cheshire, 1951.
NTC SP COLL 305.89915 BERN (Restricted Access)
[Distribution and detailed account of cult. Sketch map
showing distribution of cult].
Berndt, Ronald M. and Berndt, C H.
The world of the first Australians:
an introduction to the traditional life
of the Australian Aborigines.
Sydney : Ure Smith, 1964.
NTC 305.89915 BER
Buchanan, Cheryl.
We have bugger all! : the Kulaluk story. Carlton, Vic.
: Race Relations Dept., Australian Union of Students,
NTC 305.89915 BUCH.
Capell, A.
A new approach to Australian linguistics. Oceania
Linguistic Monograph no. 1. Sydney : University of
Sydney, [1966] 1956.
NTC 499.15 CAP
[Structural development, phonetics, factors in the
distribution of words, basic words lists, map showing
distribution of languages].
Capell, A.
Some linguistic types in Australia. Handbook of
Australian languages, part 2. Sydney : University of
Sydney. Oceania Linguistic Monograph no. 7: maps.
NTC 499.15 CAP
[Chief morphological types, presented by (1) Western
Desert (Garadjari, Waljbiri); (2) Prefixing, nonclassifying (Njigina, Jiwadja, Dalabon); (3) Prefixing,
dual-classifying (Tiwi, Djerag); (4) Prefixing, multipleclassifying (Maung, Laragia, Awur); (5) Suffixing
languages (Arandal, Thurrawal); distribution of
common Australian vocabulary; detailed grammar
Capell, Arthur.
Linguistic survey of Australia prepared for the
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies. Sydney :
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, 1963.
NTC 499.15 CAP
Carter, Inez Cubillo.
Keeper of stories : the history of the Cubillo family,
1788-1996. Alice Springs, N.T. : Cubillo-Carter
Enterprises, 2000.
NTC 305.89915 CUBI
[Provides a history and genealogy of Darwin's Cubillo
family, an Aboriginal family that has a mixed Scottish,
Larrakia and Filipino ancestry; multicultural relations;
Aboriginal relations with other groups; influence of
Asian immigrants on the construction of contemporary
Aboriginal identities in Darwin].
Conigrave, C. Price.
North Australia. London : Cape, 1936.
NTC SP COLL 919.4295 CON
[Historical and descriptive outline of surveying and
exploration of Arnhem Land from 1623. Aggression
between tribes and early contacts].
Curr, Edward M.
The Australian race: its origin, languages,
customs, place of landing in Australia, and the
routes by which it spread itself over that
continent. Melbourne : John Ferres, Govt Printer,
NTC SP COLL 305.89915 CUR
[History of European contact; p.106-142; gives
relationship terms for Dieyeri, Larriquia, Mooloola,
Western Australia, Kamilaroi, Dippel, Encounter Bay,
Woolna, Murray mouth; p.143-151].
Dahl, Knut.
In savage Australia: an account of a hunting and
collecting expedition to Arnhem Land and
Dampier Land. London : Philip Allan, 1926.
NTC SP COLL 919.4295 DAH
[Contacts with various tribes including Larrakia].
Daly, Harriet W.
Digging, squatting, and pioneering
life in the Northern Territory of
South Australia by Mrs Dominic D.
Daly. London : Low, Marston, Searle
& Rivington, 1887.
[Covers years 1870-1886. Chapter 5 relates to
contact with Woolna people at Escape Cliff and
Larrakiah at Darwin].
Davidson, Daniel Sutherland.
The chronological aspects of certain Australian
social institutions: as inferred from geographical
distribution. Philadelphia : University of Philadelphia,
NTC 305.89915 DAV
Davies, Susan M. Liddle, David.
Stack, Rosemary.
Collected: 150 years of Aboriginal
art and artifacts at the Macleay
Museum. Sydney : Macleay
Museum, c2002.
704.039 DAVI
[Essay on and photos of the Northern
Territory collections -fighting stick, clubs, spear
throwers, drone-pipe, model canoe, baskets, bag,
belts, arm bands, neck ornaments, boomerangs
hatchets, ceremonial spears; the bark painting
Day, Bill.
An illustrated history of the Larrakia flag : 19712007. [Maylands, W.A.] : 2007.
[Selection of reproduced photographs detailing the
history of the Larrakia flag and history of Kulaluk].
NTC 929.9 DAY
Day, W. B.
Bunji: a story of the Gwalwa
Daraniki Movement. Canberra :
Aboriginal Studies Press, 1994.
NTC 305.89915 DAY
[Account of the land rights battle of
the Larrakia for Kulaluk, near Darwin,
in the 1970s as seen by author Bill
Day, founder and editor of Bunji, a local black rights
newsletter; articles and illustrations from Bunji are used
to tell the story of the Larrakias fight; many references
to other activists, in particular Bobby Secretary and
Fred Fogarty; includes chronology of events and a
directory of Bunji issues 1971-1983].
Hackett, Cecil John.
Boomerang leg and yaws in Australian Aborigines.
London : Royal Society of Tropical Medicine &
Hygiene, 1936. Monograph 1.
[Pt.1; Aetiology of boomerang leg, investigations at
Alice Springs, Victoria River, Bathurst Island, Darwin;
pt.2; Geographical distribution in Northern Territory &
other parts of Australia; pt.3; Radiographical findings
and morbid anatomy of boomerang leg; pt.4; Other
bone lesions of yaws; lists Aranda, Ilpira, Tjingali,
Larakia, Worgait, Kulunglutji, Bulamuma, Heineman,
Tjambitjina, Kwiringi, Mullingin; Pitjandjara names for
each disease].
Elkin, A. P.
The Australian Aborigines: how to understand
them. 3rd ed. Sydney : Angus and Robertson, 1954.
305.89915 ELK
[Antiquity, origin and migrations, language information;
Living off the land, seasons, hunting, artefacts,
psychological adaptation, shelters, nomadism; Position
amongst the peoples of the world; Tribes and intertribal gatherings, customs, local groups, family, kinship,
classificatory system, types of systems (Ngarinjen,
Nyul Nyul, Aranda, Luritcha, Karadjeri, Kariera); Social
groups, sections and moieties, alternate and irregular
marriages; Kinship avoidance, taboos, methods of
obtaining a wife, marriage of old men and young girls,
pirauru relationship; Totemism; Secret life and initiation
-missionary problems; Meaning and social function of
rites; Philosophy and beliefs, increase rites, mythology
and mythological figures -sky heroes, mother-goddess
cult, rainbow serpent; Art and ritual -8 art regions, bark
paintings, carvings; Music and dancing -sacred
chanting, musical instruments, secular music, musical
patterns, Songman, description of dances, diffusion,
poetry, song and chant cycles; Medicine men and
magic, causes of illness and death, making of medicine
men; Death, inquest and revenge, burial rites, fate after
death; Brief summary of past policies, process of
assimilation, group aspect, citizenship; Many areas and
tribes mentioned].
Harris, John W.
Northern Territory Pidgins and the origin of Kriol.
Canberra : Department of Linguistics, Research
School of Pacific Studies, Australian National
University, 1986.
NTC 499.15 HAR
[Origins of pidgins and creoles; Northern Territory
history in linguistic perspective; contact with
Macassans and British settlements, Overland
Telegraph and mining camps].
Eylmann, Erhard.
Die Eingeborenen der Kolonie Sudaustralien. Berlin
: Dietrich Reimer, 1908.
[German text ("The aborigines of the Colony of South
Australia"). Physical and mental characteristics
discussed in detail. Includes Larrakia].
Frazer, James George, Sir. Totemism and exogamy:
a treatise on certain early forms of superstition and
society. London: Macmillan, 1910.
Gee, Lionel C. E.
Bush tracks and gold fields: reminiscences of
Australia’s back of beyond. Adelaide : Preece, 1926.
Hill, Ernestine.
The Great Australian loneliness. Melbourne :
Robertson & Mullens, 1940.
[Material culture & economic life in N.T. & Kimberleys;
General ref. to burial customs,
burial ground at Merdil Beach, Darwin; Myths from
Nullabor plains area; General health & treatment of
sicknesses (Kimberley); Employment, missions etc.;
Brief description of initiation rites, death dance
(Melville Island) general ceremonies Arnhem Land,
pregnancy custom, Alligator River area of having
Mejeelie dolls; Many tribes mentioned].
Hill, Ernestine.
The Territory. Sydney : Angus &
Robertson, 1951.
[General ref. to physical & mental
characteristics, effect of white contact,
relations with early settlers; Malay
influence in Arnhem Land; Brief
mention of fish weirs on Daly River, census of
Larrakea (in 1870); stone arrangements near
MacArthur River Station; cave paintings & skeletons in
Walgandu cave near Mountain Creek (Roper River
tributary); paintings near Ooraminna Rockholes;
Warramunga people; superstitions, food and birth
customs; Many tribes mentioned].
Hill, Marji.
Peoples of the north. Port
Melbourne, Vic. : Heinemann Library,
NTC 994.004 HILL
[The first Australians -- Indigenous
peoples of the North - Kuku Yalanji Meriam Mer - Wik -Lardil Yolgnu –
Anindilyakwa - Burarra - Gagudju - Larrakia - Tiwi –
Jawoyn – Glossary. For primary school children.
Provides students with information about the varied
Indigenous groups that inhabit the northernmost region
of Australia.]
Journet, F.
L'Australie: description du pays: colons et natifs,
gouvernement, institutions, productions, travaux
publics, mines. Paris : Rothchild, 1885.
Joyce, T. A., and Thomas, Northcote W.
Women of all nations: a record of their
characteristics, habits, manners, customs and
influence. London : Cassell, 1908.
[Vol.1, p.130-150; Australia by N.W. Thomas; Larrakia ,
Woolna; p.151-153; Origin of Torres Straits natives].
Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation.
Saltwater people: Larrakia stories from around
Darwin. Darwin : Larrakia Nation Aboriginal
Corporation, 2002.
NTC 305.89915 SALT
[Looks mainly at Larrakia history over the hundred
years since Federation in 1901 as told by the Larrakia
people themselves].
Brief history of Darwin, Northern Territory. Darwin :
Historical Society of the N.T., 1970.
NTC 994.295 BRIE
[Brief reference to early contact with the Larrakeyah].
Lindsay, David.
Mr. D Lindsay’s explorations through Arnheims
Land. Adelaide : Govt. Printer, 1884.
[Larrakeyah native boy accompanied the expedition
from Palmerston; superior type of native humpies seen
north of Mount Bagster; experiences with natives met
on journey throughout report; 15 native words from
Katherine district].
Linklater, William., and Tapp, Lynda.
Gather no moss. [Melbourne] : Macmillan, 1968.
NTC 919.429 LINK
[Account of northern Australia, 1880s; p.10-11; Yanta
Wonta tribe, Nappamerrie, stacked firewood at native
grave Tanbar; p.14-17; Queensland policy in subduing
tribes, trade routes of Warramungas & Waggires,
articles traded, flint quarry 6 miles east of Renners
Springs; black troopers near Mulligan River; p.42-44;
Native attacked with nulla nulla near Burketown &
Camooweal; p.47-53; Story of half-caste Joe Flick &
police, Burketown; p.74-78; Clashes with whites
Kimberley area, many cases of native help; p.119-121;
N.T. settlers effect on Larrakiahs, Wulwulam, Wogaits;
p.140-141; Spearings, Jasper Gorge; p.153-155;
Wandi area, camp cooking, gold collecting by
Aboriginal girl, mimicry; p.164-168; Katie, Anula tribe
Banka Banka, women's dressing, clothing, wild
natives, axe trading near Borroloola, reference to B.
Spencer; p.171; Glydes Inlet to Waterhouse, contact
with Munjongs; p.180-183; White man killed Guion
Point, police hunt; p.185-186; Native well near
Newcastle Waters, camp attack Armstrong Creek;
p.188-189; 8 Warramunga words; p.194-195;
Attempted attack near Durack Range camp; p.211;
Cutter Avis shipwrecked off Bathurst Island, crew
taken to Mission; p.214; Reaction to films].
Lockwood, Douglas.
The front door : Darwin 1869-1969. Adelaide :
Rigby, 1968.
994.295 LOC
[Historical record; early contact at settlements at
Melville Is., Raffles Bay, Pt. Essington, Escape Cliffs,
gives McKinlays description of latter; Early life at
Palmerston; Chap. 7; Treatment of natives, clashes
with Larrakias; murder of miners at Daly R. (1884);
other murders in N.T. attitudes towards Aborigines,
effect of contact, treatment of women; White law as it
affected the Aborigines; Appendix 6; List of Govt.
