Coach Agreement

Coach/Leader Registration Form
All individuals leading or coaching activity are required to register their details with Kent Union. This is to
ensure that appropriate levels of experience and/or qualifications are maintained so that Kent Union
members may enjoy activities in a safe and appropriate environment.
Club/Society Details
Club/society name
Coaching/instruction fee
(per hour and if applicable)
Agreed days and times
(as agreed by club committee)
Personal details
Student ID number (if applicable)
Contact Number
Qualifications and Experience (please provide evidence of the below)
Relevant qualifications held
(include awarding body, affiliation
number and expiry date)
Relevant experience
Insurance details
(usually included with qualification)
First aid certificate held?
(include expiry date)
Kent Union recognises that qualifications are not a requirement for the delivery of all activities and that experience can be just as
By completing and submitting this form, you are agreeing to abide by the terms of the Kent Union
Coaching/Instruction Agreement. Failure to abide by these terms may result in non-payment of invoices and
suspension of coaching/instructor delivery.
Signed (Coach/Leader)
Signed (President)
Forms should be returned with copies of qualifications/insurance certificates to Tom Robertson (Sport) or Daniel Hatfield
(Societies) located in the Student Activities Centre. For coaches using the Sports Centre you will be issued with a Coach Card for
access (please provide us with a passport size photo).
Kent Union Coaching Agreement
By completing and submitting your Coach/Leader Registration Form you are agreeing to abide by the terms
of this agreement.
The purpose of this agreement is to establish and maintain a standard for coaches and leaders and to protect
the members of Kent Union using their services.
This agreement references ‘sports coaches and leaders’ but should be assumed to include all persons who
are taking a role of responsibility in the direct delivery of activity with Kent Union sports clubs and societies.
This shall as a result include all paid and volunteer, student and non-student, head and assistant coaches,
leaders, instructors, guides, officials and so on.
The code is a framework within which to work. It is a series of guidelines rather than a set of instructions,
and should be used in conjunction with other Sports Coach UK publications and any comparable publications
produced by the National Governing Bodies of Sport.
Kent Union
As an organisation Kent Union is committed to the development of students and contributing to their overall
student experience during their time of study. Kent Union has the responsibility for providing activities for
all its members, whether he/she be an absolute beginner or of international standard, by providing funding,
administration and support for all clubs and societies. Coaches and leaders are an extremely important and
integral part of the Union framework and are essential for enhancing and maintaining both up-to-date
practices and performance aspects of their particular sport or society. Coaches and leaders should also be
aware of the diverse nature of our student population and that at no point shall an individual’s gender, race,
age, sexuality, origin, religion, cultural background or political affiliation have an impact on a member’s
opportunity to engage in sport or society activity.
Club Autonomy
All Kent Union clubs and societies are required to elect and maintain a functioning committee to manage
and give direction to the group. Only registered students of Kent Union are permitted to hold a position on
the committee of a sports club or society. The committee is solely responsible for all elements of their club
or society, including decision making and financial authorisation, liaising with coaches/instructors, health
and safety considerations for their activities. All clubs are required to submit a risk assessment for their
regular training activities and for any specialist activities, trips or events.
The Students’ Union is a democratic membership organisation - it is important to remember that it is
student-led and the activities of all areas of the Union’s operations are accountable to the student body.
It is important that a coach or leader understands and accepts the unique relationship within a student-led
organization and makes note of the following guidelines:
The principles of the Kent Union Coaching Agreement and Code of Practice are adhered to at all
The development of coaching expertise and systems is the responsibility of the coach.
The coach or leader may act as an advisor to the club’s committee but except for the
purpose of team selection, has no voting rights and is not permitted to hold any other committee
role other than that of coach or leader.
Facility bookings, transport, equipment purchase, administration, financial and all other matters are
solely the responsibility of the club’s committee.
The coach or leader will be concerned with the wellbeing, health and future of any individual club member
and with the optimisation of performance. A key element of the coaching or leadership relationship is the
development of independence. Club members must be encouraged to accept responsibility for their own
behaviour and performance in training and competition and the organisation of their sport or society. The
relationship between coach or leader and club relies heavily on mutual trust and respect.
The coach will be required to read and accept the terms of the coaching agreement provided by Kent Union
and adhere to all the points therein. The coach will need to clarify at the start of the academic year with the
club the coaching or leadership commitment. The coach should also explore with the club the expectation
of the outcome of coaching as part of the club's development plan. Sports coaches and leaders have a
responsibility to declare to their club any other current coaching or leadership commitments and be aware
of any additional coaches or leaders employed by the club.
Sickness/Late Procedures
Where a coach cannot attend a session, notification must be made to the relevant club committee as soon
as possible. In the instance that absence will be over an extended period, an alternative may be provided at
no more than the agreed coaching/instructor rate. The alternative must provide proof of qualifications,
experience and relevant affiliation and insurance details. In the instance that absence will be over an
extended period the coach/instructor agreement may be reviewed.
Sports coaches and leaders should communicate and co-operate with other sports and Kent Union in the
best interests of their club. Sports coaches and leaders must be aware of the club's Code of Practice, Risk
Assessments and Development Plans where relevant.
All coaches and leaders should maintain a high degree of professionalism and personal integrity within their
work. Coaches and leaders should encourage (and therefore lead by example) club members to treat
opposition and officials with due respect and should actively discourage practices which could be deemed
to be seeking an unfair advantage and should ensure that club members are aware of the guidelines as laid
down by the governing body for that particular sport.
A coach or leader will inevitably gather a great deal of personal information about club members in the
course of a working relationship. The coach or leader and the club must reach agreement as to what is to
be regarded as confidential information, i.e. not divulged to a third party without the express approval of
the individual. Confidentiality does not preclude the disclosure of information to any person,
especially the Vice President Sports or Sports Co-ordinator/ Societies Co-ordinator, who can be judged to
have a "right to know" relating to clubs when relevant to the following:
(i) Evaluation of the club members within the sport for selection purpose.
