Program Advisory Committee Worksheet INS.160.063

Program Advisory Committee Worksheet
Section 33.3 of the PCTIA Bylaws requires that each accredited institution must have an
independent Program Advisory Committee (PAC) for each occupational program or each
group of related occupational programs. The role of a PAC is to assist the institution in
continually improving its programs by identifying areas that could be improved and
making recommendations to the institution.
The institution must provide evidence to the Agency annually that it consults with its
Program Advisory Committee(s) and that it gives consideration to each of the
recommendations made.
This worksheet will help you to plan what you need to do to fulfill this requirement.
How many Program Advisory Committees will I need?
List the number of programs you have and group them into program areas (e.g. health
care, hospitality, business).
Name of Program
Program Area
Who will be on my Program Advisory Committee?
Include representatives from:
 The employment community
 Current Practitioners
 Alumni who have worked in the industry for several years
 Professional Associations
 Regulatory Bodies
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Program Advisory Committee Worksheet
Complete a separate list for each program area.
Proposed Committee Member Name
and Contact Information
Summary of Credentials
(What knowledge will this person
bring to the Committee?)
Copy of
How many meetings do I have to have?
You are required to have at least one regularly scheduled meeting per year per program
List tentative dates for Program Advisory Committee Meeting for each of the program
areas you have identified.
Program Area
Proposed Meeting Date(s)
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Program Advisory Committee Worksheet
What should the PAC do during the meeting?
Create a meeting Agenda for your PAC meeting(s) to make sure you cover all the
required areas.
Items that must be reviewed:
Program objectives
Program learning outcomes
Curriculum content and scope
Learning resources
Adequacy/appropriateness of facility and equipment
Adequacy/appropriateness of instructor minimum qualifications as set by the
What should be included in the PAC minutes?
Use your Agenda as a guide for preparing your minutes.
Minutes of any meeting usually include:
The names, titles and affiliations of those attending the meeting
The place the meeting was held
The date the meeting was held
Information in the same order that it appears on the meeting Agenda
Recommendations arising from discussion
Action items arising from recommendations including a note of who is responsible
for taking action
A note of the next meeting date
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