Residents & Administrators].
McCarthy, Frederick D.
Australia’s Aborigines: their life and culture.
Melbourne : Colorgravure Pubs: 1957.
Macartney, Frederick T.
Proof against failure. Sydney : Angus & Robertson,
NTC 928.2 MACA
[Small part on Larrakeyah of Darwin and treatment of
Mathew, John.
Eaglehawk and crow: a study of the Australian
Aborigines including an inquiry into their origin
and a survey of Australian languages. Melbourne :
Melville, Mullen & Slade, 1899.
NTC SP COLL 305.89915 MAT
[Includes notes on Malay influence, Woolna and
Larrikeya words included].
Matsumura, Akira.
A gazetteer of ethnology. Tokyo : MaruzenKabushiki-Kaisha, 1908.
Malinowski, Bronislaw.
The family among the Australian Aborigines: a
sociological study. New York : Schocken, 1963.
305.89915 MAL
[First published 1913; Description of the different forms
of the Australian family organization; Methods of
obtaining wives - Kurnai, Gourditch-mara, Youin,
Bangerang, Wotjobaluk, Parkengee, Euahlayi,
Wiradjuri, Dieri, Arunta, Warramunga, Binbinga, Anula,
Mara, Tjinjilli, Gnanji, Kuinmurbura, Wakelbura [and
other places throughout Australia]; Husband and wife
relationships - diversity of previous statements and
contradictions; Sexual aspects of marriage, punishment
for infidelity, discussion on the pirrauru relationship of
the Dieri, jealousy; Review of statements made on local
groups, property rights, camp arrangements,
relationship of the family unit to the tribal and territorial
organization; Kinship, conception beliefs, collective
ideas which define parental kinship; Examples of
kinship ideas suggested by folklore (Central and north
Central Aust.); Parental control and childhood,
infanticide, life of initiates; Economic life, sexual
division of labour, sociological features; Brings together
and discusses statements by other authors on
foregoing subjects].
Montagu, Ashley.
Coming into being among the Australian
Aborigines: a study of the procreative beliefs of the
native tribes of Australia. London : Routledge 1937.
NTC SP COLL 305.89915 MONT
Morris, John.
A brief study of Tiwi-Larrakia feuds. Darwin :
Historical Society of the Northern Territory of Australia,
NTC 305.89915 MORR
[Short history of relations between mainland and Island
tribes - Larrakia , Woolna & Tiwi; with subtribes
Mandiimbula, Yeimpi & Turupula in the late 19th
Morris, John.
Relationship between the British and the Tiwi in the
vicinity of Fort Dundas, Melville Island. [Darwin]:
Historical Society of the NT, 1964.
"Paper read to the Historical Society of the Northern
Territory on 26th October, 1964".
NTC 994.295 MORR
[Isolation of Melville Islanders except for raids by and
on Larrakia tribe; History of pre-European contacts Portuguese and Macassan traders; History of Fort
Dundas settlement; Bremers observances of natives weapons, modesty of women; Enactment of Kulama
fertility rite, hunting of dugong].
Morris, John. The mainland raids by the Tiwi in the
nineteenth century. 1965.
[Tiwi raids on Larrakia to capture women; evidence of
fights between Tiwi and Larrakia].
Moyle, Alice M. A handlist of field collections of
recorded music in Australia and Torres Strait.
Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies,
NTC 781.72991 MOYL
[Covers all types of recordings (cylinders, wire,
magnetic tape and disc); Lists date of collection,
collector, locality, tribal area, restricted use, quality
rating duration, subject, instruments, languages].
Parker, Johanna.
Memory of a nation : National Archives of
Australia. Canberra : National Archives of Australia,
[Highlights the variety and depth of records held in the
National Archives. Records include the application for
a pilot's licence in 1921 from Charles Kingsford Smith,
the petition for Aboriginal land rights from the Larrakia
people of Darwin, and the original musical score of
Waltzing Matilda].
Pike, Glenville.
Darwin Northern Territory : Australia’s northern
gateway. Darwin : Pike, 1956.
NTC 919.4295 PIKE
[Larrakeyah, p.4; Bagot Reserve. pp.27, 29].
Povinelli, Elizabeth A.
The cunning of recognition : Indigenous alterities
and the making of Australian multiculturalism.
Durham: Duke University Press, 2002.
305.89915 POVI
Povinelli, Elizabeth A.
Labors lot: the power, history, and
culture of Aboriginal action.
Chicago : University of Chicago
Press, 1993.
NTC 305.89915 POVI
[Analysis of the role of labour in
everyday activities and its influence
on the construction of identity among the Belyuen
Aborigines, Cox Peninsula, NT; Western definitions of
labour; Aboriginal relationship to land and land
ownership; concepts of knowledge and the role of
story; negotiation of the land claim process - Kenbi
land Claim; representation of pre-colonial, colonial and
postcolonial Aboriginality in the Darwin region Laragiya and Wagaitj; Aboriginal women's use and
narratives of the past; interpretation of mythic labour
and contemporary actions - spirit children, totems;
activities affecting the mythic landscape - hunting and
sweat; Belyuen economic structures; proportion of
bush and store bought food in the diet; use of time;
relations with the market economy- local stores, use of
money; history of land use and colonial ownership in
the Darwin region; contemporary Aboriginal use of the
Belyuen region - settlement patterns; process of
forming and maintaining cultural identity in
contemporary political and economic power
Povinelli, Elizabeth A.
The production of political, cultural, and economic
well-being at the Belyuen Aboriginal community,
Northern Territory of Australia. Ann Arbor, Michigan :
University Microfilms International, 1994.
NTC 305.89915 POVI
[Examines the relationship between the Belyuen
Aboriginal community and land in terms of the
constitution of the identity of each;review of
anthropological theories about Aboriginal relationship
to land -debates about the distinction between religious
ownership and economic utilization; history of the
Belyuen community; manifestations of Dreaming
mythology in landscape -signs ; people's relation to
land -language and sweat; production of social and
cultural identity; European theory of the relation of
labour and property -application in the economic
development of the Northern Territory; human ecology
of the Belyuen region contemporary economic activity
(hunting , gathering, local store -includes tables of bush
and store food in the diet);land rights; status and value
of women's labour; historical representations of the Cox
Peninsula peoples -colonial history,
anthropology/ethnology, government, general
accounts; Delissaville; household composition; use of
the market economy; examines the relation between
colonial history and identity construction -inauthenticity
and authenticity -as local discursive strategies –dance
ceremonies, clothing, foods -environmental knowledge,
language, history; analysis of oral history accounts;
social organisation and rights to land].
Radcliffe-Brown, A. R.
The social organization of Australian tribes. Sydney
: Australian National Research Council, [193-?].
Reclus, Elie.
Le primitif d'Australie ou les Non-Non et les OuiOui: etude d'ethnologie comparee, Dayeris,
Narrinyeris, Kamilarois, Minnal-Yangas, Yirclas,
Yarra-Yarras etc. Paris : E. Dentu, 1894.
NTC SP COLL 305.89915 RECL
[The primitive Australian or the No Noes and the Yes
Yeses: study in comparative ethnology...]
Rich, Jenny Brown, William Joseph Voules.
Gum leaf and cow hide : William Voules Brown,
South Australian pioneer and his family 1809-1986.
Eastwood, N.S.W. : J. Rich, 1986.
NTC 929.20994 RICH
[Brown family history including Alfred Joseph Voules
Brown who married Mumulaj, an Iwaidja woman who
bore two children Mujerambi and Mulwagug; Gagai,
Getawan descendants; passing reference to
Larrakeyah tribe, Rodney Spencers trial for murdering
and Aboriginal, central Australian Aboriginal Congress,
Macassan trepangers, Coburg Peninsula, Aboriginal
Roheim, Geza.
Australian totemism: a psycho-analytic study in
anthropology. London : Franc Cass, c1925, 1971.
NTC 305.89915 ROH
Rose, Frederick G. G.
Ureinwohner, Kanguruhs, Dusenclipper
[Aborigines, kangaroos, jetliners]. Leipzig : Brockhaus,
NTC 919.4 ROS
[Popular account leaning towards political ideas; p.6365; Conditions of natives at Darwin - Larrakia; people
extinct because of V.D.; p.69-90; Experiences at Alice
Springs, Groote Eylandt - health, employment; brief
notes on foods, characteristics - Groote Eylandt;
p.115-126; Local grouping, land ownership, hunting
rights of territory - Groote; Kinship of Nyul Nyul and
Wanindiljaugwa; p.136-138; Summarizes theory of
origin of race; p.138-151; Totems, canoes (Arnhem
Land); p.175-277; Authors 1962 visit to Angus (Angas)
Downs, present day conditions in detail; effect of
tourism; burial rite; p.249-262; Spirit beliefs, version of
cargo cult (American) - symptom of contact situation;
p.268-277; Authors visit in 1965 to Darwin].
Searcy, Alfred.
By flood and field, adventures ashore and afloat in
north Australia. London : Bell, 1912.
Sowden, William, Sir.
The Northern Territory as it is : a narrative of the
South Australian Parliamentary party’s trip and full
description of the Northern Territory, its
settlements and industries.... Adelaide : Thomas,
NTC 919.429 SOWD
Spencer, Walter Baldwin.
Aboriginals of Australia. Melbourne : Government
Printer, [1914].
NTC SP COLL 305.89915 SPEN
Spencer, Walter Baldwin.
‘An introduction to the study of certain native
tribes of the Northern Territory’. In Bulletin of the
Northern Territory, no. 2. Melbourne : McCarron
Bird, 1912.
NTC SP COLL 305.89915 SPEN
[Kinship classification, terms of relationship of
Larrakya, Worgait, Port Essington, Melville Island,
Djauan, Mungarai and Nullakun tribes; full account of
initiation ceremonies (Larrakya, Worgait, Djauan,
Mungarai, Nullakun, Melville Island, Port Essington);
totemic systems (Melville Island, Port Essington,
Larrakya, Worgait, Djauan, Mungarai, Mara, Nullakun,
Yungman); sacred sticks and traditions associated
with them; traditions associated with ancestral heroes;
myths concerning Kunapippi (Mungarai), Sugar Bag
man (Yungman), Snake man & Thunder man
(Mungarai), Rainbow man (Nullakun); beliefs
regarding origin of children and reincarnation; burial
rites (Larrakya, Melville Island, Mungarai, Mara);
mutilation of the body, camps, shelters etc.].
Spencer, Walter Baldwin.
Native tribes of the Northern Territory of Australia.
London : MacMillan, 1914.
NTC SP COLL 305.89915 SPE
[Interpretation of the kunapipi (ceremonial sticks
among the Djauon, Larakia, Worgait, and Mungarai.
Mortuary ceremonies of Larakia, Mungarai, Mara,
Yungman, Nullakun, Kallaua, , Willingura].
Spencer, Walter Baldwin.
The Aboriginal photographs of Baldwin Spencer.
Carlton, Vic. : Miegunyah Press, 2005.
NTC 994.0049915 SPEN
Spencer, Walter Baldwin.
Wanderings in wild Australia. London : MacMillan 1928.
NTC SP COLL 305.89915 SPE
[Notes on Larakia (power of head man)].
Strelein, Lisa.
Extinguishment and the nature of native title : Fejo
v Northern Territory. Canberra : Native Title
Research Unit, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Studies, 1999.
NTC 346.940432 STRE
[The Larrakia people, whose country includes areas in
and around Darwin, Palmerston and Litchfield in the
Northern Territory, have a registered application with
the National Native Title Tribunal for a determination of
native title. The action in Fejo v Northern Territory was
precipitated by the granting of leases ... within the area
subject to the native title application].
Trask, Williard R.
The unwritten song: poetry of the primitive and
traditional peoples of the world... v.1 : The far
north/Africa/Indonesia/Melanesia/Australia. New York :
Macmillan, 1966.
NTC 781.629915 UNWR
[Songs, poetry in English of Yaoro, Bad, Tiwi, Mudbara,
Laragia, Aranda, Ankotarinja, Loritja, Narrinyerri,
Murring, Wurunjerri, N.E. Arnhem Land; taken from
other authors].
Wells, Samantha.