(ii) Pursuit of disciplinary action involving the club members within the sport.
(iii) Pursuit of disciplinary action involving club members’ adherence to the club's Code of Practice.
(iv) Pursuit of information by Kent Union involving coaches in alleged breaches of this Code of Practice.
Personal Standards
The sports coach or leader must consistently display high personal standards and project a favourable image
of their sport, the University of Kent, Kent Union and of coaching to - the club, other coaches, officials,
spectators, the media and the general public.
Sports coaches and leaders have a responsibility to ensure the safety of the club with whom they work as
far as possible within the limits of their control. All reasonable steps should be taken to establish a safe
working environment. The work done and the manner in which it is done should be in keeping with the
individual club's Code of Practice and the approved practice within that sport. The activity being undertaken
should be suitable for the experience and ability of the club members. The club members should have been
systematically prepared for the activity being undertaken and made aware of their personal responsibilities
in terms of safety.
It is the responsibility of the club committee to inform you of the emergency procedures applicable to your
coaching venue. It is your responsibility to ensure the safety of the students and to deal with any emergency
situations until emergency personnel take over the situation.
If you are at an away venue, please ensure you are informed of the necessary emergency precautions prior
to your session. It is your responsibility to ensure this happens.
As a coach/instructor working with Kent Union clubs or societies you will take the lead role in any
emergency situation regarding students you are coaching.
You will assist and liaise with officers of the emergency services should any incident warrant their
presence at/on the premises.
You must notify, as soon as possible, but without detriment to any other action that requires to be
taken, the Sports Co-ordinator or Societies Co-ordinator (where relevant), of any incident which
involves implementation of any action described in the following sections
Accident Reports
All accidents, including minor ones, should be reported to the venue reception and an Accident
Report Form completed (see the resources page)
The completed accident form should be forwarded to the Sports Co-ordinator or Societies Coordinator.
Sports coaches and leaders shall confine themselves to practice in those fields of sport in which they have
been adequately trained/educated and which are recognised by the Kent Union as valid. Sports coaches and
leaders should regularly seek ways of increasing their professional development and keeping
up to date with modern coaching methods and practices. Sports coaches and leaders should welcome
evaluation of their work by colleagues and be able to account to the club, Kent Union, National Governing
Bodies and colleagues for their actions.
Payment and Expenses
Coaching fees are designed to recognise that expertise from qualified coaches is central to our aim of
providing safe and purposeful sport to our students. Kent Union recognise that the subsidies provided reflect
value for money and contribute to the overall expenditure involved in the operating club or society’s
activities. The coach is a key agent for ensuring that high standards are achieved and maintained, however
contributions towards coaching also reflect a need to offer a fair and equitable division of resources.
Coach/instructor fees are reviewed on an annual basis and are determined in conjunction with the club
committees and negotiation with individual coaches dependent on qualifications, experience and
The coach/instructor will sign a coaching details form at the beginning of the academic year or
commencement of services throughout the year. The agreement will specify:
Length of service, normally no longer than one academic year
Training days, as agreed with the club committee
Rate of pay as agreed with the club committee
The agreement must be accompanied with all the relevant qualifications and insurances.
Note: Copies of qualifications and other relevant documents will normally be sufficient, but originals may
be requested to assure authenticity (originals will be copied by the Student Activities Centre, copies filed
and originals returned).
The coach/instructor will normally be paid termly on receipt of a completed invoice (co-signed by the club
committee) and counter signed by the Sports Co-ordinator or Societies Co-ordinator. If payment is required
at different intervals (i.e. monthly) the relevant co-ordinator should be informed. Please note that payment
will not be made annually. Invoices should be completed and submitted to Kent Union Finance
Office, via the Student Activities Centre, at the end of each academic term (submission of the 3 rd term
invoices should be received by us no later than 30th June 2014). Payments will be made via BACS or cheque
as requested on your invoice.
It is recognised that from time to time, there may be differences of opinion between the coach or leader
and club and it is hoped that these can be amicably resolved. However, it is important to be aware of the
following procedures:
In the event of Kent Union being dissatisfied with the performance or conduct of a Coach, the
matter will be raised by the Vice President Sports with the club and coach concerned.
If the Coach is dissatisfied with the performance or conduct of the club or society, the matter
should be discussed between the Coach and the Vice President Sports.
If there is a persistent breach of any part of the agreement between the coach and the club or
society, Kent Union will notify the Coach in writing, who will attempt to resolve the issue to the
satisfaction of all parties.
If the issue cannot be resolved, the agreement may be terminated by either Kent
Union by giving four weeks’ notice in writing to the other party.
Disorderly Behaviour
Disorderly behaviour can best be described as conduct which will or may:
Compromise the health and/or safety of other students, staff, public users and the perpetrators
themselves and/or
Cause annoyance or distress to the detriment or the enjoyment of other students, staff and public
Where a coach considers that acceptable behaviour has been breached, he/she should use discretion and
Issue a warning- much will depend on the nature or seriousness of the incident
Following a warning, further misconduct must result in the perpetrator(s) being ejected from the
Vandalism and assault are serious forms of disorderly behaviour. Incidents of this nature- if serious
enough- she be dealt with by contacting the police.
Should you encounter any difficulties or problems in undertaking your role as a sports coach or leader, you
should contact Kent Union.
Sports Co-ordinator: Tom Robertson - 01227 824 703
Vice President Sports: Nina Mehmi - 01227 823 074
Societies Co-ordinator: Daniel Hatfield - 01227 824 256
Vice President Activities: Tom Currie – 01227 824 213