Saltwater people : Larrakia stories from around
Darwin. Casuarina, N.T. : Larrakia Nation Aboriginal
Corporation, 2002.
NTC 305.89915 SALT
Wells, Samantha.
Town camp or homeland? : a history of the
Kulaluk Aboriginal. Darwin : Samantha Wells, 1995.
NTC 305.89915 WELL
Wildey, William Brackley.
Australasia and the Oceanic region, with some
notice of New Guinea from Adelaide via Torres
Straits – to Port Darwin, thence round West
Australia. Melbourne : Robertson, 1876.
Wilson, Helen J.
'Fit for the gentler sex': a social and site history of
the settlement of Port Darwin and its environs, a
commemoration of the contribution women have
made to the Territory. Darwin : Museum and Art
Gallery of the Northern Territory, [1997].
NTC 994.295 WILS
Wurm, S. A.
Languages of Australia and Tasmania. The Hague :
Mouton, 1972.
NTC 499.15 WUR
[Background; history of research; distinctive features
of Australian languages; review of explanations of
unusual features; phonologically aberrant languages;
anomalies, review of past linguistic work including
attempts at classification; lack of standardization of
phonetic symbols; table of symbols used by various
authors and by A.I.A.S.; A.I.A.S. recommendations;
reasons for authors choice of spelling of language
where this differs from A.I.A.S. recommendations;
table of symbols used by Wurm; phonological
features; general, regional; morphosyntactic features;
general, regional; vocabulary.. The classification twentyseven families; Tiwi, Iwaidjan, Kakadjuan,
Mangerian, Gunavidjian, Nagaran, Gunwingguan,
Bureran, Nunggubuyan, Andilyaugwan, Maran,
Mangaraian, Ngewinan, Yanyulan, Karawan,
Minkinan, Larakian, Kungarakanyan, Warraian, Daly,
Murinbatan, Djamindjungan, Djeragan, Bunaban,
Wororan, Nyulnyulan, Pama-Nyungan; classification
illustrated by map; gives adapted version of
Schebecks classification of Arnhem Land languages;
external relationships of Aboriginal languages;
linguistic prehistory evidence from; linguistics,
prehistory, physical anthropology; general
conclusions; map illustrating suggested origins and
development of Australian languages].
Chapter in book
Bennett, John William Ogilvie. English-native
vocabulary of the Woolner dialect, Adelaide River.
In The Native tribes of South Australia. Adelaide :
E.S. Wigg & Son, 1879.
NTC SP COLL 305.89915 NAT
Foelsche, P. (Paul). Port Darwin: the Larrakia tribe.
In Curr , E.M. The Australian race: its origin,
languages, customs, place of landing in Australia,
and the routes by which it spread itself over that
continent. p.250-259. Melbourne : John Ferres, Govt
Printer, [1886].
NTC SP COLL 305.89915 CUR
[Location and population, physical characteristics; Body
mutilations, general implements; Existence of
cannibalism, circumcision practised; Myth of creation
and the next world; Vocab. of approx. 110 words].
Lee, Gary Gurrulan. ‘Larrakia artists’.
In The Oxford companion to
Aboriginal art and culture.
Melbourne : Oxford University Press,
NTC 704.039915 OXFO
[Brief history of Larrakia people since
white contact; describes disruption to
traditional ways through growth of Darwin, introduced
diseases, substance use and discouragement to
continued traditional art; despite this a small number of
Larrakia artists have emerged -exhibiting nationally and
Pilling, Arnold R. ‘Changes in Tiwi language Revised to
August 1967’. In Pilling, A.R. Diprotodon to
detribalization 1970: 256-274.
NTC 305.89915 DIP
[Brief account of location of Tiwi speakers on Bathurst
& Melville Is., East Arm Leprosarium (Darwin), Catholic
Presbytery, Bagot Road Native Compound, Larrakeyah
Army Barracks, R.A.A.F. base & native camp at Gunn
Point, contact between Tiwi people & Europeans;
phonetics, morphophonemics, phonetic changes
(phonetic, phonemic, grammatical, vocabulary,
semantic), consideration of changes in word iliti’].
Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. ‘The social organization of
Australian tribes’. In Radcliffe-Brown, A.R. The social
anthropology of Radcliffe-Brown. London : Henley,
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977: 131-173.
301.1 RAD
[Reprinted and edited from original article, Oceania,
1930. [includes (pt. 1 p.34-63, pt. 3 p.444-456);
detailed account of organization throughout Australia;
basic elements of social structure, named divisions,
map shows distribution of matrilineal and patrilineal
moieties, four and eight sections, semi-moieties,
kinship terms (Aranda and Kariera in detail); totemic
clans; systematic catalogue of various types of
organization, 50 areas dealt with; tribal locations;
mythology accounting for the formation of totemic
centres; function of patrilineal descent].
Scambary, Benedict. 'No vacancies at the Starlight
Motel': Larrakia identity and the native title claims
process’. In Smith, Benjamin Richard and Morphy,
Frances. Canberra : ANU E Press, 2007.
NTC 346.940432 SOCI
[The social effects of native title recognition,
translation, coexistence.]
Sturt, Dr. ‘The Northern Territory tribe.’ In The
folklore, manners, customs and languages of the
South Australian Aborigines. 1897: 92.
NTC SP COLL 305.89915 NAT
[Answers to lists of questions relating to Larrakeah
Tryon, D. T. (Darrell Trevor). ‘Simple and compound
verbs: conjugation by auxiliaries in Australian verbal
systems: the Daly family.’ In Dixon, R.M.W.
Grammatical categories in Australian languages.
Canberra; [Atlantic Highlands], New Jersey; Australian
Institute of Aboriginal Studies; Humanities Press,
1976; Linguistic series no.22.
NTC 499.15 DIX
[Examination of verbal auxiliaries in languages of the
Daly River family; verb classes; analysis of auxiliaries].
Walsh, Michael. ‘Tainted evidence:
literacy and traditional knowledge in
an Aboriginal land claim’. In
Language in evidence; issues
confronting Aboriginal and
multicultural Australia. Sydney :
UNSW Press, 1995.
NTC 347.94066 LANG
[Michael Walsh in Kenbi land claim division between
Wagartj who had traditional knowledge and limited
literacy and Larrakia living Anglo-Australian life in
Darwin brought notion of Aboriginality into question,
and right to claim land; authority of transcript as record
of proceedings; problems of secret knowledge which
may win land claim but should not be imparted].
Singh, Sarina.
Aboriginal Australia & the Torres Strait islands:
guide to Indigenous Australia. Hawthorn, Vic. :
London : Lonely Planet, 2001.
NTC 919.4047 ABOR
[A guide to Indigenous Australia providing a general
overview of the main issues affecting Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander people today; includes facts
about history, the land and Indigenous peoples, flora
and fauna, politics, economy, people and population,
education, health, dance, body art, music, literature,
film & cinema, theatre, visual art, sport, culture,
food/bush tucker, society, spirituality, language,
responsible tourism, legal cases, sites of significance,
Australia. Dept. of External Affairs, 1901-1916.
‘Northern Territory : summary of report of
preliminary scientific expedition to the Northern
Territory’. Melbourne : Government Printer, 1911.
Issued as Parliamentary Paper 1911 session, v. 3.
[Members of expedition included Baldwin Spencer,
Professor Gilruth, Dr. Woolnough and Dr. A. Breinl;
general health, contact with Larakya, Worgait, Tiwi,
Port Essington tribe (on Melville Island), Djanan
(Katherine Creek), Yangman (Elsey Creek), Mungarai
(Roper River), Nullakun (Roper River), Mara; living
conditions on stations; recommendations for improving
‘Report of preliminary scientific expedition to the
Northern Territory’. In Bulletin of the Northern
Territory. No.1. Melbourne : Dept. of External Affairs,
1912: 3-14.
NTC 508.94295 REPO
Lindsay, David.
Explorations through Arnheims [sic.] Land.
Adelaide : Government Printer, 1884.
South Australia. Parliament. Proceedings. v.5,
SAPP, no.239, 1884 Microfiche
[Larrakeyah native boy accompanied the expedition
from Palmerston; superior type of native humpies seen
north of Mount Bagster; experiences with natives met
on journey throughout report; 15 native words from
Katherine district].
Australia. Aboriginal Land Rights Commission.
Woodward, A.E. First report. Canberra : Australian
Government Publishing Service, 1973.
NTC 346.940432 AUST
[Report chiefly concerned with Northern Territory;
statement of terms of enquiry; background information;
notes on origins, traditional life, population estimate for
1788; views of urban Aborigines (Darwin, including
Larrakia people)].
Australia. Aboriginal Land Rights Commission.
Woodward, A. E. Second report, April 1974. Canberra
: Australian Government Printer, 1974.
NTC 346.940432 AUST
[Views of urban Aborigines (Darwin, including Larrakia
people); incorporation; nature of relationship to land,
early contacts (e.g. Macassan, Japanese, European,
and missions for each].
National Native Title Tribunal (Australia). Area survey:
Cox Peninsula to Daly River, Northern Territory.
Perth: National Native Title Tribunal, 2003.
Research report bibliographies (National Native Title
Tribunal (Australia).
[The bibliographies are a list of materials that have
been used by the Research Unit of the Tribunal to
provide background information for native title
mediations. The Tribunal forms no view on the
accuracy, completeness, or relevance of the reference
material cited in these bibliographies. Most of this
material is held at libraries and is available to the
public. The Tribunal library may to able to assist in
locating items.]
Australia. Office of the Aboriginal Land Commissioner.
Gray, Peter R. A. The Kenbi (Cox Peninsula) land
claim no. 37, report no. 59.
NTC 346.940432 AUST
[Report and recommendations of the former Aboriginal
Land Commissioner, Justice Gray, to the Minister for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs and to the
Administrator of the Northern Territory Publication info:
Darwin : Office of the Aboriginal Land Commissioner,
2000. History of the claim since first received in March
1979; local descent groups; relationship to sites;
spiritual affiliations and responsibilities;
Bourke, Patricia Mary.
Discovering the cultural landscape of Hope Inlet,
Shoal Bay : Northern Territory Heritage Grant
Program 2004/2005. Darwin : Patricia Bourke, 2006.
NTC 994.295 BOUR
[This report has been prepared as part of the project
Discovering the Cultural Landscape of Hope Inlet,
Shoal Bay for the Northern Territory Heritage Grant
Program 2004/2005. The work for this project was
carried out in 2004/05 under the auspices of Charles
Darwin University (CDU) at the School of Australian
Indigenous Knowledge Systems (SAIKS) in
collaboration with members of the Larrakia
community, traditional owners of Darwin. The report
was written by Dr. Patricia Bourke in consultation with
Larrakia Research Associate Lorraine Williams.]
Hodgson, Robin.
Aboriginal use of natural resources in the Darwin
region - past and present Katherine, N.T. Katherine,
N.T. : Robin Hodgson Consultancies, 1997. Rev. ed.
NTC 333.9513 HODG
RCH report; no.1 [A report to the Australian Heritage
Commission on research funded under the National
Estate Grant Program for 1994/95 and Museums and
Art Galleries of the Northern Territory, July 1995.]
Northern Land Council.
Genealogies: Kenbi (Cox Peninsula and Islands)
land claim. Stuart Park, NT : Northern Land Council,
NTC 305.89915 GENE
Northern Land Council.
Alphabetical list and personal particulars of
claimants: Kenbi (Cox Peninsula and Islands)
Land Claim. Stuart Park, NT : Northern Land Council,
NTC 346.9429 ALPH
Australia. Interim Aboriginal Land Commission (N.T.)
An application by Larrakia and associated
Aborigines for land commonly known as Kalaluk:
transcript of proceedings before his Honour Mr.
Justice Ward at Darwin, 15-28 May 1975: [with] Mr
H.B. Bradley appearing for Northern Land Council.
Australia. Interim Aboriginal Land Commission (N.T.)
Claim for land at Emery Point (Goondal) by Larrakia
and associated Aborigines : transcript of
proceedings before his Honour Mr Justice Ward at
Darwin, 7-11 July 1975 : [with] Mr H.B. Bradley
appearing on behalf of the Northern Land Council.
Australia. Interim Aboriginal Land Commission (N.T.)
Reports and recommendations on the following
land claims: Supplejack Downs, Emery Point,
Kulaluk [and] Lot 5027 Darwin, 1975 by Justice R.C.
[Traditional claim by Walbiri from Hooker Creek for
Supplejack Downs to run pastoral company; traditional
claim by Larrakia for Goondal (Emery Point) as sacred
site and lease to Kulaluk on special purpose claim;
Railway Dam special purpose claim.]
Barker, Graham Henry.
Alligator Rivers Region - historical sketch to World
War II. Canberra, 1978.
[Discovery by Dutch; exploration by English; Chinese
immigrants; spread of disease among Aborigines;
reserves and missions - Woolner, Larakeah,
Woolwonga and Monassie.]
Dodson, Michael.
Sally Ross oration on the occassion of the
graduation of Northern Territory Aboriginal Health
Workers, 26 February 2000. Darwin : Danila Dilba
Medical Service, 2000.
NTC 305.89915 DODS
Bradshaw, Joseph.
Journal, 31 January 1891 – 6 June 1891.
NTC 919.410432 BRAD
[Contains short vocabularies collected at Darwin of
Larekia, Wolna, Woolwonga tribes. Brief notes on sign
Brandl, M.
Aboriginal groups of the Darwin area, focussing on
Darwin town. Canberra,1983.
Commissioned by the Aboriginal Sacred Sites
Protection Authority.
[Definition of interests based on prehistory, contact
history, relations of Larrakaia with neighbours, ritual
links and sacred sites in local area.]
Brandl, M., and Haritos, Adrienne.
Dum-in-mirrie Island land claim: report prepared for
the Northern Land Council. [Canberra], 1979.
[Larakia and Wogadj groups.]
Brandl, M., and Walsh, Michael,
Kenbi land claim. [Canberra], 1980.
[Concise version, in note form, of the Kenbi land claim;
history of claim and data on Larrakia claimants;
patterns of land ownership and occupation; historical
background; territorial affiliation and attachment by
Aborigines; relevance of claim to Aborigines and all
Australians; refutation of local stereotypes about
1979 Version available NTL.
Brandl, M.
Submission to the House of Representatives
Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs Enquiry
into Fringe-dwelling Aboriginal communities.
Canberra, 1981.
[Recommends legitimisation of fringe settlements;
discusses problems of housing, education, need for
Aboriginal initiated research; gives examples of
Larrakia and Wagaidj groups in Darwin; Halls Creek
housing study.]
Capell, A.
Dictionaries of northern Australian languages.
Sydney. Typescript.
[Amijanal, Djamindjun, Djaru, Djauan, Gunavidji,
Gudjaliviea, Gunba; lan, Laragia, Tiwi, Wadjigin,
Waramunga, Yaoru, Yaralde (SA) - English word-lists.]
Clunies Ross; Margaret and Stephen Wild.
The relations of music, text and dance in Arnhem
Land clan songs. Canberra, 1981.
[Paper presented at the Conference on Transmission
in Oral and Written Traditions, Humanities Research
Centre, Australian National University, Aug. 1981.
Manikay song genre; wangerr associated with each
song; song ownership; 1978 Larragan rite at
Djunawunya; Bunggul dance sequences to follow
song-items; ritual calls; oral transmission.]
Day, William B.
Papers Australia, 1984. [manuscript].
Original RAAM-ID: 22285; Record derived from
Register of Australian Archives and Manuscripts
[Personal correspondence, photographs and press
cuttings relating to Kulaluk, Larrakia Tribe and Gwala
Daraniki Association, 1984, NTRS 75; research and
draft for 'Bunji: A story of the Gwalwa Daraniki
Movement', 1991-1994, NTRS 1847.]
Day, W. B.
Northern Territory Archives Series registration sheets
listing the personal papers of W. B. Day, 1969-1984.
[Photocopy of Series Registration Sheets and
Accession Lists. Larrakia ; Kulaluk land claim; Gwalwa
Daraniki Association Inc; includes lists of captions for
photographs 1969-1981, mainly of Kulaluk and Larrakia
Docker, Edward George.
The tribes and the early settlers. [n.p.], 1956.
[Attitudes of station owners, managers and stockmen
towards Aborigines in the Northern Territory; causes of
depopulation, low rate of reproduction ( Larrakia ,
Warramunga, Kaitish); different types of settlements
and their effects; movements of tribes, outbreaks of
lawlessness, decay in traditional arts.]
Hale, Ken,
Larrakia and Wunae field notes. Darwin, NT, 1959.
[Contents; Larrakia , 1. 1-6; Wunae, 1. 7-27.
Vocabulary and elicitation.]
definition; Meaning & purpose of Gunabibi ritual, rites
& myths of cults; Notes on body decoration & song
cycles; Detailed description of Gunabibi & Jabalurawa
Muller, Len.
Review of letters and reports on the bombing of
Quail Island. [Darwin], 1977.
[Events of 1961-1977 concerning Larrakaya land claim
to Dooin (Quail Island).]
Parkhouse, Thomas Anstey.
Documents, photographs. Australia, 1890. South
Australian Museum Archives. [Reference: AD30].
[Vocabularies and Notes on the Larrikia and other N.T.
Tribes' (232 pages with illustrations); 'Remarks on the
Native Tongues in the District of Port Darwin' 1894;
miscellaneous papers, notes and correspondence
used in the compilation of 'Vocabularies of the Larrikia'
c1890-1910; 'The Moral Philosophy of the Australian
Natives' 1898; 'Vocabulary of the Kimberley Tribe,
W.A.' (typescript vocabulary taken by W.C.M. Finniss);
typescript bibliography of a book on Aboriginal society
[A.D. 30].]
Layton, Robert.
Australian Aboriginal town camps: structure,
serendipity or subordination. Durham, U.K., 1986.
[Revised version of paper presented at 4th
International Conference on Hunting and Gathering
Societies, London School of Economics, Sept. 1986;
Typescript (photocopy) Poses hypotheses for social
interaction patterns in Alice Springs and Darwin camps;
contact history; traditional kinship practices; movement;
alcohol; social identity; Pitjantjatjara, Luridja, Aranda,
Kungarakany, Warai, Larrakiya, Maranuggu.]
Parkhouse, Thomas Anstey.
Documents, photographs [manuscript].
Original RAAM-ID: 22191; Record derived from
Register of Australian Archives and Manuscripts
[Manuscript dealing with Larrakia and other N.T.
Aboriginal groups in vicinity of Darwin; 18 sepia prints
of same; album containing prints by various N.T.
photographers; c. 120 glass negs and prints depicting
overseas travel scenes, physical anthropology.]
Loveday, P. (Peter).
‘The development of the idea of University Aboriginal
Studies in the Northern Territory.’ Speaker : Peter
Report [Larrakeyah, N.T.]; [s.n.], [1988]: 13-18.
[History of discussions, plans for Aboriginal Studies as
tertiary course, Support Services, Aboriginal Studies
Centre; considerations for the future.]
Ramsay, Jim.
‘Models of Aboriginal Studies’. Report [Larrakeyah,
N.T.]; [s.n.], [1988]: 3-7.
[Issues for consideration in development of N.T.
University Aboriginal Studies Centre; models to suit
circumstances; consultation, course content,
resources; student support services, staff suitability,
support in Interim Council of N.T. University,
Aboriginal Studies.]
McConvell, Patrick.
‘An NT University Aboriginal Studies Centre: some
proposals’. Speaker: Dr. Patrick McConvell. Report
[Larrakeyah, N.T.]; [s.n.], [1988]; p.19-23.
[Possibilities for higher education qualifications and
Roheim, Geza.
Australian totemism: a psycho-analytic study in
anthropology. London : Frank Cass, 1971.
NTC 305.89915 ROH
Maddock, Kenneth.
Report on field work in the Northern Territory
1964/65. 1968. [AIATSIS]
[Study of the social organization of Aborigines with little
experience of settlement life; Concentrated at Beswick
Reserve, Katherine, Pine Creek, El Shirana &
Sleisbeck districts also visited; Sketch of historical past
of region; List and map of main tribes in area; Notes on
kinship, marriage, moieties, sections & sub-sections,
alternate marriages, clans; Decline of polygyny; Terms
of address & reference, age categories; Corroboree
and hunting groups; Creation beliefs, totemism
Spencer, Walter Baldwin.
Collected papers 1911-1929, 1911-1929. 2 boxes
[Photocopies of originals held in National Museum of
Barnes-Koolpinyah, Richard.
A re-interpretation of Larrakia art and artefacts.
1999. Thesis (Ph.D.). Northern Territory University,
Darwin, 1999.
Gregory, Robin Louise.
A re-interpretation of Larrakia art ADVS. Northern
Territory University.
Hackett, Cecil John.
Boomerang legs and yaws in Australian
Aborigines, with a description of bone lesions
resulting from Yaws. Adelaide, 1935. Thesis for M.D.,
University of Adelaide.
[Natives observed in Alice Springs, Musgrave ranges,
Victoria River, Wave Hill, Bathurst Island, Darwin;
Tribes; Aranda, Ilpirra, Tjingali, Larakia, Tiwi,
Bulamumu, Waduman, Tjambitjina.]
Keith, David.
Re-presenting Aboriginality : Aboriginal responses
to land rights legislation in the Northern Territory.
Thesis (B.A.Hons.). Australian National University,
ACT, 1991.
[Historical content to the institutions of the Aboriginal
Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976;
anthropological models of land ownership and its
application to Land Rights cases; role of the Woodward
Commission; examination of the Kenbi and Finniss
River Land claims; Gwalwa Daraniki association - the
Larrakia conception of Aboriginality and its relation to
the Land Rights Act; differences in the Maranunggu
and KungarakanyWarai claims to the Finniss River;
cliamants conception and use of history - representation of tradition; neo –traditionalism.]
Lee, Mary and Gary.
Mary Lee interviewed by Gary Lee in the Bringing
them home oral history project. 2000.
4 digital audio tapes (220 min.) Recorded on Oct. 9,
2000 in Darwin, N.T. DCM record ; National Library of
Australia, Oral History and Folklore collection ; nla.oh5000-0270. [sound recording].
[Lee speaks about her mother Louisa Lee, the
daughter of Widji Nelson, a Wardaman woman and
about her father Juan Cubillo, the son of a Filipino pearl
diver and of Magdalena McKeddie, a Larrakia woman.
Her mother was one of twins removed at the age of 10
and sent to Bathurst Island, N.T. Lee talks about her
early memories of life in Darwin, and her Catholic
education. During World War II, Lee was evacuated
with her mother and her eight siblings to Balaklava, S.
Aust. However, her father, who remained in Darwin,
was killed during the 1942 bombing. When the family
returned to Darwin after World War II, they had to live
in an abandoned army hut as many houses had been
destroyed. Lee moved to Adelaide at age 17 to work as
a nursemaid. She later she returned to Darwin where
she married in 1949. In later life, Lee completed a
degree in Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management
and was awarded the NAIDOC Scholar of the Year
1994/5. She discusses her involvement with the
Larrakia land claim, and relates her mother's memories
of life on Bathurst Island.]
Mackay, Ross.
The Great re-freezing? Requirements for
establishing native title in post-Yorta Yorta
jurisprudence. Thesis (M.Phil.). University of
Newcastle, 2008.
[Examines the effect of Yorta Yorta on subsequent
cases, particularly how subsequent Courts have
interpreted the continuity of connection requirement
and how it has affected the questions of proof they felt
the claimants were required to answer. Particularly
highlights the cases of Larrakia and Single Noongar,
two cases which have brought about starkly different
outcomes for the claimants.]
Robb, Donna Marie.
Law & Aboriginal land claims in Australia: justice
in black. Newcastle, N.S.W., 2002. Thesis (M.Phil.).
University of Newcastle, 2002.
NTC 346.940432 ODEG
Ritchie, David J.
We all bin mix in together: a study of the formation
of the Aboriginal community at Humpty Doo,
Northern Territory. Thesis (B.A. Honours). 1980.
NTC 305.89915 RITC
Wells, Samantha.
Negotiating place in colonial Darwin: interactions
between aborigines and whites, 1869-1911. Thesis
(Ph. D.) University of Technology, Sydney, 2003.
NTC 994.2903 WELL
Wie, Ronda.
Nobody did not want to own us: Larrakia identity
and the Kenbi land claim. Thesis (B.A. Honours).
Australian National University, 1990.
NTC 346.940432 WIE
[Loss and rediscovery of Larrakia identity;
ethnographic accounts and contact history;
government and church intervention - missions,
reserves (Bagot, Delissaville) and institutions (Kahlin
Compound, Half-Caste Home, Retta Dixon Home);
assimilation policy and changes to the Aboriginal
Ordinance; production of Bunji and the Gwalwa
Daraniki Association; problems of defining traditional
ownership and the history of the Kenbi (Cox
Peninsula) Land Claim in the reconstruction of
Larrakia identity.]
Journal Articles
Bartlett, Richard H. ‘Extinguishment, deemed
extinguishment and suspension: Larrakia and the
Native Title Amendment Act’. Australian mining &
petroleum law journal, Vol.17 no.3 (special edition)
October 1998: 228 -241.
Berndt, Ronald M. ‘Comparison between Northern
Australian spear and New Guinea arrowhead. South
Australian Naturalist. Vol.19, no.4, 1939: 8-12.
[Spears from Daly River and Larrakeyah tribe
compared with New Guinea specimen’.]
Berndt, Ronald M. ‘Aboriginal religion in Arnhem
Land’. Mankind. Vol.4, no.6, 1951: 230-241.
[Religion in relation to cults in north-east & northcentral
region’. Discussion on religious background at Yirrkala
and Kunapipi cult; Mythology concerning Djanggawul,
Wauwalak, Laintjung, Banaitja & Bainji; Ceremonies
associated with myths; Translation of song from
Djanggawul cycle, ceremonial articles; Effect of white
contact on beliefs; Full account of Kunapipi cult &
Ceremony; Diffusion of Kunapipi; Kadjari cult in
centralwestern Arnhem Land and stone structures,
Tanami-Granites area & Billaluna region; Role of
women in Kunapipi rites; Brief mention of earth mother
belief on Bathurst & Melville Islands and Larrakia tribe.]
Bourke, Patricia Mary. ‘Identifying Aboriginal
'contact period' sites around Darwin: long past due
for native title?’ Australian Aboriginal Studies. No.1
(2005): 54-56.
[Survey of contact period Aboriginal sites in and around
Darwin, NT; relation to the Larrakia native title claim;
characteristics and distribution of sites -shell mounds
and middens, presence of glass, change in shellfish
use, material culture change; the native title process
and the role of archaeology.]
Bradbrook, EW. ‘Presidential Address.’ Folklore.
Vol.13, no.1, 1902: [12]-28.
[Delivered at annual meeting of society 22 January
1902. Reference to Larrakia natives awareness of the
correlation of tides with the moon.]
Buchanan, Cheryl. ‘First land claim for the Gwalwa
Daraniki Mentions first claim made in May 1971;
Quotes petition of Oct. 1974 following sit-in (Darwin) for
Larrakia land claims.’ Aboriginal Human Relations
Newsletter. No.37, Apr. 1975: 13.
Buchanan, Cheryl ‘The Gwalwa Daraniki Association.’
Extract from We Have Bugger All! -the Kulaluk Story
by C. Buchanan. [History of Larrakia land rights
association (Darwin); Mentions Brinkin, Wagait, Muluk
Muluk tribes]. Aboriginal Human Relations
Newsletter. No.37, Apr. 1975: 13.
Capell, A. (Arthur) ‘The classification of languages in
north and northwest Australia Fieldwork 1938 and
1939’. Oceania. Vol.10, no.3, 1940: [241]-272; no.4,
[Grammatical study, outline of phonetics; map shows
areas of multiple, dual classifying languages; prefixing,
non classifying languages; brief comparative
Capell, A. ‘Bantu and north Australian, a study in
agglutination.’ African Studies. Vol.10, no.2: 1951: 5357.
[Comments on article by C.M. Doke on Bantu
language; Close structural resemblance of languages
of N.W. & N. Aust. to Bantu; Brief description &
examples of classifying languages, Nungubuyu,
Andiljaugwa, Maung, Anjula, Worora, Larragia;
Discussion on terms agglutination and infixation.]
Capell, A. ‘The Laragia language Phonemes,
morphophonemes and morphology of Laragia’.
[includes two texts and wordlist]. Pacific linguistics 1984: series A-68; p. 55-106 -tbls. -(Papers in
Australian Linguistics, no. 16.) NTC PAM 499.15 PAR
Crawford, Lindsay. ‘Victoria River Downs Station,
Northern Territory, South Australia: Answers to
questionnaire sent to writer by E.C. Stirling’. Royal
Anthropological Institute Journal, Vol.24, 1895:
[Circumcision, subincision, tooth avulsion,
menstruation, diseases, sickness, burial rite,
firemaking, cannibalism; reference to the Larrakeeyah
and tribes of Port Darwin, Daly and Victoria Rivers
PDF Copy accessed JSTOR See ‘Notes on the
Aborigines of Australia’.
Davidson, Daniel Sutherland. ‘Australian spear-traits
and their derivations.’ Polynesian Society Journal.
Vol.43, 1934: 31-72, 143-162.
Davidson, Daniel Sutherland. ‘The basis of social
organization in Australia.’ American Anthropologist.
Vol.28, no.3, 1926: 529-547.
[Includes details of coastal tribes of northern
Davidson, Daniel Sutherland. ‘The family hunting
territory in Australia’. American Anthropologist.
Vol.30, no.4, 1928: 614-631.
[Local groups; Concept of actual land ownership by
individual or families; Hunting territory has well defined
boundaries; District inherited from father to son;
Family districts are patrilocal; Quotes many writers;
(Larakia, Awarra, Aggradundi, Adower, Mennagi,
wulnar, Kurnai); Punishment for trespassing.]
Davidson, Daniel Sutherland. ‘The Spearthrower in
Australian tribes and hordes’. American
Philosophical Society. – Proceedings. Vol.76, no.4,
1936: 445-483. [Shows trading routes and details of
Davidson, Daniel Sutherland. ‘A preliminary list of
Australian tribes and hordes’. Philadelphia: American
Philosophical Society, 1938.
[Alphabetically listed under states; key to location of
tribes on map included in ‘An Ethnic map of Australia’.]
Devereux, Annemarie. ‘Native the Larrakia case’.
Alternative Law Journal. Vol.23 no.5 Oct. 1998: 247248.
[Briefly outlines facts giving rise to the Larrakia case;
describes proceedings, including those in the Federal
Court by the appellants; High Court found that a valid
grant of fee simple over land extinguishes native title.]
Ehrlich, Lambert. Origin of Australian beliefs. St.
Gabriel-Mödling [Austria]: Anthropos, 1922.
Eliade, Mircea. ‘Australian religions, pt.3’. History of
Religions. Vol.7, no.1, 1967: 61-90.
[Initiation rites and secret cults Puberty rites; Bora
grounds of Kamilaroi, initiator of rituals & behaviours symbolic death of initiate, circumcision, subincision Arunta, Karadjeri, Pitta-Pitta, Arnhem Land; Fire
ceremony, initiation & anamnesis; Arnhem land secret
cults, Serpent, Fertility mothers, Wauwalak Sisters,
Yurlunggur -age grading ceremony (Djungguan),
fertility (Kunapipi) & Ngurlmak; Myths relating to
Julunggul & Wauwalak; Explanations of rituals Serpent
belief of Unambal & Ungarinyin; Initiation of girls -North
Aust., Laragia, Wogaidj; Victoria River district secret
womens ceremonies; Roles played by women in
circumcision rites, relative myths.]
Elkin, A. P., and Jones, T. A.
Arnhem Land music (north Australia). Sydney:
University of Sydney, [195-]. Oceania Monographs;
NTC 781.629915 ELK
[Description, texts and translations of recordings listed
in Australian and N.G. musical records; Oceania, v.27,
no.4, 1957; [313]-319, and listed separately in
Bibliography; Musical survey and analysis, description
of instruments and technique musical patterns and
breaking up of types into region; Three Big Sundays of
Djauan -Uwara, Lorgan and Kunapipi dealt with in
detail; Roll of songman; Map and details of song routes
and diffusion.] Oceania, v.24, no.2, 1953; [81]-109;
v.25, nos.1-2, 1954; [74]-121; no.4, 1955; [292] - 342;
v.26, no.2, 1955; [127]-152; no.3, 1956; [214]-230;
Elkin, A. P. (Adolphus Peter). ‘The Complexity of
social organization in Arnhem Land Divided into
cultural sub-regions and selected tribes within
areas; Kinship and marriage rules, moiety phratry
& subsection systems’. Southwestern Journal of
Anthropology. Vol.6, no.1, 1950: 1-20.
Gale, Mary-Anne. ‘Dhangu djorrawuy dhawu: a brief
history of writing in Aboriginal language’. The
Aboriginal Child at School. Vol.22, no. 1, 1994: 2234.
NTC PER 371.829 ABOR
[Stages in the history of writing are -1. Christian
material translated during missionary days in
Awabakal, Kaurna, Larakia languages; 2. school-based
productions in conjunction with bi-lingual education; 3.
aboriginal involvement in vernacular writing at
Literature Production Centres, Literacy Centres and
Aboriginal Language Centres; lists reasons why
Aboriginal people are writing in Aboriginal languages.]
Glasgow, Kathy. Australian National University.
Research School of Pacific Studies. Dept. of
Linguistics. Linguistic Circle of Canberra. Papers in
Australian linguistics. No. 16. Canberra: Dept. of
Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies,
Australian National University, 1984.
NTC 499.15 GLA
[Burarra language.; Ndjébbana language; Larrakia
language; Kala Lagaw Ya language; Diyari language.]
[Greffrath, Henry]. ‘Die Eingeborenen im
Nordterritorium der Kolonie Sudaustralien’. Aus
allen Welttheilen. 13(4), 1882: 122-124.
Harris, John W. ‘Aboriginal languages in church
and school: an analysis of the Northern Territory
experience’. Part I: From the first missions to the
1940s. Journal of Christian Education. Vol.20 Dec.
1987: 19-33.
[Early Lutheran and Jesuit attitudes to language,
Hermannsburg and Aranda, Rapid Creek Mission and
Larakia, Daly River missions and Mulluk MulluK; CMS
Roper River Mission brought many languages
together and Kriol developed; Anglican and Methodist
language policies; efforts of a few missionaries with
help of Capell.]
Harris, John W. ‘Killing me softly with his song:
why did the Larakia people sing to Goyder in
1869’. Northern Perspective. Vol.6 (1, 2), 1984: 1-4.
NTC PER 919.429 NORT
[History of European contact with Larakia and Woolna
people at Palmerstone and Escape Cliffs; relations
between these groups, particularly transmission of
English songs.]
Magarey, A.T. ‘Smoke signals of Australian
Aborigines.’ Australian and New Zealand Association
for the Advancement of Science. Report. Vol.5, 1893:
"Smoke signals of the Austrlian Aborigines." The
Advertiser, 10 Oct 1893: 7.
[Course of procedure; detailed account of methods
producing types of smoke used in signalling meanings
given by Powells Creek, Barrow Creek, MacDonnell
Ranges, Tennants Creek, Moorundie & Port Darwin
natives; review of previous literature.]
Mathew, John. ‘The religious cults of the Australian
Aborigines’. Australian and New Zealand
Association for the Advancement of Science Report.
Vol.18, 1926: 524-540.
[Comments on group totems (Narrinyeri &
Warramunga), individual totems (Kurnai), sex totems
(Arunta, Alwridja); animated stones & sticks kept by
medicine-men (Kabi, Kakadu); bullroarer or ritual
objects (Arunta); general after-life beliefs (Wurudjirri,
Buandik, Kurnai, Kabi, Wakka, Euahlayi, Dieri, Arunta,
Kukata, Narrinyeri, Jupugalk; legends relating to earth,
air & water spirits (Wortongi Wakka, Kabi); worship of
the sun ceremony practised by Yuon (Kimberleys);
phallic ceremonies (Arunta, Dieri); religious beliefs of
Narrinyeri, Wimbaio, Wotjobaluk, Wortongi, Kurnai,
Theddora, Kamilaroi, Mungarai, Kaitish, Larrakia,
Sunday Islanders.]
Moloney, Justin. ‘Aboriginal action in the north: An
outline of the Aboriginal protest movement’.
Cold Comfort. Vol.1, no.5, 1972: 8, 13, 16-17
[Details of many movements and actions are given
including the Pilbara action, the Gurindji strike at
Wave Hill, Gwalwa Dareniki in Darwin, the Yirrkala
people against Nabalco the Namilmil uranium lease
(Gunwinggu), the Yugal Cattle Company of Roper;
River, the Tiwi reaction to a proposed wood chip
industry on Bathurst and Melville Islands and the
formation of the Mirema Council by the Miriwung of
East Kimberley.]
kinship terms (Aranda & Kariera in detail); totemic
clans; systematic catalogue of various types of
organization, 50 areas dealt with; tribal locations;
mythology accounting for the formation of totemic
centres; function of patrilineal descent.]
O'Grady, Geoffrey N. Voegelin, C. F. (Charles
Frederick), Voegelin, F. M. (Florence Marie).
Languages of the world: Indo-Pacific fascicle six.
Indiana: University of Indiana, 1966. ].
Anthropological Linguistics, Vol.8, no.2, 1966: 1197.
[Report on 1962 Indiana University conference on
Australian languages; Brief history of research in
Aboriginal linguistics -19th century to present day;
external relationships with neighbouring areas; internal
relationships; 29 phylic families included in the
Australian macro-phylum, divided into 3 groups -(1)
Cape York (2) West of Gulf of Carpentaria (3) South
and south-west of Cape York & Gulf; Unrelated
languages -Miriam (Torres Straits), Barbaram
(pygmoid, Qld.), Aniwan (N.E., N.S.W.), Tasmanian;
Study of languages from 3 angles -area -comparative race relationships; List of languages classified under
main family of phylic groups; Phonological diversity,
structural detail; Appendix -The Paman group of the
PamaNyungan phylic family, explanation of terms &
classification of group.]
Ray, Sidney H. (Sidney Herbert). ‘Aboriginal
languages’. Illustrated Australian Encyclopaedia.
Vol.11, 1925: 2-15.
[Unity of the southern languages, classification,
phonology, grammar, possessive pronouns listed for
16 groups, words for one, two, ear, eye, hand, man,
given in many languages with comments; Aboriginal
words in Australian-English, lists works of importance.]
Parkhouse, T. A. ‘Some words of the Australian
autochthone: an experiment in Australian etymology’.
Mankind. Vol.2, no.1, 1936: 16-19.
[Analysis of words of Adelaide tribe; Larrikaa; Wulna.]
Povinelli, Elizabeth A. ‘The state of shame: Australian
multiculturalism and the crisis of Indigenous
citizenship’. Critical inquiry. Vol.24 (Winter 1998):
[Examines the underlying issues of multiculturalism,
national and indigenous identity in the nation state;
argues that the Mabo judgement acted as a fetish
centralising anxiety about constitution of national
identity;the historical role multiculturalism in the
Australian state;summary and analysis of the Mabo
judgement -relation to moral, legal and national history
of the state;globalisation and the commodification of
Aboriginal culture;contrast with the situation in
Indigenous communities -discussion of the Kenbi Land
Claim -nature of "traditional ownership";composition of
the claim groups -Belyuen community and
Laragiya;relationship to land -conception, sweat and
ancestral spirits;role of dreams, attachment to place
and communication with the dead;anxiety of cultural
representation in land claims;reference to the evidence
of the Fejo family.]
Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. ‘Social organization of
Australian tribes’. Oceania. Vol.1, no.1, 1930: [34]-63;
no.2: [206]256; no.3; [323]-341; no.4, 1931: [426]-456.
[Detailed account of organization throughout Australia;
basic elements of social structure, named divisions,
map shows distribution of matrilineal & patrilineal
moieties, four and eight sections, semi-moieties,
Ray, Sidney H. ‘Note on the languages of NorthWest Australia’. Royal Anthropological Institute
Journal. Vol.27, 1898: 346-360.
PDF Copy accessed JSTOR
[List of tribes, locality and authority; comparisons of
North Australian languages; vocabularies (collected by
E. Betham Rigby) of Yamandil, Larrakia (147 words);
Walki, Munmulla and Nowwilnowilanna tribes (44
words); pronouns, affixes, numerals; vocabulary of 6
words compares dialects of Ngurla, Walki, Munmulla,
Nowilnowilanna, Yamandil, Larrakia, Woolna,
Bynalumbo, Limbakaraga, Unalla, Terrutong, and
tribes from Popham Bay, Mount Norris Bay, Caledon
Bay, Roper River and West Australia, Woolwonga, Iyi,
Ray, Sidney H. (Sidney Herbert). ‘The far north
Australian’. Nature ( London). Vol.94, 1914: 2351;
[Review of Baldwin Spencer’s Northern Territory;
initiation ceremonies -Coburg Peninsula, Kakadu,
Larakia; magic.]
Reim, Helmut. ‘Diskussion zur ethnographischen
Forschungssituation, zur Gerontokratie und zum
Ursprung der Kamelhaltung bei den Ureinwohnern
Australiens. Bemerkungen und Erganzungen zu
einigen von Frederick G.G. Rose aufgeworfenen
Problemen’. Ethnographisch-Archaologische
Zeitschrift, 1969: 10 Jahrg., Hft.3; 333-354
[Discussion of the situation in ethnographic research,
of gerontocracy and of the origins of keeping camels
among the Australian Aborigines. Comments and
supplementary remarks on some of the problems
raised by F.G.G. Rose] Criticism of chapters 1-4 of
Roses Wind of change in Central Australia;
importance of tourist trade in changing Aboriginal life;
purpose of old mens privileges didactic, example of
Larakia food taboos (quotes Basedow), use of word
gerontocracy, universality of polygyny & monogamy,
disappearance of tribal life, effect on anthropology,
lack of interpretive material, authors differing
conclusions (quotes Rose on distribution of game),
failure to answer question on transmittal of camel
handling technique to Pitjandjara & Jangwundjara,
historical development of camel transport, introduction
of Afghan drivers, concentration on Oodnadatta.]
Roberts, J. P. (Janine P.) ‘Aborigines criticise legal
anthropology on the land claims of the Larrakia near
Darwin.’ Survival international review. Vol.3 no.3
1978: 27.
Roheim, Geza. ‘The pointing bone.’ Royal
Anthropological Institute Journal. Vol.55, 1925: 90114.
[Aggressive magic of Australian tribes, states that
custom of killing by pointing the fibula must have
originated in territory occupied by ‘central’ tribes with
‘north Australian languages’.]
Roheim, Geza. ’Transition rites’. Psychoanalytic
Quarterly. Vol.11 (1943): 336-374.
[Birth rites -Aranda, Loritcha, Ngatatara, protective
function of the umbilical cord; puberty rites Pitjentjara
male (circumcision), detailed description of ceremony,
presentation of bullroarer, comparison with Djungguan
of northern Australia (quotes Warner); initiation taboos;
Kakadu, Larakya, Djauan, Mungarai ceremonies;
association between teeth and water in the tooth
avulsion rites of Queensland & River Darling natives
(Parkunji, Bungyarlee); tooth avulsion of females
(Warramunga); hair depilation rites of Victoria; blood
drinking of Karadjeri; rites among Torres Straits people,
the Wiradthuri; the social situation and the
unconscious, interpretation of food taboos.]
Bil Bil, Marjorie Mundhu, Janice Sultan, Minnie.. ‘Then
that man named Captain Cook came ashore. The land
it belongs to the Larakia people’. Kularlaga; Journal
of Aboriginal Adult Education. Vol.2, no.2, 1991:
3,12, 15, 18, 19, 22.
[Poetic treatment of articles with themes of; contact
with Captain Cook, Larakia land claim at Belyuen,
looking for bush foods, preparing paints and bark for
painting, art and ceremonies, and origins of songs.]
Roman, Sue. ‘Larrakia language project: a living
culture in a changing world – a tribute to Yirra’.
Article: 2003-2004.
Schmidt, Wilhelm. ‘Die Gliederung der Australischen
Sprachen’. Anthropos, Bd.7, 1912; 230-251; 463-497;
1014-1048; Bd.8, 1913; 526-554; Bd.9, 1914; 9801018; Bd.12-13, 1917-1918; 437-493; 747-817.
[Comparison of languages and vocal sound; language
structure of tribes; small vocabularies; covers areas
where no tribal name is given; references for all
information, map shows tribes and areas mentioned;
notes on class systems.]
Stone, G. ‘Certain particulars relating to the crania’.
Science of Man. Vol.2, no.8, 1899: 132-133, 138-139.
[The measures of which are given on another page
Four crania collected by Dr. Percy Moore Wood in the
Port Darwin area and belonging to the Woolsoongah,
Larrikea, Alligatto, and Woolnah tribes’.]
Strelein, Lisa. ‘Extinguishment and the nature of native
Fejo v Northern Territory’. Land, Rights, Laws:
Issues of Native Title. no. 27, Feb. 1999: 1-8.
NTC 346.940432 STRE
[Outlines the background to the case against the
Northern Territory government by the Larrakia people
in the Federal Court and the High Court; the case
concerned land which had had a freehold title granted
in 1882, was acquired by the Commonwealth in 1927
for public purposes and became vacant Crown land in
1980 when the public purpose proclamations were
revoked; analyses the High Court decision and the
way in which native title was characterised by the
Court; discusses other outcomes that may have been
possible in the decision].
Thorpe, W. W. ‘Some mutilatory rites practised by the
Australian Aborigines’. Mankind. Vol.1, no.6, 1926:
[Description of methods used in different areas.
Includes nose-boring among the Larakia, Kakadu,
Mungarai tribes. Tooth-avulsion – Larrakia and Port
Essington people.]
Tryon, D. T. (Darrell Trevor). ‘The Daly River
languages: a survey’. Pacific Linguistics, 1968:
series A-14; 21-46. Papers in Australian linguistics
[Preliminary classification; comparative word lists (95
words) in 24 languages, table of percentages of
shared cognates; gives classification of languages &
Vatter, Ernst. ‘Der australische Totemismus.’
Hamburg 1925. (Mitteilungen aus dem Museum fur
Volkerkunde, 10).
NTC 305.89915 VAT
[Discusses all types of totemism. Includes notes on 16
tribes of northern Australia].
Vatter, Ernst. ‘Karten zur Verbreitung totemistcher
Phanomene in Australien’. Anthropos. Bd.21, MayAugust 1926: 566-579.
PDF Copy accessed JSTOR
[Ten maps with explanations showing types of totemic
systems throughout Australia; individual, class,
subsection, phratry, descent of totems.]
Warner, W. Lloyd (William Lloyd). ‘Kinship morphology
of forty-one north Australian tribes: Field-work 192729’. American Anthropologist. Vol.35, no.1, 1933:
[Four fundamental types Gunwinggu, Wanderung,
Murngin, Larakia; distribution of tribes with sketch
maps; terminology, kinship structure, types of
subsections & semi-moiety groupings; Appendix
includes notes on the relative worth of the field
material of the various areas studied, criticism of
Spencer & Gillen’s publications on north Australian
tribes & a general explanation charts’.]
Watson, Len. ‘From the very depths...’. Identity. Vol.2,
no.1, 1974: 10-12.
[A black view of white racism. Talk given to Society of
Friends, Race Relations Committee; Personal
experiences of and reactions to racial discrimination;
Protest vehemently against lack of effective action to
institute basic rights for Aborigines; Examples include
encroachment on Larrakea tribal land (Darwin, Kaluluk)
whilst a land rights claim was before the Woodward
Commission, failure of personal appeal to Prime
Minister Whitlam for assistance.]
Davidson, Daniel Sutherland. ‘An ethnic map of
Australia.’ American Philosophical Society.
Proceedings. Vol.79 no.4, 1938: 649-679.
[Tribal maps on the basis of available material up to
Fesl, Eve D. ‘Aboriginal perspectives on a national
policy on languages, 1984’. 87-97. Proceedings. lst
National Congress Federation of Ethnic
Communities. Australia. Inc., Melbourne.
[Characteristics of Aboriginal languages, ergativity,
case marking, semantics of noun classes, examples of
Anindilyakwa, Larakia, and Nungali; list of languages
and speakers; lists urgent linguistic work required and
strategies to adopt advocates establishment of Institute
of Aboriginal Languages; lobbying for National
Language Policy; training and use of translators and
Foelsche, Paul. ‘Notes on the Aborigines of north
Australia.’ Royal Society of South Australia.
Transactions and proceedings, Vol.5 1881: [1]-18.
NTC 305.89915 FOEL
NTC SP COLL 305.89915 TRAN
[Physical characteristics; Malay language spoken; law
and social control; marriage; cannibalism; mortuary and
initiation rites; Aboriginal medicine; smallpox; weapons;
canoes; ornaments; subsistence, creation myths of
Larrakeah and Port Essington tribes.]
Harvey, Mark. [Field notes and transcripts of tapes :
Larrikiya] [ Larrikiya/English]
[Elicited sentences in Larrikiya illustrating grammatical
features]. 1 box (7 items). 199-.
[Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Studies Library. MS 3319.
Smith, W. Ramsay. ‘Notes on Aboriginals of the
Northern Territory of South Australia.’ Royal
Society of Edinburgh – Proceedings. Vol. 27 (1907):
NTC Storage - NTC 992.49 SMIT
[Physiognomy, body markings, illustrated by Alligator
and Larrakeyah tribes, dentition, circumcision and
subincision, mutilation of the finger, carving of message
stick, singing dead after pointing bone or piece of
wood; restlessness and wandering character of
Aborigines noted].
South Australia. Office of the Government Resident
Northern Territory. ‘Despatches and reports, 187080.’ 1870.
South Australian Parliamentary Paper No.148 1870
[Despatches and reports by B. Douglas, G.G.
MacLachlan, J. Stokes Millner, G.B. Scott, E.W. Price
and G.R. McMinn; includes reports on relations with
Aborigines of the area (especially Larrakia ); see
Finding Aid for full details.]
Basedow, Herbert. ‘Anthropological notes on the
western coastal tribes of the Northern Territory.’
Adelaide : Royal Society of South Australia, 1907.
In Royal Society of South Australia Transactions
Vol.31, 1907; 1-64.
NTC SP COLL 305.89915 BASE
Foelsche, Paul. ‘On the manners, customs, religions,
superstitions of natives of Port Darwin and west coast
of Gulf of Carpentaria.’ Royal Anthropological
Institute Journal. Vol.24, 1895: 190-198.
[Answers to questionnaire sent by E.C. Stirling.]
Giglioli, Enrico Hillyer. ‘La collezione etnografica...
geograficamente classificata, parte 1, Australasia: La
Eta della pietra nell Australasia & specialmente alla
Nuova Zelanda.’ Citta di Castello: Firenze:Societa
Tipografica Editrice Coop. 1894.
[Descriptive catalogue of authors collection of 400-500
implements from all areas of Australia; For each item,
gives native name, description and provenance; On
the typing of stone tools and the difficulty of
establishing sequences.]
Jolly, Alec T. H. Rose, Frederick G. G. ‘The place of
the Australian Aboriginal in the evolution of society.’
Annals of Eugenics. Vol.12, 1943-5: [44]-87.
[Evolution of mating systems & social habits based on
genetic & psychological assumptions; examples of
matrilineal & patrilineal lineage societies; relationship
terms & marriage rules (Worora, NyulNyul, Ngarinyin,
Karadjeri); sequence of taboo & quantitative change;
geographical distribution of systems; location of tribes
& names of lineages; myths of Worora & Dieri; fusion
of lineages and totems.]
Krause, Wilhelm. ‘Anthropologische Reise nach
Australien.’ [Anthropological journey to Australia]
Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie. Vol.29, 1897: 508-558.
Transactions. [Provides summary information of
Transactions 508-558 relating to over 200 skulls
examined by the author in 1897 ; gives general
findings and characteristics of Aboriginal skulls ; lists
items where place of origin is indicated.]
Parkhouse, T. A. ‘Remarks on the native tongues in
the neighbourhood of Port Darwin.’ Royal Society
of South Australia – Transactions. Vol.19, 1894-95:
NTC PAM 499.15 PAR
[Location of Larrakia, Wulnar, Adowen, Mennagi,
Aggrakundi, Berugurruk tribes; physical
characteristics; notes on Larrakia language;
vocabulary of Larrakia, Wulnar, Awarra, Aggrakundi -a
small vocabulary of natives of the Katherine (by E.J.
Parkhouse, T. A. ‘Native tribes of Port Darwin and its
neighbourhood.’ Australasian Association for the
Advancement of Science. Report. Vol.6, 1895: 638647.
[Territorial boundaries of Larrakia, Waggait, Wulnar,
Awarra, Berrigurrk Awinnmul, Aggrakundi; Camping
arrangements of Larrakia, marriage arrangements, life
cycle, marriage corrobberrie, initiation ceremony,
sickness and disease, burial rites; Ceremony of
circumcision among the Aggrakundi; Weapons,
implements, cicatrization and decoration, smoke and
hand signalling; Map shows tribal distribution in area.]
Petri, Helmut. ‘Der australische Medizinmann.’ Annali
Lateranensi. Vol.16, 1952: [163] – 317.
[Mainly Kimberley. Includes notes on medicine men in
Larakia, Wulwanga,(Awarei clan), Kakadu and Mara
Tindale, Norman B. ‘Distribution of Australian tribes: a
field survey.’ Royal Society of Australia.
Transactions. Vol.64, 1940: 140-231.
NTC 305.89915 TIND
[Results of the Harvard-Adelaide Universities
Anthropological Expedition, 1938-1939. Includes notes
on some Northern Territory tribes.]
Australia. Dept. of Aboriginal Affairs [Press release]:
‘Aboriginal land claim -Northern Territory.’ (statement
by the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Senator J.L.
Cavanagh). Canberra. 1973.
[Brief details of situation of Larrakia groups claim to
Kulaluk, an area in Nightcliff (Darwin suburb); No
decision to be made until after final report of the
Aboriginal Land Commission.]
Australia. Dept. of Aboriginal Affairs [Press release]:
‘Minister reassures Larrakia Aboriginals’. (statement by
the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Mr. Les Johnson).
Canberra 1975.
[Larrakia Aborigines, Northern Land Council to be
consulted on further work to be done at Kulaluk land
claim (sewage project), Darwin; Interim Aboriginal Land
Commissioner approves purchase of adjacent lands.]
‘NT Government bent the rules Kenbi Land Claim on
behalf of Larrakia people frustrated by NT’. Land
Rights News. Vol.2 no.12,1989: 8.
NTC Storage - NTC PER 346.940432 LAND
[Governments application to overturn ruling of
Aboriginal Land Commissioner, Justice Olney,
December 1988.]
‘Dum-in-Mirrie [Larrakia and Wagait land claim]
Land claim vs proposed resort development’.
[Aboriginal relationship with land]. Land Rights News.
25, 1979: 6-8.
NTC Storage - NTC PER 346.940432 LAND
‘Death of Prince of Wales.’ Art monthly Australia.
No.157 (March 2003): 38.
[Brief notes on the life of Prince of Wales.]
‘Tribute to a Larrakia man.’ Art monthly Australia.
No.157 (March 2003): 43
[Brief notes on the life of Prince of Wales.]
Lee, Gary Gurrulan. ‘The Larrakia legacy of
Billiamook.’ Artlink. Vol.25, no.2, (June 2005): 12-13.
[Brief history of Billiamook, artist, interpreter and
'informant' in the late 1800s and his influence on
contemporary Larrakia artists; exhibition 'Billiamook' at
Charles Darwin University 17 November to 3
December 2004.]
O'Riordan, Maurice ‘Anthony Duwun Lee.’ Australian
Art Collector. Issue 28 (April-June 2004): 90.
[Brief profile of painter Anthony Duwun Lee or Duwun,
a Larrakia artist based in Darwin.]
Carey, Cathy Collinge, Amanda. ‘Stirrings: Larrakia
native the long march.’ Indigenous Law Bulletin.
Vol.4 no.2, May 1997: 22-23.
NTL Storage - PER 349.94 INDI
[Brief overview of the native title claim and public
reactions to it; mentions the long-running Kenbi claim
under statutory land rights legislation.]
Parsons, David. ‘Kenbi land claim: 25 years on.’
Indigenous Law Bulletin. Vol.4, no.8, Dec. 1997-Jan.
1998: 15-16..
NTL Storage - PER 349.94 INDI
[Chronology, from 1942 to 14 June 1997, of the
actions of the people of Cox Peninsula to protect sites
and claim their land.]
Strelein, Lisa. ‘Casenote: fiction over fact:
extinguishing native title in the Larrakia Case. Jim Fejo
and David Mills on behalf of the Larrakia People v The
Northern Territory and Oilnet (NT) Pty Ltd. High Court
of Australia’. Indigenous Law Bulletin. Vol.4, no.18
(Feb. 1999): 18-21.
NTL Storage - PER 349.94 INDI
[Discusses the issues raised in the Larrakia native title
case, in which the High Court found that a grant of
freehold title permanently estinguishes native title;
possibility of coexistence not argued;nature of native
title and nature of freehold title; revival and
extinguishment; role of injunctions in protecting the
right to negotiate.]
S. Mundine, Djon ‘Salt on Mina Mina.’ Art Monthly.
No.145 (Nov 2001): 10-12..
[Overview of winning entries in the 18th National
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards at the
Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory;
First prize winner Dorothy Napangardi's work 'Salt on
Mina Mina'; Larakia elder Prince of Wales' entry 'Body
Marks', winner of the Telstra General Painting Award;
Craig Koomeeta, winner of the Wandjuk Marika
Memorial Award for the 3-D category with 'Saltwater
Crocodile'; Paddy Japaljarri Stewart and Paddy
Japaljarri Sims' 'Yuendumu door etchings' winners of
the Telstra Work on Paper Award.]
rights demonstration; Members of Gwalwa Daraniki
camp outside law courts during trial.]
‘Cabinet directive on Kulaluk land Kalaluk land claim by
Larrakia.’ Northern Territory Newsletter. December.
1973: 14.
NTC PER 919.429 NORT
‘Darwin destroyed:’ Bunji. January 1975: [1].
[Remember the Larrakias Aboriginal reaction to
Cyclone Tracy which devastated Darwin on Dec. 25,
in terms of traditional ties to the land.]
‘Entitled to be happy : Larrakia receive title to Kulaluk.’
Northern Territory Digest. Vol.1 no.10, 1979: 17.
NTC PER 919.429 NORT
‘Darwin urban development vs. Gwalwa Daraniki Land
rights.’ Bunji. June-July, 1974: 1.
[Aboriginal organization critical of plan to build roads
through Kulaluk reserve and urban development on
Aboriginal lands; defines boundaries of Kulaluk;
mentions Larrakia claim to Emery Point (Goondal);
mentions town planning for Kulaluk; (Part of article
‘Kalaluk land claim lease : Larrakia claim successful.’
Northern Territory Newsletter. April 1978: 24.
NTC PER 919.429 NORT
‘Jambawal the thunder man.’ Aboriginal & Islander
Identity. Vol.2, no.6, October. 1975: 38-40.
[Literary essay on Larrakeah land rights (Darwin)
written by tribal member, Jambawal (cyclone) Cyclone
Tracy retaliates against white man’s encroachment.]
‘Kalalak -symbol of betrayal.’ [A short background
history of the clash between the Larrakia and Sabrina].
Bunji. No.2; 1979: 2-3.
‘Larrakia land handed back Kalalak given over on 25
August, 1979.’ Bunji. 1979: 3.
‘The living tradition of the Larrakia Claim of the Larrakia
to (Kulaluk) area.’ Bunji. 1978: 1; [5].
‘Government land grab: land council fights back.’
Bunji.1979: 1.
[NLC action on incorporation within Darwin’s boundary
of Larrakia and Wagait lands.]
‘The trap Larrakia experience.’ Bunji. 1978: 1 [5]; 2 [2].
[Land rights: how the concepts of traditional ownership
and spiritual ties to the land are being misused.]
‘A walk through Kulaluk in words and pictures.’ Bunji.
March 1978: [Spec. Ed.], 2.
[Kulaluk land claim of the Larrakia of Bagot Reserve.]
‘Fred Fogarty's court case.’ Bunji. September 1973: 12.
[Case to be heard before Supreme Court in 1974;
Fogarty attempted to hinder road construction on land
claimed by Larrakia people.]
‘Goondal the Larrakias.’ Bunji. May 1973.
[Exclusion of Larrakia people from Goondal ceremonial
ground situated in Larrakeyah Army camp. Announces
proposed meeting of Larrakia people with Judge
‘After five years -guilty!’ Bunji. Aug. -Sept. 1974: 2.
[Fred Fogarty sentenced for assault, malicious
damage, resisting arrest resulting from Larrakia land
‘Fogarty barred: who controls the Northern Land
Council.’ Bunji. April 1975: no.2; [2].
[Secretary of Gwalwa Daraniki not permitted to attend
NLC meeting and represent Kulaluk people; alleged
not an Aborigine.]
[Kulaluk] Map showing the boundaries of Kulaluk, the
land claimed in Darwin by the Larrakia and Gwalwa
Daranki land rights organisation. Bunji. Aug.-Sept.
1974: 3.
[Larrakia tribe bibliography]. Bunji. June 1976: 2; 3-5.
‘Old Man Rock Dreaming site (also called Daribah
Noongalinya) off Darwin coast also sacred to Oenpelli
people as well as to the Larrakia.’ Bunji. Sept. 1975:
no.6; [1].
‘Some of our land claims Gwalwa Daraniki (land rights
organization); includes Kulaluk, Goondal, Knuckeys
Lagoon; Bagot and Larrakeah reserves, Darribah
Noongalinyee, chiefly in and around Darwin.’ Bunji.
September 1973: [4 ].
Brandl, M. ‘A certain heritage: women and their
children in North Australia.’ Wikaru. 1982: 11; 53-78.
Reprinted from ‘We are bosses ourselves.’
[New knowledge and skills can endanger Aboriginal
heritage, if culture is not respected; Aboriginal styles
of learning; traditional society not patriarchal; fieldwork
among Tiwi, Yolngu, Larrakaia and Wagaidj.]
‘Aboriginals invade barracks.’ Australian. 1 August
1973. Microfilm
[Members of the Larrakia, Wagait and Brinkin tribes
hold protest march on Larrakeyah army base, Darwin,
claiming sacred land on the base (called Goondal) at
the end of Emery Point Land claim put to Woodward
‘Bombs thrown in Darwin riot.’ Courier-Mail. 7 July
1973. Microfilm
[Aborigines protest the building of a new suburban
subdivision at Kulaluk near Darwin on land claimed by
the Larrakia and Brinkin tribes.]
Pamphlets Australia. Federal Court Jim Fejo & anor on
their own behalf & on behalf of the Larrakia People v
Northern Territory of Australia & anor [1998] 119 FCA
(27 February 1998).
[Transcript of native title case decision by the Federal
Court of Australia.]
Rivet, Paul, 1876-1958. Les Australiens en
Amerique. 26, 1925.
[Lists apparent linguistic resemblances between
Australian dialects, as listed by Schmidt, and Ison
language; claims that Australians reached Tierra del
Fuego and Patagonia Societe de Linguistique.]
‘We have been fighting for our land for 203 years’.
[moratorium for black rights; ningla a-na!: stop work
and march on National Aborigines Day Friday July 14.
Haymarket, NSW: Moratorium for Black Rights, 1972.
[Articles address disadvantage, dispossession and
racial discrimination; lists demands from the
Moratorium for Black Rights. Gurindji people. Larrakia /
Laragiya / Gulumirrgin people.]
Lee, Gary Gurrulan. A history of appreciation of
Australian Aboriginal art’ Aratjara; art of the first
Australians; traditional and contemporary works by
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Artists.
Kunstammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf, The
South Bank Centre, London, Louisiana Museum of
Modern Art, Hemlebaek, Denmark, National Gallery of
Victoria, Melbourne [exhibition catalogue] -Dusseldorf;
Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalem, c1993.
[The author, a Larrakia man, argues that the
appreciation and acquisition of Aboriginal art is really a
form of exploitation no less in his home town of Darwin
which has ignored Larrakia art for more expensive art
from other areas…]
Lee, Gary. Charles Darwin University. Billiamook.
[Casuarina, N.T.]: Charles Darwin University, 2004. "17
November-3 December 2004; opening: Thursday 18
November, 6.00-8.00 pm". Curated by Gary Lee and
Sylvia Kleinert.
‘Aboriginal land fight in Darwin.’ Carlton, Vic: Australian
Union of Students, [197-?]
Day, WB.‘Uranium miners : get off our land!’ [compiled
from Bunji]. Ludmilla, NT 1978.
[Story of Larrakia claim to Kulaluk.]
Elkin, Adolphus Peter. Arnhem Land: Djauan Wongga
(A), and Larakia initiation song (B) (A).
[A Daly River Wongga; sung at a circumcision in the
Djauan tribe (cont. on 22A-cut i); (B). [seizing the
initiand for a higher degree; Larakia tribe.]
Fraser, Malcolm. Vincent Lingiari memorial lecture.
Delivered by the Rt. Hon. Malcolm Fraser 24 August
2000. Canberra : Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation,
[In this 5th Vincent Lingiari memorial lecture Malcolm
Fraser lays out a critique of the Federal Government's
handling of Aboriginal affairs; reconcilliation; removal of
children; Canadian government's policies and
approaches to First Nation people; role of the United
‘Saltwater people: Larrakia Nation.’ Darwin :
Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation, [2002].
NTC 305.89915 SALT
‘The Larrakia people.’ Casuarina, N.T. : Larrakia
Nation Aboriginal Corporation, 2002.
[Pamphlet containing history and cultural information
about the Larrakia people.]
Lee, Gary Gurrulan. ‘Breath of the Serpent.’ 100%
Tracy, (1994): 4-6.
[Outlines Indigenous perspective of Cyclone Tracy.]
Lee, Gary Gurrulan. ‘Lily's children.’ Australian story:
Australian lives. Gabrielle Carey, Sydney : Australian
Broadcasting Corporation, 1997: 89-98
[Discusses Gary Lee's family history; story was filmed
for ABC production Australian story.]
Koolpinyah, Richard Barnes. ‘Larrakia Art and
Artefacts in a Contemporary World.’ Museum National.
Vol.7, no.1 (Aug.1998): 18-19.
[Outlines research undertaken by an Indigenous artist
and researcher on collections of Larrakia material
culture; movement of artefacts into museums;
inspiration for modern and future art works…]
Northern Land Council.
Kenbi land claim. Darwin: The Council, 1979.
[Brief history of the Kenbi land claim and the Larrakia
O'Riordan, Maurice. ‘Behind and beyond the frame.’
Broadsheet. Vol.22, no.4 (1993): 22-23.
[Larrakia: a photographic tribute to the ancestors of
Larrakia people of Darwin, The Northern Territory
Museum of Arts and Science.]
O'Riordan, Maurice. ‘Expressions of Day and Night at
the Australian Chinese Painting Society.’ Asian art
news. Nov./Dec. 1997: 79-80.
[Interesting comments on exhibition of paintings
merging/juxtaposing Chinese calligraphic/northern
Australian Aboriginal (Larakia)/and 'western' motifs;
positively, but in an "unsteady mix of poetics and
cultural politics."]
The policeman's eye: the frontier photography of
Paul Foelsche. Adelaide : South Australian Museum,
NTC 994.29503 JONE
[Promotional brochure for travelling exhibition; brief
biographical details of Paul Foelsche, first resident
photographer in the Top End and first police inspector;
includes Larrakia and Iwaidja portraits.]
Stocks, Ian. ‘Adventures in paradise.’ Living
Daylights. Vol.1 (Dec.1973).
Victorian Council of Churches. Commission on
Community and Race Relations. Aboriginal Action
Working Group A criticism of Darwin planning
guidelines. Pascoe Vale, Vic., 1975.
[Land rights of Larrakia in Darwin area; infringement of
Aboriginal self-determination regarding community
[An interactive multimedia CD-ROM which tells the
story of young Isabaya out for a walk with her family in
the City of Palmerston, Northern Territory.]
Watson, Len. ‘From the very depths... a black view
of white racism.’ [Surry Hills]:Quaker Race Relations
Committee, Australia Yearly Meeting, 1973.
NTC 323.119915 WATS
[Text of address to Friends World Committee for
Consultation in Sydney, August, 1973; Discusses the
psychological effects of white racism on Aborigines;
Comments on Govt. failure to recognise land rights &
illustrates with the case of the Larrakea people at
Kaluluk in Darwin & quote from G. Whitlam.]
Lee, Gary Gurrulan.
Exhibition report: the Larrakia. 1994.
Pollock, George. ‘Indigenous servicemen and women
to be honoured in national register’. Beenleigh, Qld:
Yugambeh Museum, [200-].
[Request for information about Indigenous servicemen
for a national register; briefly describes annual
memorial service for Indigenous servicemen held by
Yugambeh people at Burleigh Heads, South
Queensland; text of letter about 'Black Watch' Unit
recruited from Waugite, Larrakia and Tiwi people and
similar naval unit which served without pay or benefits
during World War 2; writer and a friend's personal
tribute to units each Anzac Day.]
‘Firebombs in Darwin.’ Arena. Vol.6, no.11, 15
September 1973: 6.
[Gwalwa Daraniki (land rights group) activities
regarding Larrakia land claim to Kulaluk area of
Darwin; Police brutality; submission to Justice
Woodward; direct action resulting in arrest of Fred
Fogarty and others.]
Australian Broadcasting Authority. Report into the
allocation of community radio broadcasting licences
(broadcasting services bands) to serve the Darwin
area. [Sydney]: Australian Broadcasting Authority,
1998. 11 June 1998.
Australian Broadcasting Authority. Darwin Christian
Broadcasters Association. Radio Larrakia Association.
Top End Aboriginal Bush Broadcasting Association.
Report into the allocation of community radio
broadcasting licences (broadcasting services bands) to
serve the Darwin Area: a report on the Australian
Broadcasting Authority's allocation of community radio
broadcasting licences (broadcasting services bands) to
serve the Darwin community licence area. [Sydney,
N.S.W.] : Australian Broadcasting Authority, 1998.
Dargan, Ash. Aphrodidjiac [didjeridu and world dance
rhythms] Balmain, NSW: 2007.
1 sound disc
Lester, Alison., Norrington, Leonie., and Elcoate, Bunji.
Australia. Dept. of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs
Palmerston (N.T.). Council (1985- ). Baba! Isabaya's
Day out in Palmerston.
1 CD-ROM ;
[Palmerston, N.T.]: Palmerston City Council, 2003
Language Recordings Inc. Gospel messages. Castle
Hill, NSW: Language Recordings Inc., 1990.
1 sound cassette. Text in Larakia language.
Ward, Graeme, Smith, Claire, GMV Productions.
Indigenous cultures in an interconnected world.
Adelaide, (S. Aust.): GMV Productions, 1999.
1 videocassette (VHS) (28 min.) : "Arising from the
1997 Fulbright symposium 'Indigenous Cultures in an
Interconnected World', sponsored by the AustralianAmerican Educational Foundation and held on the
traditional lands of the Larrakia people."
Australia. Dept. of Defence. Directorate of Indigenous
Affairs. Fairness and Resolution Branch Memorial
service : Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander
Memorial, Mount Ainslie. Canberra : Wednesday 8th
July 2009, 12 noon. Canberra : Dept. of Defence,
[Order of service - A reading of scripture Chaplain Ivan
Grant (Wiradjuri) -- A prayer of remembrance WO2
Stan Albert (Girramay) -- A prayer of thanksgiving
Josh Allan Pryor (Birri Gubba) -- A prayer for serving
members Chaplain Ivan Grant (Wiradjuri) -- Ode
LCDR Bertram Slape ( Larrakia ])
Yunupingu, Galarrwuy.Yothu Yindi (Musical group).
Warumpi Band. Northern Land Council (Australia).
Northern Land Council News : having our say.
[Australia] : Northern Land Council, 1997.
1 videocassette (VHS) (37 min.)
Introduced by Galarrwuy Yunupingu, chairman of the
Northern Land Council.
[It looks at the Wik decision on native title and the
Larrakia native title claim. Includes footage from the
celebrations of twenty years of land rights.]
Northern Territory. Department of Aboriginal Affairs.
[Unpublished correspondence, July – August 1911.]
[Official correspondence and reports made to H
Basedow while Chief Protector. Relates to medical
inspections made in Darwin, Brooks Creek, Pine
Creek and Daly River Areas. (Australian School of
Pacific Administration).]
Northern Territory Administration. Social Welfare
Branch NTWR Reports 1870 –
To 1909 NT administered by SA and reports issued in
SAPP; to 1958 reports included in general reports on
Account of attack by Woolnah tribe on Larrakeah.
South Australian Parliamentary Paper : No. 458, 1878.
[Tribal fights between Woolnah and Larrakeah.]
Contact Details
Phone: 1800 019 155
or (08) 8999 7177
(08) 8999 6927
GPO Box 42, Darwin, N.T. 0801
Location: Parliament House, Darwin
More information and other subject guides available through the NT Library website.